Does a dog get stressed: how to help your pet

How often have you heard the phrase “all illnesses are caused by stress”? Surely, this statement has become a kind of implausible, theoretical cliché for you too. However, all illnesses are caused by stress! No organism can be in good shape while morale is at zero. Stress in dogs has long been considered a myth or a diagnosis in case the real disease could not be found. Today, animal psychologists are developing strategies to combat stress in animals, but all of them are powerless if the owner is not interested in success or does not know how to act. Let's figure out what to do if your dog is suffering from stress and whether it is really possible to help without resorting to the help of professionals.

Do dogs get stressed?

Let's immediately dispel all the doubts and myths that have settled in the heads of veterinarians and owners who have been practicing raising animals for many years. To do this, let's go back to the past of human medicine. Did you know that in the past, people who became depressed or deeply stressed were considered mentally ill? Yes, everything is as simple as that, you are either healthy or not, medicine did not recognize intermediate states. If the patient was lucky, he was simply declared an outcast and avoided.

What picture are we seeing today? The profession of a psychotherapist is in great demand, and psychologists are not poor either. Every year more and more people turn to professionals for help, and if their intentions are really serious, they change their lives. Medicine has recognized such concepts as stress, apathy, depression, psychosomatics, and this is truly surprising if you look back into the past for a second.

What was happening in the world of veterinary medicine? Since the attitude towards animals in almost all countries was “slightly” dismissive, real funds began to be invested in the development of veterinary medicine relatively recently. Why was it not previously recognized that dogs can suffer from stress and mental disorders? It's simple - domestic pets were compared to wild ones. If a wolf lives happily ever after, doesn’t get stressed and everything is fine with him, then why should a pet complain?

But a domestic dog has a lot to complain about! If you don't believe me, let's find out. How is the life of your ward different from that of a wolf?

Heredity is the most obvious difference between a wild and domestic dog. Wild animals born with defects do not survive and do not produce offspring. Breeding activities, not always aimed at preserving the breed, destroy the gene pool of dogs. Today, veterinary clinics provide a huge number of medical dogs and start breeding them, but their hidden shortcomings are vices that are passed on to next generations.

Diseases – any animal can get sick, we won’t argue with that. What happens to a wild dog that gets sick? She will either die and not produce offspring, or she will be so physically strong that she will overcome the disease and produce stronger offspring. The domestic dog will be treated and allowed to be probably understand this logical chain. Natural selection is cruel, but it is what led to evolution!

Quality of food - the wolf needs to hunt, it will eat meat and some plant foods. Most domestic dogs eat porridge, meat, vegetables and food. Moreover, a pet cannot be fed only meat; its body is no longer adapted to such a lifestyle. The metabolic processes of domestic dogs are very different and the reason is the progress to which the four-legged dogs were forced to adapt.

Parasites - undoubtedly, wild animals also suffer from worms, fleas, and ticks. However, let's compare the probabilities of who will pick up parasites faster: a dog living in the city, eating store products, coming into contact with accumulations of household waste and stray animals... or a wolf living in the forest? Obviously, the dog is at greater risk. Moreover, with the care of the owner, the pet’s diet includes foods that can be a source of infection with very dangerous parasites, for example, fish, pork, chicken eggs; the wolf does not eat all of this.

Sociality – a domestic dog needs constant communication with a person. Even homeless animals, for the most part, sadly follow people with their eyes, as if dreaming of becoming a friend of a two-legged animal. Not all owners understand how important it is to spend time communicating with their pet. If a dog does not receive the attention it deserves, it becomes stressed.

Factors of habitat and lifestyle - agree, only domestic dogs end up in grooming salons, veterinary clinics, regularly travel in public transport, and meet a large number of unfamiliar four-legged (and two-legged) animals on walks. All these factors lead to emotional outbursts, and therefore to stress.

The difficulty in diagnosing and eliminating stress is that its symptoms are very vague. Long-term therapy, medications, and even hypnosis are used to treat people. To relieve a dog of stress, the owner must rely on his own logic and powers of observation. If all else fails, you should contact a professional.

A small warning - at all costs avoid specialists who give a guarantee of results . Stress, depression and other mental problems require only an individual approach. Even in theory, it is impossible to get a dog out of stress without the owner’s participation, and if you are guaranteed such a result... turn around and leave. A similar effect can only be achieved with strong medications, but their effect wears off, but the problem remains.

Important! When treating stress in a dog, constant monitoring by a veterinarian is necessary!

