How to name a British kitten: a large list of names and nicknames

When choosing what to name a British kitten, pay attention to coat color, eye color, and character traits. The British cat breed has English manners. These are delicate, unobtrusive cats and cats. Their behavior shows restraint, self-esteem and independence. This breed is suitable for busy people who spend a lot of time traveling at work.

The British choose a unique name that emphasizes their individuality. The nicknames of simple Murziks and Muroks will not suit them. For brave cats with a persistent character, it is worth assigning words that are bright, sonorous, clearly sounding and memorable. In this choice, familiarization with the history of their origin helps.

Examples of how to name a British cat are given in tables with possible names for cats and female cats.


Do not confuse British and Scottish individuals, because the former appeared on their own, and the latter were bred artificially. Purebred British are similar to the Cheshire cat, because it was from them that the artist drew illustrations for “Alice in Wonderland.” Here are the distinctive features of these individuals:

  • Short neck, round head, wide skull. The muzzle is also round, there are full cheeks.
  • The nose is short and straight, wide and with a slight depression.
  • The ears are set low and wide, they are small and round, with significant pubescence.
  • The eyes are round, open and large, most often golden in color, but can be blue or green.
  • The bone is wide, the size is large, the torso is wide and the back is massive, well-developed muscles. Cats are smaller than males.
  • The tail is short and thick, tapering towards the base.
  • An individual can have short or long hair. The latter have medium-length hair with a thick undercoat and a collar with panties. The former have extremely delicate, velvety and dense fur.
  • The color can be solid, bicolor, whiskey or tabby.

These animals look very large and massive, but at the same time they are not fat, but like athletes. They have large round legs, the outlines of the body are smooth and rounded. The movements are graceful and smooth.

This is interesting: Duration of pregnancy of a British cat

Features of color and types

All cats that have some kind of pattern on their fur are called tabbies. This is the so-called color group. Marbled tabby cats look truly luxurious and unique. In addition, the designs are usually contrasting and often resemble the fur coats of wild animals.

  • Marbled cats and cats have a contrasting color with two types of hairs. The first ones are, as it were, colored by zones, and the second ones are colored in the background. The hairs that create the pattern are completely dyed.
  • On the forehead of kittens and adults with a marble pattern, you can most often see the letter “M”, which is a kind of exterior of this color.
  • Marbleds usually have bright black eyeliner on their eyes and nose. This eyeliner is very similar to the one that British chinchillas have.
  • The basic pattern of British merles is always clear and even, it has smooth transitions throughout the coat, but never looks blurry.
  • “Necklaces” on the chest of animals are very much appreciated in this color. And the more there are, the more valued this or that individual is. Contrasting spots of different shapes can be seen on the back, belly and ears.
  • Eye color very often depends on color. For example, cats and cats with a chocolate marbled color most often have green eyes, while individuals with a gray-black “whiskey” color often have blue or gray eyes.

Closed contrasting circles can be observed on the animal’s tail and legs. The coat of the British merle is not so short, which makes it seem as if they are undersized or have short legs. But this is the breed standard. The paw pads are most often dark.

The merle color is well expressed even in the smallest kittens. Do not confuse the merle color with others, for example, brindle and spotted. They have their differences.

“Britons” of this color can be silver marbled, when the main background color is gray-white with the purest snowy undercoat, and the spots on the silver are contrasting black. Eye color can be grey, green or blue. There are also other eye shades. Individuals with a green iris and silver marbled fur coat are valued the most.

It should also be noted that kittens are often born with the so-called false merle color, which is called “moiré”. Very often, breeders, out of ignorance or with their own special intent, sell such kittens at marble prices. It is not always easy to distinguish such kittens, but it is not so difficult either. The pattern on their fur, even in childhood, is uneven or not at all clear; over time, it begins to completely disappear, leaving only small stripes and patterns that are barely visible.

Marbled kittens have a rich and clear color from childhood, including the pattern itself, and the older they get, the pattern begins to look brighter and more complete.

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Name after the birthplace of the breed

English male names themselves sound exotic to the Slavic ear. A British kitten can be called one of the following names:

Animal psychologists advise pronouncing the chosen names to the baby, and he will respond to the one he likes. This makes it easier to accustom the kitten to its own name and will not cause a negative reaction in it.

Names according to appearance

You can choose a name for a British kitten in accordance with its color and external features. In typical English names there are many sonorous ones that perfectly describe the baby’s personality:

  • Aaran is a high mountain, suitable for a large cat;
  • Azelstan is a noble stone, so you can call a gray cat;
  • Aki/Acer – number one, the first kitten in the litter;
  • Alan – handsome;
  • Algernon - mustachioed;
  • Alfonzo – noble;
  • Alpin – white;
  • Bayard – red-brown;
  • Balder – prince;
  • Barry is blond;
  • Bertram is a bright raven, suitable for a black kitten;
  • Blaine is yellow-skinned;
  • Bollard – spherical;
  • Bris – spotted;
  • Britton - from Great Britain;
  • Brady – broad-chested;
  • Byu – beautiful;
  • Brooks - brown;
  • Gray - gray;
  • Grand – big;
  • Grady – noble;
  • Gaylord - dandy;
  • Danki - brown warrior;
  • Duffy - black world;
  • Deneb – tail;
  • Jett/Cole – jet black;
  • Donovan/Duane/Dwayne – black;
  • Zubin – toothy;
  • Kaid – heavy, round;
  • Karay – dark;
  • Kevin/Keefe/Mackenzie – cute;
  • Clint – white;
  • Cola – black;
  • Collahan – slightly blond;
  • Corbin – little crow;
  • Carey – dark;
  • Loyd – gray-haired;
  • Merle – blackbird;
  • Nolan is a champion;
  • Albee – white;
  • Orson is a bear cub;
  • Oshin – a small deer (for an isabella or fawn kitten);
  • Redcliffe - red rock;
  • Regan is a little king;
  • Rory is the red king;
  • Silver – silver;
  • Flynn – red;
  • Sherlock is blond.

