Adaptation of a puppy in a new home: recommendations for the buyer

A puppy's first days in the house - how to care for him?

It is best to bring the puppy home in the morning. During the day he will get used to the new home a little and he will not be so sad the first night without his mother. Before you bring your puppy, you need to prepare your apartment. The most important task is to remove all carpets from the floor. At first, until the puppy gets used to using the toilet outside, he will do his “dirty business” directly on the floor. Agree, it’s easier to clean up after it from a clean floor than to wash the carpet.

If you have carpets at home, take them to the dry cleaner, then wrap them in plastic and hide them somewhere. When the puppy gets used to not peeing on the floor, the carpets can be returned to their place.

At first, help the puppy get acquainted with the apartment. Take the baby in your arms, show him around, then offer him something to eat. Most likely, after eating he will want to sleep a little. Take him to a pre-prepared place and put him to rest.

  • During the first days, all puppies sleep a lot and there is no need to disturb them in this. Your children need to be taught that your puppy needs plenty of rest to gain strength. When he gets a little older they can play with him all day long.
  • To emotionally relax the puppy, because moving is a big stress for him, you need to put a toy or a piece of fabric with familiar smells next to him. There should be toys left where the puppy lived before that you can take with the puppy.
  • If there are no such items, place a piece of rag near the place where he slept, where his mother is. After a few hours, the rag will be sufficiently saturated with native odors. You can spend this time talking with the puppy's owner. Find out how to care for him, what to feed him, how to raise him
  • The first days the puppy is very fragile, he needs your affection and care. Never pick up a puppy by grabbing its tummy, as this will compress its internal organs and cause discomfort. It is better to lift with one hand holding the chest, and the other holding the pelvis to the side

In the first days, you must decide whether you will allow the dog on the bed. They love this place very much; it will be very difficult to wean him from climbing onto the bed. Therefore, if you are happy for your dog to walk on the bed when he is an adult, you can take the puppy to bed. Never leave him alone on the bed until he learns to jump on and off it himself. Otherwise, trying to get away, he may fall and damage his paws.

Equipment (collar, leash or harness)

Even if you have not yet received all the necessary vaccinations and do not plan to take your puppy outside, you must take care of the necessary ammunition in advance.

You can buy a tape measure or leash right away, but the collar should be proportionate to the puppy. Never use a collar for growth. During a walk, a dog may simply “slip out” of a large collar.

But what can you do, since you need to accustom your baby to a collar in advance? There are special collars for growing puppies for this purpose. They are canvas or rag, with the ability to adjust the neck circumference. This is exactly the collar our Jack wore as a child.

The puppy is a month old - how to stop a dog from peeing at home?

Remember that for the first month the puppy will pee at home from time to time. The whole point is that at this age a dog cannot endure for long. You need to learn to understand when she wants to go to the toilet. To do this, you need to monitor her habits. At first, you will inevitably be constantly cleaning up after your pet.

  • Carpets encourage your puppy to go to the toilet right on them. Perhaps the fleecy surface tells them that this is the best place to relieve themselves. You must remove all carpets from the floors in the house. Next you need to teach the puppy to go to the toilet outside, so you will gradually wean him from doing it in the house
  • You can tell your puppy that he is doing something you don’t like only at the moment when he does it. Therefore, if you see that he has sat down and the process has begun, you can lightly slap him on the rump, reinforcing your words with indignation. Don't hit him too hard - you should make it clear that this is not good, and not hurt him or harm him
  • When you are walking outside and the puppy starts peeing there, be sure to praise him after that, pet him, or maybe give him a treat. This way he will quickly understand that it is better to cope on the street, but this cannot be done at home. Gradually, your dog should get used to the command “Fu!”, so start saying it when the puppy copes at home
  • If you are late, and your pet peed even just five seconds ago, there is no point in punishing him. You shouldn't speak in a stern voice either. He will not understand why he is being scolded. In the first days, you should literally follow the puppy every minute and wait for him to pee or poop. The more you miss the right moment, the more difficult it will be to teach him to do his business on the street, and not at home.

Puppy: first days in a new home

Finally the puppy is home! Your family cannot hide their delight, they do not leave a single step from the fluffy funny little ball, all they can hear is: “Oh, how cute, how funny!” Yes, of course, the appearance of a dog in the house is a very exciting and joyful event, especially if you have prepared for it in advance! What do you need to purchase before the puppy arrives at home?

