How to care for a kitten in the first second and third months

"Finally!" - you exhale, having agreed with the breeder on the date when you can pick up the kitten, and begin to leaf through the encyclopedia for the hundredth time - more precisely, the section that talks about how to care for a kitten at home. After all, very soon a new family member will appear in your home, who will become everyone’s favorite and darling. All that remains is to prepare a “dowry” for him, choose a name, and wait for the appointed day.

Where to go to the toilet

The most important item, which comes first on any list of this kind, will, of course, be the tray. Long gone are the days when a baby was given a heavy wooden box filled with sand and not smelling like hyacinths. Modern trays can be closed or open, with or without filler, but equipped with a grid.

Closed trays look attractive, do not smell and protect the pussy from indiscreet eyes. However, they are too big for most apartments and therefore are not in as much demand as their less spacious counterparts. Locking filler is poured into such trays.

An open tray with filler is the most convenient not only for kittens, but also for their owners. You can immediately buy it “for growth”: nimble kids will be happy to jump over the sides and dig for a long time in the thick layer of filler. Such trays are very practical, easy to clean and disinfect. Fillers for them are clumping or absorbent.

Many cat owners, especially those who spend most of the day at home, prefer trays without litter. They are right in their own way: if you wash such a tray after each “visit” and disinfect it at least once a week with chlorine-containing preparations, it will not smell at all. In addition, you don’t have to spend money on buying filler.

Raising a pet

If caring for newborn kittens requires complete rest, then the owner should devote more time to older babies - pick them up, accustom them to a daily routine, caress them and play. Kittens with whom a person spends enough time grow up affectionate and fearless, while babies who do not receive proper attention grow up semi-wild and too independent.

Games with a kitten

By nature, cats are nocturnal animals, so at first the kitten will be most active at night. We will have to accustom him to a daily lifestyle. To do this, all games must be played during the day or in the morning.

Cats are predators, so for best development, all games should reproduce the hunt. For example, you can tie a candy wrapper to a string and pull it in front of the kitten’s nose. He will quickly become interested in the rustling toy. Sometimes it’s worth giving in and letting him catch the “prey.” Playing with a laser pointer is also very interesting - both the owner and the kitten will enjoy it.

An unattended kitten can cause a lot of trouble.

Never pull out the toy too sharply, otherwise you can damage the claws that the kitten actively uses during play. Do not squeeze or hurt the baby - negative sensations will quickly turn the baby away from playing and interacting with the owner in general.

At the age of 2-6 months, small kittens play a lot - up to 50-60% of wakefulness. Moreover, this does not depend on human participation. If the kitten is not given due attention, he looks for fun on his own, and it may not always be pleasant. In order to avoid danger to both property and the kitten, you need to play with it for at least 1.5–2 hours a day. You should play until the cub begins to feel short of breath. If it appears already in the first minutes of the game, this is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

Pet stores offer a wide range of educational toys for kittens, such as tracks, game discs, track towers or puzzle boxes.

Photo gallery: educational toys for kittens

In the educational track there are places covered with a lid, the kitten will have to think about how to get the ball out of there. The simplest track with balls, combined with a scratching post

Here the bait jumps out of the holes, the kittens hunt for it with great pleasure

Such a toy will teach a kitten, oddly enough, thinking, because in order to extract a treat, you need to do a certain action with the toy. Balls moving along the “floors” delight not only kittens, but also adult cats

In such a toy, the bait suddenly jumps out of the holes, thus training the kitten’s reaction and dexterity

How to deal with fear and aggression

There are several reasons for the fear of a kitten:

  • cats have such a feature as timidity during illness, therefore, if the kitten suddenly began to hide in secluded corners or be afraid, this is a reason to consult a veterinarian;
  • the kitten may be afraid of a certain object, you should find out and eliminate the frightening object;
  • It also happens that a kitten’s fear is innate, and it is possible to get rid of it only with the help of sedatives; Dr. Bach’s drops are very helpful.

