Estonian hound dog breed and its characteristics with photos

History of the Estonian Hound breed

Hound dogs began to be systematically bred in Estonia in the middle of the 18th century. Initially, Russian and Polish hounds were used for selection; at the end of the century before last, hunting dogs from England were imported to the Baltic states. By the 1920s, local hunting dogs became known as Russian-Polish or Russian-English hounds.

Estonian hound

In 1934, new hunting rules were adopted in Estonia, since in the hunting grounds, the territory of which was very small, the number of animals had catastrophically decreased, and the roe deer population was on the verge of extinction. According to the new rules, hunting with dogs was allowed only for small and medium-sized animals, and the height of hounds was limited to 45 cm at the withers. From that time on, work began on the creation of a short hound, which was supposed to retain all the working qualities inherent in a hunting dog. Work on developing a new breed lasted more than 20 years, and it was headed and coordinated by the Estonian dog handler Sergei Smelkov, who rightfully took the pedestal of the creator of the Estonian hound breed.

Initially, the shortest of the local hounds were selected for selection and crossed with the short English hare hound - the beagle. The technique was thoroughly thought out, because not only such a sign of the future breed as short stature was fixed. The English Beagle was also selected for its stout legs, dense and strong paws. These qualities are ideal for Estonian winters with little snow, when hunting trails here often become hard as stone and completely unsuitable for hunting with light-footed dogs. However, such shortcomings of beagles as a cacophonous, rough and muffled voice, the late formation of hunting instincts, and insufficient paratism (the speed with which a dog pursues an animal) prompted Smelkov to also involve the Swiss hound in the creation of a new breed. Although it does not have a sufficiently strong paw, it nevertheless attracted the attention of breeders due to its small stature, excellent viscosity, musical ringing voice and the ability to take up vigorous activity already in the first year of life.

Estonian hound on a walk

It is worth saying that Finnish hounds, English fox hounds, and Russian hounds were also involved in breeding work. By crossing them with standard local hounds, Smelkov intended to separately breed fairly large hunting dogs (52-60 cm). Actually, back in the 40s, the future Estonian hound breed was very diverse, and manifestations of this feature are to some extent sometimes recorded in the animal’s exterior to this day.

In 1947, the USSR Ministry of National Economy took the initiative to oblige each of the fifteen republics to be represented by its own breed of dog. By this time, there were 800-900 hounds in Estonia belonging to the Estonian-English-Swiss breeding line that came out on top. In 1954, 48 individuals typical of this line, tested in hare and fox hunting, passed a specialized commission and were recognized by the USSR Ministry of Agriculture as a separate breed, called the Estonian hound. In 1959, a commission of the USSR Kennel Council approved the breed standard. By the beginning of the eighties, there were 1,750 purebred Estonian hounds in the Soviet Union.

Today, representatives of the original Estonian breed are found mainly in the Baltic countries, Finland, and Russia. Despite the efforts of local dog handlers, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) still does not want to recognize the breed. Its standard, approved in 1959, is still valid today, but in 2007 minor changes were made to it regarding the color of the dog.

A few final words

This breed is ideally suited to domestic hunting conditions in many ways.

The dog responds well and does not run far from the owner (there is no need to waste time on shouting, swearing, searching and shooting, which will help attract the attention of a hunting dog, which is very convenient in our dense forests).

The small size of the dog allows you to carry it even in a backpack. It also won’t take up much space in the car, which is extremely attractive.

With such a dog you can hunt right in your summer cottages - the breed looks friendly, attractive and cute, which will not frighten even a small child.

Also, its small size will help you slip through even narrow gaps in the fence, which is very convenient when chasing a target.

A final fly in the ointment:

  • In winter, “you can’t cook porridge” with such a dog. Small power parameters compared to the same Russian hound and small stature make it useless in winter. In the spring, the breed also proved itself to be not a very reliable assistant;
  • This breed is not patient and will not be able to lead an animal for several hours. This is uncharacteristic for her. The chance of catching prey is significantly reduced.

As a result, we can say just a few words - the Estonian hound will definitely find its fans in our country and will help many hunters achieve their desired goal.

Appearance of the Estonian hound

The Estonian Hound is a muscular dog of small size, lean type of constitution, with solid, strong bones. Her physique is proportional, the length of the body noticeably exceeds the height at the withers. Unlike the squat and downright stocky Beagle, with which the Estonian Hound is often confused, the latter exhibits elegant and graceful features.