Preparing for the arrival of a puppy in the house is a responsible task, but it can’t be called a hassle either, because it’s so nice to take care of your pet.

Choosing a place

Any pet, just like a person, needs a place to sleep and rest. Perhaps it will be a mattress, a house or a plastic bed - the choice, of course, is up to the owner. In the pet store you can choose a comfortable and beautiful sleeping place for your four-legged friend, most importantly, remember: the mattress must be the right size, do not buy one that is too small, take into account the rapid growth of the puppy. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, look carefully at the mattress and think about whether your already adult pet will be able to stretch out to its full height on it? If yes, then buy it with confidence!

Place the mattress in a quiet, secluded area. You can’t place it near heating appliances, in a draft, and there’s no place for a puppy in the kitchen either. It is best to place the bed in a corner or in the corridor. The puppy must be accustomed to its place immediately, from the first minutes of its appearance in the house. When the baby gets tired and starts looking for a warm place to sleep, take him to the mattress, sit next to him for a while, stroke him and say several times in a calm voice: “Place!” To make the puppy not so sad and lonely in the new home, ask the breeder for a small piece of a sheet or blanket on which the mother and his sisters and brothers slept. The native smell will calm the baby and he will not be so lonely, and after a few days, when your little friend gets used to the new home and new smells, the piece of fabric can be removed.

Under no circumstances should you take your dog into your bed, even if you really want to! Of course, the puppy is so small and cute, why shouldn’t he spend the night with his owner? Believe me, after one night there will be a second, third, tenth, and when you want the dog to sleep in its place, it won’t like it, well, of course, before it was always allowed, but now they suddenly send it to its place! And it will be difficult to wean him off the master’s bed.


To keep your baby from getting bored, be sure to buy him several different toys. Balls, rings, bones - the puppy will play with all these when the household is at work. Some of these toys can and should even be chewed, such as offal bones, dried ears, tails, etc.

If you have a large breed puppy, do not buy small balls that he can easily swallow during play, and, accordingly, a huge ball, which can frighten him and knock him off his paws, is not suitable for a tiny Yorkshire Terrier. Many dogs really like toys that make sounds. Since puppies, and even adult dogs, try everything, you should choose latex toys that are almost impossible to chew into small pieces or swallow. Please note that rope toys, which can be used to play tug-of-war with the owner or another dog, are not suitable for puppies with baby teeth and an immature bite, because they can ruin the pet’s bite.

Choosing a bowl

Prepare two fairly deep bowls with high sides for your four-legged friend: for food and water. Some owners have the idea of ​​giving the dog an old plate, but this should not be done: the plate may have cracks or chips that will injure the dog, the plate is unstable, will slide on the floor, irritating the puppy (inconvenient to eat) and the owner (scratches on the floor), and Scattered food won't make you happy.

When choosing dishes, consider the size and breed of your dog. For puppies with floppy ears (spaniel, basset hound), a narrow and high bowl on a special platform is suitable; for tall dogs (great Dane, Doberman), the best option would be a bowl with a stand, the height of which can be adjusted as the pet grows. For small and medium-sized breeds, it is better to buy bowls with suction cups or with a rubberized bottom: they are stable and safe. Or purchase a special mat that is non-slip and prevents the bowls from moving out of place.

There are dog bowls: single, double, sippy bowls and automatic feeders. Single bowls are the simplest and most convenient to use; most owners prefer them.

Double bowls are convenient because you wash not two different bowls, but one. But if the puppy eats dry food, drops of water from a nearby bowl will definitely fall on the food, and it will become soggy. Also, in hot weather, dogs drink a lot of water, you will have to pour water more often, and put food out of the bowl every time, which is not very convenient.

Sippy bowls are an excellent option for breeds with a beard (the hair on the beard remains dry after eating), for traveling, and, of course, for small puppies who, when playing, can turn over a bowl of water or food.

Automatic feeders are designed so that the owner can safely leave his pet unattended for the whole day. Such a bowl can be equipped with a timer, which gives your pet a portion of food and fresh water at the time you set. Some bowls even have a voice recorder, which allows the owner to record his voice and invite the dog to feed.