Prevention and elimination of fear in a kitten involves the following actions:

  1. First of all, find out in which situations the baby is simply worried, and in which he experiences severe stress.
  2. Try not to place the kitten in stressful situations: if he is afraid of the vacuum cleaner, lock him in another room when cleaning, if he is afraid of the TV, move him to a room where there is none.
  3. Prevention of fear should start small. Choose a situation in which your baby is least afraid and carefully introduce it to it. For example, if your baby is afraid of people or touches, try to constantly be in the same room with him, treat him with treats and stroke him while eating.
  4. If the kitten has learned not to be afraid in the least stressful situations, then begin to accustom him to those in which he is more afraid. For example, if the noise of the blender causes him great fear, you should give him his favorite food while turning it on. Gradually, the blender will cease to be something terrible for him.
  5. Give the kitten as much attention as possible, play with it, pet it and talk to it. Often fear is associated with a lack of attention.

The baby’s fear can be dealt with with affection and gradual taming, as well as with drug therapy.

If the kitten is too aggressive, for example, in play or in contact with a person, then you can deal with this as follows:

  • try to find a “golden mean” and not overdo it with the educational aspect, since the kitten may perceive your overly aggressive behavior in response as a signal that you are joining the game;
  • pay enough attention to your pet;
  • praise the animal when its behavior is good, and do not miss moments when the baby deserves to be scolded;
  • remember that under any circumstances the use of brute force against an animal is unacceptable, this can only aggravate the situation;
  • avoid stress for the kitten;
  • provide the animal with a good scratching post;
  • be consistent and constant, you cannot scold a kitten today for playing aggressively, and tomorrow allow him to behave with impunity;
  • too severe punishments, such as spraying with water from a spray bottle, are possible only in extreme cases, when nothing helps, in such a situation, consult a veterinarian; the animal may need therapy with sedatives.

Moderate play aggression is normal for kittens

Pet safety

It is very important for a small kitten to ensure safety in a city apartment. You can do this by considering the following tips:

  • It is better to keep very young kittens in one room. This way they will be in less danger and it will be easier to monitor them.
  • Always check that the windows in your home are closed. A kitten can not only fall out of the window, but also get stuck in it. If you need to ventilate the house, kittens should be locked in a separate room.
  • Wires also need to be carefully hidden. A kitten can receive a severe electric shock if the top layer of insulation is damaged.
  • All small and breakable things must be hidden. There is a danger that the baby will swallow them or break them and get hurt.
  • When you leave the house, make sure that the kitten does not slip into the entrance.
  • When closing the doors, be very careful: you can easily break the kitten's tail by accidentally squeezing it.
  • Check chairs or sofas before sitting on them - kittens can get under the covers.
  • All toxic drugs and substances must be hidden.
  • Before turning on electrical appliances, for example, a washing machine, oven, dishwasher, check them from the inside - the kitten loves to sleep in such places. If you keep your laundry in a basket before washing, you should also check it. Kittens can also get into the refrigerator, so check it every time before closing it.
  • All kitten toys should be non-toxic and cannot be chewed or chewed. You should only play with toys on strings under supervision; alone, a kitten can become entangled in the string and suffocate.

Many indoor plants and flowers are dangerous for cats. Therefore, try to remove the following plants from the house where there is a kitten:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • ficus;
  • dieffenbachia;

    Dieffenbachia is a popular houseplant, but it is dangerous for cats.

  • caladium;
  • hydrangea (hydrangea);
  • ivy (all poisonous species);
  • azalea (rhododendron);
  • Euphorbia (euphorbia);
  • callas;
  • snowdrops (water in which cut flowers have stood also becomes poisonous);
  • daffodils;
  • helleborus, or hellebore;
  • oleander;
  • lilies (these also include hyacinths and tulips), the pollen of these flowers is especially dangerous; if it remains on the fur and the kitten licks it, it can kill him;
  • geranium (pelargonium);
  • calendula (marigold);
  • lily of the valley;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • violet;
  • cyclamen.

