Interesting facts: all about the fattest dog in the world

When a four-legged friend eats well, his owner is happy - the dog is healthy and active. But some pet owners indulge their voracious dogs too much and give them food from their table. They don't understand that it causes harm. It comes to the point that the fattest dog in the world has already become a nomination in the Guinness Book of Records.

Of course, there are stocky or fluffy dogs that always look bulky. But at the same time, representatives of these breeds can run and jump, which indicates excellent physical shape. This is not about them.

Record weight caused by obesity

The first place among the fat dogs of the dog world is occupied by Cassie, who reached 58 kilograms with a maximum breed tolerance of 21 kilograms. The owners of this border collie fed her so much chips and chocolate that she could no longer walk. When animal rights activists found out about this, they took care of her health. The fattest dog was literally carried out on ropes for a walk. My diet had to be completely changed, which caused the weight to fall off.

If for a border collie a huge belly was an obstacle when walking, then what can we say about the almost round dog of the dachshund breed, Obi, who repeated Cassie’s story. This dog lived in Oregon with an elderly couple who fed the dog whenever he asked. By the age of five, Obi could no longer walk due to his hanging belly. His legs could not lift his body; he crawled.

About the animal

There are many large and even fat dogs in the world, but in Warwickshire in the UK there lives a dog that weighs as much as 58 kg. Thanks to this, the border collie Cassie was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest dog in the world. It is noticeable in the photo that she weighs perhaps three times more than an ordinary dog ​​of her breed.

The animal has the weight of a strong teenager or even an adult woman, which is truly alarming. Such body weight is a disaster for both the pet and the owner. After all, not every person wants to carry a huge load with them on a walk.

What did Obi eat?

The owners of the fattest dog, Obi, could not resist the sight of the dog asking for food. Having already gained a lot of weight, he continued to ask for a handout. Something happened that often happens to animals of people who are far from veterinary medicine: Ob’s metabolism was disrupted.

Food from the human table is not for dogs. But there is a choice here too. If you treat your dog with salad, fruits, and lactic acid products and give this not between meals, but at set hours, trouble could still be prevented. Unfortunately, people think dogs don't eat it. Therefore, they are fed sausages, fried cutlets, sandwiches with mayonnaise, potato chips, cakes and a host of other unhealthy foods.

Rating of the fattest dogs in the world

Indeed, there are fat breeds of dogs that have a predisposition. However, this is precisely why a person should pay special attention to the diet of a pet. Unfortunately, not all owners share this opinion.

Very often, excessive love for a cute dog leads to an unpleasant result, in the form of excess weight gain in the dog. Which fat dogs are known today are described in more detail below.

Interesting! The dog listed in the Guinness Book of Records is a border collie named Cassie. By the age of 7, her weight was 58 kg.

Perhaps her appearance could have made her laugh, but it only caused horror and grief among animal protection workers. As a result, the fat girl was taken to a shelter and forced to lose weight to normal.

Taytay, a 6 kg Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is a miniature dog, but this statement does not apply to Taytay. The reason was an excessive love for chocolate. As a result, the weight exceeded 6 kilograms.

Of course, such an indicator is not the norm, but rather exceeds it by as much as 4 times. As a result, Taytay could not pass through the special door.

Since Chihuahuas are prone to obesity, owners need to monitor their diet. Fat dogs may be funny, but this condition negatively affects the health of the animal.

Chihuahua named Taytay

Dennis, a 25 kg dachshund

The fat dog became this way because of his owner's love for hamburgers and fast food. Of course, a person will not refuse to treat a cute dog who literally looks into his eyes. It is because of this approach that the dachshund has eaten up to 25 kg.

Now her weight has already returned to normal, but only thanks to proper nutrition and surgery. Dennis's owner realized that the life and health of a pet is much more important than the momentary desire to treat a friend with a tasty treat.

Millie, a 33 kg cocker spaniel

Another victim of genetic predisposition and poor diet, a cocker spaniel named Millie.

For this breed, a weight of 33 kg is a significant excess of the norm (2 times). Now the owners, of course, have come to their senses and are trying to correct the situation.

Obi - dachshund weighing 34.9 kg

Obi at one time had the official status of “the fattest dog in the world.” This is sad. The weight of almost 35 kg meant that the animal could not move independently.

For reference! After Obi came to the shelter, his affairs went much better. Experts were able to ensure that the dog lost 25 kg of excess weight.


A simple mongrel who lived at a gas station. It was there that gas station users fed it, giving the animal harmful goodies. As a result, Bolinha weighed up to 36 kg and was practically unable to move.

The result was that animal protection representatives took her away. The diet helped Bolinya lose 13 kg.

Beagle - Cale Chips

The quote: “The dog is good, but fat” also applies to the beagle named Cale Chips. It is worth saying that the breed is a hunting breed, that is, quite playful and active. However, even this did not help save the owner from unreasonable “love”.

