English Cocker Spaniel - description of the breed, character traits, pros and cons, differences from the Russian breed
English Cocker Spaniel - description, characteristics of the breed
We decided to get a pet that is distinguished by its endurance and is an excellent companion, with whom, if desired,
Aquarium fish Angelfish: how to care for and what to feed, how to distinguish a male from a female and how to reproduce
The angelfish is a popular aquarium fish, a representative of the Cichlid (Cichlid) family. The fish have long been loved by aquarists. These
How to make a dog feeder with your own hands
Top 5 myths about dog bowl stands. Harm and benefit
Criteria for choosing a bowl A novice dog handler who has acquired a puppy for the first time is at a loss as to which bowl to choose.
All the most important things about cat sterilization
What is sterilization and when is it performed? There are two types of reproductive surgery
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Nicknames for girls' dogs of small pinscher breeds
It is very good to have a four-legged friend at home who will bring joy to the house.
Jack Russell Terrier - care and maintenance: rules, secrets and recommendations
Jack Russell Terrier - care and maintenance: rules, secrets and recommendations
Santa Claus brought his little Jack Russell terrier puppy to his daughter almost 2 years ago.
rabbit on the scales
Rabbits of the Gray Giant breed: characteristics, care, maintenance and breeding
Breeders of cute and fluffy animals must have reliable information about how much a rabbit weighs
How to properly set up an aquarium for turtles?
Size and Shape Requirements There are many varieties of turtles, both land and aquatic.
What do worms look like in dogs' feces?
Types of worms in dogs and methods of combating them
Worms in dogs can threaten human health. Determine that a dog is infected with cestodes by external
Aegean cat: description of the breed, history, home care
Aegean cats are very freedom-loving, love fresh air and free, unlimited spaces. If
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