The kitten carrier should be comfortable and spacious. It is better to carry babies together - this way they will be less afraid. You should not buy a carrier bag, as it will make the kittens hot and stuffy. A frame bag will not work either: it is also stuffy, and the kitten can get hurt if the frame breaks. The best option would be a plastic box. It is not only safe, but also provides kittens with normal temperature and ventilation.

Newborn kitten

If for some reason you have a newborn kitten in your arms, the best way out is to find a wet nurse for it. If for some reason this is not possible, you yourself will have to become a mother to the baby. Any pet store can offer you formula and bottles with nipples.

Remember in what position kittens feed on their mother's milk. They should eat from your hands in the same position.

Starting from three weeks of age, kittens begin to be fed pureed porridge with milk and other foods are introduced into the diet.

After feeding, massage your baby's belly with a damp gauze pad to help him empty his bladder, and then massage your baby's anus to help the kitten empty his bowels. All procedures must be performed as carefully and gently as possible. After this, remove any remaining water with a dry bandage.

Wash the muzzle carefully with a damp cloth or piece of bandage. Make sure that there are no drafts during water procedures.

How to feed kittens without a mother

The main question that faces adoptive parents is how to care for a small newborn kitten without cat milk. You will have to use a substitute. You can purchase it at a pet store or veterinary clinic.

Cow's milk is not suitable for kittens because the lactose it contains can cause stomach upset. As a last resort, you can give goat milk.

When caring for kittens without a cat, pay close attention to hygiene. Do not handle them until you have washed them well. Protect the little ones, their immunity is still very weak.

When eating, the kitten's paws should be down and its muzzle facing forward, as if it were in front of the cat. Take the kitten by the scruff of the neck, move the nipple away, and then bring it to the mouth. Don't be afraid, he will choose a comfortable position for himself. When caring for kittens without a cat, you will have to feed them every 2-3 hours, just like their mother. Therefore, learn how to hold them in your hands correctly.

Feeding should be the most enjoyable moment. Therefore, when caring for a kitten without a cat, it is important to ensure that it is warm while eating. And, of course, you can’t give them cold milk. Everything here is like with small children. The milk should be heated to 35–37°C. This is easy to check - drop a couple of drops on your wrist, and you will immediately understand whether it is warm enough or not.

Care at 1 month

At this age, kittens begin to learn to walk. This is a very important moment not only in the life of the baby, but also of its owner.

To prevent the kitten from damaging its paws by accidentally catching its claw on the carpet or your T-shirt, trim its claws - of course, the very tips.

In addition, at this age, kittens begin to be trained to use a tray. For the first time, a small tray with low sides will do. Place it next to the place where the kitten sleeps so that, if necessary, you can quickly bring it to its place, and not rush headlong across the floor of the apartment. Month-old kittens already well understand the purpose of the tray and notify the owner of what he “needs” with a shrill squeak.

At the same time, kittens begin to cut their teeth. They are often capricious, refuse to eat, and some may experience a slight stomach upset. Attention and care on your part will help your baby survive this difficult period.

Raising and caring for a kitten from 6 months to a year

At 6 months, your pet begins puberty. The owner already needs to decide on his future. If breeding of purebred kittens is not intended, it is recommended to castrate the cat or sterilize the cat.

These procedures are very important for the animal, they relieve it from natural needs, and the owner from the animal’s aggressive behavior during the period of hormonal surge.

Some owners who do not want to take their pet to the veterinarian for castration or sterilization find another, simpler way to restrain the animal from its natural needs: they do not let it go outside. It is unacceptable to take such measures! This will harm him and have very adverse consequences for his physical and psychological health!


If you have chosen a small Sphynx, remember: the skin, ears and eyes of these animals need careful care. Hairless skin produces sweat. To prevent the kitten from having an unpleasant odor, wipe it with a soft cloth or washcloth soaked in warm water.

