How to reconcile cats living in the same apartment: several ways to make pets friends

Two animals in the house: behavior options

Making two cats friends in the same apartment is not so easy, although it is possible.
Adult males are reluctant to get along with small kittens and are capable of scratching or biting their small roommate. A similar conflict is possible between two females. Animals of different sexes have better similar personalities.

Difficulties can arise in an apartment where an elderly, furry homebody lives. For a long time, the animal has formed a comfort zone, and the entry of a new person into it leads to stress and aggression.

For example, at the time of eating, an old-timer will rudely drive a newcomer away from the bowl, even if he has his own.

Often, the behavior of cats living in the same apartment shows jealousy towards the owner. This can be avoided by showing equal attention to both pets.

Wrong actions

Mistakes that an owner may make when introducing cats:

  1. Give the animals the opportunity to get to know each other on their own, without interfering in the process. Sometimes owners think that the cat will be delighted to have a new friend in the apartment and will immediately start playing with him. Following this logic, owners simply bring a new cat into the house and immediately let it explore the territory. This tactic is fundamentally wrong and even dangerous: the sudden appearance of a competitor is extremely stressful. For a beginner, such an acquaintance will also be a big shock, because he does not know that the territory is already occupied. A fight may begin between the animals, and in the future - persistent hostility.
  2. Not preparing everything necessary for a new cat. It is naive to believe that a cat living in a house and considering itself the mistress will want to share its food bowl and toilet with a new pet. Also, each animal should have its own bed and toys.

Your own bed

  1. Allow the new pet what is prohibited to the old-timer. Sometimes the owner believes that it is more difficult for a newcomer in the current situation and allows him a lot. If a new cat does something that is forbidden to the first one, conflicts and protests cannot be avoided.
  2. Give less attention to a cat that has lived in the house longer. When a second cat appears in the house, the old-timer needs more attention and affection, as he must be sure that he is still loved. If the owner is more attentive to the new cat, jealousy will arise.

How long does it take to make cats friends?

It is impossible to give an exact figure. Much depends on the breed and morals of both. But in addition to pets, the owner himself makes a big contribution to the reconciliation of two cats in one apartment.

A person must ensure that everyone has personal space, and most importantly, no one should be deprived of attention.

Important! The time for complete or acceptable adaptation will take from 3 to 12 months.

In some cases, two creatures get along as soon as they see each other, but this is extremely rare . It happens that cats do not reconcile at all, and every time one sees the other, they show signs of aggression. The reason for this is the incorrect approach of the two pets at the first meeting.

Only by showing care to each pet to an equal degree, and carefully observing the behavior of each, does it make sense to hope for the desired result.

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cat and cat

Two mature cats in one house are a constant headache, because... These animals very rarely treat each other calmly. In nature, the territory of cats is much larger than the territory of cats, overlapping several habitats of females. The more such areas a cat enters his territory, the more females he fertilizes. Therefore, cats have much stronger territorial claims than cats, because we are no longer just talking about hunting, but about procreation.

Two adult cats can remain neutral for some time, periodically starting violent fights. In such a fight, cats find out which of them is more important and try to remove a competitor from their territory. Passions run high when there is a mating cat nearby. Fights during this period result in serious injuries and sometimes the death of one of the animals. Often cats begin to mark their territory, constantly overlapping each other’s marks - the smell in such an apartment is overwhelming. Therefore, when you decide to get a second cat, immediately prepare for castration of both animals. And it’s better to do this a couple of months before you meet (which, unfortunately, is not always possible).

How to organize a meeting

The beginning of a relationship is the most important stage. If you want to make friends between cats in your apartment, you need to prepare first.

Get a separate set of cat accessories for a beginner: a tray with litter, a food container, a drinking bowl, toys, a place to sleep. The latter is installed at the greatest distance from the old-timer’s bed, preferably in a separate room.

As soon as the new baby gets into the house for the first time, you should not remove it from the bag yourself. Place it on the floor and open it, let the animal get used to the new place and, what is very important, the smells.

In some cases, two creatures get along as soon as they see each other, but this is extremely rare.

