What does a German Shepherd mix look like: popular types of crossbreeds and reviews from owners

Characteristics of breeds

The distinctive features of the Caucasian Shepherd are its intelligence, courage and independence. These are fearless animals, ready to fight even the most dangerous opponents.

Mixed Caucasian with German

The main feature of the “Germans” is considered to be their increased intelligence and intelligence. These are sensitive and courageous animals, with increased activity. They get along well with children and are very friendly to others.

The mixture of will, determination and independence of the Caucasians with the playfulness, intelligence and friendliness of the Germans resulted in an excellent mixed breed with a combination of the best qualities of the two breeds.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Who are mixed-breed dogs?

By mixing different breeds, breeders often get mixed breeds. These are dogs that do not have a breed, but are not mongrels either. Depending on what breeds were crossed, the resulting mestizos can cost incredible amounts of money.

The attitude towards such dogs is ambiguous. Some people like their unusual appearance, which combines the characteristics of their favorite breeds. Someone is not so friendly, not understanding why purebred breeds are spoiled. By the way, mestizos are often called half-breeds. In addition, they can combine the characteristics of not only two breeds, but also three, and sometimes four.

Puppies from a Shepherd-Husky mix will also be called mixed breeds. Each breed has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which characteristics will appear in the resulting mixed-breed puppy will become known only as it grows up. Therefore, before breeding dogs from a shepherd-husky mix, you should be prepared for some very unexpected consequences.

Who are mestizos

A cross between a husky and a shepherd dog: a description of mestizos

By mestizos we mean offspring that are the result of crossing between several breeds. Most often, it surpasses its parents in characteristics. They may be less aggressive and more resilient.

Important! In most cases, mestizos are bred purposefully.

A purebred breed has characteristic habits, character traits and color. But their problem is susceptibility to genetic diseases. In contrast, mixed breeds are more resilient, but they have behavioral difficulties.

A lot of positive traits are manifested in the character of mestizos. They turn out to be friendly and good friends for children. But at the same time they retain excellent security qualities. Such a dog is sensitive to a person’s mood and will never let an enemy near its owner.

Mestizos are loyal and devoted friends


Thanks to a genetic connection with shepherd dogs, mixed-breed puppies have high intelligence and therefore respond well to training. Such a dog will easily carry out even the most complex commands. She quickly becomes attached to her owner and is characterized by loyalty and complaisance. This puppy is perfect for keeping in a family with children.

In general, these are active and mobile dogs that love long walks, trips to nature, and swimming. Such dogs have good protective qualities; they are not aggressive, but by barking they can warn the owner about the approach of a stranger. Mixed breeds get along well with other animals, these can be dogs, cats, and other pets.

From shepherd dogs, mongrels also adopted sincere devotion to their owner. There are many cases where mestizos remained faithful to their man to the last and waited for him in one place. With proper upbringing, a mestizo can turn out to be a four-legged friend, not inferior in its qualities to a purebred relative.

Advantages of mixed breeds over purebred dogs

Owners of Caucasian Shepherd and Shepherd mixes characterize this species only on the positive side. They become more obedient, friendly, and flexible in character than their parents.

A cross between a shepherd and a Rottweiler (Malchover): description of the breed

Among the main advantages are:

  • The shepherd dog mix is ​​characterized by obedience and a calm nature.
  • They get along well with cats and small dogs and love children very much.
  • These are reliable and loyal friends for the owner.
  • Such shepherd dogs are easy to train and can be trained.
  • The pet adapts well to any weather conditions; outdoor living is considered the best option for it.
  • Mestizos are not characterized by manifestations of hostility and aggression, which are partly present among Caucasians.

Important ! This species is not intended for keeping in an apartment. Mixed breeds turn out to be very large in size, so they feel most comfortable in enclosures outside, in a spacious area.

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Subtleties of feeding and care

Mixed breeds do not require special living conditions, but owners need to observe certain nuances in caring for such a pet. Since shepherd mixes are large in size, it is recommended to keep them in private houses with large plots. It is best to equip an enclosure for your dog. Metis needs daily walks, active games, and running.

One of the distinguishing characteristics of mestizos is good health. But you still need to take your pet to the veterinarian for a preventive examination every year.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that the parents of the mestizo do not eat. They will be poorly absorbed due to genetic predisposition. It is not recommended to give your dog:

  • any smoked meats;
  • flour products;
  • sweet;
  • food with spices.

Since mixed breeds have long and thick hair, it must be combed with a stiff brush at least twice a week. During the molting period, it is recommended to carry out the procedure daily.

