New generation of contraceptives for animals Gestrenol

Composition and release form

Gestrenol is available in two dosage forms:

  1. Drops intended for oral use. It is a yellow or yellow-green liquid. Packaged in small polymer bottles equipped with droppers for measuring the dose. The volume of bottles can be from 1 to 5 ml.
  2. Tablets are white or gray-white, packaged in blisters of 5 or 10 pieces.

Regardless of the form of the medicine, the main components are synthetic hormones:

  • mepregenol propionate;
  • ethinyl estradiol.

The concentration of hormones depends on who the medicine is intended for - cats or cats. Pay attention to this when purchasing the product. You can also tell the difference by the color of the cardboard packaging: medicine for cats is packaged in pink, and for cats – in blue.

The solution for oral use also contains soybean oil and a flavoring agent. The auxiliary components in the tablets are:

  • milk sugar;
  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate.

How it works and when to use it

The pharmacological properties of Gestrenol are determined by the active components. Mepregenol propionate, which is a synthetic analogue of natural gestagen, inhibits the production of hormones responsible for spermatogenesis and folliculogenesis in males and females, respectively.

Ethinyl estradiol is an analogue of natural estrogen. It enhances the contraceptive effect of the drug, and also has the following effect:

  • changes the microflora in the vagina;
  • reduces sperm motility;
  • increases the viscosity of mucus in the cervix.

As a result of this action, fertilization of the egg is prevented.

For cats, a contraceptive is used to regulate sexual desire, as well as eliminate the unpleasant phenomena that accompany attraction to females. They can manifest themselves by marking territory, aggressive behavior, and strong meowing. For females the drug is used:

  • to regulate sexual desire;
  • to prevent unplanned pregnancy;
  • to stop the heat.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

Vomiting may occur during treatment with this hormonal drug. However, it does not appear in all pets, but only in particularly sensitive ones. In some cases, stool changes, the animal’s behavior changes and appetite increases. Excessive salivation may occur. Some pets develop allergic reactions during treatment in the form of skin rashes, burning and itching. If such symptoms do not stop within 24 hours, then giving the drug is not recommended.

If the cat develops itching during treatment with Gestrenol, therapy should be stopped.

The medication has a number of contraindications, which should be familiarized with before starting to use the medication. Drops and tablets are not used to regulate sexual heat in weakened animals, as well as in cats with endocrine disorders, including those with diabetes. The drug may worsen the condition of a pet suffering from urolithiasis. In addition, if liver and kidney diseases are present, the medicine is also contraindicated.

An additional warning is the presence of hormonal pathologies in cats, one of which is considered to be hyperplasia of the uterus and mammary glands. For such diseases, the use of drops and tablets is prohibited.

Hormonal drugs are not used to treat cats that have not reached puberty. Drops and tablets are contraindicated for small pets who are not yet 1 year old.

Instructions for use

When using Gestrenol, the purpose, weight and dosage form should be taken into account.


The solution should be dripped into the mouth or on the nose (the animal will lick it off itself). You can also drop the medicine onto a small piece of your favorite treat. Dosage for cats depends on the purpose of use:

  1. If the medicine is used to stop estrus, 4 drops will be required for females weighing less than 5 kg. For animals over 5 kg you need to take 5-8 drops. The medicine should be given for 3-5 days until the manifestations of sexual desire disappear.
  2. To delay estrus or calm the animal, 4 drops should be given weekly. The weight of the pet in this case does not matter. The duration of the course can last up to 18 months. A repeat course is carried out only after estrus.
  3. If Gestrenol is used to prevent pregnancy, the drug is given twice, 8 drops each. There should be 24 hours between doses.

When using hormonal medication for cats, adhere to the recommended doses:

  1. To stop sexual estrus in males weighing up to 5 kg, you need to give 4 drops every 3-5 days. For cats whose weight exceeds 5 kg, 4-8 drops will be required.
  2. For a calming effect, the drug is given 4 drops, regardless of weight, every 10-14 days. It is necessary to give the medicine during periods of sexual rest.


Gestrenol tablets are given to cats and female cats in the following doses:

  1. To stop sexual heat, the animal is given 1-2 tablets for 3-5 days until the signs disappear. If behavior is restored quickly (within a couple of days), the drug is given one more day after the symptoms disappear. For young cats in which sexual desire manifests itself for the first time, the dose is increased to 2 tablets.
  2. For the drug to have a calming effect, you need to give your pet 1 tablet once a week.
  3. If it is necessary to prevent fertilization after mating, the cat is given 2 tablets at once, and the procedure is repeated a day later.

The drug is considered safe. It does not have toxic or other negative effects on the body, but it is not recommended to use hormonal drugs without consulting a doctor. The animal's reproductive abilities are restored 2-3 months after stopping the medication.

Table: Gestrenol analogues by therapeutic effect

NameActive ingredientIndications for useContraindicationsRelease formsPrice segment
"4 with a tail"Megestrol acetate.
  • calming effect during sexual activity;
  • preventing pregnancy in females;
  • regulation of sexual estrus;
  • controlling or interrupting a cat's estrus.
It is ineffective if estrus has been going on for more than 3 days. If an animal has diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, tumors, or hormonal disorders. tablets, dropsFrom 50 rubles to 120 rubles
"Sex control"Ethinyl estradiol, megestrol acetate.
  • calming effect during sexual activity;
  • preventing pregnancy in females;
  • regulation of sexual estrus;
  • controlling or interrupting a cat's estrus.
The drug is intended only for cats, not for cats. If an animal has diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, tumors, or hormonal disorders. drops, tablets.From 180 rubles to 120 rubles.
"Contrasex"Ethinyl estradiol, acetobumedone.
  • regulation of animal sexual activity;
  • inhibition of estrus development;
  • stopping the ovulation process;
  • inhibition of mammary gland secretion;
  • decreased testosterone synthesis;
  • suppression of hypersexuality and aggression;
  • provision of contraception;
  • calming the cat.
  • diseases associated with the genitourinary system;
  • neoplasms;
  • diabetes;
  • immature age;
  • bearing offspring;
  • lactation.
suspension, drops.From 30 rubles to 70 rubles.