If you wish, you can find a name on the World Wide Web that characterizes your pet from any angle. You can name it by association, choose the most accurate, striking characteristic, or take a creative approach to choosing a name for your pet.

Names by character

On the one hand, choosing a nickname for a British kitten in accordance with its character traits is quite simple. On the other hand, for this you need to take a close look at the baby and notice the characteristic features. The British are famous for their balanced character, calmness, and restraint. These are real gentlemen. But felinologists warn that under the outer gloss hides a rather original temperament.

The kitten is independent, silent, self-sufficient and loyal. But at the same time he can be funny and playful, especially in childhood. With age, he becomes imposing, and only the famous smile shows the presence of a peculiar, hidden, truly English sense of humor. Among the proposed names, you can choose the one that most fully characterizes your pet:

  • Isaac/Ike/Issac – laughing;
  • Akel/Aselet – noble from birth;
  • Albert - bright nobility;
  • Amory - loving;
  • Antwan – invaluable;
  • Arin – peace, peaceful;
  • Aselin is a little nobleman;
  • Asher/Vin – happy;
  • Buddy is a friend;
  • Buster - destroyer;
  • Baldwin is a brave friend;
  • Broderick is a dream;
  • Galen/Gail/Gaylon – calm;
  • Greg/Gregory – careful, vigilant;
  • Damian – taming, conquering;
  • Darnell – secretive;
  • Declan is very good;
  • Darok – stubborn, arrogant;
  • Jailn – quiet, stopping;
  • Jacob/Sheamus/Sheamus – invader;
  • Inest – safe;
  • Kernei – warlike;
  • Keenan - aloof;
  • Clayton is a peacemaker;
  • Koti – assistant;
  • Kurtis – polite;
  • Leeroy - king;
  • Lonnie – noble;
  • Maynard – strong;
  • Maitland - evil;
  • Noble – noble;
  • Augustine - venerable;
  • Patrick is a nobleman;
  • Richie – powerful;
  • Rocky - rest;
  • Ruben is a contemplator;
  • Reynard - wise;
  • Simeon – listening;
  • Sterling is a small star;
  • Terance – rotating;
  • Tyrell – stubborn;
  • Trent is an interloper;
  • Willard - decisive;
  • Urban - an inhabitant of the city;
  • Feliz/Felix – lucky;
  • Fergus has a strong personality;
  • Flurry – Prince-King;
  • Frodo – wise;
  • Francis - free;
  • Hunter - hunter;
  • Harland is a troublemaker;
  • Khuffie is a peaceful giant;
  • Happy - happy;
  • Elmer is noble.

Each kitten is an individual and can exhibit qualities that are unusual for the breed. It is worth taking a close look at the baby. This will help you understand his actions, become closer and become friends forever. It is impossible not to fall in love with such a charming, cute, smiling creature as a British kitten, and it’s easier to choose an appropriate name for your pet.


These cats have a truly aristocratic character: they are mannered, wayward and proud. They do not like to be held and will immediately leave if they are bothered by uninvited caresses. They won't be able to be cuddled, and they definitely need their own secluded corner in the house, but when they are in the mood, they will happily lie down next to their owner in a chair and purr.

It is better not to offend such animals; they should be treated delicately and politely. They are touchy and can harbor a grudge for a long time if you unfairly yell at them, or, moreover, raise your hand. Do not do that! It is better to speak in a calm but stern voice and teach the rules of behavior from early childhood.

These creatures get along with children and almost never bite them. They are friendly and intelligent, if you bother them they will simply go away. They calmly endure loneliness, they are not afraid to leave them at home when leaving for work - they will not be bored. Despite this, they are happy to communicate with the whole family when it is assembled. They can live in harmony with other pets.

This is interesting: White British cat

Funny and funny names

For those who want their pet to have an unusual, funny or original name, we can recommend the following:

  • Typically English dishes - Roast Beef, Biscuit, Pudding, Oatmeal - for those who like to eat heavily.
  • Typical English drinks are Ale, Cider, Maldvine, Porter, Stout. These nicknames can match the color or cheerful character of the kitten.
  • Beautiful English words - Solitude (loneliness), Itenity (eternity), Lange (lethargy), Destiny (fate, rock).
  • Chewie, Yeti - for a very fluffy baby.

The imagination of the British owners should not slide into the area of ​​offensive and derogatory nicknames. The British cat has a sense of dignity and may be offended by such a name.

The name for a British baby is as important as for a human baby. It is worth spending time and effort to ensure that your pet goes through life with a beautiful name that could tell others something important about its owner.

Inspiring color

For example, you can name a British silver chinchilla Silver - in honor of the famous pirate from the novel “Treasure Island”. The Cheshire cat may also come to mind if you are thinking about what name (nickname) to give a smoky British cat, a ticked or white British cat, because this is how artists most often depict him.

But Lewis Carroll didn’t tell us the name of the Cheshire cat, so he shouldn’t be offended if from now on Lewis the cat gives us his mysterious smiles.

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A little history

According to their appearance, the British are divided into separate breeds: long-haired, short-haired and lop-eared. Which have differences in the history of their origin, in the approval of the standard.

  • The British Shorthair breed was first introduced in July 1871 at an exhibition in London. They received universal recognition; visitors were attracted by their beautiful, silky appearance. a coat densely stuffed with wool and soft to the touch. The US felinological community approved the British and spread the breed throughout the world. In Russia, the first shorthaired kittens appeared after the 1980s.
  • British Longhairs became a breed variety due to the discovery of a gene for long hair. It was discovered after crossing cats and female cats with the Persian longhair breed. Previously, longhairs were not recognized as a breed; they were classified as a breed.
  • The British Fold, with its graceful build, has characteristic hanging ears. A new species was born thanks to Scottish farmers who, when crossing purebred British cats with Scottish breeds, got fold-eared kittens. As a separate breed, it has become known since 1959, but is not recognized by the Felinological Association. The standards have not yet been registered.