Crossing a Caucasian with a German gives an excellent result in the form of a good-natured, but reliable and loyal mestizo. This will be a real guard and friend who will protect the owner and have fun with him.

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The expression “a dog is man’s best friend” has already set teeth on edge, but for a long time this phrase has carried a grain of truth. It is dogs that are capable of sincere loyalty and devotion. And it’s not at all necessary that your best friend should be an expensive purebred puppy, because you don’t buy friends. A mixed mongrel with a shepherd can become an excellent companion and friend for the whole family.

What does a cross between a Caucasian Shepherd and a German look like?

A mixed breed of Caucasian and German Shepherd is a very beautiful dog with a powerful physique and a perceptive mind. Externally, the puppy will look like a Caucasian, but with age it will show features of crossed breeds.

German Shepherd weight by month: table

The positive aspects of breeding a mixed breed of Caucasian Shepherd and Shepherd include:

  • strong physique, with well-developed muscles;
  • medium length tail;
  • large head, slightly elongated nose;
  • thick, long hair, thanks to which the pet can withstand outdoor conditions well;
  • a variety of colors inherent in both Caucasians and Germans - most often the coat color characteristic of German shepherds predominates.

A cross between a Shepherd and a Caucasian Shepherd is very large. Such dogs can reach up to 70 centimeters at the withers.

Important ! If a mestizo's fur is wavy and there are white spots in the color, this indicates that crossing took place with another breed or mongrel. In this case, character traits may be unpredictable.

Appearance of the crossbreed

The most popular mestizos

With husky

A cross between a pit bull and a husky is called a Pitsky. This is a dog that most often grows to medium size (up to 50-55 cm at the withers), with a lighter and less muscular body than that of a pit bull. Their ears are most often erect, but some owners crop them on their dogs even in puppyhood.

Pitskies' eyes are usually blue, but they can also be brown, olive, amber, or even different.

The color can be any, but husky and pit bull mixes often have a lightened mask on the face or underhair, typical of sled dogs.

Having inherited an energetic, cheerful disposition and friendly attitude towards people from both of their parents, Pitskies grow up to be brave, hardy, sociable and affectionate pets towards people.

Additionally, if these dogs inherit the husky personality, they may be prone to running away, wandering, and mischief.

Wolf dog character

From a mixture of Caucasian and German shepherd dogs, an amazing combination of all the positive character traits of both one and the other breed is obtained. They combine friendliness, courage and determination with activity and energy. The puppies turn out to be very playful and inquisitive. They are very attached to their owner. We are always ready to actively take part in joint games.

Character traits include:

  • calmness and poise in any situation;
  • firmness and perseverance;
  • lightning-fast reaction in the event of any dangerous situation.

You can never say exactly what kind of character a mestizo will have when choosing a puppy. Experts are recommended to carefully study the habits of both parents.

Metis is an excellent guard

The character of the mestizo

The Caucasian Shepherd is a very independent, intelligent and courageous dog. She has no fear, she is ready to get into a fight even with a stronger opponent, without thinking about the consequences. This breed has increased intelligence, sensitivity and courage. They have a special friendliness, activity and mobility. They get along well with children. The mixture of these species is the combination of the best qualities of the German and Caucasian Shepherds.

The character of the hybrid has many positive qualities, which should please the owners. Such animals are quite friendly and do not show aggression with children. But when other large dogs appear, they will not allow themselves to be offended. Hybrids are very friendly towards other domestic animals. They try to surround cats and small dogs with their protection and care. It is very interesting to observe when a huge shepherd allows itself to be touched and bitten by a small kitten or puppy.

Mestizos perfectly sense a person's mood and easily identify people with bad intentions, whom they will never allow to their owner.

Character Traits:

  • perseverance;
  • balance in dangerous situations;
  • strength of character;
  • lightning-fast reaction in case of unforeseen situations in a protected area;

If Caucasians are more strong-willed and independent, then Germans, on the contrary, are friendly, intelligent and playful dogs. When choosing a mestizo, it is impossible to predict with certainty which parent’s character will prevail. It is first recommended to study the external characteristics and habits of both parents. Mixes of German Shepherd and Caucasian, loyal and loving pets who are always ready to serve the owner. They are not afraid of anything, but at the same time they are well-controlled and obedient animals.

Working qualities and training

From birth, the German and Caucasian Shepherd breeds are characterized by watchdog and security skills. These dogs were used to herd livestock. They are very diligent and can stay in one area for a long time without changing location.

