The largest pit bull in the world

Most people unfamiliar with pit bull terriers consider these dogs almost monsters. It must be admitted that this is not always without reason, since, left to its own devices and at the same time, an untrained pit bull can really be dangerous.

However, the world's largest representative of this breed, living in the city of New Hampshire, despite his impressive height and weight, is affectionate and surprisingly good-natured. Hulk, that’s the name of this dog, by his example that even representatives of the most serious breeds of dogs, with proper upbringing, grow up to be kind and obedient.

Origin story of a huge dog

Until now, none of the experts can say exactly why the Hulk grew so large: after all, ordinary pit bulls are medium-sized dogs. Many dog ​​experts argue that the Hulk cannot be a purebred pit bull terrier, since in his physique he is more similar to a Molosser, yes and his head is too large and voluminous for a terrier. Among his probable ancestors, experts name Cane Corso and English mastiffs.

Supporters of the version of the purebred origin of the Hulk cite as the main evidence that pit bulls can also be of the bulldog type. In this case, the powerful physique of this dog can be explained by natural causes. However, there are other hypotheses as to why the Hulk has outgrown his relatives so much. Dog handlers believe that this could be a genetic failure, or that when the dog was raised, special additives were added to the food to increase growth and muscle volume.

Some experts believe that Hulk is not a real pit bull, but a dog belonging to a recently bred breed of pit bull terrier in the United States known as the American Bully.

In this case, the large stature and massive physique of this dog would be quite understandable: after all, among American bullies there are indeed quite large and powerful dogs. However, Hulk has an official pedigree, which means he is apparently a purebred pit bull.

In order to confirm or refute his purebred origin, genetic research would have to be conducted, but the Hulk's owners, Marlon and Lisa Grennan, would never agree to this.

Origin story

Pit bulls have a rich past that dates back more than 300 years. Bulldogs and terriers were first actively crossed in Great Britain for use in fighting. Which breeds were involved in the breeding work is a topic for much discussion, but apparently they were different in each region. Together with the colonialists from the Old World, dogs came to America, where they found a new homeland. The name American Pit Bull Terrier has come into use since 1898; until that time, dogs were called pit dogs, bulldogs or pit terriers.

In America, the breed has always been loved and deservedly so, but after the ban on dog fighting there were people who wanted to profit from illegal sports and continued to use mainly pit bulls for this. As a result, the media organized a whole campaign, which resulted in a “war on witches” and swept the country. Dark times have come for the breed. Fortunately, common sense prevailed, people realized that in cases of a dog attacking people, only the owner can be blamed, whom the animal strives to please in every possible way. The breed's rather tarnished reputation has begun to gradually recover, but in a number of countries, including some US states, the distribution and keeping of pit bulls is still subject to severe restrictions.

Pit bull registration history

The stud book of American Pit Bull Terriers has been kept since 1898 at the UKC (United Kennel Klub). This association was organized by breeder Shawnsey Z. Bennett, it was supposed to become the main registry of working dogs, including fighting dogs, and was intended as an alternative to the only one operating at that time - the AKC (American Kennel Klub), which was more interested in breeding for appearance. Bennett gave the breed the official name - American Pit Bull Terrier, and the first registered pit bull in the book was his male named Ring.

Bennett's idea of ​​a single registration of pit bulls was difficult to implement; many did not want to reveal the origin of their dogs. Then the UKC proposed standardization of dog fighting and the participation of official referees. But this did not help to significantly expand the population. It was decided to invite hunting dogs for registration as well.

Almost 40 years after the UKC began registering pit bulls, several breeders who wanted to avoid contact with fighting approached the American Kennel Club with a request to register the breed. The association agreed to open stud books for APBT, but on the condition that the name would be changed. So in 1936, the AKC recognized pit bulls as Staffordshire Terriers. Since then, there have always been dogs with dual registration in the UKC as Pit Bulls and in the AKC as Amstaffs.

In 1909, the ADBA (American Dog breeders association) club was also created under the leadership of Guy McCordia and his friend John P. Colby. The association was created for breeders specializing in dog fighting, but after the ban on them in 1976, many breeders did not leave and continued to register their litters with ADBA.

Thus the UKC and ADBA are the main organizations that register pit bulls.

Video review about the dog breed Ameoican Pit Bull Terrier (Pitbull):

Description of the giant

Hulk is a very large pit bull of a tan color, with superbly developed muscles. He looks so strong and powerful that he looks more like a Molosser than a typical Pit Bull Terrier. This dog has a massive head with a voluminous skull and strong jaws. The ears are cropped short, making the Hulk look especially impressive and menacing.

At first glance, the Hulk may seem slow and clumsy, but in fact this dog is agile, dexterous and agile.

Health and life expectancy

Representatives of the breed are usually distinguished by good health, they are strong and hardy, and their life expectancy is usually 10-12 years.