Causes of stress in dogs

Most dogs have enviable stress resistance. Some animals show signs of hypochondria from childhood, quickly fall into stress or practically never recover from it. Such animals most often do not respond to outpatient therapy. The only thing the owner can do is to love the pet for who it is and treat it with all possible tenderness, understanding and care. Hypochondriac dogs are not able to survive and fend for themselves, so they must be protected with all their might.

You can independently diagnose the development of stress in a dog if its behavior has changed dramatically. In theory, the cause could be any innovation or event that the pet encountered for the first time. Whether a dog develops deep stress depends on the harmony of the relationship with the owner.

Remember, a healthy dog ​​is a driven dog, relying on the leader and protector - its owner.

Years of observation of animals have allowed animal psychologists to identify a certain dependence of stress resistance on the dog’s temperament:

  • Cholerics are prone to rapid excitability, they quickly plunge into stress, but also respond well to therapy. For hyperactive dogs, stress is dangerous due to the strain on the heart that is pumped up during overexcitement.
  • Sanguine people rarely fall into deep stress, but if there is a good reason for it, the dog literally gets sick.
  • Phlegmatic people skillfully hide their anxiety, willingly react to the owner, but if you observe them from the outside, anxiety is obvious.
  • Melancholic patients are the most difficult patients. Firstly, it is extremely difficult to identify the stress of a melancholic person, and secondly, when constant experiences began to destroy the body, doctors, and even owners, rarely associate the disease with stress.

Note! Stress cannot be avoided, but you can minimize its consequences.

If your dog is afraid of something, protect it from the irritant, but do not forget to work with your pet, helping him to overcome the phobia gradually.

External circumstances

The most common cause of stress in pets is related to external factors. Every dog ​​training guide insists on early and active socialization. When a dog is socialized, it copes better with stress because it does not perceive the outside world as hostile. If the puppy was raised incorrectly, deprived of attention, beaten, and harmed, the chances of an adult dog falling into deep stress are much higher.

From early childhood, adolescence or adulthood, a dog can become stressed after being attacked by another dog . Dog handlers with many years of experience advise training dogs to defend themselves, so that if a fight happens, the pet will fight back. This advice is simple and logical in theory, but in practice, not all dog breeds should be instilled with aggression towards their relatives. Some dogs are simply unable to defend themselves, they fall into a stupor, and it will take months, or maybe years, to correct this situation.

In any case, be prepared that when purchasing a puppy, he will need to undergo a general training course (general training course) and, if recommended by a dog handler, a protective guard service course. A dog that knows how to defend itself may lose in a fight, but it will not be constrained by fear, will not fall into a stupor, will not run away - all this increases the chances of faster recovery from stress.

Fear of loud noises is quite common among dogs . According to zoopsychologists, this phobia dates back to ancient times and is inherent in all canines to a greater or lesser extent. If your dog is shaking from thunderstorms, fireworks, or other loud noises, there are three steps you need to keep repeating:

  • Minimize the damage - that is, allow the dog to hide if loud noises find the pet at home.
  • Distract your pet if a loud sound frightens your pet while on a walk. By the way, dogs are prone to running away in a state of panic, so it is recommended not to let dogs that are afraid of loud noises off the leash.
  • Helping your dog overcome a phobia – there are dog training techniques that can help your pet get used to loud noises. These techniques are part of the socialization process and, by and large, every responsible owner should take the time to practice them.

Tip: If your dog is afraid of loud noises, place an address tag on his collar.

Even if your pet runs away from fear, for example, snatches the leash from your hands, the dog tag will increase its chances of returning home as soon as possible.

Veterinary clinics, grooming salons, exhibitions - all these are powerful irritants that cause the dog to become stressed. Avoiding the outside world will not work, so the only prevention is socialization. The condition of the dog after a haircut requires special attention if the groomer used anesthesia. The first few days after the procedures, if the dogs are cut short, their thermoregulation will be impaired, which can also lead to stress.

A dog experiences a lot of stress during a car ride , so don't forget to support your pet. You can consult a doctor who will recommend the safest possible drug to reduce stress in your patient. This measure is very important if you have a long trip ahead of you in the company of a pet.

Note! Some dog breeds are very particular about their coat and appearance.

If your pet is very concerned about the condition of its fur, avoid short haircuts at all costs. Wool can be secured with hairpins and rubber bands; a good way to prevent contamination is to use overalls, raincoats and anthers.