Important! When choosing what to name your pet, pay attention to its character. For calm, balanced Britons, stricter, shorter nicknames are suitable. For the Scots, softer-sounding words are suitable.

Basic rules when choosing a name

Choosing a name for a kitten, like a child, is a crucial moment. It is recommended to adhere to certain rules for naming a kitten:

  • The names they like, more than one, are first checked for sound, listening to how the word is pronounced and perceived.
  • A short name of 2-3 syllables can be pronounced well; it is easy for adults and children to pronounce.
  • Nicknames are given once for life; cats do not recognize them and do not react to new sounds.
  • Choose a short word, sonorous and at the same time simple with hissing words, the cat will get used to it faster.
  • Cats like nicknames with sounds: “s”, “ch”, “sch”, “zh” and “z”.
  • You should not give your pets unsound, obscene or unpleasant-sounding words.

Names from English history

Assigning historical names to British cats has been popular both in the past and today. The use of historical names of famous citizens in England has become widespread. Outstanding personalities are perfect for the nicknames of British Shorthair, Longhair, Scottish Fold, and breeds originating from Britain.

Example for selectionFor a catFor the cat
From the mythology of the Celtic islandersBrigita, Sabrina, Boand, Caer, Danu, Grainne, Badb,Boand, Kaer, , Boand, Kaer, Dan, Grain, Badb, Ceridwen, Morrigan,
Names of wizards from legendsMorgana, Melusina, PressinaMorgan, Perseus, Arthur, Count
From the myths of King ArthurGinevra, Guinevere Elaine.Barnard, Astolat

Royal names

England is famous for the rich heroic history of its development. The British are proud of the dynasty of kings and queens who have ruled the country for centuries and still today. Giving the names of rulers to purebred British and Scottish cats is a national tradition.

Example for selectionFor a catFor the cat
Kings and QueensAntoinette, Elizabeth, Maria, Beatrice, Stefanita, Yucca, Nancy.Arthur, Prince, Monarch, Chelsea, Lear, Baron, Prince, Barnard, George.
Royal themeBohemia, Valkyrie, ElbaAristocrat.

Choosing nicknames based on eye color

The British always have a smile on their face and large, round eyes, which constantly creates an appearance of surprise and curiosity. The nicknames of British cats are often based on the color of the iris, which is necessarily combined with the color of the coat. They are bright yellow, orange, or rich green, emerald with large black pupils.

Example for selectionFor a catFor the cat
According to the color of yellow, amber eyesBlackie, Blusha, Choco, Lila, Lilu, Lily, Krimi, Orange, Grace.Jardon, Mirage, Lancelot, Tabasco;
By the color of green, emerald eyesBead, Beauty, ZelenkaSapphire, Amaris, Crystal, Onyx.
According to the color of blue, gray eyesCloud, Light, Light, Firefly.Diamond, Morpheus.

For lop-eared people

The British Fold is a sweet, kind-looking creature with an owl-like face, complemented by large, round eyes. Their names are associated with the place where the breed appeared, with Scotland.

Example for selectionFor catsFor cats
Country ScotlandShotya, Shotti,Scott, Shot
Capital EdinburghEdita, Edda, EdkaEdd, Edka, Edin.
Scots Saint Saint AndrewDrew, AndrewDrew, Andrew
National Scottish costumeKilty, Kiltya, Tarry, Tarka, Tarra, Bonnie, BonnitaTartan Kilt, Tarry, Bonnie, Tarra
National Scottish drinksScotch, Viscara, ElkaScotch, Scotch, Whiskey, Ale, Elka

Nickname options for the British

The nickname for the animal in the first months should not be “distorted”: shortened or take on a diminutive form. This will make it much easier for the animal to get used to its name. The British classic names are especially well suited to the British breed - Archie, Sylvester, and for girls - Roxy or Teresa.

At what age are British cats neutered?

Where to get inspiration for nicknames:

  • Gods and ancient rulers;
  • Modern rulers of states;
  • Symbols and signs;
  • Natural phenomena;
  • Cartoon characters;
  • Classic foreign names;
  • Names of companies/brands;

The British cat breed is characterized by grace, independence, love of freedom, and willfulness. They show affection only towards their owner and only when they are in a good mood. Also, the British breed is characterized by “lushness”. This applies to both coat and body type. British and British women are always distinguished by their light (or not light) fullness, as well as their “fluffiness”. Therefore, there are often funny nicknames that are associated with food (Plyushka, Vatrushka, Iriska, etc., as well as Russian names for British cats - Marusya, Lyubava, and so on).

Reference! The name Serge suits cats very well, especially gray ones. But you shouldn’t use nicknames that are used more often for dogs.

For girls

The article has already discussed popular names for British boys' cats and where you can get inspiration for a nickname. But there are superstitions that the names of pets can bring happiness and good luck to their owners, and vice versa - troubles and lack of money.

Nicknames to attract money. For cats, you can use currencies with good financial characteristics as nicknames - Dollar or Euro, for example. And Jena and Krona are suitable for girls. Alternatively, you can choose the names of the precious stones: diamond, ruby. The cat can be called Agatha, Jasper or Yakhonta. Also, Richie, Zlata and Goldie in translation symbolize wealth.

Venus cat

To improve the “weather in the house” and give the family well-being, you can name your pets Hera (guardian), Gerda (protector), Lada and Basta (guardians of the hearth). In this case, there are no nicknames for cats.

If you want strong, great love to come into your life along with your new pet, then you should choose an animal of silver or red color and name it in honor of the corresponding god. For cats:

  • Venus;
  • Aphrodite.

To attract good luck in business, amorous, family and other matters, you should give preference to three-haired individuals. (Yes, there are three-haired British kittens too). But male individuals cannot have three coats. Names that bring good luck:

  • Lucky;
  • Fortune;
  • Lyme;
  • Nanda.

