How to stop a kitten from shitting in the wrong place



There are cases when, having got a pet, the owners begin to notice that the kitten meows when it goes to the toilet. This phenomenon, if observed frequently, cannot but worry. It is important for cat owners to find out what reasons can provoke this cry in order to understand whether they need to go to the veterinarian, and why in certain cases this may not be done. It is unacceptable to ignore the phenomenon, since there are situations when the life of pets depends on timely assistance.

Figley needs to know

If you have never had kittens in your life before or have never encountered them, then first you need to explain several factors why small kittens meow:

  1. After that, that is, he was “torn away from his mother,” the kitten will experience tension.
  2. Perhaps the kitten is hungry and does not know where the food bowl is.
  3. Maybe he wants some affection or wants to have a workout.

The kitten may begin to meow even after it has been moved to a zero house. After all, in the old one everything was different: the bowl was in a different place, the toilet was in a different place, and there was a mat next to it. Therefore, the owner needs to show the kitten all the new main places of his habitat, who knows why he should give an excursion so that the kitten gets used to it faster.

If the kitten begins to defecate in the wrong place, do not immediately start scolding him. Perhaps he was just not really used to the new place for the toilet. Also, there is another way to solve the problem with the toilet: you can place small boxes with filler in the places where the kitten goes to the toilet, and if the kitten doesn’t stop at one, leave it this area for the tray.

But there are also cases when kittens meow and sometimes go to the toilet everywhere. This may be associated with the presence of a disease of the diuretic system or be caused by poor nutrition. In any case, you need to keep an eye on the kitten’s diet, because at this age their biotroph is extremely weak.

Pay attention to the main aspects:

  1. If food of plant origin predominates in the cat's food, then the kitten will eat more food and drink. Therefore, try to maintain the norm of protein and plant foods in (kinds of kitten.
  2. Also know that kittens very often go small, since their bladder is still much weaker than that of adult cats.

This advice is not useful so that you monitor his every trip, the point is that you notice if the kitten has been going to the litter box for a long time, and pay attention in advance to a possible development of a pathological condition or disease.

Cat quirks

There is no more mysterious and enigmatic pet than a cat. Every cat owner can immediately tell you about a couple of quirks of his mustachioed pet. We have collected the most common cat oddities - and found explanations for them!

Why do cats love to chew and lick inedible objects?

Cats are partial to plastic bags, Christmas tree tinsel, rain, and other similar things. No wonder - objects made from these materials rustle very attractively, shimmer and attract cats in every possible way! How can you not chew such a wonderful thing? But here you need to be careful, and first of all, the owner! If a cat swallows a bag or rain, this is fraught with serious problems with its health, including death. Rain can cause intestinal obstruction or cut through the intestines. Pieces of polyethylene, once in the cat’s body, injure the mucous membrane - saving the animal after such a “lunch” is very difficult

As for the habit of cats to lick plastic and rubber objects, glossy magazines or photographs, there is nothing wrong with this addiction. It’s just that cats’ sense of smell is much more subtle than that of humans; they are attracted to unusual smells.

Why do cats “wrinkle” sheets and blankets?

Cats will not stop “working” with their claws even if the claws are removed - this is an instinct. And instinct tells the animal that to maintain good cat shape, claws need to be used regularly. Therefore, weaning a cat from sharpening its claws is a thankless task. If you value wallpaper and sofa upholstery so much, it’s better to remove the cat’s claws and let him imitate the “dot” to his heart’s content. As for the situation when cats settle down on the bed and begin to “wrinkle” the bedspread, this is normal. These actions are similar to the behavior of kittens suckling their mother cat. Adult cats do this when they experience the highest degree of comfort and satisfaction.

Why do cats sometimes “wash” people?

Cats can lick not only people, but also each other, dogs and other living creatures. But not any, but only the one that he loves very much! With the help of language, cats express their love and affection. So if your pet regularly gives you a “shame” session, do not drive him away from you - let him show his feelings!

Why do cats start running around like crazy after using the toilet?

They feel good - they went to the toilet, emptied their intestines, their soul felt better, their body also became more comfortable - why not be happy? And at the same time show the owner that he is in a great mood and nothing prevents him from starting the games!

Why do cats like to climb somewhere higher or hide in secluded places?

Instincts are again “to blame” for everything - they tell the domestic “predator” that it is more profitable to take a position somewhere higher, from where it is good to control the situation and it is easy to see both the potential victim and the possible danger.

Another instinct does not allow a single cat to pass by an empty shoebox, drawer or half-open closet - the mustachioed one will definitely climb into such a secluded place. Indeed, in nature, any cat predator always has a den where the cat can rest and gain strength. For example, a lynx's den is usually located in trees, while tigers arrange their resting places on the ground, in places hidden from prying eyes. Cats try to do the same thing at home!

Why do cats sleep so much?