A reason for stress is a sudden change in daily routine , especially if it is associated with the appearance of a new pet, a change in the owner’s work schedule, or a new addition to the family. Children are perhaps the greatest stress for dogs, but their natural attraction to people helps four-legged dogs quickly overcome discomfort, provided that the owner does not deprive the pet of attention.

With a low level of socialization or a highly developed protective instinct, the pet experiences stress if guests come to the house. The ward is especially worried if, after the guests leave, the owner is intoxicated. Even a small dose of alcohol changes a person’s facial expressions and body odor, and these are the two main “markers” that a dog pays attention to.

Even if your pet is tiny and will not grow up, pay attention to active walks. Let the dog go to the toilet on the tray (if it is convenient for you), but small dimensions do not change the fact that the pet needs socialization and fresh air. Oxygen starvation is a very insidious factor that depresses the body gradually, almost imperceptibly. It is extremely important for dogs to walk also because only when in contact with the sun’s rays is vitamin C synthesized in its body and vitamin D correctly absorbed, and the state of immunity, bones and metabolic processes in general depends on them.

A very serious reason for stress in a dog is moving . Make sure in advance that upon arrival at the new home, the dog finds its usual bedding, bowl and personal belongings. Try to unpack at least some of your clothes and leave them next to your pet for the first knocks. The owner's scent will calm the dog and help it quickly overcome stress after moving.

Note! The ward will experience some stress if you start repairs.

The animal’s experiences are often associated not with a change of environment, but with strong odors, noise, strangers and disruption of the daily schedule.

Diseases and physiological causes

Stress leads to disease, and disease leads to stress. Yes, this is a vicious circle and it is better not to fall into it. A slight malaise leads to the dog not feeling entirely confident, but this is not a problem if the owner is nearby. Pain is the most serious reason for the development of stress, with which nothing can be done until the cause is eliminated. Stress caused by pain can only be influenced by medication, which is not always appropriate.

Your dog needs not only medication, but also moral support if it has:

  • Fracture, severe injury, problems with the spine, chronic inflammation of the joints, otitis media, problems with teeth and gums and other ailments.
  • The recovery process after the operation is underway - the dogs tolerate mild pain well and even get used to it. In the first few days, it is better to use painkillers, after which, pay more attention to the pet. After simple operations (sterilization, castration, cleaning or tooth extraction), it is advisable to take the pet for a walk on the same day, distract it, and if that doesn’t work, provide some entertainment.
  • The first heat is a very uncomfortable time for the bitch, accompanied by nagging pain, spasms and frequent urge to urinate.

Dogs are very smart and cunning. If you demonstratively feel sorry for your pet, he will understand that his gloomy state leads to increased attention. If you don't want to develop a manipulator in your pet, help him cope with stress through games and other distractions.

Any parasitic infection leads to discomfort , and in a neglected state – to pain. The strongest factor for the development of stress in this case is itching. Try not to scratch your nose when you want, be patient for at least 1 minute and you will understand everything. All your thoughts will be occupied with one thing - how to scratch your nose. Now just imagine what state you will be in if, for example, your ear itches... you scratched it, but it didn’t help, again and again. A dog affected by subcutaneous ticks and fleas feels approximately the same. Worms are no less dangerous parasites that lead to increasing intoxication in the body.

Important! Excess weight is one of the most unobvious, but common causes of stress and depression in general.


Dogs can feel, think, worry, and even come up with reasons to worry. Almost all emotional stress is associated with the fear of losing the owner . For example, if you went on vacation and left your pet in foster care, he cannot be sure that you will return. The pet will wait, suffer from separation anxiety and become stressed. If your pet is emotional, consider all possible alternatives to an unfamiliar foster home. Perhaps your relatives will agree to take the dog or one of your friends will live at your home in your absence.

A dog experiences the most painful stress when its owner changes , especially if the owner is gone and the animal understands this. Hundreds of cases confirm that some four-legged animals cannot come to terms with loss. They run away from new homes or live on the owner’s grave, hoping for a meeting.

If you have become her dog's new guardian, be aware that your ward is probably going through the most terrible time in his life. Any methods to help are appropriate here, distract the dog as much as you can, try to earn its attention and trust; if the condition is very painful, contact a veterinarian who will prescribe sedatives.

Frequent triggers of stress

As mentioned above, there can be many causes of stress. Sometimes these are very strange circumstances - rain outside, meeting other dogs, going out into nature, a new leash. Those. situations that should please or at least not bother the dog. Perhaps the pet had a negative experience in the past, which the owner has long forgotten, but which led to a phobia - panic fear that provokes stress. In the case of such a phobia, treatment should be prescribed by an experienced zoopsychologist, because it is almost impossible to cope with the problem on your own. It is not always possible to even find the root of the problem (for example, how can you guess why a dog suddenly began to protest when being taken for a walk?).

