There is no breed of cats with different eyes: photo and scientific explanation of a beautiful phenomenon

Genetics of the phenomenon

Heterochromacy is a phenomenon associated with different colors of the irises of the eyes. The cause of its occurrence is always a lack or excess of the melanin pigment in cats, and in albinos it is even completely absent.

This feature is much more common in cats than in humans. In this case, one eye is most often blue.

Variegation of eyes in cats is directly related to color and most often affects animals that have a lot of white in their color, although it also occurs in black cats. In this case, the second, non-blue eye can be yellow, green, or orange.

Cat heterochromacy can be easily explained from a genetic point of view.

The snowy coat gene has a strong effect not only on the color of the coat. During the development of the fetus in the womb, it also has a significant impact on the formation of the nervous system. It is its presence in the nerve endings of the eye that causes the absence of melanin there and forms the blue color of the iris. Both organs of vision or one may be affected.

This gene also affects hearing. After all, most white cats with blue eyes are deaf. And if the nerve endings on one side of the head are affected by it, then different eyes are observed, for example, blue and yellow irises, and unilateral hearing loss.

If the cat is completely white and both irises are blue, then this is the action of the dominant W gene. If it is homozygous, then the kittens die in the womb. Only heterozygous snow-white and blue-eyed individuals survive. In this case, White is combined with another “non-white” gene. Therefore, the entire litter is never born pure white; often there are spotted and even black babies.

Types of odd eyes

According to the method of occurrence, heterochromacy in cats can be congenital or acquired.

According to the distribution of the iris of the eye, they are distinguished:

  • full;
  • sectoral;
  • ring

Complete heterochromacy is when one iris of a cat is blue, and the other is any other color.

Sector discordance is determined by the fact that only some part of one or both irises is painted a different color.

Ring implies the presence on the iris of the eye of a kind of ring of a different color from the main color, usually along the edge.

How much does a Turkish Angora cost?

The average price for an Angora kitten is 15,000 rubles.

The cost of an Angora is influenced by the class of the pet, the reputation of the nursery or breeder, and the conditions under which the animals are kept.

The minimum cost of a non-show pet is 8,000 rubles. Elite pussies will cost from 25,000 rubles.

Where to buy and how to choose

Since in recent years, cases have become more frequent when unscrupulous breeders, under the guise of a purebred pet, sell mixed-breed Angora cats and other culls, felinologists advise buying a Turkish Angora kitten from well-known nurseries.

Cattery staff will be able to provide potential cat owners with all the necessary documents for the little purr: pedigree, vaccinations, veterinary passport.

When choosing a future pet, you should give preference to a playful pet at least 3 months old with clean ears and eyes.

Is this a disease?

Congenital heterochromacy is not a disease and does not affect a cat’s visual acuity in any way. But it can affect your hearing.

But if we are talking about purebred animals, then such an individual is removed from the breeding program in order to minimize the possibility of the birth of deaf kittens and stop the spread of the defect in this species.

Acquired difference of eyes occurs due to injury, disease, inflammation, tumor.

There are two types of acquired heterochromacy:

  • Abnormal darkening of the iris. It is caused by iron deposition (siderosis) and can also be triggered by the use of certain eye drops by stimulating melanin growth. These are, for example, drugs to reduce intraocular pressure, which are used to combat glaucoma.
  • Abnormal lightening occurs due to atrophy of the iris due to inflammation, due to neuroblastoma, melanoma, uevitis, leukemia and some other pathologies.

Breeds of odd-eyed cats

There are many such varieties. But all of them are predominantly white in color.


Although it is believed that heterochromacy is inherent in selective breeds, Kao-mani breaks all stereotypes. But differences of eyes are quite rare among these snow-white pets.

This is an ancient indigenous breed of Thailand that developed naturally.

Kao-mani means “diamond eye” and is the only type of cat that can have only one color - completely white. Kittens are sometimes born with small black spots, most often on the head, but by the age of one year they disappear completely.

This very rare shorthair cat is perhaps the most expensive of the domestic breeds. Finding a real Khao Mani is very difficult; the animal is considered a national treasure of Thailand. A small number of individuals can be purchased in the USA and France.

By its temperament, this is a charming pet - very cheerful, active, energetic, non-offensive, and easily finds contact with everyone.

Turkish van

This breed was bred on the basis of the ancient inhabitants of the Lake Van valley. Therefore, these animals with semi-long unique hair are excellent swimmers, fishermen and hunters.

Each hair of the skin has a special lubricant, thanks to which water rolls off the fur and the undercoat does not get wet.

The animals are quite large—the male weighs up to 9 kg—and strong.