Outwardly it may seem that the mestizo is very calm, but this is deceptive. If danger appears on the horizon, he will react to it immediately. Thanks to these qualities, a mixed Caucasian with Germans is used for official purposes to organize search operations and protect objects and territory.

Important! Balanced and calm dogs are not empty-headed dogs. They calmly react to extraneous sounds and passing passers-by.

The dog will treat any stranger with caution, but will not show aggression for no reason. He will never attack without warning and will growl first.

The training process should begin as early as possible. Already as puppies, mixed-breed dogs begin to learn commands. It is important that the training process is led by a person who has earned the dog’s trust and become its leader. Training should be carried out in two stages. First, the puppy is trained, and then the acquired skills are consolidated in an adult dog.

The initial task of any dog ​​breeder is to teach the puppy to respond to its name. It is important to call it the same all the time. Once he understands his name, you can start learning easy commands, such as walking.

Important! You should always praise your pet for obedience.

Mestizos need to devote a lot of time from birth. By nature they are very friendly and attached to their owners. Therefore, they need maximum communication. Dogs are inquisitive, so training is successful. They always have an eagerness to learn new commands. If you regularly exercise with your pet, you can achieve lasting results.

Puppy training


In another way, Utonagana, among breeders, is called the northern Inuit. The purpose of breeding these mestizos was to create strong, hardy, trainable dogs. To obtain the desired result, the White Husky and German Shepherd breeds were crossed. Outwardly, these dogs resemble wolves.

Sometimes Malamutes are mixed in with the Husky/German Shepherd mix (pictured below). The resulting mestizos have good health and good heredity. This is due to the fact that they do not have genetic diseases due to the mixing of genes. These dogs take only the best genes from their parents, thereby creating a selective gene pool. Mestizos live for more than 15 years.

It is interesting that “utonagan” means “wolf spirit”. Therefore, in the character of the animal there may be notes of disobedience and love of freedom.

Metis of Alabai

Crossbreed with Caucasian

When crossing an Alabai with a Caucasian Shepherd, large, furry puppies are obtained. It is impossible to guess who the puppies will be more like, since with the same frequency both dogs that look more like Alabais and Caucasians appear. However, you should not expect any special surprises from this mating, since these breeds are very similar both in appearance and in purpose.

With a German Shepherd

In this case, you should be careful, since dogs are very different both in appearance and in character. Of course, most often these puppies take the best from their parents:

  • from alabai - courage, courage, ability to protect oneself, territory and owners;
  • from the German Shepherd - intelligence, activity, obedience and people-oriented.

Important! But at the same time, puppies can turn out to be very unpredictable, difficult to train and very aggressive or, on the contrary, very cowardly. Such features often appear when very bright psychotypes of both breeds are mixed, and then problems may arise when raising such a dog.

Appearance also varies greatly, but puppies are often very large and darker in color.

With husky

The puppies turn out very cute and fluffy. In body type they are more similar to the Alabai, but the color is often taken from the Husky. Due to the nature of the husky, the animals turn out to be kinder, more playful, and less aggressive towards strangers, but do not forget that everything is individual, and the puppy can, on the contrary, turn out to be unpredictable.

With Labrador

Alabai and Labrador mixes turn out to be very large, but still smaller than Alabai. have a wider chest and a more Labrador-like behavior. That is, playful, very active dogs that easily get used to new people. The color is often fawn.

With a husky

It is almost impossible to predict what will happen from a mixture of these two completely different breeds. It is safe to say that these will be very large and hardy animals. Outwardly, such mestizos are still more similar to mongrels than to purebred dogs. By character they can grow up to be both brave and strong guards and affectionate and kind family members, in this case it all depends on the puppy’s upbringing.

Father - Cane Corso, mother - Alabai

Both breeds are working, strong, balanced. This crossbreed often produces very large puppies with smooth hair. The color of the dog is unpredictable, but most often dark. The muzzle is massive, square, the bridge of the nose is straight. Both breeds do a good job of guarding, so puppies often turn out balanced and easy to train.

With a mongrel

This mix can be very unpredictable. If the character of the Alabai is at least a little predictable, then with the mongrel it’s the opposite, the dogs are completely different. We can say with confidence that such mestizos will still look more like mongrels than stocky purebred dogs. Unforeseen character.

Still, mestizos are a matter of taste. Such dogs are definitely not suitable for breeding and exhibitions. Of course, they often get the best qualities from their parents, but do not forget that any mixed breed is an unpredictable pet, and it is unknown what qualities it may display. Also, when different breeds are mixed, their unique qualities are lost. If you want to be confident in your choice, then you should still pay more attention to purebred dogs.

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