The main preventive measures are routine vaccination, deworming, treatment for external parasites and regular medical examination.

There are a number of genetic diseases in the breed:

  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Bloating and volvulus of the stomach and intestines;
  • Heart disease (most often recorded are subaortic stenosis, valvular malformations, cardiac arrhythmias);
  • Cataract;
  • Cutaneous hemangioma and histiocytoma;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • von Willebrand's disease;
  • With age, the development of tumor diseases, including malignant ones, is possible;
  • The breed is susceptible to various types of allergies.

Dimensions and weight compared to conventional ones

The Hulk is twice as big as a regular pit bull and almost three times as heavy. Already at 18 months, this giant weighed 78 kg, while the weight of a standard pit bull terrier is usually 14-27 kg. The Hulk's skull circumference is about 75 cm, and this is also atypical for ordinary pit bulls, whose heads are much less voluminous.

Character traits

The Hulk has become famous throughout the world as a gentle giant who adores children and is selflessly devoted to his masters. He has no innate aggression towards people and this, according to the Hulk’s owners, makes him an absolute good-natured person. He is a real nanny dog, looking after his owner's children, playing with them and even allowing them to ride him like a pony.

At the same time, Hulk is a superbly trained dog to protect his owners, who does an excellent job of protecting the house and the surrounding area.

Marlon and Lisa Grennan adore their pet and believe that he is a real good-natured gentleman, but at the same time they constantly monitor the Hulk's behavior.

After all, its owners, like other professional trainers, are well aware that keeping a large dog of a serious breed in the house is always associated with great responsibility.


Hulk is a real good-natured giant who loves to play with the children of his owners. He also as evidenced by many photos posted on the Internet. The dog also loves to howl to the sounds of a harmonica and, according to eyewitnesses, it looks very funny. At the same time, the Hulk has such a good-natured expression written on his face that you can’t help but feel moved when looking at him.

The feeding habits of a huge pit bull are interesting. The Hulk primarily feeds on high-protein food. A day he eats about two kilograms of ground beef or muscle meat, as well as some fruits, vegetables and dairy products, usually natural yogurt.

When Hulk's owners don't have time to prepare home-cooked food for him, or when traveling, they feed him high-quality dry food with a high protein content.

Interesting facts about the giant dog

This thoroughbred giant loves to cuddle with his owners Merlon and Lisa, runs and plays with children with pleasure, loves the sounds of the harmonica, and strives to sing along with it. At the same time, everyone expresses their satisfaction with what is happening.

The largest dog on the planet requires adequate nutrition. His diet consists of 2 kg of meat or minced meat per day. He also loves fruits, vegetables and dairy products. He doesn’t disdain dry food with proteins either.

Important! The presence of a large guard dog in a family always comes with great responsibility. No matter how well-trained, kind, and flexible a dog is, it always needs constant supervision.

The giant sings to the accordion

The dog's age and what's wrong with him now

The Hulk is currently over six years old and, thanks to his popularity on the Internet, he has long been transformed from an ordinary pet into a media personality. Hulk is invited to various shows and television programs. At the same time, the dog does not mind filming and video shooting at all. He enjoys posing in front of the camera and is also very photogenic and not lacking in artistic talent.

Hulk's owners received offers several times to sell the dog for any money, but Marlon and Lisa rejected them. After all, the Hulk is not just their faithful watchman and bodyguard, who, if necessary, will not regret giving his life for his owners. For them, the pit bull is a family member whom they love almost as much as their own children.

Puppies from him

In 2015, Hulk had his first litter: he became the father of eight cute puppies, including the blue-tiger with white markings Kob, who remained in the Grennan couple's home. The rest of the babies from this and subsequent litters were sold and their cost was significantly higher than the price of ordinary pit bulls.

The cost of a newborn puppy from Hulk is no less than $30,000.

This high price is explained by the likelihood that the babies will grow up to be as large as their father. But Hulk still remains the world's largest pit bull terrier and none of his children managed to grow up as huge. Even Kob, from whom Marlon was going to raise a new record holder, was unable, despite excellent feeding and intense physical training, to reach the same size as the Hulk.

Hulk and Kob

Photos of him standing next to his father show that Kob, despite his powerful muscles and massive physique, is no larger than a regular pit bull and that he is half the size of the Hulk.

Heirs of the Hulk

And a few months ago, the good-natured Hulk gave birth to 8 cute puppies! Since he is now a real celebrity, buying his heir is not a cheap matter: one barely born cub costs no less than $30,000! And if the puppy is trained, then, according to the owners, the price can almost double.

Hulk's owner Lisa Grennan says that the image of the pit bull as an evil, monstrous dog is created by the media and various people who are far from constant contact with pit bulls. Of course, this breed is not suitable for every person, but it is not so difficult to find an approach to it: you need to train and train the dog, treat it well, and in return it will protect you and have a wonderful time with you!

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