Estonian hound puppy

The line of the back is straight, with a slope from the withers to the sacrum. Both the back and croup are wide and muscular. The voluminous, elongated chest has an oval shape, it is lowered to the elbows and extends to a moderately tucked abdominal wall.


The curved skull is moderately wide, the line of transition to the muzzle looks quite smooth, without a sharp break. The muzzle itself is elongated, straight, proportional to the skull. The brow ridges stand out clearly, but not overly. The nose is wide, fleshy, black in color, its intensity varies with different colors. Lips are dry, not drooping, totally pigmented.

Teeth and jaws

The teeth are white, large, there should be 42 of them. The bite is scissor-shaped, the upper incisors confidently cover the lower ones. As the dog ages, and the incisors wear down, the bite may become straight. The strong jaws of the Estonian Hound are well developed. The cheekbones are lean, without protrusion.


The eyes of the Estonian hound are set slightly askew. Their color is dark brown.


The ears are quite thin, hanging close to the cheeks. Covered with short fur. Their base is located on the eye line. If you extend the ears towards the nose, they will reach approximately the middle of the muzzle. The tips of the ears are noticeably rounded.


The hound's rounded, muscular neck is of medium length. There are no folds on the skin in the neck area.

Estonian hound muzzle


The forelimbs are lean, with well-developed muscles. From the front they look straight and parallel. Their length is approximately half the height of the animal at the withers.

The elbows are strong, close to the body, not protruding either inward or outward. Large, absolutely straight, proportional to the body, the forearms are of medium length. The pasterns are solid, strong, set almost vertically.

The hind limbs of the Estonian hound are powerful, bony, and muscular. From behind they look straight and parallel to each other. The angles of the joints appear clearly. The femurs and tibiae are almost identical in length. The knee joints are strong, with moderate angles. When the dog is in motion, they should not turn in or out. Strong metatarsus of medium length, set vertically.

The paws are arched, elliptical in shape, the toes are closely pressed to each other. The pads and claws directed towards the ground are large and dense.


Running Estonian hound

The Estonian Hound moves freely, measuredly, plastically, rectilinearly, elastically. The push of the hind limbs is very powerful and confident.


Thick at the base, covered with thick hair, the tail gradually tapers to the tip, it has a saber shape, reaching the hock joint. When the Estonian Hound moves, the tail should not rise above the line of the back.


Short, straight, tough, even rough, shiny. The undercoat is very poorly developed.


The characteristic color for the breed is black and piebald on a white background with so-called blush - markings whose color is close to red tan. We also accept brown-piebald color in blush, crimson-piebald, saddleback, looking like a blanket thrown over the back and sides of the dog. The size and shape of the marks may vary, and it is desirable for colors to have maximum intensity. White color should be present on the head, lower parts of the neck, chest, and abdomen. The Estonian Hound's legs and tail tip should be completely white.

Disadvantages of the breed

  • Lightness or, on the contrary, heaviness of the dog’s constitution.
  • High backside, excessively shortened or elongated torso.
  • Too narrow or flat chest, barrel-shaped chest.
  • Weak, sagging or hunchbacked back, excessively sloping croup.
  • An expressively convex or flattened skull, a sharp or not at all noticeable transition from the forehead to the muzzle. Upturned or downturned muzzle, hooked nose.
  • The nose, edges of the lips, and eyelids are not pigmented enough.
  • Non-contact bite of incisors.
  • Excessively small or bulging eyes, their light color.
  • Shortened or excessively fleshy ears, elongated hair on them.
  • The vertical position of the neck, the sagging of the skin on it.
  • The tail is lowered below the hock joint by more than 3 cm. Short tail, curvature at its tip. Excessive length of hair on the tail, or, on the contrary, scanty coat.
  • Elbows turned outwards, hocks. Excessively sloping pasterns, flat or elongated (hare) paws.
  • Wavy fur. Excessively long or very short hair on the body, absolute absence of undercoat.
  • Cowardice, excessive excitability, aggressiveness.


Height of an adult dog: withers height: males - from 45 to 52 cm, females - from 42 to 49 cm; elongation: males - from 108 to 110 cm, females - from 110 to 112 cm. Weight: from 11 to 25 kg. Characteristic color: black-piebald, brown-piebald, crimson-piebald, tricolor - black, white, piebald. Coat length: short, even, shiny. Life expectancy: up to 15 years. Advantages of the breed: kind, smart, calm, flexible, easy-going with people, gets along well with children. Difficulties of the breed: do not get along with other animals, very loud, often bark. Average price: from 100 to 500 dollars. Classification: medium breed, hunting.

