Why does a puppy eat cement? Why a dog eats stones: detailed analysis and advice. What to do to prevent the situation
Reasons why puppies eat stones and dirt on the street: how the owner should respond Among novice dog breeders
Acne in dogs
Pimples on the face, similar to human herpes...
Acne in dogs is one of the most common skin diseases: in four-legged animals
'Funny' Pied Piper
English Toy Terrier: an aristocrat with history
Origin: England Use: fox hunting, rabbit hunting, rat catching Color: black, some tan Dimensions:
Akita Inu: characteristics and description of the breed
Classifications of colors There is no consensus in the canine community about the acceptable colors of Akita Inu. World Canine
Wire Fox Terrier: description of the breed, character traits, rules of care and education
History of the origin of the breed The owners of the Foxhounds bred a new breed called the Fox Terrier. They needed
Breed predispositions of dogs to diseases
As different dog breeds become more common, genetic health problems in animals are becoming more common.
What tubular bones should a puppy not eat? Do you know why dogs can’t eat chicken bones? Possible danger of use
The popular image of a dog gnawing on a bone is firmly ingrained in most people's heads. What can a domesticated
Preparations to protect dogs from fleas: how to relieve your animal of discomfort
Flea drops: advantages and disadvantages The principle of action of the drugs allows you to quickly and safely get rid of
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French bulldog and child: features of education and care
Unlike most other Molossians, French Bulldogs are not large in stature. But wrong
Why does a dog limp on its front leg, but there are no visible injuries?
In veterinary practice, a dog limping on its front leg is a common problem. U
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