Hepatitis in dogs is an insidious and dangerous disease
Infectious and toxic hepatitis in dogs - symptoms and treatment
Hepatitis in dogs (Rubart's disease) is a dangerous infectious disease. The most serious harm this
"Troncil-K" for cats: method of application, dosage, contraindications, reviews
General description The anthelmintic is produced in the form of tablets. Quite large white or yellowish tablets
What to feed a pregnant cat and how to follow the regime
Do's and Don'ts Fact: Proteins. They can be either animals or
California shining cat: description, photo, character
The California Spangled cat has a shiny, spotted coat from which it gets its name. This is very
At what age to castrate a British cat: preparation, features of the procedure, advice from veterinarians
Should a British cat be neutered? Definitely yes, if you are not a professional breeder. From this
what to give a cat for diarrhea
Probiotics for cats: list of drugs. Cat food with probiotics
Dysbacteriosis is dangerous for both humans and animals. In this state, activity decreases
Discharge from a cat's noose
What to do if your cat has white discharge from the uterus?
Discharge from a cat's loop is a controversial phenomenon, since in some cases it can
Safe dosage of Enterofuril for a dog with diarrhea or vomiting. Read the instructions carefully!
Enterofuril is given to a dog for diarrhea, when there is no way to contact a veterinarian and other symptoms
African black-footed cat (ant tiger)
History of the discovery of the species The Latin name of this species is “Felis nigripes”. A clear description was given in
Hornwort: photo, description, maintenance of rathenium in the aquarium
Description The hornwort plant is a rhizomeless species. It lives in the water column and rises to the surface.
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