Photo of the Estonian hound

Personality of the Estonian Hound

Estonian hound in the arms of its owner
A professional hunter, uncompromising and merciless in the process of baiting the animal, the Estonian hound shows incredible friendliness towards its owners. She leaves her malice and assertiveness outside the threshold of the house, but within its walls she demonstrates an affectionate disposition, complaisance, devotion, patience, and obedience. The good-natured nature of this dog allows it to be kept in a family where children are growing up, as it shows amazing tolerance towards their pranks. Actually, the Estonian hound perceives a family as a pack, where the owner is the leader - she obeys him unquestioningly.

The Estonian hound will live in friendship and harmony with other pets if it grew up with them. If you take an adult dog into your home, you will have to make a lot of effort to eliminate the conflicts that will inevitably arise between four-legged household members, especially if the hound has to get acquainted with a representative of the cat tribe. It is advisable that the owner directly takes charge of establishing friendly relations between the four-legged animals.

A country house is the best place to keep an Estonian hound, but she can also feel quite comfortable in a city apartment if she is given the opportunity to expend her vigorous energy. Otherwise, this dog is unpretentious, and it is also surprisingly clean.

As for hunting, the Estonian hound is quite capable of starting to “work in his specialty” already at six months of age, and some especially talented individuals already at 7-8 months become holders of diplomas received based on the results shown during field tests. When hunting, they pick up a scent very quickly and are able to not miss it for three whole days, or even more. The excitement and aggressiveness shown during work allow these dogs to obtain enviable trophies. Nimbleness, dexterity, and also small stature – these are their advantages in the forest; they quickly and confidently climb through bushes or into dead wood where game is hiding, without giving it a chance to escape.

Despite the fact that the Estonian hound was bred as a hunting dog, thanks to its courage, alertness and intelligence, it also performs excellent guard functions.

Description of the nature of the breed

The Estonian Hound has positive characteristics among hunters and dog lovers. They are good-natured, balanced, will not miss the opportunity to play with other dogs, and have an incredible amount of energy. Children quickly become friends.

But at the sight of prey they immediately change, the good nature disappears, the dog immediately begins his duties as a hunter. They are also strict when strangers appear on their territory. They always respond to the owner’s call; during a hunt, this can be a horn.

They very quickly learn not only to carry out commands, but also their immediate responsibilities. They have a hard time getting along with other animals, constantly seeing them as objects of hunting; dogs of other breeds are perceived as playmates. These fans of gambling hunts love to bark constantly, which is why it is not recommended to keep them in an apartment; it cannot be eradicated by any training.

Education and training

The contact and quick-witted Estonian hound is quite easy to train - it grasps all commands on the fly. In addition to standard commands like “Sit!”, “Lie down,” “Give me your paw!”, she must certainly respond to the words “No!”, “Near!” This dog should not be pampered - it will certainly strive to take an independent position, and it will be difficult to wean it from habits such as lying in its owner’s bed and begging. A dog should know its place in the house, but brutal methods in raising it are unacceptable.

Estonian hound on a leash

The future hunter needs to be taught specific skills from puppyhood. Before feeding your pet, sound the hunting horn. As soon as he appears, feed him - this way he will develop a reaction to this calling sound.

If you prepare an Estonian hound puppy for hunting from a tender age, then from the age of seven months he will be able to start working. But experienced owners of dogs of this breed take into account that their childhood is short, and they always approach training with caution - preparing the pet to crawl correctly, detect the animal, drive it away without losing the trail. If you can simply take a two-month-old puppy into the forest with you for familiarization purposes, then a five-month-old dog can already be taught to navigate the terrain and maintain contact with the owner, who may be far from her. Training should be carried out systematically, commands should be practiced sequentially - from simple to complex, lessons should be repeated regularly, reinforcing the desired skills in the animal. During training, it is necessary to monitor the dog: if he is tired, the training should be stopped. Never use rude shouts if the dog is afraid to go into the forest. It is better to start the race with the black trail - this is the name of the autumn land that has not yet had time to be covered with snow.

Attentive, responsible owners do not allow a dog whose age does not exceed one year to work at full capacity, as this can negatively affect its health, especially the functioning of the heart. The Estonian hound can experience full stress when it is 1.5-2 years old.

Learning ability

Buy an Estonian hound at an early age so that you have time to raise a hunter that suits your temperament and is easy to control.

