Betta fish when the female is ready to spawn
Betta fish are beautiful but warlike members of the perciforme order from Southeast Asia. They
Danio pink description
Striped school or all types of zebrafish for your aquarium
The fish is also known by the names "Zebra Fish", "Striped Danio" and others. Over the years, breeders
Pogostemon Octopus: photo, description, keeping the plant in the aquarium
Home › Aquarium plants › Catalog of aquarium plants › Your rating will be the first! Pogostemon
Danio pink: maintenance, breeding, photo, description, compatibility
What kind of aquarium fish is this? Danio roseus, its second name is pink zebrafish, received
Nymphea in the aquarium (red, tiger, green): planting and caring for the aquarium water lily plant, types, maintenance
Nymphea in the aquarium - subtleties of keeping, planting
Description Tiger water lily or nymphea lotus are most often used to decorate aquariums. In natural
How can you replace live food for feeding fry?
Aquarium fish are not just beautiful pets. They demand attention and
Pearl (pearl) gourami: maintenance, care, compatibility with other fish, differences between male and female, breeding at home, spawning, water parameters, appearance, feeding, diseases
Some labyrinth fish can make various sounds (slightly growl, croak, clap, etc.)
The red-eared turtle's shell is peeling off, what should I do? Why does a turtle's shell peel off?
Moulting time for a red-eared slider Don’t be alarmed when the process begins for a red-eared slider
Turtles (lat. Testudines)
Costa Rica Playa Grande - This beautiful beach is one of the best places in
Pregnant guppy
Guppy: Types, maintenance, breeding
Preparing conditions for a pregnant female Guppies are completely unpretentious and can give birth in a community aquarium.
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