We teach cleanliness

You've already sorted out the space, toys and dishes; perhaps the most important thing remains - organizing a place for the toilet. Of course, very soon your pet will grow up and will do its business outside, but at a tender age the puppy cannot yet control himself, therefore, in order to avoid puddles and piles throughout the apartment, you need to teach him to go to the toilet in a certain place.

While you are teaching your puppy to be clean, it is best to limit his movement around the house or apartment during this time. Choose a place in the hallway or in the room, cover the floor with newspapers or disposable diapers. Watch your pet. Usually puppies go to the toilet 5-10 minutes after eating and sleeping. As soon as the puppy has eaten or woken up, take him to the diaper, wait until he does his business, be sure to praise him, give him a treat and continue to reward him every time the puppy goes to the toilet in the place you have chosen. Never play with or praise your puppy before he has done his business in the right place. If the baby got too playful and went to the toilet in the wrong place, you can scold him only if you caught the puppy at the time of the crime, and if you came home from work and found a puddle, then it is useless to punish your four-legged friend, the puppy will not understand anyway , why are you scolding him, he has long forgotten that an hour ago he did his business in the wrong place.

After a couple of days, remove one diaper, and after a few more days, remove the other, by this time the puppy will understand that it is necessary to go to the toilet only on a newspaper or diaper. When you are sure that the baby has thoroughly learned the lesson, you can remove all the diapers and leave only one. After the puppy has received all the required vaccinations, you can begin to accustom him to the street, and while he is at home, a toilet in a certain place (diaper, tray or newspaper) will be a real salvation for you.

If you have a puppy of a miniature breed, such as a Chihuahua or Toy Terrier, then such skills will be useful to him for the rest of his life. Some people who really want a dog, but cannot walk it three times a day, specifically get small breed dogs that are great at going to the toilet in a litter tray, like cats.

Essential kit

To provide your puppy with a comfortable environment, you cannot do without these things.

Treats for reward will help with training. The design of bowls for pets is striking in its diversity. Having received a comfortable place to rest, the pet will not strive to sleep in the owner’s bed.

Source: Tatyana Ostrovskaya / Pet No. 01-2015

How to house train a puppy?

Give the puppy time to adapt. Moving to a new home is a big stress for him, which is accompanied by separation from his mother. He needs to explore all the rooms, get used to the smells, only after that he will be able to feel calm in the apartment.

  • In the first days after the puppy appears in the house, do not bathe it under any circumstances. Additional emotional shocks will make the adjustment time longer. It is important to surround the puppy with care, talk to him, spend as much time with him as possible. He must feel that he is loved here and welcome in this house
  • At the same time, teach the puppy his name. Everyone has their own place in the house, and the dog should have it too. Set aside a place for the puppy and gradually accustom him to the “Place” command. Your dog should always go to his place when you tell him to. He will not learn to do this right away; do not demand great results in the first days. Everything must be gradual
  • For the first few days, you can carry the puppy in your arms, walk with him and talk about your home. This way he will get to know him faster and get used to his new place of residence. It is advisable to remove all wires and objects that the puppy could bite or swallow while playing.

How to calm a puppy at night

You may have to endure the baby’s plaintive howling and crying for hours, but don’t break down and don’t punish the puppy. Also, you should not pick up your dog, otherwise you risk raising a sissy who will become restless when he wants to be (for example, howling and whining every time you leave the house without him). It is enough to simply reach out to the puppy and caress it, showing that the owner is nearby and there is no reason to worry. You may have to sleep with your hand extended towards the puppy. You may have to sleep with him on the floor for a couple of nights - this helps.

Most puppies stop performing nightly shows after a couple of days. I wish you patience and health for your little pet.

How to toilet train a puppy at home?

In order to train a puppy to use the toilet at home, you need to determine the moments when he wants to go to the toilet. Usually puppies go to the toilet immediately after sleep or some time after eating. The puppy does not go into a secluded corner to pee, so you can easily see when he is ready. As soon as he wakes up, immediately pick him up and take him to the litter box.

At first, the pet will not understand what is needed from it and will run away from the tray. You must patiently return it to its place, while repeating the phrase “Toilet.”