Keeping a pet is not easy. The pet periodically needs treatment, and if sterilization or castration is not done for some reason, it is necessary to monitor and maintain the pet’s hormonal health.

Features of application

To use Gestrenol tablets or drops for cats to be effective, follow the recommendations:

  1. In order for the medicine to stop sexual desire, you need to start taking it within the first two days from the moment the first signs appear. Otherwise, the medication will not bring the desired effect.
  2. In some cases, the duration of use of the drug may be increased until the manifestations of sexual desire completely disappear. Be sure to consult your doctor.
  3. You can interrupt estrus in cats using a hormonal agent no more than 2 times a year.
  4. If the drug is used to prevent pregnancy, it should be given within 24 hours after casual sexual intercourse. When using the product at a later date, the effectiveness is significantly reduced.
  5. It is not recommended to skip doses of medication due to a possible decrease in effectiveness. If the treatment regimen is shifted by 12 hours, this will not affect the effect of the medicine.

How the drug works

Flea drops for cats: remedy, tablets

Gestrenol is developed taking into account the individual characteristics of cats and cats. The veterinary medicine contains gestagens and estrogens obtained synthetically. In female representatives, the drug causes interruption or delay of estrus. In cats, the acidity of the vagina will change, due to which, even if mating has occurred, conception will not occur.

Gestrenol with mint for cats (packaging)

The drug acts on cats by stopping sperm production.

Important! In relation to cats, the drug is effective only if no more than two days have passed since the start of the “binge”.

Gestrenol has a calming effect on the animal not only at the physiological level, but also at the psychological level. With the start of taking the drug, an improvement in the pet’s behavioral reflexes is noted: appetite normalizes and aggressiveness decreases. However, the drug does not have a hypnotic effect. The animal returns to a calm lifestyle without stress to the body.

When not to use

Gestrenol should not be used if there are contraindications:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • if you have stones in the bladder or kidneys;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for tumors of the mammary glands;
  • for oncological diseases of the genital organs.

The medicine should not be used on animals that have not reached sexual maturity. Gestrenol is not used for pets from whom they plan to have offspring in the future. Individual intolerance is another contraindication.

When is the medication prescribed?

The drug is used to eliminate symptoms of estrus in cats, as well as to reduce the activity of sex hormones in males who begin to mark their territory and ask to go outside. The medicine has a calming effect on the pet and protects against unwanted pregnancy. Tablets and drops are prescribed to sexually mature animals during the period of hormonal activity to improve general well-being. At the same time, cats stop meowing loudly and showing concern.

Gestrenol relieves signs of estrus in cats

This hormonal drug can only be used after consultation with a veterinarian, as it can provoke a number of undesirable effects from the body.

Possible side effects

According to the instructions, when used for cats and kittens, Gestrenol does not cause side effects, but if the dosage is exceeded or the components are intolerant, the following phenomena may occur:

  • increased salivation;
  • redness of the skin;
  • itching;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • depressed state;
  • other unpleasant symptoms.

If such phenomena are detected, the drug should be discontinued. Consult your doctor. He will prescribe symptomatic treatment if necessary and select an alternative remedy.

The medicine cannot be used on an ongoing basis. The maximum course of treatment should not exceed 1.5 years, then you need to take a break. Otherwise, irreversible changes in the hormonal system may occur.

Drug interactions

It is not advisable to combine hormonal medications with antibacterial drugs. Firstly, it creates a large load on the liver and kidneys, and secondly, the absorption of antimicrobial agents may deteriorate. During treatment, it is not recommended to worm your pet, as this increases the risk of side effects, especially allergic reactions. Also, you should not combine this hormonal medication with glucocorticosteroids, otherwise disturbances in liver function may occur.

Storage rules

The medication should be stored away from ultraviolet rays, heat sources, as well as feed and food. In this case, the temperature should be between 0 and 25˚C. Temporary freezing of the drug in the form of a solution during transportation is allowed. In this case, it does not lose its properties.

It is strictly forbidden to use the medicine after the expiration date. You can see it on the packaging. Medicines unsuitable for treatment are disposed of in accordance with current legislation.

Owner reviews

Sofia, owner of a Siberian cat:

“When our furry miracle turned into a noisy monster, we started thinking about how to solve the problem. Sterilization was immediately rejected, so they began to look for a suitable drug. We decided on Gestrenol. I was pleased with the result of use. Faya calmed down, and the household were able to sleep peacefully at night.”

Sergey, Maine Coon owner:

“We live in a private house, so the cat often walks outside. At the beginning of spring last year, he began to disappear for several days at a time. He came home all beaten and scratched. I lost a lot of weight. To prevent this phenomenon, we bought Gestrenol drops this year. Fluff was calm and did not leave the house. I recommend it to other cat lovers."

Yuri, owner of an 8-month-old cat:

“The medicine didn’t help us. After the reception, the cat continued to scream, calling suitors from all over the area. The problem was solved with the help of a folk remedy - valerian tincture. I cannot recommend this product to others because of its ineffectiveness.”

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