43 Dog Breeds That Don't Shed and Are Odorless

Types and properties of wool

What dogs don't shed? First, let's figure out what type of coat should be for this. Among the main types of wool, experts distinguish 6 that differ most significantly in structure, structure and length:

  • ordinary;
  • long-haired;
  • smooth-haired;
  • wire-haired;
  • curly;
  • "exotics".

The usual, most common type: the length and density are average, it is necessary to constantly brush and comb the animal, especially carefully during the molting period. Intended for keeping on the street, in an apartment these dogs become a constant source of problems, which, however, does not prevent fanciers from choosing shepherd dogs or huskies as pets again and again.

Long-haired dogs have very long guard hairs and a soft, dense undercoat. These dogs require careful daily care with special shampoos and brushing.

A beautiful greyhound or Pekingese should not be owned by people with a pronounced allergy to protein, since it is almost impossible to completely remove particles of dead skin and food from a long, beautiful coat.

Smooth-haired dogs are not distinguished by a rich undercoat, the guard hair is hard, up to 1.5 - 2 cm long. These dogs are more often brushed than washed to get rid of dead hairs, particles of dirt and dust, and dandruff.

Important! The subcutaneous fat that protects these dogs from the cold has a pungent odor, and when they shed, small and very hard “needles” appear everywhere, which are difficult to get rid of.

Wire-haired individuals are easily recognizable: their soft undercoat is covered with very coarse hair.

Molting does not cause much trouble due to the properties of guard hairs that do not fall out.

These dogs are not combed, but with special movements (pinching) the maximum regrown hair is removed during the molting period.

For those who are annoyed by constant hairs on the floor, these dogs are great.

The curly coat of some breeds makes the dogs not only extremely attractive, but also suitable for many families. Their fur also does not shed the entire floor during shedding, and there is no dog smell.

Unfortunately, these creatures require careful care, with washing, combing and haircuts from professionals. These dogs do not have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat that produces an unpleasant odor; they are good companions for older people and people with allergies.

“Exotics” are dogs with very unusual hair, which may have minimal or no hair at all. It is believed that these dogs are suitable even for allergy sufferers. However, taking into account the fact that attacks are caused not only by hair, but also by particles of skin and saliva of dogs, it is worth remembering to carefully care for your pet.

People who suffer from allergies or cannot stand the pungent smell of dogs or the type of fur on the floor will benefit from dog breeds that do not shed or smell. You will have to choose among wire-haired, curly-haired or exotic breeds.

Yorkshire Terrier

List of dog breeds without dog smell

But, no less, there is a whole list of dog breeds without the dog smell.

Such breeds of “smelling” dogs most often have the following types of coat:

  • - long coat without undercoat

The fur of such dogs is very similar to human hair, therefore, it will not have a specific smell even when wet.

The fat that is present on the skin is released in minimal quantities, therefore, the “dog” smell will not appear.

  • - short and harsh coat

Representatives of short and hard wool, which, in turn, does not have an undercoat, have natural protective properties against getting wet. The fur of such dogs does not absorb body odor, as well as third-party aromas, so dogs with such fur will not have a specific dog odor.

Review of the 10 Best Non-Shedding Breeds

If you want a dog that is odorless, doesn't shed and doesn't cause allergies, you should take a closer look at the following 10 breeds.

Chinese Crested

  • Origin:
  • Dimensions:
    29 – 30 cm, 4 – 5 kg
  • Coat type:
  • Lifespan:
    10 – 12 years
  • Price:
    15,000 rub.

Refined, gentle and loyal, the Chinese Crested dog is perfect for keeping in an apartment. These pets are extremely smart and try to please their owners in everything. Therefore, they are easy to teach not only standard commands, but also circus tricks.

There are two varieties of the breed - hairless and with fur. In the former, hairs are present only on the head, paws and tail. The second, the so-called “powder puffs,” have a body covered with a soft fur coat.

Since the Chinese Crested's skin is not protected, it must be bathed with special hypoallergenic shampoos, lubricated with sun creams and moisturizing lotions before going outside, and dressed in winter.

Dogs are susceptible to obesity, heatstroke, and colds. They often have problems with teeth, joints, and eyes.

Another disadvantage is the excessive need for communication. Animals cannot stand loneliness and become strongly attached to one person. Therefore, it is difficult to adapt when the owner changes.

In addition to the Chinese Crested, there are other types of “exotics”: the Mexican Hairless Dog, the American Hairless Terrier, and the Peruvian Inca Orchid.

Yorkshire Terrier

  • Where bred:
  • Parameters:
    21 – 23 cm, 2 – 3 kg
  • Type of coat:
    similar to human hair
  • Lifespan:
    12 – 15 years
  • How much will it cost:
    11,000 rub.

Despite their small size, Yorkies are brave, inquisitive and energetic. They are ready to play for hours and follow their owner everywhere. Pets can become lazy only in old age.

The Yorkshire Terrier's coat is smooth, silky, almost does not fall out and does not cause allergies. But she needs to be constantly looked after. The dog is combed daily to prevent tangles from forming. Once every 4–6 months (more often in summer), it needs to be trimmed and old guard hairs plucked out.