Note! Under no circumstances should you name a pet after the deceased - this is a bad omen that will not bring happiness to either the pet or the owner. Also, you cannot choose long nicknames and obscene words.

For boys

Nicknames for British cats are also suitable for Scottish Fold cats; they can embody strength and courage or duplicate a character from a cartoon. For example, Prince or Knight will give the animal seriousness, and Tom from the well-known cartoon will suit smoky short-haired cats because of the similarity in appearance.

Mars is a beautiful nickname that contains the letter C in its name and is not too long. But it’s up to the owner to decide whether the animal will be given this nickname in honor of the chocolate bar, the planet, or the god of war.

British cats have a round eye shape and facial expression that always creates the illusion of a smile or surprise. Suitable names for British cats are Bill or Batman. Toffee or Cupcake - if the owner loves sweets or associates sweets with his little kitten. Affectionate, gentle nicknames are especially suitable for kittens, which grow into large cats weighing 7-9 kg with a rather brutal appearance.

Cat and buns

What else can you name your pet? In honor of rivers or countries, as well as plants that can remind the owner of his origin and important moments in life. Sometimes they say that “whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” Therefore, a funny nickname like “Skoda” will scare the owner: what if the animal likes to misbehave and starts ruining the life of the owners by scratching the furniture and going to the toilet past the litter box.

Reference! According to statistics, girls more often like to choose brutal and romantic nicknames for their pets. And guys choose funny nicknames in honor of food or their favorite cartoon character. But young children are more imaginative - their choice is always unpredictable, from a cartoon character to a rare name that appears out of nowhere in the child’s mind.

Popular nicknames for British grays

  • Sylvester. A popular and at the same time brutal nickname, which is quite suitable not only for gray/blue color. After he grows up, the nickname can be shortened to the affectionate “Strength”.
  • Simba. The name gained popularity after the release of the beloved Disney cartoon. Thanks to the cartoon character, this nickname is associated with loyalty, courage and beauty.
  • Yasha. A beautiful and simple name that will “stick” to the animal very quickly. Quickly remembered.
  • Leopard or Barsik. A rather commonplace name, but at the same time beautiful and perfect for animals with a gray color.
  • Musya and Marusya. Beautiful female names that please the ears of cats and are quickly remembered by other inhabitants of the house.

Names for fold-eared cats

Many people prefer fold-eared cats, which have an interesting facial expression and an unusual head structure. It’s not too difficult to choose a name for a Scottish Fold boy’s cat if you know a few rules for determining a nickname:

  • choose a name that is associated with Scotland;
  • use male names of English origin. You can call your pet by Slavic names;
  • take into account the features of the pet’s appearance: coat color, unique physique;
  • use nicknames that begin with the letter “SH”.

If the appearance of the baby was planned in advance, then the name could have appeared long ago. Then you shouldn’t pay attention to the little things and features; it’s better to stick to the already prepared version.

For your information! There is an option that can make choosing a name easier. If the kitten is purebred and has a good pedigree, then the first letter of its name is determined by its number in the total litter, comparable to the letter from the cat’s name. This technique is used by experienced cat owners.

There are special TOPs of cool variations:

Fold-eared kitten deserves a loud nickname

Ordinary things can be a good basis for a completely unusual and remarkable nickname. The food names are absolutely incredible: Donut, Marshmallow, Nut and many others.

Associations with the word Scotland

Why look for some complex combinations and original themes if the name of the breed speaks for itself. An equally beautiful option will sound if you choose names associated with Scotland. List of especially relevant ones:

  • Shota (Shotik, Shotter) in honor of the name of the specified country;
  • Eddie (current abbreviations - Edin, Ab) - Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland;
  • Tarte is a tartan, a plaid fabric for clothing and in particular a kilt. Another name for tartan;
  • Gardus (Gardi) - Сarduus, translated from Latin as “thistle”, which grows on almost every stone of the island;
  • In English, Scotland sounds like Scotland. You can choose the name Scott, Land, Scotty, Sket;
  • Edinburgh is the capital of the country, so the options may be: Eddy, Edd, Eddig, Ab.

List of rare and beautiful names

How to name a gray kitten: examples of beautiful names

What to name a British girl cat? Venus, Bridget, Celeste, Beatrice - you are unlikely to find such names among your friends. True, they are a little longer than necessary. All of the above are nicknames of English origin. More eastern names are Gita, Yesenia, Rosalia, Naira, Bella, Assol.

Animal colors

Orpheus, Rurik, Walter are not only beautiful, but also carry historical meaning. Skye, Patrick, Frank and Hosea. The latter, by the way, means “star” in Japanese. It is not recommended to choose names with the sounds R, C and G - these sounds hurt your pet’s hearing and can cause irritation. You need to pronounce your pet’s name calmly and affectionately, so as not to awaken a negative reaction in him in the form of irritation, fear and resentment.

Choosing a pet name is something that will accompany your proximity to the kitten and something that you will say and hear every day. It’s better to limit yourself to simple and concise nicknames, but you still shouldn’t choose banal ones.

Behavior and character

Observe if your kitten is more inquisitive or claiming his space.
Or maybe he likes to lie on your lap. When you determine the character of your pet, then it will be easier for you to choose a name for him. British scientists, as a result of a survey, identified 5 character types of the British: human cats, hunter cats, feline cats, feisty cats, inquisitive cats. The gradation here is based on the cat’s attitude and its behavior in relation to its environment.

  • Human cats are always next to the owner, they practically repeat everything that the owner does, sleep on his bed, “butt” the owner’s head, lie on his lap.
  • The hunter cat is more common among the British breed; they love to hunt mice.
  • Cats get along well with other animals in the house; they do not perceive them as a threat to their personal space.
  • Feisty cats are independent and require their own space.
  • Curious cats explore everything around them.