The most characteristic color is completely white fur on the back, belly, sides, and head.

There are two bright red spots on the top and forehead, and the tail is also often the same color as the markings.

By nature, these pets are sociable and emotional, but they sincerely become attached to only one person, and they consider him their owner.

Heterochromacy is more common in combinations of blue and yellow.

Turkish Angora

This breed was almost lost by humanity as a result of wars and political disasters.

Today in Turkey, the Angora is considered a national breed and is protected by the state. Although the colors of this cat are varied, the pure white variety with different eyes is especially valued - blue is combined with bright yellow, green or golden-green.

By nature, these pets are inquisitive, playful and sincerely attached to humans.

Exotic and Persian

These two breeds are very similar in body and head structure, only the Exot has short hair, and the Persian has long hair.

But the nature of the breeds is strikingly different. The exotic is one of the most beloved varieties in the world precisely because of its gentle and kind disposition, while the Persian cat, although slow and calm, is a rather harmful individual.

The plush, stuffed coat of the Exot and the long, fine coat of the Persian come in a wide variety of colors.

White color is often combined with small multi-colored spots. Heterochromacy is also possible - a blue eye is usually combined with an amber one.

Oriental cat

One of the most graceful and sophisticated breeds, in its grace and swift movements it resembles a wild cat.

Fearless pets are very trusting and inquisitive, but at the same time they adore people and are very attached to their owner.

The colors of the Oriental are varied, but snow-white pets with different eyes are unique and very beautiful. Blue eyes are most often combined with emerald.

British and Scottish cats

These pets differ in the structure of their ears: the British have straight ears, while the Scots have drooping ones.

This is one of the most widespread and recognized breeds in the world, a calm and somewhat phlegmatic pet that is attached to people.

In both breeds there are absolutely white individuals with bright blue eyes, sometimes heterochromacy of the blue-copper type is possible.


There are various breeds of cats with wavy hair - Cornish, Devon, Selkirk, Ural, Bohemian Rex, La Permian.

These gentle and affectionate pets are very beautiful with absolutely white fur and different eyes - blue, amber or green.


Canadian, Don, St. Petersburg Sphynxes, which have absolutely no hair, are also susceptible to heterochromacy.

These pets are loved by many people for their pathological attachment to household members, devotion and tenderness.

Absolutely white individuals combined with eyes of blue and bright emerald shades amaze with their alien appearance.

Character and habits

By nature, Turkish Angoras are quite inquisitive. Angoras are interested in everything that happens in the house. Such pussies prefer to be aware of everything in the world.

Angora cats are extremely affectionate to their owners. And since these pets cannot stand loneliness, many cat lovers on the forums note the animals’ excessive intrusiveness.

Turkish Angora cats have some dog-like characteristics. For example, they can easily be trained to bring slippers or other things to cat owners in their teeth, to flip a switch, and also to open doors.

Turkish Angoras are overly talkative. Moreover, they have a unique manner of speech. Such animals can say “meow”, but more often they purr. The Turkish Angora is recognized as the loudest purring breed. In addition, these purring pussies are capable of expressing a wide variety of feelings and emotions.

Interesting facts about heterochromacy

In dogs, heterochromacy is most common in the Husky breed.

People are less likely to have different eyes, but, for example, David Bowie had one brown eye and the other blue.

People with heterochromic eyes often have vision problems.

Animals or people with different eyes have two souls. That's what they thought in the old days.

The most beautiful cat in the world in 2021 was proclaimed the Turkish kitten Alosha - a snow-white baby with bright green and blue eyes with a slight braid. The pet is absolutely healthy and hears perfectly in both ears.

In the city of Van (Turkey), a monument to a heterochromic cat was erected, whose blue eye represents the sky and whose golden eye represents the sun.

There is a biblical legend about the odd-eyed Turkish Van. The cat caught a mouse that was destroying supplies on the ark, and Noah stroked his head in gratitude, which is why representatives of this breed have gold spots between their ears.

According to surviving myths, the favorite cat of the Prophet Muhammad, named Muizza, also had multi-colored eyes.

Features of care

There is no need to take any mandatory measures to care for cats with different-colored eyes, the only thing is to pay attention to the nitrous oxide that has accumulated in the inner corner of the eye; if there is a lot of it and it is purulent, it’s time to see a veterinarian.

As for the snow-white coat, during the molting period it must be combed with a furminator, and the purr needs to be accustomed to the procedure from early childhood. It is better to put the slicker aside, otherwise the cat will lose its natural source of heat. If the coat is too long and tangles form, trimming will help in the summer.

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