The eyes of the sphinxes are wiped with a cotton pad moistened with tea leaves or warm water and squeezed moderately. Due to the lack of eyelashes, dust often gets into the eyes of hairless cats, which can lead to the development of ophthalmic diseases. If there is the slightest sign of any discharge, take the kitten to the vet. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner your baby will recover.

The huge ears of sphinxes require special attention. They get dirty easily and insects can get into them. Ear mites are especially dangerous. Therefore, they need to be inspected and washed every day. Warm water with a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide is the best way to clean the ears of cats of all breeds.

Eye cleaning

A healthy kitten's eyes are always moist. But if dry crusts appear in the inner corners, pus is a sign of disease. In this case, eye care is necessary. The accumulations are removed with a napkin soaked in boric acid or in a solution of furatsilin (as prescribed by a veterinarian) in the direction from the outside to the nose.

With normal lacrimation, eye care does not require special products from the pharmacy. It is enough to rinse in the same direction (towards the nose) with regular tea leaves or chamomile decoction.

Advice: when carrying out the procedure, it is better not to use cotton swabs or pads, as individual fibers get into the eyes and cause discomfort, which will make further eye care problematic.

Long-haired and short-haired kittens

The luxurious fur coat of fluffy kittens (Maine Coons, Ragamuffins, Persians) is a source of pride for their owners. Caring for it is not as difficult as it might seem, you just need to stock up on several combs, purchase a brush-mitten and arm yourself with patience, endurance and the will to win.

A brush mitt will help collect loose hairs and protect your hand from bites and tenacious claws like fishhooks. A wide-toothed comb will be needed for daily combing, and a fine-tooth brush will be useful for tidying up those places where tangles most often form: the stomach, “pants” and the area below the ears.

Owners of short hair (Siamese, Thai cats) look excellent, even if their owners brush their hair no more than twice a month.

Both kittens need to wipe their eyes and ears, and do not forget about brushing their teeth.

Choosing a place for a kitten's toilet

Cats try to satisfy their natural needs in an intimate environment, and the place chosen for the toilet in the apartment must meet a number of requirements:

  • Availability. The kitten should be able to go to the litter box at any time.
  • Privacy. Animals do not like to be looked at while they are emptying their bowels or bladder.
  • Comfort. If the baby does not like the litter, then it is almost impossible to force him to go to the tray. It is recommended to take the pellets that were used by the breeder.

Familiar filler and a comfortable environment will allow the kitten to quickly get used to the new place.


To ensure that your pet is always healthy and full of strength, you cannot do without vaccinations. It is necessary to vaccinate both those kittens who walk in the yard and those who never cross the threshold of the apartment.

Kittens are first vaccinated at the age of two months, then vaccinated again when they are three months old. During the second vaccination, among other diseases, kittens are vaccinated against rabies.

The kitten will need its next vaccination at 12 months, and then vaccinations are given once a year.

You should consult your veterinarian about when to vaccinate your small pet. After examining and checking the test results, he will tell you when the baby can be vaccinated and what preparation will be required.

Body hygiene

It is not recommended to wash cats under two months of age, as sudden temperature changes can damage a fragile body. Caring for a kitten for 1 month without a cat involves regular cleaning of the ears, washing the eyes and monitoring the condition of the oral cavity.

Discharge from the eyes and excess wax from the ears should be removed with a sterile cotton swab moistened with boiled water or special drops. If your baby's gums are very red and swollen, take him to a veterinarian for an examination and ask him to prescribe a gel that relieves teething pain.

Animals picked up on the street must be dewormed. It is recommended to do this only after examination at a veterinary clinic and excluding a number of diseases. For the procedure, choose an anthelmintic agent that is appropriate for the pet’s age, preferably in the form of a suspension. We talked earlier about how to properly give medicine to a cat.