When you are with your puppy near his litter box, you should have something very, very tasty. As soon as he goes into the litter box, give him a treat immediately. Several such trainings in a row will tell the pet that the only place to go to the toilet is in the litter tray.


Regardless of where you plan to keep an adult dog - in an apartment/house or on the street, you should take a puppy into the house for the first time. There you will get used to each other, learn understanding and good manners. Also, the puppy should be protected from contact with the street until the necessary primary vaccination is completed and the baby’s immunity is strengthened.

Security and Protection

When the puppy first appears, he will begin to explore and taste everything, so remove everything unnecessary from his reach.

Be sure to remove carpets from the floor if you have them - at first the puppy will do his business wherever he has to, before you teach him to do it where he is supposed to.

What does a puppy need in the house?

From the first day of being in a new home, the puppy will need certain conditions and objects for full development, growth and training to comply with established rules.

Own place

You can also equip your puppy with a fenced-off space in a place convenient for you, where he can run freely. It will be possible to place his bowls and toilet there.

Bowls for food and drink

The puppy will need separate dishes for food and water. You should choose bowls depending on the breed of your pet (for example, for breeds of medium size and above, you should use a stand for bowls with adjustable height for the correct posture of the dog; for long-eared breeds, specially shaped bowls that prevent long ears from getting inside; for breeds with flat faces Do not use deep dishes, as it will be difficult for them to reach the contents).

Dishes for food and feed should be placed away from the area reserved for the toilet; hygiene rules should be taught immediately.

A dog needs its own food, prepared especially for it according to a balanced diet. This is especially important during puppyhood. And remember that you cannot feed your pet the same thing that you eat yourself - a number of foods that we eat are contraindicated for dogs.

It is best to feed the new inhabitant of your home the same thing that the previous owners fed him.

If you don’t know what the puppy ate before it came to your house, then for feeding you can use boiled chicken and sea fish without bones, low-fat cottage cheese, and other fermented milk products. In the future, you can gradually switch to good quality dry food.

If your puppy is too small and cannot yet eat on his own, then a bitch milk replacer will help you in this case. You can purchase it at a veterinary pharmacy, as well as a bottle for its use.

Toilet space

From the very first day, you will need to strictly determine the place where the puppy can relieve himself. It is better if this place is in a fairly secluded place. There, place a diaper (disposable or a special reusable one that can be washed) or a tray (the main thing is that its sides are not too high for the baby).

Be patient, the puppy will not immediately figure out where he should go to the toilet, and you should not scold him when he does it anywhere. As soon as you notice that the puppy has sat down to relieve itself, immediately transfer it to the tray (on the diaper). When the puppy goes to the toilet in the right place, praise him, let him immediately begin to understand that this is good.

An important requirement for toys is that they be made from safe materials with a dense consistency so that the puppy cannot bite off pieces of them with his sharp teeth. It is also worth choosing a toy for your pet of a suitable size so that he can easily grab it with his teeth and carry it.

It is best for your puppy to purchase special toys designed specifically for dogs; they are sold in pet stores. Never let your puppy play with soft toys, unnecessary shoes or other things that are not intended for this purpose. Otherwise, you can harm your pet's health, and in addition, you will instill in him the bad habit of gnawing on foreign things.

It is best to visit a veterinarian as soon as you have adopted your puppy so that he can assess the general health of the pet and give general advice on care and feeding. He will also give advice on what medications you should have at home and why.

However, in any case, you will need bandages, cotton wool, antiseptics (chlorhexidine, levomekol), as well as drugs used for intestinal disorders and poisoning (smecta, activated carbon, etc.).

In the future you will need

In the first days in a new home, the following items will be superfluous, but as your pet grows you will need them:

  • ammunition - a collar and leash or harness will be useful for training and walking your pet
  • grooming products - dog shampoos, combs, nail clippers, etc. will be needed to keep your pet neat and aesthetically pleasing.

Even if you received a puppy with dirty fur or parasites, do not rush to bathe him on the first day - this will become additional stress, let the pet get comfortable and get used to you a little.

What will be required of you

Caring for a puppy is not easy, especially if you have just adopted one. He needs a lot of attention and care, so if you are planning to adopt a puppy, then plan to spend time with the puppy for the first time (for example, during a long weekend or vacation) until he gets a little used to being alone.