When the dog gained 38 kg, he simply could no longer move his paws. This situation did not go unnoticed by the shelter workers. Kayle was taken from her owner. As a result, the animal at the shelter was able to lose 10 kg.

BeagleCale Chips - weight 38 kg

Bulldog Kila 50 kg

Unfortunately, chubby dogs can bring a certain fame to their owners, which people try to take advantage of. This is exactly the situation that happened with Kila. The owners' desire to become popular, as well as the animal's love for cookies and pasta, led to a weight gain of 50 kg.

Now plump Kila participates in numerous American shows where animals lose weight with the support of professionals. Again, this brings even more popularity to the owners of the unfortunate dog.

Bear - Doberman

A fat Doberman named Bear, who was catastrophically unlucky with his owners. Not only did people not monitor the animal’s diet at all, but they also did not care for the dog at all. After the animal gained 66 kg, serious health problems began.

As a result, the fat Doberman was seized from careless owners. At the shelter, specialists finally began to monitor the dog’s condition. The bear began to gradually lose weight.

Barney the Dalmatian

Dalmatians are a breed that also tends to be overweight. However, the owner of the animal had to try hard to feed Barney up to 70 kg.

Result: the dog was taken away, and the owner was brought to justice. Now a man is prohibited from having pets for 10 years.

Dalmatian Barney – 70 kg


The British record holder, a Labrador named Alifi, gained 79 kg due to his love of chocolate, which is 3 times the norm. As a result, the animal needed professional help. Four people were involved to deliver the dog to the hospital.

Buddy - Australian Shepherd

The fat shepherd gained 89 kg. Such heaviness led to the fact that the dog simply could not be supported by its own paws. The animal could not move independently.

Important! Buddy was taken and given to a new family. Gradually her condition improved and she was able to lose 36 kg.

Hooch - Rottweiler

Hooch gained weight by the time he was 7 months old. The weight reached a literally crazy figure of 133 kg. For the neighbors, the dog was a real monster.

Hooch - fear for neighbors

Round dachshund

Obi weighed 35 kilograms instead of the required ten. The dog needed special care: not only could he not lift his paw while walking, he could not walk at all. As he crawled on the ground, his stomach was injured and the dog yelped. They sewed him a special apron, but this did not solve the problem. His elderly owners asked a local veterinarian for help.

Doctor Nora Vanatta set a goal: to help the dog lose excess weight in a year. Nora regularly posted how her weight loss process went on the Internet. I must say, the dog was watched all over the world. They supported him and drew attention to the fact that overweight people can in some ways follow the example of Obi.

The process of losing weight began in 2012 and by May 2013, Obi already weighed 18 kilograms. Protein-rich food was replaced by overweight dog food and hydrotherapy, which Nora prescribed. Throughout the summer of 2013, the dog took active walks, continuing to decrease in size. By autumn, the weight reached the long-awaited 12 kilograms.

Softly but persistently

Obi found himself in new unusual conditions. Instead of tasty sausages, he was given carrots. He looked expressively at Nora, sitting at the bowl, and she photographed his torment and posted it on the Internet. The dog did not understand why they began to feed him differently. Of course, he used all his dog charm to pity the new owner. But she was adamant.

To normalize weight, movement was necessary. Nora put a tarpaulin apron on the dog to prevent him from injuring his stomach, and gently but persistently took him out for a walk. After taking two or three steps, he stopped to rest. Sometimes he objected. But the cunning Nora pretended not to understand and hooted cheerfully.

Deflated balloon

The thin belly of the former fattest dog now hung, preventing Ob from walking. The apron he had been wearing for a long time no longer helped - it hung on his thinning body and could not support his dragging belly. The dog gave the impression of a deflated balloon. Nora decided to send her pet for plastic surgery.

During the operation, a whole kilogram of loose skin was cut off from the dog. Afterwards, during the rehabilitation period, he behaved well: he did not chew his stitches, allowed IVs to be placed, and dutifully lay in bed for the allotted time.

Nora's publications about the dog's life found many fans. Money began to be sent for Obi, and Nora was able to provide him with excellent treatment. The restoration took four years.

Causes and consequences

The reason for the record is an incorrectly and irrationally composed diet of the animal. The girl ate fried fish, potatoes, chocolates, chips and other foods that could not be called healthy.

At the time of registration of the record, Cassie could not even move. At the same time, she was breathing very poorly. Specialists from the shelter became interested in a similar problem for the poor pet. They developed a special and fairly strict diet. Thanks to her, it is planned to return the dog’s weight to the required level. Treatment is planned for a year.


Shelter workers explained that all animals are prone to obesity. This is how they resemble people. And due to excess weight, pets can develop arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and other diseases.