And then let him come out of the temporary “shelter” and begin to settle down. There is no need to take the old-timer out of the house, but you should temporarily leave him in a separate room, closing the door.

Important to remember ! Cats have poor social skills. You cannot force two animals closer together or move them towards each other. Animals will regard this as an act of aggression on the part of another. It will be difficult to make two cats friends after such an acquaintance.

After a while (maybe even a day), release the old-timer. At this moment, you need to carefully observe everyone's behavior.

It's normal for a beginner to be a little afraid at first .
If an existing cat intends to attack, hisses or meows loudly in a threatening manner, it is worth isolating both of them for a week and then repeating the introduction process.

When to intervene

Watch the body language of both cats. The old-timer cat will probably growl to show that he is in charge. If the second pet avoids conflict, then everything is fine. If he looks an old-timer in the eyes and growls in response, be on your guard. Cats can jump up, hit their opponents with their paws, and chase them around the room. If possible, do not interfere, but try to understand whether they can get along in the same territory. The process of clarifying the relationship between two males is inevitable; the sooner it happens, the sooner the cats will calm down and can begin to be friends.

It is necessary to interrupt contact if strong aggression is shown. If the cats are making loud noises or are clinging together in a ball, it’s time to intervene.

Methods to help separate cats:

  • spray with water from a spray bottle;
  • throw a blanket to scare you with the darkness;
  • separate it with a mop or other long stick.

After separating the cats, take the new pet to another room so that the old-timer cat does not worry about losing in the fight for territory. After a couple of days, try again to introduce the animals. Repeat the attempts until you get the cats to be comfortable in each other's company.

Causes of conflicts

Many nuances can lead to conflict situations.

It's normal for a beginner to be a little afraid at first.

Below are four main reasons:

  • Fight for possessions. Felines are extremely sensitive to protecting their territory.
  • Fear. Most often, a kitten is afraid when in contact with an adult.
  • Sexual desire . During the hunting period, cats produce increased testosterone, which can cause the animal to be more aggressive.
  • Competition for treats, toys, tray, attention of household members . It will be especially pronounced on the part of the old-timer.

Features of some breeds

Representatives of different breeds differ in their character. You need to pay attention to this before choosing another favorite.

"Flocking" breeds

The most easy-going animals include British Shorthairs and Ragdolls. The British are very phlegmatic and easily get along with most of their relatives.

The same can be said about ragdolls. They are the happy owners of a good-natured disposition. Ragdolls find it easiest to get along with calm neighbors. But too active and assertive relatives cause them fear and, in the future, severe stress.

Other easy-going breeds include exotics, Russian Blues, and Nibelungs. They are also very likely to accept a second cat into the flock.

Single breeds

Persians love peace and therefore show aggression towards other relatives. The correct approach to the situation on the part of the owner and the absence of serious stress will help to cope with conflicts.

Siamese and Sphynxes are the least tolerant of any pets. Siamese are jealous individuals who are not ready to share the owner's attention with someone else. Because of this, peaceful living of relatives is almost impossible.

Sphinxes have a distrustful character and are suspicious. Because of these characteristics, it is difficult for them to perceive any changes in their lives or come to terms with a new neighbor.

Among the breeds that are difficult to accept competitors are the Abyssinian, Burmese, Burmese, Siberian, Savannah and Bengal.

How to make friends with adult cats

Two males in the same apartment during the mating season are prone to unreasonable aggression. An excess of testosterone affects the character of the animal; it is not able to resist its nature.

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To regulate their relationship, you should consult a veterinarian and perhaps decide on castration or sterilization.

Attention! It’s easy to understand when a mature cat begins mating season. The animal begins to meow loudly and for a long time, and also “marks” the territory in all corners.

If the owner does not want to spay or neuter the males, they can be released outside. Having walked around enough, they will behave less aggressively with each other.

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There are several simple recommendations that will help you quickly establish friendly relations between purrs.


You can feed pets in the same room only after contact has been established. Animals should have separate bowls. You should not allow a cat to climb into someone else's bowl - the animal may perceive this aggressively. For the first 2-3 weeks it is better to be nearby during feeding. Eating together strengthens the bond.

At first, animals need to be fed from different bowls.