Cats typically sleep up to 16 hours a day. Sleep is very important for a cat. If your cat doesn't get enough sleep, she will become irritable and aggressive and may even get sick. But only domestic cats sleep a lot - well-fed and well-groomed ones. A hungry animal that needs to find food for itself does not spend most of the day sleeping.

Why do cats eat house plants?

There are two reasons for this - firstly, perhaps they lack some vitamins and “eat” them out of indoor flowers. Secondly, domestic cats are often simply bored, and plucking plants brings pleasant variety to their, to be honest, not particularly eventful life. There is nothing wrong with this behavior of an animal if you don’t mind the flowers and the plants are not poisonous. Poisonous ones include: nightshade, spurge, ivy, cyclamen, azalea, poinsettia (Christmas star), etc.

Why do cats constantly rub their heads?

So they put their marks on everything that surrounds them. The fact is that cats have special glands on the sides of their heads, on their lips, which they use to mark their territory. They rub against the owner for the same reason - so that competitors know that this person is already “busy”.

The main problems and their solutions

  1. Perhaps the kitten is not satisfied with this men's room or its contents. Therefore, before going out to relieve himself or after, he can pester you with his piercing pathetic meow. Determine why it's wrong - the place or the filler.
  2. Contact previous owners. Find out from them how the kitten went to the toilet. Perhaps placing the litter box in a similar area will help you eliminate this stressful situation for your pet. In addition, check the shape of the tray and its filling; the problem may be their difference.
  3. There are rare cases when kittens begin to meow, otherwise) he will see that after his visit to the toilet no one cleans up for him, and the waste from his production only multiplies in the tray. Remember, cats are clean animals. It’s not for nothing that they wash themselves and bury the bait waste.
  4. Maybe the meowing when going to the toilet occurs because you suddenly changed his standard ration and he is experiencing intestinal pain - the feces have become stronger than before, and it is more difficult for him to expel it out. In this case, give the kitten more milk, wet bum bags or porridge.

Infantile behavior

During childhood, all kitten toilet issues are decided by the mother. At first, they can’t even poop on their own, so she licks them in the anus area, thus doing a massage and licking the feces coming out of the butt. Later, the kitten meows when he walks around or pees in the litter box. Thus, he tells his mother that he has done a very important thing and that he needs to be washed and praised. Breaking away from his mother and moving to a new house, he continues to do the same thing out of habit.

Sometimes the kitten asks you to go to the toilet in this way, because... he is scared or wants attention at this moment. Does your adult cat meow after or before going to the toilet to pee or poop? In some individuals, childish behavior persists into adulthood. This can especially happen if you reinforced this behavior by coming when called when the cat was talking before, during or after visiting the toilet.

When to contact a veterinarian

The first signs that you need to take your kitten to the veterinarian are the following:

  1. Presence of blood in feces and urine.
  2. Long-term diarrhea or constipation.
  3. Systematic gag reflexes and increased liquidus (this can be determined by touching the kitten’s nose).
  4. Very frequent trips to the toilet for the little one.

If you have these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor, and someone will prescribe the correct treatment for your beloved pet. -visit) maybe this is due to poisoning, a change in diet, or in no way catching some kind of evil infection or disease. Remember! It is not recommended to diagnose and treat a kitten yourself under any circumstances! Entrust this work to professionals if you are worried about the life of your pet.

If a kitten goes to the office, but cannot go to bed and starts meowing for a long time, this is a direct signal that it should not be immediately taken to the veterinarian. This problem may be a sign of what? The kitten has pathological processes in its body. Also a symptom of many diseases are purulent discharge from the urinary organs. In this case, the kitten will have to undergo a series of long-term but effective treatments for its further full and healthy life.

The cat does not go to the toilet at all - reasons and solutions

Why does a cat refuse to walk small?

Have you noticed that the cat is recovering in its litter box, but there are no traces of urine, and have you sounded the alarm about this? They did the right thing, because small problems with refusal to go to the litter box can develop into big problems with urination.

Why doesn't a cat urinate:

  • Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis);

Cystitis can begin both in cats walking outside and in those who spend their lives within four walls (if these walls are cold). Infectious infection is another cause of inflammation. Clinical tests help determine the diagnosis, and uroantiseptics and antibiotics help stop the disease.

  • Inflammation of the urethra;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Urinary tract obstruction (congenital or mechanical);
  • Urolithiasis disease. If there are stones in the genitourinary tract, then urine excretion becomes impossible due to compression of the ducts.

If infections are excluded, the development of the disease is provoked by poor nutrition and a predominance of meat and fish in the diet.

Video about urolithiasis in cats

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that if a cat meows when visiting the litter box, there are several reasons for this. Basically, this is a desire to attract the attention of the owner or a pathology that requires appropriate treatment.

Author: felinologist Ekaterina Yugosh

Many cat owners notice that when their pet goes into the litter box, he talks, cries and meows. And the terrible thing immediately comes to mind - the cat or cat is sick with something. In fact, this is only one of the possible reasons.

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