But there are situations for which there are universal solutions.

1. For example, if a dog is stressed after a haircut , he needs to befriend the groomer and be given light natural sedatives (herbal, without hormones, according to a veterinarian’s prescription!) before going to the salon. If your dog is afraid of the clipper to the point of panic, you need to gradually accustom it to the buzzing sound or learn how to cut your pet’s hair with scissors.

It’s easy to get used to the machine:

  • We place the switched-off machine on our laps and offer the dog a treat. The pet may not come right away, but after a while he will definitely decide. When the dog approaches the person, not paying attention to the machine, we do the same, but now the machine must be turned on;
  • When the dog comes up for a treat, ignoring the switched-on machine, several times a day we run the switched-off machine over the pet’s face for a minute. At the same time, we don’t stop feeding tasty pieces. Are you used to it? You can turn on the machine and do the same, moving the back of the blade (without catching the wool, just accustoming it to vibration);
  • Are you used to it? We cut off just a little, without ceasing to feed and praise. They cut a centimeter haircut and immediately put the clipper away, not giving the dog time to get scared. We repeated it a couple of hours later. This is a long, but effective and trouble-free method. And no stress!

2. Another common situation is that the dog becomes stressed when traveling in a car , even if the trip does not end negatively (if the dog is afraid of cars because previously it was only taken to the veterinarian, you need to fight the fear of the veterinary clinic, not cars). So, the dog is definitely afraid of traveling in a car:

Symptoms of Stress in Dogs

Symptoms of stress in a dog are always a little similar, but the clinical picture as a whole depends on the causes of the stress. Even experienced owners do not always recognize signs of stress unless they have witnessed the situation that triggered the condition.

Common signs of stress in a dog include:

  • Constant scratching (despite the absence of parasites), licking the front paws, licking the muzzle.
  • Producing a lot of saliva and slurping if the dog is nervous.
  • Too much appetite or lack thereof.
  • Apathy, unreasonable activity or aggression.
  • Lethargy.
  • Marks left in the corners and near the entrance to the home.

Note! A clear symptom and natural mechanism for dealing with stress is avoidance of the stimulus. Some dogs hide, others turn to the wall or bury their muzzle in a corner.


An irritable, hysterical and barking puppy or adult dog with or without reason is a common occurrence. Let's try to understand why and where the dog's nervousness comes from. Is the cause due to improper upbringing or disorders in the nervous system?

Start by identifying the cause. A dog's mental disorder, which is inherited, often becomes a cause for nervous behavior in the future. Such dogs appear due to illiterate or simply unscrupulous breeders who use pets with unstable behavior when crossing, choose the wrong combination of blood, or do not carry out serious screening during inbreeding. As a result, the unwanted trait remains in the genes and is inherited.

How to help a dog?

Let us immediately note that chronic stress that has plagued a dog since childhood is unlikely to be eliminated. You need to work with the dog to minimize the consequences. Socialization, games with relatives, your attention and understanding will help. When you buy a puppy, you take on the responsibility to love him for who he is. If the dog feels your sincerity, then at least next to you, it will feel calm.

Methods to help relieve stress in a dog are slightly different, but they are always based on two principles - socialization and distraction. Please note that suddenly developed stress is not enough to stop! You need to look for the cause; there are always clues in the symptoms that manifest the condition.

If you cannot cope with your pet's stress in a short time, and the dog is clearly suffering, consult a doctor who will prescribe medication. Please note that all sedatives have side effects, they must be used strictly as directed, in courses, not in unaccustomed dosages.

Taking Natural Calming Remedies for Dogs

One way to help your pet cope with anxiety at home is to give him a sedative based on natural ingredients, such as Fitex. Before taking the drug, consultation with a veterinarian is required. The specialist will assess the animal’s condition and the need for additional help if the dog’s anxiety is associated with internal problems of the body.

Extracts of various parts of medicinal plants are used as active ingredients in the drug "Fitex": valerian rhizomes, motherwort herb, Baikal skullcap, common hop cones. Thanks to this composition, the product has a gentle effect on the nervous system and does not cause adverse reactions or addiction. Fitex drops are given to the dog at the rate of 1 drop per 1 kg of body weight 3 times a day.

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