Feeding the Shih Tzu, the pros and cons of the breed

Breed standard

Shih Tzus are easy to litter train and do not require regular exercise.

The breed standards are as follows:

  1. Rounded head shape.
  2. A clearly defined stop.
  3. Smooth muzzle, not long.
  4. On the muzzle there is a goatee, long mustache and strands of fur falling over the eyes.
  5. The ears are long, large and drooping, with thick fur.
  6. The eyes are large, the color of the iris determines the color of the coat.
  7. The body is strong, rectangular and slightly elongated.
  8. Smooth back.
  9. The tail is completely covered with hair, set high, and at the end the hair develops like a fan.
  10. The limbs are short, but strong.

Dogs have long, non-curly hair. Any color is allowed, but at exhibitions preference is always given to those individuals that have white strands on the tail and muzzle. Compact size is one of the main advantages of the breed.

Nutritional Features

The specific nutrition of a Shih Tzu is based solely on the choice of the owner. Natural feeding - if you have free time and energy. The basis of this diet is raw finely chopped meat, boiled sea fish, cereal porridges, cooked offal, and vegetables. The entire line of fermented milk products is very useful for the Shih Tzu. Vegetable and animal oils are required in the diet. In any case, with the natural form it is necessary to control the freshness of the source materials and add vitamin and mineral supplements.

Dry industrial food makes the feeding process as easy as possible. Dosages, age restrictions and the presence of vitamins and minerals are specified in the instructions on the package. We must not forget about the freshness and constant availability of drinking water.


The docile and friendly nature of Shih Tzu dogs is another plus. These are real companions who understand when the owner is busy. The dogs are mannered and majestic. Distrustful of strangers.

Despite the fact that the Shih Tzu gets along with all family members, she does not like children's teasing and neglect. The dog is easy to train and rarely barks.

Such a positive character has a certain disadvantage - the dog is not a guard and will never protect the owner or home.

Advantages of Shih Tzu dogs according to owner reviews

  • The beauty of a dog is perhaps the first thing all owners talk about. The structure of the coat is such that even if you are not a fan of haircuts and grooming, a regularly brushed Shih Tzu still looks charming and attracts the attention of passers-by.

Doesn't bark - for owners of mini breeds, barking is a real headache. But Shih Tzu owners do not suffer from it. The breed was originally bred as a decorative breed, with the purpose of decorating the interior, and not making sounds. Modern Shih Tzus without psychological and nervous problems are still silent. The owners note this as a huge plus for the breed.

  • Shedding is not typical for a healthy Shih Tzu. Yes, the coat requires care, but the shedding process itself does not occur. The hair coat is renewed evenly and with proper care, hairs fall off from the dog no more than from its owner.

  • Accustomed to a diaper or tray. Reviews from owners about Shih Tzus in apartments are full of this plus, because, of course, the dog loves to walk, but the little one can calmly do things at home, which is especially convenient in the cold season, when you don’t really want to take the dog outside.
  • A loving breed, it doesn’t matter to whom it will give its affection - the whole family will do; the breed does not have a strict definition of “owner”. She also welcomes guests and is ready to play with everyone.
  • Absolutely not prone to aggression. The decorative nature of the breed is so rooted in its genes that the Shih Tzu has absolutely no guarding, fighting or hunting qualities. As a result, the dog is peaceful and calm like a Tibetan monk.

They love children. Ready to play even with kids. The breed cannot act as a nanny due to its tiny size, but it can already play with a child from four years old.

  • Easy to train, the breed masters basic commands surprisingly quickly. Even people who have never had experience living with a dog can cope with parenting. The main thing is for the owner to control himself, since the Shih Tzu is smart enough to put pressure on your weaknesses in matters of begging for treats and other pranks.

Many owners note that the Shih Tzu dog breed adapts to the owner’s rhythm - it walks with pleasure, but even a day without a walk is normal if it is litter box trained. She will also be happy to go to the countryside outside the city, especially if she is used to traveling in a car. Well, sitting on the sofa next to your beloved owner is always a source of happiness for the breed.

  • She doesn’t chew things, she understands perfectly where her toys are and where the owner’s things are.
  • He is learning agility with interest. The inquisitive mind of the Shih Tzu, according to the owners who are especially interested in sports disciplines, gives the breed the opportunity to learn not only how to set basic household commands, but also to perform with good results in competitions on the grounds.
  • The most important advantage of the Shih Tzu breed is its compactness. Can live in a studio; for this small dog, a huge space is not the main thing.

Pet health

The Shih Tzu boasts excellent health. With proper care, dogs live up to 18-19 years .

The specific structure of a dog’s skull requires him to pay increased attention to his eyes. The slightest blow to the temple can cause a dog's eyeball to fall out, so it is recommended to examine them daily.