Keep in mind that, most likely, the puppy will whine and act restless the first night (and possibly the next few), because he is in a new place and for the first time alone, away from his mother and brothers and sisters.

How to make a puppy's new home with your own hands?

If you live in an apartment, a new house for a puppy can be made from available materials; you don’t have to build a real house for this. For small dogs, you can use an old suitcase. Open it and fix the lid in a static position in any way.

You can sew a ready-made pillow inside or simply make a foam preparation. This material is better because it is able to remember the anatomical features of pets. As a result, he will always be comfortable in such a house.

You can build a real house in the form of a tent. Assemble the frame of a dog house from plastic tubes or any other material. Place an awning on top so that the entrance has a small threshold; dogs love the complete protection of their home.

It is better to make the bottom of such a house in several layers. The bottom one should be made of plastic film to protect the floor covering from surprises. Next is a soft and comfortable pillow. Carefully measure the dimensions of your pet, taking into account the fact that it will grow. Even though dogs can fit in tight spaces, most dogs enjoy spacious homes.

How to prepare your home for buying a puppy

To prevent your baby from being injured and causing serious damage to your apartment or house, you should prepare in advance for his appearance. Experts recommend that owners allocate one room for the puppy. This will allow you to keep the remaining rooms intact until the baby learns the basic rules of behavior in the new home.

You should also remove from the room where the pet will be:

  • All small objects that can harm the young inhabitant (paper clips, buttons, pins, etc.). It is important to understand that everything that the puppy can reach will automatically be tested;
  • Electric wires. They must be securely placed in a box and preferably out of the baby’s reach;
  • Books and magazines. They need to either be lifted onto the shelves of the closet, or simply removed from the coffee table. Otherwise, the owner risks finding many small pieces of paper scattered throughout the room, or books with teeth marks;
  • Shoes and wardrobe items. Babies often have itchy teeth or just need new toys. To save the puppy from the temptation to chew on the owner’s boots or slippers, they should not be left within the reach of the young tomboy.

Holding a puppy in your arms all the time - won't it harm him?

The puppy must receive a certain dose of activity. Constantly carrying it in your arms is harmful, since the puppy will lag behind in its muscle development. In practice, if the puppy does not walk on his own, but is constantly carried in his arms, you should contact a veterinarian; perhaps the pet already has motor abnormalities.

Excessive sleepiness of your little four-legged friend should not be confused with lack of activity. It only takes a small dog to run around the apartment for a short time before he wants to sleep. Over time, his body will get stronger and he will need more and more walking.

Remember, dogs require a lot of attention. If you bring a puppy at home, consider that you have a child and a full-fledged member of the family. While he is small, you can often carry him in your arms, but gradually teach him to walk on his own. When you carry a puppy in your arms, hold him correctly, never putting pressure on his tummy.


Toys serve the purpose of development and entertainment for the puppy. They should not only be interesting to the pet, but also safe. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the material - it should be strong, durable, and not too hard. Size is important - a puppy cannot cope with a toy that is too large, and he will soon get bored with it. Here are some examples of toys that puppies will like: balls, rings, ducks and bones made of leather, soft plastic, rubber, jute sticks.

What to name a boy puppy?

It is advisable to choose a nickname for your pet that will differ from similar human names. On a walk, it will be very inconvenient if your dog and the neighbor’s boy are called by the same name. Some neighbors may even be offended.

Choose a nickname for the boy puppy that will reflect either his appearance or his differences in character. Accordingly, for small dogs you need to choose more gentle nicknames. Large dogs can proudly bear respectable names.

Here are some examples of what you can name a boy puppy:

  • Lord
  • Tsar
  • Theis
  • Velvet
  • Chapik
  • Link
  • Drago

Where and how to arrange a place for a puppy

In order for the puppy to get used to the house as quickly and efficiently as possible, it is important to properly equip its future place. Dog handlers recommend choosing a place for a puppy in such a way that it meets several criteria:

  • Be located away from drafts, heating radiators, and places where family members constantly walk. The baby should be comfortable and cozy. It should not be forced to constantly rise to make way for the owner or other occupants of the house;
  • The rug or bedding chosen by the owner must be made of non-staining material and can be easily washed using detergents.

