Poodle: description and character of the breed
Tiny representatives of the poodle breed look like a soft toy: they are cute, smart and extremely active
Even though your pet's condition improves, remain vigilant and don't lose sight of him.
Is it worth spaying a cat and neutering a male cat? What complications can there be for a cat after castration, and for a cat after sterilization?
Pain or painful sensations in a cat after castration. Pain is one of the most
cat's cloudy eye
Why the cat's eye is cloudy: causes, treatment methods
Every caring owner carefully monitors the health of their pets. In case of
How to switch a dog from one food to another without negative consequences
How to properly switch a puppy or adult dog to another food
In what cases is it worth changing food? During the first two months of life, a puppy sucks its mother's milk.
Playpen for dogs - small and large breeds in the apartment
What is an enclosure? An enclosure for a dog should be convenient and comfortable. An enclosure is called a fenced one.
Weaning a cat from biting and scratching its owner.jpg
Kitten bites by mother: parenting methods or a warning sign about problems?
Bite as a method of education Nature has not given the cat much time for feeding and
Red-eared turtle: maintenance, breeding, description, feeding, photo, video, care
Description The red-eared turtle is a medium-sized reptile, which, depending on its gender,
What to do if your cat has a swollen nipple
The cat’s mammary glands are swollen after giving away the kittens, what should I do?
One of the common diseases of furry beauties is a mammary gland tumor in a cat. Oncological pathology
heart disease in dogs
Heart disease in dogs. Causes, diagnosis, treatment
Dogs, just like people, are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, which can occur in both
The dog doesn't eat well
The dog eats poorly, but is active: causes, treatment
There can be many reasons why a dog refuses to eat. Fatigue, fear, slight malaise, or
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