The dog's ears are long and fit tightly to the muzzle, so there is a risk of developing otitis media. After bathing, the ears and fur on them should be carefully auscultated. It is recommended to trim the coat regularly.

Teeth also require care; plaque must be removed from them periodically. Puppies have a hard time coping with the loss of their primary incisors.


In the description of the breed, the main attention is paid to the advantages of the Shih Tzu. However, these dogs, along with their pros, also have their cons. Pet owners talk about them in their reviews.

  1. The Shih Tzu has no protective qualities in its character. The dog is very friendly towards people around him. For this reason, she cannot be trusted to function as a watchman, and she also needs to keep an eye on her so that the pet is not taken away by intruders.
  2. The dog is dependent on human society, gets very bored in the absence of its owners and needs constant care.
  3. The pet needs to regularly comb out its hair, undergo grooming, and also carry out sanitary and hygienic procedures.
  4. When walking in wet weather, special clothing (raincoat, overalls) is required to protect against water and dirt.
  5. The breed is characterized by pathologies associated with the cardiovascular, respiratory and excretory systems. A sedentary lifestyle and overfeeding lead to obesity. In the summer heat, long walks are dangerous for the health of the patient.
  6. Representatives of the breed are allergic to food and hygiene products.

Would you like a Shih Tzu dog?

Features of care and nutrition

The main problem that Shih Tzu owners may encounter is grooming . It is long and thick, so your pet needs to be brushed daily. If you don’t do this, tangles will appear and the shine will disappear.

It is recommended to bathe your dog every month . If the pet was not purchased to participate in exhibitions, then it can be given a haircut. Otherwise, there are no special requirements for caring for the dog. Periodically, you should take your dog to the veterinarian to have his nails trimmed and his ears cleaned.

There are no special dietary requirements for the Shih Tzu. Feeding with natural products or special food is solely the owner’s choice. It is recommended to include fermented milk products, oils of animal and vegetable origin in the menu. The diet should be varied. Don't forget that the dog must have easy access to fresh water . Feeding should be done at the same time. Puppies are fed 6-7 times a day , and upon reaching 1 year, they are transferred to two meals a day .

Negative reviews about Shih Tzu

  • The fluffy face gets dirty every time after eating. The dog cannot be left alone after eating, otherwise it will simply wipe the leftover food on furniture and things.
  • Regular grooming and combing. The beauty and health of the fur of the Shih Tzu dog breed depends only on how much time the owner devotes to it. An always busy person simply will not be able to keep the baby in decent shape.

  • Security qualities are zero. Which is not surprising if you know the canine history of the breed.

Longing for its owner can cause depression, so this pet is not suitable for especially busy people.

  • The fine wool, similar to human hair, requires regular washing. But almost everyone who touches on this topic about the Shih Tzu in their review notes that the dog tolerates this procedure with great dignity. Then be sure to dry the fur, otherwise there is a risk that the dog will catch a cold.
  • In addition to washing, the breed requires a lot of high-quality hair care products, which incur significant financial costs.
  • Shih Tzu puppies are rare and expensive. But this is rather not a disadvantage of the breed, but rather its peculiarity. Finding a purebred baby is not difficult, especially in a large city. But the price for a puppy starts from 20,000 rubles.

Advantages of the breed

Shih Tzus are valued not only for their attractive appearance and small size. The advantages of the breed include:

  • Loyal attitude towards people and children.
  • Openness and friendliness.
  • Playfulness.
  • Understanding and tolerance towards people.
  • Wool is hypoallergenic.
  • Possibility of taming to a tray with filler and, as a result, no need for a long daily walk.
  • Lack of aggression.
  • The absence of an unpleasant odor is typical for most dogs.
  • The fur does not shed.
  • Unpretentiousness in food.
  • Travel tolerance.
  • Silence, voice only in exceptional cases.
  • Quick learning of commands.
  • Long life expectancy with proper care.

Dogs of this breed will not mind if the owner wants to dress him in a suit.


Shih Tzus have received mostly positive reviews from their owners. The breed is rated as affectionate, loyal and intelligent. The dogs are praised for their beauty and sophistication in appearance. Breeders emphasize the following advantages of babies:

  • openness, goodwill, tolerance;
  • intelligence, understanding;
  • love, loyalty to family members;
  • playfulness.

The small size of the pet allows you to keep it in a city apartment. Dogs easily get used to relieving themselves in a tray with litter, so they do not need frequent long walks outside. This makes the Shih Tzu a good companion for older people.

A valuable property of the breed is its hypoallergenic wool. Long pile does not cause an allergic reaction in people. In addition, doggies do not have an unpleasant odor due to their natural cleanliness and frequent water procedures.

The dogs are unpretentious in feeding; they eat natural food and dry food with equal appetite.

Shih Tzus do not have the habit of expressing their feelings loudly. They hardly bark. Their ingenuity and intelligence allow them to quickly learn commands and be easy to train.

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