how to give a pill to a cat
How to give medicine to a cat - rules for using 4 types of drugs
Sooner or later, every owner is faced with the problem that the cat refuses to take the pill.
Dear cat with a unique origin - the Caraquet breed
History of origin The first caracat was born in the Moscow Zoo at the end of the 20th century.
Cats eat
Cat food Grandin Cat Sterilized Chicken Grain Free
Many cat owners think that all foods labeled Sterilized are equally optimal for their cat.
In the photo there are cats of the Ojos Azules breed of popular colors
New breed Ojos Azules: description of cats with blue eyes, maintenance rules and care
Blue-eyed beauties among felines are a real gift. Most often with this symptom
If your cat starts sneezing, you should stop using the product.
Antigadin for cats: purchased and homemade products
The principle of operation of antigadin Antigadin is a special product that scares cats away from selected places
how to train a kitten to use a litter box
Why does a cat shit on the bed and how to deal with it
The appearance of a cat in the house brings joy to all family members. The pet will become good and
Anatomy of the internal organs of a cat
How cats work: interesting facts about the external and internal structure of these animals
Digestive system The cat's digestive system consists of: the esophagus; stomach; small intestine; duodenum; skinny
Korat cat breed
The Korat is a domestic cat native to the province of Thailand with olive green eyes.
Briefly about the breed Geography of origin Thailand Code according to WCF KOR Code according to FIFe KOR
Why the cat doesn’t pee: looking for the cause and treatment options
8302Administration 1 A person needs to take care of someone. The easiest way is to show compassion for our brothers
Cystitis in cats: treatment, symptoms, causes, prevention
Cystitis is one of the most persistent diseases of cats. The disease quickly becomes chronic,
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