York is a born hunter. He does not get along well with other animals, especially rodents. Tends to dominate and often provokes conflicts with relatives. If there are children in the house, you need to explain to them that the pet is fragile and needs to be handled with care.

The most common diseases include caries, gingivitis, insufficient blood sugar, allergic reactions, and pathologies of the digestive system.

Odorless rocks

The list of such breeds is quite long. You can select an animal based on size, coat length and other criteria. But do not forget that your pet may have other maintenance problems.

  • For example, the Dalmatian is a handsome man known to many. A short-haired breed without undercoat initially does not smell like a dog (with age, an odor may appear). But breeders note that this dog sheds a lot. Another problem is hyperactivity: the dog needs movement and physical activity all the time. Such a smart animal must be educated, try to become his friend, otherwise he will become your master.

  • Several terrier breeds are odorless. For example, Yorkshire terrier , which gradually turned from a hunting dog into a decorative dog. Friendly animals get along well with children and animals and are ready to protect their owner. A long-haired breed without an undercoat requires regular grooming, a visit to a groomer or at-home haircuts. To keep the dog clean, they are often dressed in overalls for street walks, and some owners cut their hair short.

  • Another popular pet of the terra species is the West Highland White Terrier . The burrowing hunter remains such today, but many use this mischievous, restless dog as a companion. The white Scottish beauty not only has fur without the dog smell, but is also hypoallergenic. West is a very loyal pet, easily trainable, although he has a stubborn character. The Cairn Terrier has similar characteristics.

  • The American Hairless Terrier can be miniature or large in appearance. The breed can be easily recognized by its soft, bare skin with contrasting spots of almost any color and whiskers. The American is friendly and sociable. He is comfortable with other animals and considers cats his friends. This dog is idolized by families with children, as it is an excellent nanny and guard.

She, like all hairless breeds, needs special skin care: frequent bathing or wiping with wet wipes, using burn and frostbite cream before going outside, taking care of watery eyes.

  • The Scotch Terrier (Scottish Terrier) is a muscular and strong hunter that needs physical exercise and long walks. In the absence of training, mood swings can be observed: fun games can instantly give way to aggression. But this beautiful protector of his owner with long silky fur has a decisive and persistent character.

Tips for owners

List of care recommendations:

  1. An unpleasant odor occurs due to illness. At the slightest deterioration in health, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.
  2. Sometimes the cause may be the pet's poor diet. Perhaps he has an intolerance to certain foods, or the individual ate something spoiled.
  3. When bathing a dog, it is recommended to use shampoo and special hygiene products. Water is not able to wash away sebum and can only aggravate the situation.

Before getting a dog of any breed, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in detail with the rules for keeping it. A well-groomed animal does not emit an unpleasant odor.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Anyone who thinks that the smell of a dog is associated with the work of the sweat glands is wrong. In dogs, the unpleasant odor is produced by the skin glands that produce oil to lubricate the coat. In some breeds of hunting dogs, as well as those who live in low temperatures, these glands work much more actively. This means the smell will be much stronger. But this fat protects the animal from frost and getting wet.

But the sweat glands located between the toes can smell like dirty socks and emit a pleasant aroma. To get rid of the smell, your pet's paws need to be treated regularly, including after a walk.

Another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor is pheromones, the odor of which increases during estrus and decreases after sterilization. Males always emit a stronger unpleasant odor.

Improper care or complete lack of care for the ears and mouth of an animal is a very common cause of stench. If the owner is caring for him, but an unpleasant odor appears, then we may be talking about a disease. And in this case, you should contact a veterinarian.

The next reason is age. Puppies have a pleasant smell, but the older the dog, the more pronounced the dog scent is. This is especially felt if the animal’s fur is wet.

After all, with the dog's meat, the fat also gets wet - a lubricant, which gives off the smell.

So it turns out that almost all of the named causes of dog smell are related to caring for the animal. You can be convinced of this if, before buying a puppy from a breeder, you observe the living conditions of the dogs: if everything around is clean, and the dog smells like a dog, then it will be the same with the puppy. If the house is unsanitary, you should not contact such breeders. If you take into your home a mongrel dog or a breed without documents, then no one will give you a guarantee of how your pet will develop.

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is known for its cheerful and energetic personality. These intelligent dogs are known for their agility, obedience and, along with being hypoallergenic, even healing abilities.

What sets these dogs apart is that they were bred in Ireland as an agricultural “poor man's dog,” where they were used for guarding, herding, and pest hunting.


  • https://kotsobaka.com/sobaki/43-ne-linjajut.html
  • https://tvoidrug.com/breed/svojstva/ne-linyayushhie.html
  • https://dogtema.ru/kak-vybrat/ne-linyaut/
  • https://pitomcy.net/faq/kakie-sobaki-ne-smell-psinoy
  • https://sobakada.ru/sobaki/interesnye-fakty/obzor-gipoallergennyh-pitomtsev-15868/
  • https://sobaka.guru/porody/bez-zapaha-psiny/
  • https://sobakus.com/porody/top-raznyh/bez-zapaha-psiny.html
  • https://petstime.ru/article/nelinyayushchie-porody-sobak-20-gipoallergennyh-porod
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