Cats show their character almost from birth, so you should choose an appropriate name, for example, Kusaka, Gryzka. Weasel.

Interesting read: all the information about British cats.

Most common names

For the general consideration of the family, we offer a whole list of nicknames for the British breed (how to name a cat of long-haired and short-haired breeds).

Your favorite may suddenly become:

  • Arabella;
  • Anfisa;
  • Betty;
  • Britain;
  • Brandy;
  • Bagheera;
  • Vanessa;
  • Darley;
  • Dilona;
  • Eve;
  • Jasmine;
  • Jacqueline;
  • Golden;
  • Ash;
  • Zelana;
  • Isis;
  • Irma;
  • Kashmira;
  • Lime;
  • Livona;
  • Laura;
  • Lyubava;
  • Malta;
  • Miami;
  • Monica;
  • Molly;
  • Marianna;
  • Matilda;
  • Neon;
  • Orpheus;
  • Pussy;
  • Palm tree;
  • Runes;
  • Rihanna;
  • Rose;
  • Simoy;
  • Snows;
  • Theodora;
  • Teresa;
  • Tosei;
  • Uloy;
  • Unicoy;
  • Fatima;
  • Francesca;
  • Chloe;
  • Chelsea;
  • Cherry;
  • Charlotte;
  • Elloy;
  • Emma;
  • Juno.

After all, the most important thing is not the choice of an extravagant name for an adored British cat, but the love, attention and care that the pet sincerely expects from its owner. Make every effort to live comfortably with your noble pet, and an original nickname will only complement your daily communication with him.

External features

It seems that there are no special features in the appearance of British cats. There are about 30 shades of fur color. Cream, blue, black, red, white. Quite often, British cats are confused with Scottish cats, but they have different eyes, ears and muzzle shape.

Take a closer look at your furry pet, what appearance features do you notice? Whatever traits stand out that you want to name your pet after, the name should be comfortable for both the cat and the person. The cat should feel comfortable with this name and respond to it. The video has several ideas to help you choose a name for your pet.

What to name a British male kitten

A small plush kitten has settled in your house and you have decided that it will be a boy. For a boy's British cat, names based on the color of the coat, the name of the flowers are suitable, someone will choose the formidable name of the god Olympus. To make choosing a name easier, we offer you a selection of names in alphabetical order:

Alex, Diamond, Bucks, Baron, Leopard, Boss, Hector, Count, Gray, Jack, Evrik, Zephyr, Iris, Christopher, Lord, Ludwig, Marquis, Marcus, Mars, Olympus, Oscar, Patrick, Simon, Sapphire, Tom, Umka, Fox, Houston, Hemingway, Hamish, Chaplin, Charlie, Charles, Cheshire, Chief, Edward.

As you can see, even from such a small list you can choose a meaningful name for your kitten and at the same time a name that matches its behavior. It strides majestically or fights with windmills, or maybe just its bluish color will play a decisive role in choosing a name.

The British are so different.

How to name a British cat girl

You can choose the calm name Agatha, the delicious Marshmallow, the pristine Eve or the valuable Pearl. Girls are always treated with great reverence, which is why the choice of name is more gentle and less pretentious.

We offer you a selection of female names for British cats: Athena, Alice, Aurora, Bagheera, Bella, Vasilisa, Varya, Vesta, Jessie, Darcy, Eva, Zlata, Iva, Lilu, Lada, Mia, Nati, Nora, Night, Olivia, Persa , Bullet, Pumka, Rose, Rachel, Ruby, Sally, Cindy, Umka, Fi-fi, Fiona, Khali, Chloe, Yuma, Yumi, Java, Yalta, Yasa.

Names for British kittens by color

The British can be of different colors, so you can also pay attention to this in order to decide on the name. In this case, it will be easier to understand how to name a British kitten beautifully. If the cat is black, then it can be called Dusk, Dracula, Chernysh, Blackie, Jack, Onis, Agate

If the cat is dark in color, then the following names are suitable: Misty, Balsamis, Shadow, Bagheera, Nochka, Agatha.

The lilac and blue color of the pet looks quite interesting. It will also not be difficult for him to choose a suitable nickname. For example, a boy can be named Muscat, Dory, Dymchik, Chrome, Gray. The girls can be called Smokey, Blue, Dymka, Malvina, Shaya.

The chocolate cat can be nicknamed Medok, Ginger, Velvetik, Paris, Ruby. Girls are perfectly characterized by the following names: Ocher, Irissa, Sally, Dune, Rubby, Persia. White boys can be nicknamed White, Diamond, Snow, Casper, Ice. For fair British beauties, you can choose one of the following names: Metella, Nymph, Crystal, Wendy, Bella, Aura, Aurora, Alaska.

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General recommendations for choosing a nickname

You shouldn't call a Briton the first name you like. It will accompany the cat throughout its life, so its choice should be approached as responsibly as possible.

At the nursery, the kittens are given nicknames by the breeder. Usually on the 45-50th day from birth, the litter undergoes certification, and a specialist writes out metrics for them. The document must indicate:

  • nickname;
  • breed;
  • floor;
  • color;
  • date of birth;
  • information about parents;
  • Breeder contacts.

All kittens from the same litter are named by the same letter. The nickname includes the name of the nursery. However, the full name must not exceed 25 characters.

But such a long nickname is inconvenient to use in everyday life, so owners prefer to give kittens second, “home” nicknames.

On a note. The official name can be shortened. For example, turn Cleopatra into Cleo.