Poor Collie can't even get up on her own. She does this only with the help of specialists. For this reason, the dog suffers from bedsores. It was decided to take the pet from its previous owner, who had no intention of taking care of her pet or preparing the correct diet.

The woman did not harm Cassie on purpose. She simply loved her, spoiled her, gave her various goodies. The owner simply did not understand what this would lead to.

At the present stage, a dog that weighs a lot is raised to its feet with the help of several shelter specialists. At the same time, the pet stands on its own feet. And this despite the fact that previously the dog was only lying down.

Causes of obesity in dogs

Dogs are active animals. These are not sloths or koalas. They need walks, outdoor play and indoor toys. Especially the dachshund, because this breed was bred for hunting. If she gets bored, her appetite may increase. Experts warn against disrupting your dog's feeding schedule, as this provokes a constant desire to grab a piece.

A dog's stomach can stretch very much, but this is not a sign of satiety for the body. Their satiety mechanism is balanced so that when the required quantity and quality of food is supplied, the chemical signal in the brain changes. Appetite disappears and the process of digesting food begins.

Constant handouts from the table lead to the formation of a conditioned reflex. At the sound of clinking dishes and cutlery, when delicious smells are in the air, the dog salivates and asks for food. Very quickly in this mode, metabolism is disrupted, which leads to liver and heart diseases. Concomitant diseases gradually lead the dog to disability.

The dog is overweight. What to do?

In principle, the process of losing weight in dogs is very similar to the process of losing weight in humans. In order to help your pet lose weight correctly, you need to carefully study the recommendations below.

  • The amount of calories consumed by the animal should be gradually reduced. You shouldn’t do this too abruptly - you can start by reducing the portion by fifteen to twenty percent. The dog should consume this amount of food for at least two weeks. You can also give the required amount of food in small portions, thereby reducing the time that the pet spends without being satiated. For more effective results, you can weigh the food before giving it to your dog. You should also not rely entirely on the serving guidelines written on the packaging - they are made for medium-sized dogs, and not for large or small breeds. After half a month, you can weigh the animal. If the diet has given a positive result, but the required norm has not yet been achieved, you should continue the diet. After the diet, you can adjust the portion size so that the dog can neither lose weight nor gain weight.
  • Say no to rapid weight loss. If your dog is fat, don't starve it. As is the case with humans, sharply reducing the amount of food consumed can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract or trigger gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  • Give your pet so-called “light food”. This is similar to low-calorie foods for humans. Such food is much less saturated and contains a minimal amount of fat, which will allow you not to reduce the serving size itself. This option is also ideal for dogs that lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Stop feeding your dog “from the table”. Trying to pamper our pet, we often don’t notice how we feed him a huge amount of food and sweets that are contraindicated for dogs. If you do give your animal treats, try to reduce the portions of regular food.
  • Increase your pet's physical activity. Go with him to the forest, just for a walk, play with the animal as often as possible. Training should be very intense, but not too stressful - exceeding the permissible load limit can lead to an attack of angina.

Veterinarian advice

When visiting a doctor, animals must be weighed and their height and chest volume measured. If these parameters significantly exceed the norm, tests will be required. In such cases, a veterinary diet for dogs is prescribed. There are no universal solutions; every animal is different. Some people are prescribed Hills, others Royal Canin, the lowest calorie - Purina, for those prone to constipation - Eukanuba. Therefore, obesity is treated individually.

It is important to understand that overfeeding has led to changes in internal organs. They cannot function as before, so they prescribe adjustments to their daily routine and diet. Self-prescribing a lower-calorie diet can lead to an imbalance of minerals, which will lead to new diseases.

For all problems, the best solution is to follow your doctor’s advice. Now veterinary medicine can do a lot. Regular examinations could have saved Obi even earlier. He wouldn't have to go through a long recovery process. It's good that he was given to the vet on time. Five years is the prime age for a dog. Obie's body coped, but at a later age his weight would have meant premature death.

Symptoms and signs of obesity

It is easy to diagnose excess weight in a purebred dog. If the pet’s weight is more than 20% more than the upper limit stated in the standard, it’s time to go on a diet.

The main signs indicating that your pet is overweight:

  1. Inability to palpate the costal plates.
  2. Sagging spine.
  3. Refusal of active games.
  4. Split metacarpus.
  5. Lack of sexual desire (including in females, there may be no estrus).
  6. Fat deposits on the inner thighs that cause changes in gait.
  7. Lack of "waist".
  8. Heat intolerance.
  9. Shortness of breath.
  10. Absence of abdominal cavity.
  11. The presence of fatty tissue on the neck and abdomen (in dogs whose exterior does not provide for a damp constitution).

Excess weight is not obesity; if symptoms have just begun to appear, then it is recommended to lose a few kilograms immediately. You shouldn’t push your animal to the point of no return and wait for complications.

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