When choosing a house-shaped bed, consider the size of your pet and how quickly it will grow. Of course, it’s not worth purchasing a bed that fits the size of an adult animal. But you shouldn’t choose a model that exactly matches the parameters of a 2-3 month old pet either. After a couple of months, the bed will become small and you will have to visit the pet store again.

The entrance to the dog bed should be comfortable for the pet. If the baby is forced to perform acrobatic acts to get to his place, then there is a high probability that the pet will refuse to use such a house.

In some cases, breeders fence off part of the room, turning it into an enclosure for puppies. This is a good way to save the rest of the house from inevitable destruction. The more attentive the owner is in preparing a place for his four-legged friend, the greater the chance that the puppy will appreciate the comfort and convenience of his bedding.

How to name a puppy girl?

The names of girls' puppies should also not be similar to human names. Keep in mind that pet names and abbreviations should sound like nicknames. Usually nicknames for girls have a feminine ending.

Some names you can use for a girl puppy:

  • Vitamin
  • Don
  • Dasya
  • Klyopa
  • Nasta
  • Pekki
  • Palm
  • Tilde
  • Yagda

The choice of nicknames is very large. Some people like well-known nicknames like Rex, Kashtanka, and so on. Choose a name for your pet that you can pronounce easily and sonorously. Avoid complex names that are difficult to pronounce.

Common names for dogs

After the airing of some films, dog names became popular: Mukhtar and Hachiko. Some people prefer to name their pets their favorite characters from books. This could be Totoshka, Zeus, Bonya, Spikey, Basya and others.

Foreign names of people by which pets are called in our country have gained some popularity. For example, Roxy, Adele, Greta, Susie, Charlie, Teddy, Dick and so on.

If you want your pet to be special, don't give it standard names. Frequent and well-known names to some extent disturb pets because they may be called by strangers.

What do you need to bring a puppy into your home? Puppy to a private house

To care for a puppy, you need to buy or make yourself all the items to make it comfortable. This includes a place for the dog (bed, couch, house), feeding dishes, litter tray, food, toys and a first aid kit.

A dog requires a lot of care, so you will need puppy care supplies. This kit should include a comb, a massage brush, a dog towel, a special shampoo for the coat, a nail clipper, and a jumpsuit for some breeds.

If a puppy is born in a private house, at first he needs to be allocated a place in the house and only when he gets stronger can he be left outside. An adult dog must have its own place in the yard, where there will be a booth for sleeping and a plate for food.

It is believed that correct posture in a puppy is formed when he reaches a little for food and eats while standing. For these reasons, you will need a special stand for a plate of food. Everything else you can do or purchase as needed.

What do you need to buy when a puppy appears in the house?

There is a list of necessary items and things that should be in your “arsenal” so that you can accept a puppy into your home as correctly as possible and raise it correctly. These include:

  • two bowls (one for water, one for food);
  • a rug that will be placed on the animal’s personal place;
  • leash and collar;
  • educational toys (allow the puppy to have fun and usefully spend time);
  • toys so that the puppy can sharpen his teeth on them (pet stores sell special bones for dogs);
  • necessary things to care for your dog (for example, a pet comb and nail clippers).

The puppy is left alone at home - what will he do?

When the puppy is left alone at home, he gets bored. The more attention you pay to him, the more he will wait for you to pet him, talk to him, and play with him.

Most of the time the puppy sleeps. He spends the rest of his time exploring the apartment in which he finds himself. Therefore, when you come home, you may see that your pet has done minor pranks. Remember that there is no point in scolding them; the puppy simply will not understand why he was punished.

At first, especially when the puppy is learning to go to the toilet, he should not be left alone. You must watch him, take care of him. Imagine that this is your child; you will not leave him alone in the first months of life.

Features of psychological adaptation of a puppy in your home

The above recommendations and tips relate more to the physical adaptation of the puppy in your home. However, there are also psychological aspects that are important to pay attention to. After all, when an animal finds itself in a new environment, it finds itself in a stressful situation. And, any stress leaves an imprint on his psyche and development. Therefore, it is very important to correctly help the puppy undergo psychological adaptation, not to break it, not to crush it with your authority, but also not to turn it into a weak-willed slave. You have made a friend, therefore, you must do everything to make your friend feel comfortable in your home. Therefore, we suggest that you now dwell on the emotions that the puppy experiences and how you can help him.