To give a British cat a nickname suitable for this breed, felinologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • The name should be light and short. The optimal length of a nickname is 2-3 syllables. A florid name will be more difficult for a Brit to remember.
  • It is believed that cats respond better to hissing sounds and the letters “z”, “s”, “b” and “g”, so it is better to include them in the nickname. However, no formal studies have been conducted on this issue.
  • You should not call a British person an offensive or offensive nickname. The cat will constantly feel negative notes in the owner’s voice, which will negatively affect its condition.
  • If there is already a cat living in the house, it is not advisable to call the British cat by a consonant nickname. Pets pick up certain sets of sounds, but do not understand the meaning of words. Same type combinations will mislead them.
  • It is not recommended to call a Briton by a Russian human name, especially if there is a real prototype among your friends - you can get into an awkward situation. Foreign words or outdated forms are more suitable as a nickname.
  • It's not a good idea to name a British kitten after a deceased pet. Firstly, this is a bad omen. It is believed that a new friend risks repeating the fate of the previous one. Secondly, a person will involuntarily compare a kitten with an old pet. And this will inevitably lead to disappointment.

It's okay if the Briton remains nameless for a while. During this time, you can notice any features of his character or unusual habits. And based on them, it will be easier to name the kitten with a mark and an original nickname.

Some owners allow Brits to make their own decisions. To do this, take turns pronouncing your favorite nicknames. Whatever name the kitten reacts to is the one they keep.

Another option is to write nicknames on small pieces of paper and scatter them on the floor. The name from the sheet that the kitten approaches first will become its nickname.

Important. While the Briton is getting used to the nickname, he is called only by his full name, without changing it to diminutive forms.

English names for cats in alphabetical order

Data from numerous sociological studies show that among the most popular English names for cats, the leaders are mainly human names.

Archie the cat

For example:

  • with the letter “A” - Agatha, Alice, Alfie (although in the last few years this nickname has lost ground), Albert, Archie;
  • with the letter “B” - Beryl, Brooke, Barry, Bertie (this is the male version, the female version will be Bertha);
  • starting with the letter “B” - Wendy, Viola, Vivien, Vince;
  • with the letter "G" - Gladys, Gwen (short for Gwendolyn), Hector, Henry;
  • with the letter “D” - Daphne, Della, Ji-Gi, Jo-Jo, June (suitable for those born in June);
  • starting with the letter “F” - Jasmine;
  • with the letter “I” - Ivy, Eden (however, although this is a proper name, it can also be translated as “Eden”);
  • starting with the letter “K” - Claude, Coco.

By the way, American nicknames for cats are also mainly derived from human names.

Interesting! After the success of a book about a street cat named Bob, this nickname has regained popularity. And after the death of David Bowie, many pets appeared named after this singer.

Examples of interesting names

In general, against the background of these practically human names, it is not so often possible to come across some original ones.

Nevertheless, they exist - for example, Calico. Tricolor cats are often called this because they used to evoke associations with colorful fabrics imported from Calcutta.

It is also curious that the famous grumpy cat Grumpy actually had a different name - Tartar Sauce, which is also a rare nickname in general.

Unusual names

Any owner wants his pet to have an original and at the same time beautiful name. The nicknames of British cats can be either Russian or foreign in origin.

Material on the topic: the character of British cats.

If you are a person who approaches the choice with humor, then choose cool nicknames for your pet, for example: Chimney Sweep, Anchovy, Valenok, Bouncer, Big Mac, Babai, Bruno, Bucks, Bublik, Belyash, Balamut, Eroshka, Eshka, Rogue, Zhdun , Bug, Bully, Yeti, X, Karapuz, Cupcake, Cola, Croissant, Lefty, Lavash, Nolik, Whiner, Glutton, Centik, Dude, Hunter, Harley, Yandex.

Those who take life and signs seriously choose a beautiful name for their pet. Such names are usually chosen for girls; they are aesthetically pleasing and attractive. Most often chosen: Basya, Luna, Chanel, Charlotte, Zvezdochka, Businka.

British cat.

Cats, especially British cats, are very sensitive creatures. That is why the choice of their nickname must be approached thoroughly. The nickname should please both the pet and the owner.

Rail Shamsutdinov

Breeder of British cats, felinologist

How to name a British kitten girl

British girls also have aristocratic manners. To name a proud and noble cat, you can be guided by the same parameters:

  • external signs;
  • character traits;
  • funny and unusual habits.

There are a great many topics that can suggest an excellent nickname for British cats. If you carefully observe your pet, every owner can easily come up with a euphonious and memorable name.

For your information. It's a good idea to name your Briton after something that evokes positive emotions. It could be a place, an event or a famous person.

Names for a girl's British kitten depending on her character

Girls of the British breed are distinguished by elegance, grace and willfulness. They are a little more sociable and affectionate than boys, but at the same time more sensitive and touchy.

Each pet has distinctive character traits. If you notice them in time, you can name your British cat an original nickname, which will reflect its individuality:

  • For an affectionate cat, the names Laska, Murlena, Nezhka, Plusha, Sonya are suitable;
  • lively and playful - Verta, Zabava, Kusya;
  • cocky - Storm, Thunderstorm, Bullet, Stella;
  • reserved - Diva, Lady, Louise, Sima, Queen, Shayla.

Experienced cat owners do not recommend calling their pets by overly aggressive names. For example, Zlyuka. This is believed to have a negative impact on the character of the British people.

Names for a British cat depending on its color

The color can suggest many original names for a British kitten:

  • blue British - Aqua, Turquoise, Viola, Dove, Lavender, Freya;
  • red-haired Briton - Iskra, Zlata, Oji, Tigress, Ryzhka, Fanta, Foxy;
  • white British - Arctic, Astra, Bella, Blonda, Bianka, Belle, Zimka, Christie, Monroe, Rosinka, Snezhka, Umka;
  • black British - Bagheera, Jetta, Zola, Gloom, Nochka, Panther, Soot;
  • chocolate British - Bounty, Raisin, Toffee, Cinnamon, Mulatto, Chocco;
  • silver British - Dimli, Haze, Bunny, Minnie, Mystery, Mystic, Sarah, Suri, Sheila, Sheda, Ashley;
  • marbled Briton - Mila, Princess, Ricci, Shikki;
  • tortoiseshell Briton - Paint, Blooper, Rainbow, Tortilla, Trisha.

Britons with markings may be called Blob or Panda.