Do I need to cut my kitten's claws?

Small kittens have very sharp, prehensile claws. With their help, tailed mischievous creatures can easily climb curtains, wallpaper and your new tights. To protect your favorite things from scratches, you need to learn how to give kittens a manicure.

The most convenient way to trim claws is with special tweezers. One movement and the tip of the claw was gone. Just first take a close look at your pet's paws. If the claws are white, the pink color of the blood vessels is clearly visible on them. This part of the claw should never be touched! If the claws are dark, the pink color is not visible at all. A universal way to trim claws without causing harm to the kitten is to remove only the very tip, no more than 1 millimeter. Then your pet will not experience any discomfort, and things in the house will be intact.

Toilet training

In a new home, a small kitten may well “fine” out of habit, and this is forgivable at first. But it’s better to start accustoming him “to his place” on the very first day.

To do this, it is necessary to take proper care of the litter box: it should always be clean and large enough for the kitten to sit comfortably in it.

Also, when getting used to the toilet, special sprays will help, thanks to which the kitten will already be able to figure out “where it is possible and where it is not possible” already at 2 months:

  • Training (spray directly into the tray).
  • Repellent (apply to those places where the baby has done something wrong).

The main thing is not to scold or punish your pet for mistakes at first, and then, having felt kindness and patience on the part of the person, the kitten, even at 2 months, will quickly get used to the litter box.

© shutterstock

Nail sharpener

Both kittens and adult cats love to sharpen their claws. The owner of the animal should make sure that it does not do this against furniture or wallpaper. To do this, the baby needs to purchase a special scratching post and teach how to use it (read how to accustom a kitten to a scratching post).

This is done simply. You just need to place your baby's paws on the surface of the scratching post so that he can feel how his claws cling to it. Soon the kitten will be happy to use this toy.

But what to do in cases where the baby still prefers the upholstery of a sofa or apartment wall to a scratching post? In such a situation, you should strictly explain to the kitten that this cannot be done and take it to the scratching post.

In addition, you can treat the furniture with orange peel. Cats don't like the smell of citrus fruits, so this simple trick will help stop your kitten from ruining your apartment's decor.

Feeding mode

Raising and disciplining a kitten also involves maintaining a proper feeding regimen. Kittens, like small children, should be fed according to a certain pattern. It looks like this:

Kitten ageFeeding frequency
2-3 months5 times during the day
5-6 months4 times a day
7-11 months2 times a day (in the morning and evening hours)

It is recommended to feed the kitten strictly at certain hours. After feeding, the food bowls are removed. Only an adult cat over a year old can independently determine the time of meals and its quantity. As for water, the kitten should have constant access to it. The water in the drinking bowl should be changed 2-3 times throughout the day.

Home safety

A small kitten, like a child, is very curious and loves to climb into the most unexpected places, from which it can sometimes be difficult to lure or pull it out. Therefore, you should carefully consider where there may be corners that are difficult for humans to reach, into which a kitten can easily climb, and try to limit access there (at least at first). And constantly ensure that the baby cannot eat anything harmful (small objects and toys, garbage). In a word, the well-known motto “cleanliness is the key to health” also applies to kittens.

By poking its curious nose into all corners, the kitten has a huge chance to sniff or pour household chemicals on itself. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully close all bottles, boxes, and bags, or even better, hide them away.

All household members must walk especially carefully in the dark. Cats are big fans of lying on the threshold or in the path of people. There have been cases when owners accidentally stepped on kittens, and it all ended quite badly. Toddlers can also often become trapped between the door and the door frame. Before closing the door, it is better to make sure several times that there is no small Skoda nearby.

Maintaining Health

A kitten is a living creature that can get sick, so it is important to know how to support its immunity. It is advisable to visit a veterinarian who will tell you about the first symptoms of diseases and poisonings, draw up a vaccination schedule, and recommend means and methods of combating fleas, ticks and other parasites.


