Why does a dog dig in the bed: reasons and how to overcome the animal’s natural needs
Our Doberman, Sheila, suddenly started digging the floor in the apartment. She's almost a year old. To the games
What do chinchillas eat at home - lists of allowed and prohibited foods
Nutrition is one of the main aspects in the development of pets. Especially when it comes
How to correctly determine the age of a hamster: useful tips and methods
Hamsters are active and fairly unpretentious rodents. Recently they can be found in
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
How to make a rat cage with your own hands from scrap materials at home
Home Rat Care 06/20/2019 Every creature should have its own comfortable corner. For the rat
Signs and duration of pregnancy and childbirth in chinchillas, caring for the female before and after
Puberty in rodents Maturation occurs at different ages. Males reach sexual maturity after
What does a hamster need? Arrangement of living space
Choosing a Cage First of all, the hamster gets a cage in which it will be kept. To the animal
Nuts for a hamster: benefit or harm?
Nuts can be dangerous for hamsters. Nuts contain vegetable protein, a whole list of vitamins,
DIY chinchilla cage - easy and simple
How to make a cage for a chinchilla - a step-by-step master class on making and arranging a house for chinchillas (115 photos)
How to make a chinchilla cage with your own hands The first obligatory item that appears in the house
Sugar glider: features of caring for a marsupial flying squirrel
The vast forests of Russia are home to many different species of animals. Among them there are also
toys for chinchillas
How to make accessories and toys for chinchillas with your own hands
Chinchillas are naturally very active animals. Pet owners often set their
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