Popular nicknames for British kitten girls

The names of beautiful flowers sound good as a nickname for a British girl:

  • Azalea;
  • Magnolia;
  • Orchid;
  • Violet.

The names of celestial objects work well as nicknames:

  • Adara;
  • Capella, Kissin;
  • Merga;
  • Sirma.

Popular nicknames that are in one way or another connected with Great Britain:

  • Brittany, Britney;
  • Great;
  • Mercy;
  • Thames.

For inspiration, you can look at lists of famous English personalities - writers, politicians, actresses - and name a British kitten girl after one of them:

  • Vanessa;
  • Gabi;
  • Daphne, Judy, Dodie, Dolly, Dorothy;
  • Christine;
  • Leila;
  • Mudge, Macbeth, Maisie, Mariel;
  • Nancy;
  • Price;
  • Hannah, Heather;
  • Cheryl;
  • Evelyn, Edna, Emily.

A British kitten girl can be named after an ancient deity:

  • Aurora, Aura, Athena;
  • Venus, Vesta;
  • Hera, Hemera, Hestia;
  • Diana;
  • Kotis;
  • Selena;
  • Tanit, Tethys;
  • Enyo;
  • Juno.

It has been noticed that some owners call the British by some nicknames most often. Popular names for girl kittens include:

  • Agata, Agnes, Adele, Alice, Alliya, Amanda, Alba;
  • Baileys, Basie, Bertha, Blanca, Bohemia, Britta, Betty;
  • Wanda, Vesya, Vicky, Victory, Vivien, Vlasta;
  • Gala, Gata, Gamma, Gerda, Grace, Gloria, Grace;
  • Dakota, Dana, Darcy, Daisy, Diana, Dolka, Dora;
  • Eve, Europe, Elis, Elka, Enya, Efseya;
  • Jade, Jeanette, Geneva, Giselle, Joanna, Josie, Julie;
  • Zara, Star, Zelda, Zena, Zetta, Zita, Zulya;
  • Willow, Ivetta, Izi, Ikki, Inora, Irma, Ithaca;
  • Kayla, Kaira, Kasumi, Kate, Kira, Coco, Kat;
  • Lara, Lilu, Linda, Liana, Leah, Lassie;
  • Magda, Margot, Maya, Milka, Mint;
  • Nabby, Nani, Neima, Nellie, Nika, Knox, Nora;
  • Audrey, Oza, Ollie, Omega, Omeli, Osya, Otrada;
  • Peacock, Pani, Panta, Pinky, Polly, Ponka, Pusha;
  • Rada, Riley, Raina, Rexona, Rose, Ruby, Runa;
  • Sawa, Sakura, Salma, Siren, Snapy, Susie;
  • Taya, Tara, Tatti, Tasha, Terry, Tina, Tori, Tootsie;
  • Luck, Smile, Ulya, Unda, Urma, Delight, Ustina;
  • Farsi, Fairy, Phoebe, Fixie, Flaska, Frida;
  • Khali, Hayta, Hani, Hafsa, Hepsi, Chloe, Happy;
  • Tsami, Tsanta, Tserry, Tsiana, Qisi, Tsushima;
  • Chandi, Chapa, Cherry, Chika, Chiquita, Chita, Chosya;
  • Shiny, Sharel, Charlize, Shetty, Shiva, Shirley;
  • Elim, Ella, Ellin, Elsa, Elfa, Envy, Era;
  • Yuji, Yuzara, Yumba, Yuppi, Jurata, Yuta, Yusha;
  • Java, Yaquida, Yakota, Jamaica, Yamaha, Yana, Yafa.

List of rare and beautiful names for British cats

If you think about it, you can come up with an unusual nickname that is unlikely to be given to your neighbor's cat.

A good way is to go an unconventional route. Some owners add their own names to get an original nickname:

  • Vladimir + Daria - Vlada;
  • Anton + Irina – Aniri;
  • Sergey + Christina – Sekri, etc.

Rare cat names for British girls include:

  • Alva;
  • Vienne;
  • Galatea;
  • Delilah;
  • Jacqueline;
  • Yoko;
  • Laida, Lourdes;
  • Mafdet;
  • Nekhbet, Nashka;
  • Oriana;
  • Purri;
  • Toyana;
  • Undine;
  • Chris;
  • Judith.

Among the nicknames for British kittens of girls, melodious names of English girls are not so common:

  • Aida, Aisha, Alana, Amber, Amelia;
  • Barbara, Bethany, Blanda, Barry;
  • Wendy, Vivitt, Vonnie;
  • Gemma, Greta;
  • Dahlia, Darcy, Debra, June;
  • Ilana;
  • Kandi, Karen, Kelkey, Clover;
  • Leslie, Lily, Lottie;
  • Marla, Mia, Mandy;
  • Natil, Norma;
  • Ondre, Orna;
  • Paige, Peggy, Poppy;
  • Renee, Ruth, Raylene;
  • Sally, Sandra, Sophie;
  • Tonya;
  • Finola;
  • Hilda, Holly;
  • Chevonne;
  • Sharon;
  • Abby, Edwina, Edith, Erin;
  • Unity;
  • Yashmine.

Names (nicknames) for British cats and cats

How to name a cat: a name for a boy cat (nicknames of boys’ cats) can be chosen to be courageous and loud to emphasize his masculine character. Are you faced with the problem of what to name your kitten? A name for a cat is as important as a name for a person. There are often cases when names for female cats are derived from the names of male cats.

British cats, despite some resemblance to a plush toy, are very majestic animals that value independence. The wonderfulness of British cats is wonderfully described by L. Carroll in “Alice in Wonderland” in the image of the Cheshire Cat. They are kind on the inside and warrior-majestic on the outside.

The owners of such extraordinary kittens are faced with a difficult task - how to name a British kitten so that the name reflects the noble origin of the breed, but is not overly pretentious.