First teach your dog the following commands:

  • "place";
  • "to me";
  • "it is forbidden";
  • "near";
  • "forward".

Give commands in one form - do not say the word "sit" instead of "sit" - this way the puppy will learn the exercise faster. When feeding, teach the puppy to run up to the sound of the horn, developing urge. Take the hunting horn and make a sound, and when the dog runs up, feed it. When training, strengthen this reflex.

Introduce your hound to other animals and socialize it. Get your dog to have an indifferent attitude towards your pets - it should not perceive them as prey. Go to villages and teach them to react calmly to pigs and cattle.

In the apartment, allow your friends to pet and feed the dog, and on the street, cultivate distrust of strangers. Ask your helper to whip the hound a couple of times when he tries to get close - the dog will quickly learn his lesson.

To develop a sense of smell, let your dog work on the scent as much as possible. Train her to hunt game. Never leave an Estonian dog alone on the property - the dog must know that the owner will not leave him alone.

When the hound works confidently in the field, send it for testing and receive hunter diplomas, confirming the dog’s qualifications.

Care and maintenance

The Estonian hound does not take up much space in the house, and, despite its mobility, it is not prone to destructive actions. Since this breed is characterized by an almost complete absence of undercoat, and the hair itself is short, the owners are spared the need to scrupulously care for the animal’s coat. True, it is advisable to comb the dog more often, even daily. The procedure is carried out using a special comb for dogs with short, coarse hair. Estonian hounds do not need frequent bathing, unless you take into account, of course, the hunting season. They can be washed once a month, and in the summer, an alternative to bathing in a bathtub or basin can be swimming in the river, which these frisky dogs will be very happy about.

5 month old Estonian hound puppy

An Estonian hound living in a city apartment needs long walks. She will be happy to go for a walk with her owner, or become his companion on a cycling track or a morning jog. By the way, despite the fact that these dogs are very active, they are not inclined to run and jump tirelessly, not giving rest to those around them.

You should walk your pet at least twice a day, and ideally this should be done four times: early in the morning, during the day, in the evening and before bed. In total, it is advisable for the dog to cover 4-5 km per day, and it must be given the opportunity to move at different speeds. A dog living in the city needs to run without a leash at least once a day so that he can throw out excess energy. However, it is dangerous to let Estonian hounds off the leash near roads and roadways: if they are interested in the track of any animal, they, driven by instinct, may stop paying attention to what is happening around them, risking being run over by a car.

The Estonian hound is not too picky when it comes to food, but owners should not take advantage of this quality. It must be taken into account that its food should be more filling and high-calorie than the food usual for dogs that are not hunting breeds. Both natural food and dry food are suitable for your pet. An adult dog should be fed twice a day - morning and evening. It is advisable that the food is slightly warmed up. It is better not to offer chicken and large beef and pork bones to the dog at all, but he needs raw lean meat. Treat your pet to raw fish; flounder is a good option. Don’t forget about vegetables, these vitamin-rich foods are simply necessary in the animal’s diet. Carrots are especially useful for your pet; they can be grated and combined with minced meat. Once a week you can add some raw or boiled potatoes to your menu. The preferred cereals are barley, pearl barley, and oatmeal. Millet can be given only occasionally.

Fermented milk products of low or medium fat content are also beneficial for animals. Make sure there is always water in the dog's bowl, especially in hot weather.


* We invite you to watch a video about the Estonian Hound . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what the Estonian Hound looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the origin of Estonian hounds
  • Estonian Hound - description of the breed
  • Popular colors of Estonian hounds
  • Character and habits of Estonian hounds
  • Interesting facts about Estonian hounds
  • Pros and cons of Estonian hounds
  • Breeding Estonian hounds
  • Caring for Estonian hounds
  • Diet of Estonian hounds
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Estonian Hound - price and how to buy correctly

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Health and diseases of Estonian hounds

The Estonian Hound belongs to the category of dogs that have a strong immune system and are rarely susceptible to diseases. They live up to 10-14 years. Among the most common diseases that are characteristic of this breed are arthritis, dislocations, ligament ruptures that occur as a result of physical stress experienced during hunting, as well as otitis media - inflammatory processes in the ears, often developing in dogs with floppy ears.