You should not refuse vaccinations, even if the kitten is indoors and does not go outside. Animals are vaccinated against the following diseases:

  • panleukopenia (feline distemper);
  • rabies;
  • infectious peritonitis;
  • viral rhinotracheitis (feline herpes);
  • feline viral leukemia.

The first vaccine is administered to kittens at the age of 2-3 months.

They use polyvalent compounds that protect against several diseases at once. Revaccination is carried out after 21 days. The pet must be kept in quarantine conditions, since immunity is developed only 14 days after vaccination.

According to the plan, vaccination is carried out for one-year-old kittens, then annually. All data on vaccinations performed is entered into the animal’s veterinary passport. They indicate not only the date of vaccination, but also the series, number, and name of the drug.

The first vaccination does not include protection against rabies; this vaccine is administered separately, the same applies to the lichen vaccine. The rabies vaccine causes depression in the pet, it becomes lethargic. If the cat does not come into contact with other animals and does not go outside, it is best to vaccinate against rabies at the age of 6-8 months, then annually, at approximately the same time.

There are vaccines for other, rarer diseases. Vaccination is carried out at the request of the animal owner. Vaccination is carried out only for a healthy pet who plays vigorously, eats well and does not have a high temperature. Before vaccination, the veterinarian must examine the baby.

  • what vaccinations are given to kittens and at what age;
  • how to play with a domestic cat;
  • sleeping place for a cat.

Fighting internal parasites

10 days before the planned vaccination, the pet is given drugs against helminthiasis. Then the procedure is carried out every quarter. The smallest kittens (2-3 months old) are dewormed for roundworms, which babies could become infected with through their mother's milk. Use Pyrantel, Piperazine.

For older pets, use drops on the withers, which have a wide spectrum of action - Advocate, Stronghold. For round and tapeworms use Profender.

Tablets against parasitic worms are also used: Drontal, Milbemax, Prazicide, Kanikquantel. If the cat flatly refuses pills, use drugs in the form of suspensions.

Removal of ectoparasites

Fleas on pets should also be eliminated as quickly as possible. Insects that parasitize the skin cause itching, allergies, dermatitis and hair loss. In addition, fleas are carriers of worms.

Various remedies are used for fleas:

  • drops on the withers, protecting against fleas and ticks for a period of 2 to 4 months (Stronghold, Inspector, Lawyer);
  • sprays that treat all animal fur;
  • repellent collars that protect against flea infestation on your pet’s coat;
  • antiparasitic shampoos.

Each of the means has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Shampoos (Biovax, Celandine, Bio-Groom, Lugovoy, Degtyarny) are quite cheap and effectively eliminate fleas, but not every kitten can be accustomed to water treatments.
  • The drops have a long-lasting and effective effect, but it is not advisable to use them for wounds on the skin. The drops are highly toxic; to prevent your pet from licking them, you must wear a protective collar around the neck.
  • Collars do not kill fleas, they only repel them. Low cost is a good advantage.
  • Sprays are quickly consumed, but at the same time effectively repel ectoparasites.

Flea and tick products should be used strictly according to the instructions. For babies, buy more gentle products (for example, shampoos for kittens) or apply them in smaller quantities (drops on the withers).

Relationship with the owner

For a cat, the main person is very important. He is her breadwinner, protector, helper and friend. For him, she will be affectionate and flexible, playful and cheerful, she will obey and understand him. For your pet's emotional peace, you must have a friendly relationship.

pay attention to your pet

If you notice that a cat is capricious, touches you, climbs where it’s not supposed to, scratches things, bites indoor plants in front of you, this is how it draws attention to itself. Think about whether you devote enough time to the animal and whether you play with it often. Cats are not creatures that require constant attention, so it’s easy to devote some of your time to them. Of course, a small kitten can have fun all day long, but with age it becomes calmer and more often retires to its favorite places. Twenty minutes a day of communication and play will make your pet more obedient and happier.

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