The name for a boy kitten should be chosen based on the breed and character of the animal. Also, some are looking for names for cats taking into account color, for example, a nickname for a white cat, black, gray, red, etc.

So, what names for cats should you choose? The best names for kittens are those that you like, those around you, and, of course, your kitten. Kittens' nicknames should be consonant, not too long, so that it is convenient to call your pet. Cats appear in our homes for various reasons. Cats are our little brothers, and what kind of brother or sister is this if he doesn’t have a name, or rather a nickname?

What to name a British kitten

A very interesting selection of nicknames. Correct site! There are no human names in the nicknames. After all, people are given names in honor of saints.

After all, it is sinful and offensive to give animals the names of saints! I have a cattery of Scottish cats, and I try to name my pets after the names of flowers and plants.

My main cat is Melissa, kittens are Malinka, Maroshka, Ezhevichka, Verbochka, Chamomile... Or the cat had kittens with candy names - Toffee, Barberry... Use your imagination... So many sweet names!!!

For example, I took a kitten from a breeder named Medvedeva, which is the name of my British cat Medea Medici. For some reason, the name Sarah suits her very well; she went for half a day with the name Shane – it also suits her very well.

Our cat's name was Uma. some thought it was from Uma Thurman, some thought it was from Umka the bear cub. but with the last name it turned out to be Uma Vista Versailles, and you don’t have to seriously break your tongue to name the cat. We chose a name for a British kitten from the list on this site. The choice fell on Alcide. But we call it at home - Osya. Very smart and playful handsome Oska. Thanks for the tip!!!

Choosing a name for your beloved pet is a responsible task. In the future, this nickname will be on your lips. Your British kitten will respond to it. Most of us have faced the problem of choosing a name for a kitten. Having given a simple name to a cute, purebred kitten, we paid little attention to this issue.

Basically, to choose the nickname of a little Briton, long names consisting of several words are used. But there is another option - to name the kitten a simple but memorable name. Names that copy cartoon characters remain very popular now. His name should be easy to remember and so that family members will not break their tongue when pronouncing it.

Nicknames for black cats

When choosing a nickname for a boy's kitten, it is advisable that it includes hissing ones. Having given preference to names from Greek mythology, it is worth paying attention to what it means.

For example, if you named your baby Marsik, in the future he will turn into a respectable cat and his name will not correspond to reality. Based on the names mentioned in the cartoons, the boy's kitten can be called Phil, Hercules, Tom, Mowgli or Leopold.

What do the British call their cats?

Choosing a name for a British breed does not have different criteria; it is enough to take into account the individual character traits of the pet and the standard characteristics of the breed. The name comes to mind just by looking at the baby, his behavior and habits.

The British, in search of suitable nicknames, decide what to name a British cat so that the pet becomes a family mascot. So that the kitten's name turns into a symbol of prosperity and happiness. The British, in recent years, have been calling their feline brothers unusual nicknames and are looking for cool names.

Example for selectionFor a cat (female)For a cat (male)
to attract moneyCurrency, Coin,Dollar, cent,
To fulfill a wishFairy, Sorceress, Luck, FortuneGenie, Aladin, Hottabych, Surprise.
For Calm and PeacePeace, Harmony, RadaLucky, Lucky, Lucky, Lucky,

Names for a boy

When a baby is adopted into a family, all members are faced with the difficult task of what name to name the boy’s British kitten. Everyone offers their own version, but first it’s useful to familiarize yourself with all the known names for cats. You can choose by the letter of the alphabet that matches the color of the kitten, you can name it by the name of your favorite cartoon character or legendary personality. But everyone in the family and the kitten itself should like the nickname.

Names for boy kittens:

Example for selectionFor a British cat
Depending on the time of year of birthJune, May, Jen, Augustine, Snowball, Breeze, Snowdrop
By character traitsBoxer, Big Man, Good Man, Paw, Igrun, Silent Man, Naughty Man
By appearanceBear, Styopka, Fluffy, Kolobok.
Traditional English nameArthur, Bruno, Benjamin, Harold, Gregory, Horace, Henry, John.
From the mythology of different nationsAnubis, Balthazar, Mephistopheles, Vulcan, Mars, Perseus, Amurchik, Zeus.
Cartoon charactersTom, Aladin, Sharkhan, Mowgli,
Heroic namesBaron, Prince, Bagration, Caesar, Napoleon, Tsar, Babylon, Morgan,

What name should I give to a British female cat?

First of all, do not give your kitten your favorite food right away. You need to take a close look at his appearance and behavior. The quality of an animal, unnoticeable from the first minute, can become a clear impetus in choosing the right word. Sometimes situations occur when after a while the nickname is changed, since the original name simply does not suit a British cat.

What is a beautiful name for a British kitten? Do an analysis of the names of all members of your family, because the pet will live with them. The animal's name must be in a certain harmony with the others, but different in pronunciation. The cat must clearly understand that the appeal is addressed specifically to it and no one else in the family.

Often, when choosing a nickname for a Briton, owners turn to historical events, naming their pets after the queens of Britain, for example:

  • Victoria;
  • Anna;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Jane;
  • Maria.

Perhaps an option, but it is indecent to call animals like people. Activists of various religions turned out to be ardent opponents of such actions. Ancient beliefs also say that animals with human names get sick more often and live shorter lives. But, as they say, everyone does things differently.

Most often, the nickname for a British cat duplicates the names of the characters in your favorite movie or works of art.

So, many animals became:

  • Alice;
  • Lolitas;
  • Hippos;
  • Vestami;
  • Miles;
  • Angeliques;
  • Margo et al.

Some resourceful owners of British cats call them incomprehensible words from technical vocabulary, names of flowers, favorite dishes, etc. For example: Chamomile, Apple, Matrix, Arugula, etc. But it is most pleasant to name your favorite British cat with a short and light name in a couple of syllables, with the presence of hissing consonants. Because a cat's hearing is close to this combination of sounds.

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