Ticks that carry piroplasmosis pose a serious danger to Estonian hounds working in the forest. After the hunt, the owner needs to examine and feel the animal, and at the first signs of the dog’s discomfort (sadness, refusal to eat, thirst, pale mucous membranes) immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Key points in training

Raising an Estonian Hound requires a lot of patience as they can be stubborn at certain points. To avoid troubles in training, you need to start training the puppy from the very first day, as soon as the pet got into the house.

The nervous system of hound dogs has a very interesting feature that inexperienced owners may confuse with disobedience.

When a dog chases fur, nothing should throw it off the scent. This has been developed genetically for many generations, specifically to improve working qualities.

In everyday life, this feature can interfere. The dog sniffed the smell and no longer “heard” the owner. This is not a manifestation of bad behavior, but the principle of the central nervous system; you cannot punish a dog for this. It is impossible to completely get rid of this property, but it can be corrected by practicing from early childhood.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

How to choose a puppy

The Estonian hound is not a very popular breed in the Russian Federation. These dogs are not very recognizable, so unscrupulous sellers often sell puppies of unknown breeds under the name of the Estonian Hound. Often, dogs purchased second-hand at a poultry market do not even remotely resemble this breed in their appearance.

You should go to a nursery to pick up a puppy, where you need to carefully read its pedigree. If you are going to raise a real hunter from your child, make sure that his parents were not peaceful apartment dwellers, but seasoned hunters - holders of diplomas received after passing field tests. A puppy whose parents have not hunted a single hare is unlikely to have well-developed hunting instincts.

When choosing a baby, examine him, paying attention to the fact that he should not have an underbite or bulldog, which manifests itself in the fact that the lower jaw is longer than the upper. Your chosen one's eyes should be as dark as possible. The dog should be active, look like a real tough dog - powerful, bony, thick-footed.

Find out about the age of the prospective pet's mother. If she is less than one and a half years old or more than nine years old, there is a high chance that the puppy may grow up with developmental disabilities.

There is also the option of purchasing an Estonian hound puppy from a professional hunter who has knowledgeably bred his own dog and is willing to share its offspring. Please note, however, that he will probably keep the best heir to his bitch for himself.

Photos of Estonian hound puppies

Who should you choose?

In this case, it would be reasonable to proceed from the purposes for which the dog is purchased.

If you only need a companion, then it is better to choose a beagle, because it is smaller in size, and besides, at present, most lines of this breed have become more decorative than working.

The most popular breed varieties of beagles:

  • English;
  • American;
  • French Beagle Harrier.

If we are talking about purchasing a future hunting assistant, then it is better to choose the Estonian hound, since this breed is still a working breed, which is confirmed by admission to breeding only after successfully passing field tests.

The Beagle and the Estonian Hound are breeds that are similar not only in appearance, but also related in origin.

It was the beagle that “gave” the Estonian hound strong and strong paws and a loud, booming voice.

At present, the Estonian hound has remained mainly a working dog and has retained all its hunting qualities..

The Beagle is now more likely to be just a companion dog than a hunting dog. And, although there are still working lines of this breed, most modern dogs of this breed are simply pets: faithful, devoted and loving to their owners.

How much does an Estonian hound cost?

If you are purchasing an Estonian hound as a pet and do not intend to make full use of its hunting qualities, you can respond to advertisements on the Internet and purchase a dog for 5,000 rubles. However, ask the seller to give you the opportunity to find out what the puppy's mother looks like. Please also note that in this case you will most likely have to do the vaccination of the animal yourself.

An Estonian hound puppy from a kennel, whose parents were famous hunters, will cost up to 30,000 rubles.

Character and behavior

If you raise puppies well and have the right approach to training, they will grow into kind and unobtrusive pets who are friendly towards people and make excellent contact.

If you have other pets in the house, such as small rodents, cats or other dogs, you should point out to the Estonian from a very young age that they are part of the family and not prey to be hunted. In this case, the dogs will behave patiently and not show aggression.

Owners of hounds originally from Estonia say that they are well trained and show a minimum of stubbornness, as is the case with other breeds. These dogs are excellent hunters due to their physical characteristics and tirelessness; they carry out assigned tasks regardless of external conditions: bad weather, terrain.

If you plan to keep the animal in an apartment, it is worth remembering that they need to be given the opportunity to take long and active walks, especially if you will not use the hound for hunting.

If there are deficiencies in their upbringing, hounds can chase other animals, succumbing to their main instinct, which can lead to dire consequences. They should also be taught the concept of “friend or foe” so that they do not suffer from ill-wishers. The leader of the Estonian Hound must always remain the owner.

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