Fear and despair

Being cut off from its mother, brothers and sisters, finding itself in a new environment where there are a lot of strange smells and a lot of strangers, the animal experiences fear. Everything here is foreign. But, if you ask the breeder for some small object from the puppy’s “past life” - a piece of bedding, a bowl, a toy, and show them to the baby - it will be easier for him to get comfortable in your home.


Clutter as a way to relieve stress

A big mistake is made by those pet owners who, in the very first days, leave them alone at home for the whole day. In a strange environment, completely alone, an animal may fall into despair and begin to bark or howl. And, in this state, most often animals take out their pain of loneliness on the objects that surround them. Scattered things, broken furniture - all this can become a habitual means of relieving stress even in an adult dog. To prevent this from happening, in the first days of your pet’s life in your home, spend as much time as possible with him, do not let him feel abandoned and lonely.


Feeding your baby contributes to your pet’s special attachment to you. However, you shouldn’t just settle for pouring food into his bowl and walking away. Sit next to the puppy and put food in his plate as it becomes empty. In this way, you will achieve maximum trust on the part of your pet, and he will forever remember who feeds him. By the way, you need to feed the puppy after you have eaten, so that your pet remembers the hierarchy.


Punishment for the puppy in the first weeks of life in your home is canceled. No matter what your pet has done. After all, you were the one who didn't put your shoes away and left the closet open. So, you only have yourself to blame for all this. As for the very common measures and sanctions, including excommunication from the bowl, locking in a dark room, confinement on a cold balcony - all this is very traumatic for the animal’s psyche at such an early age, and gives rise to hidden aggression in it. And, although dogs are not vindictive creatures, they never forget either good or evil deeds towards them.


Always try to understand and explain the behavior of your pet - there is no causeless aggression, or causeless transformation of a cute creature into a growling and grinning dog. There is a reason and explanation for everything. So, the puppy may be in pain due to a recent procedure of washing his ears with peroxide, or perhaps he suffers from pain when you, following the dogma of his breed, “put” his ears. In this case, do not respond to aggression with aggression - you have commands for this. Try to understand why your pet behaves this way.


Don't ignore signs of dog love. Especially in a situation where the puppy falls on its back and exposes its pink belly to you so that you can stroke it. In dogs, this is the highest degree of trust, and it means that the puppy accepts you as its owner and trusts you with the most defenseless part of its body. Don't betray this trust...

Interesting video about adapting a puppy to your home:

The arrival of a puppy in the house: tips and reviews

  • Do as much research as possible on the breed of puppy you want to get.
  • Have an educational conversation with everyone in the household, tell them how to care for the puppy
  • Prepare a place for the puppy
  • Start raising him from the first day, do not put off this process until later.
  • Make sure you can give your dog enough attention and provide him with proper nutrition.

Get a puppy only if you really love dogs and are ready to devote most of your life to them. The dog requires a lot of attention.

Although having a pet can cause a lot of trouble, it also brings a huge number of positive moments. Over time, you will learn to understand a dog by its look and movement. This nonverbal communication is a lot of fun. Especially when the pet thanks you for your attention and care.

And some more useful tips

If you are just about to get a puppy, then the following tips will help you a little. You can learn more about how to choose the right puppy from our article.

At what age is it better to adopt a puppy?

The preferred age at which to adopt a puppy is from two to three months - by this period they are already quite strong, confidently feed on their own and, as a rule, they have already received the necessary primary vaccination.

What time of year should you get a dog?

Dogs usually give birth to puppies in the spring or fall. It is preferable to take a puppy from a spring litter, so he will have more time to get stronger and begin to safely go outside, where he will encounter adverse weather conditions at a more suitable age.

Don’t be afraid of responsibility when you suddenly have a defenseless creature in your hands. You can handle everything, the main thing is to prepare properly and be patient. Yes, a dog requires a lot of time, but this is rewarded with its boundless love and devotion.

Funny videos and photos - puppy in the house

Here is a small selection of cute photos that demonstrate how a puppy brings a positive mood to its owners.

Be sure to watch these videos with funny and cute puppies.

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