diamond finch
What to feed finches if there is no food
Grain mixtures The main food for finches is grain mixtures. In nature, the largest proportion of the diet
Lovebirds at home: everything you need to know
All about lovebirds These are flocking birds, however, they treat birds of other species aggressively,
Formation of a pair of birds
Breeding budgies at home
People have long ago tamed budgerigars to live in captivity. In 1850
Why is your parrot shaking or trembling and what should you do?
The parrot is trembling or ruffled: what does this mean? You notice that the bird is shaking and clucking, and
Corella parrot. Care and maintenance
Appearance, size Latin name - Nymphicus hollandicus. Cockatiel dimensions - body length c
A parrot's beak is peeling: causes and treatment
Why does delamination occur? When a pet gets sick, its beak becomes thin and fragile. On
Why does a budgie itch and what to do about it?
Causes of Scratching Scratching feathers is a normal process for a parrot, but sometimes symptoms of itching can
Dying parrot
A parrot died: causes of death, how to survive the death of a pet and where to bury it
A good owner knows a lot about his winged friend, but why does a parrot suddenly die?
gender of budgies 3
How to tell a boy's budgie from a girl's
It happens that a person who wants to purchase a feathered pet does not know how to determine the gender of a budgie.
Parrot's feathers fall out
What to do if your budgerigar's feathers fall out
Why does a parrot lose its feathers? There are many reasons why a parrot goes bald.
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