What to do when your pet is found Having discovered their pet after a long search, owners are sometimes surprised
Heredity - a pet's behavior is determined by genes. This, of course, is the first thing that comes to mind. Traits
If you suddenly notice that your four-legged pet's whiskers are falling out, you should not immediately hit him.
When dogs start licking their owners, it's not surprising. However, if the same
2712Pavel Pratel is available only in yellowish tablets, packaged in 10 pieces each
Pain is a physiological reaction to certain disturbances in the normal functioning of the body’s vital systems. This is a signal
Preparatory activities for the search In order to return the missing cat, you must immediately begin
The body of almost all dog breeds is covered with hair. Wool is a kind of barrier between the dog's body
9965Administration 1 Almost every owner who has cats has encountered a problem - the animal
Types of cough in cats Cough in cats is always a symptom of some disease or condition,