A place for privacy

Each purr needs to be given its own personal place where it can hide and relax alone. This could be the top shelf of a closet or the top of a wardrobe. The pet will appreciate it if the owner provides him with one or more boxes.


There should be as many trays as there are pets in the house, or preferably one more. If animals go to the same tray, it is better not to remove the second one, or at least not immediately.

One tray for all pets is not the best solution


Each cat needs to be given equal attention and play time. It is better not to practice playing together with two cats at the same time at the initial stage of acquaintance.

How to make two cats friends

Two males in the same apartment during the mating season are prone to unreasonable aggression.
It is believed that two cats in the house are the most suitable option for living together. However, this is not always the case. During pregnancy or nursing, even a calm individual is capable of scratching or biting.

Also, if the furry pet is of mature age (over 7-8 years old) and has lived alone all the time, it is capable of not accepting a second tenant for a very long time. Problems can also arise during sexual desire.

In these cases, how can you make friends between two adult cats in the same apartment? As with males, sterilization may help. There will be an inevitable suppression of certain hormones, and the pets will become calmer.

Without surgical intervention, it will take a long time to reconcile cats that dislike each other.

The main thing is to establish their personal living areas in different places , as well as individual food bowls, toys and toilet. This gives them the opportunity to live a full life without contact.

How to prepare your pet for a new neighbor

The appearance of a new animal is accompanied by stress for the old-timer, who is accustomed to being the sole ruler of the house. Preparation for an unexpected neighborhood occurs gradually. If the owner has the opportunity to contact his future pupil, you can take advantage of this and arrange for the pets to adapt remotely to each other’s smells. To do this, you need to wipe the muzzle and back of the purr with a dry cloth, and then take it to get acquainted.

It is undesirable to rearrange the apartment, much less touch the cat’s personal belongings. The pet may interpret the situation as a decrease in its status, which will provoke jealousy and anger.

Also, before meeting a newcomer, the old-timer should be appeased as much as possible with treats and attention, but scolding and punishing is strictly prohibited.

In addition, it is important to take care of the health of the animals. All individuals must undergo vaccination and treatment against external and internal parasites. If it so happens that the pet was picked up from the street or for some other reason it was not immunized, then after all the procedures it is necessary to undergo quarantine for at least two weeks.

Different sex couple

If you don’t want kittens, sterilize one pet.
Most often, making friends between a cat and a male cat is not a problem. A couple of opposite sexes has a much better chance of peaceful coexistence. They quickly get along and get used to living together.

Disagreements may arise in the spring, when the cat's hormones are raging. The female may not reciprocate and begin to hiss, or even attack the suitor. Otherwise, a new addition to the family may be expected.

Advice! If you do not want kittens, sterilize one pet.

Should I get a second pet?

When purchasing another cat, a person does not always think about the feelings of the old-timer. In some cases, a newcomer coming into the home may not be desirable.

If the first pet is quite an adult - over seven years old - it will be very difficult for him to accept a new one, especially if it is an active baby.

From the stress, the cat may even fall into severe depression, refuse to eat and die.

A sexually mature, uncastrated male poses a serious threat to a kitten less than three months old. It is better to wait until the baby is older and castrate an adult cat.

If there is a pregnant or lactating cat in the house, the arrival of a new pet is highly undesirable. The female will protect her children and attack the newcomer. Kittens can also die. Many animals in stressful situations kill their own offspring.

What to do when cats fight?

Experienced cat owners recommend not to interfere too much with animals' relationships unless they start shedding blood. Here it is necessary to separate them.

Advice! Do not try to separate fighting animals with your hands. In a fit of rage, they are capable of scratching their owner.

Water will help stop the fight. Spray a little of each from the sprayer. If you wet only one, he will begin to hate the offender more.

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After this, you can pet both of them or give each a tasty treat, placing the bowls at a safe distance, but within sight of both. The pleasant emotions they receive will calm them down, and being next to each other will allow them to gradually get used to their neighbor.

How to make friends between a cat and a kitten?

Adults get along well with kittens. Cats exhibit maternal instinct, sometimes they begin to lick the kitten at the first meeting.

At worst, she will be indifferent. Cats are more callous and may be irritated at first, making it clear who is the owner of the room.

The only thing that will happen is that the kitten will inevitably get scared. Give him a separate “shelter”, similar to a booth. He will feel protected in it. Place a plate of food and a tray nearby. From time to time he will peek out and get used to his adult neighbor.

Important! It is easier to make friends between a cat and a female cat in the same apartment when they are the same age.

Possible behavior scenarios

Each animal is unique, so there is no clear script for each of them. But there are recommendations and advice that can smooth out possible conflicts, reconcile and even make furry neighbors friends with each other.

Two kittens

The meeting of two kids is the simplest situation. Kittens easily adapt to a change of housing and new living conditions. If little fluffies have just appeared in the house, then they will not have any territorial claims. The little ones are very playful and quickly switch from one object to another.

Kittens are inquisitive, eager to get to know everything around them. Therefore, playing together and exploring a new space becomes the best reason for the emergence of friendship between them.

We must not forget about a personal place for each of them. Kittens should each have their own bowl and place to sleep. In this case, conflicts will be minimized.

If trouble does occur and the kittens begin to show aggression towards each other, then they should be distracted. Toys or pieces of treats are suitable for this. The quarrel will quickly be forgotten and, most likely, will not happen again.

Adult and kitten

What kind of reception awaits the little kitten depends on the gender of the old-timer. So, an adult female will be wary at first and will show her dissatisfaction, but gradually the mother’s instinct will take its toll. Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand how to make friends between a cat and a kitten in the same territory. You just need to give a little time for the female to get used to the presence of the baby. As a last resort, she will simply refuse to be friends with him, but she will not show aggression.

A mature male, regardless of whether he is castrated or not, almost never accepts a small cub good-naturedly. He will not beat him or offend him, but will simply ignore his appearance and stay away. In the future, the situation will change, especially if the kitten is a girl.

Master cat and novice cat

The old-timer male and the adult female get along well with each other. Some couples take time to get to know each other properly, and some stop showing mistrust from the very first days. They may even become friends, but the result of such friendship will be mating and the birth of offspring. Carrying out castration and sterilization operations will be a way out, how to make friends between a cat and a cat without consequences for the owner.

If the male is not attracted to the female, then there will be no problems with excess offspring. And a strong representative will most likely take the girl under his wing and protect her.

The owner cat and the newbie cat

Females are considered more demanding, so they will not be able to accept a male right away. If the “mistress” is sterilized, then she will hiss, show aggression, and will not let her neighbor near her. Over time, she will calm down and be able to get used to the newcomer. The cats are unlikely to start sleeping together, but playing together is a very likely option.

Two adult cats

The main task of the female is to give birth to offspring. She is very self-sufficient and considers a house or apartment her personal nest. If another female appears on the territory, the first one will begin to fiercely defend her rights. It is especially not recommended to bring sterilized and unsterilized cats together. The instincts of females who give birth are associated with the protection of offspring, even future ones.

If there is no way out, the owner should devote a lot of time to ensuring that the “girls” stop arguing and learn to live peacefully. They won’t make friends, but peace in the family will be restored after a certain period of time.

Two adult cats

Males have a more good-natured character, so it is easier for them to get used to new living conditions. The difficulty arises when another male appears. From this moment the competition begins. This model of behavior helps to control territory and fight for a sphere of influence.

If both males are sexually mature, then getting to know the rivals will be very difficult. The solution to how to make friends between cats may be to castrate two individuals. After this, they will become kinder and friendlier to each other.

But uncastrated males will definitely not find a common language. They will tolerate living together, but will never become friends. Their coexistence will be marred by regular fights and territory markings.

Is it worth getting a new animal if you already have a cat?

The owner himself must answer the question. If just one furry household member is enough trouble, then it’s not worth it. It is unlikely that you will have the strength to make two cats friends; it takes time and patience.

Here it is worth paying attention to one thing, but fully. There is nothing wrong with a cat living alone. In nature, most cats lead a solitary lifestyle and will only be quite comfortable in the company of their family.

If you want to get another pet, make up your mind: it will be more fun for both the family and the lonely pet.

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