Sharks in the aquarium: types, features of maintenance and care

Aquarium decorative sharks are active fish in the home pond

If you want to have an active and unusual pet in your glass pond at home, pay attention to this type of fish, such as aquarium sharks. Don’t be scared by the name - they are not relatives of sea predators, although there is undoubtedly a resemblance in appearance, and sometimes in character too. And to make a choice, let’s consider their features.

Conditions of detention

In order not to condemn your pets to a joyless existence in a confined space, and even in uncomfortable conditions, you should pay attention to the peculiarities of keeping them.

The decorative shark fish has a somewhat specific character and requires special attention. Here are just the general rules:

  1. Constant water temperature – from 24 to 29°C.
  2. The volume of the aquarium is at least 40 liters.
  3. Daily change of about 30% of the water in the container.
  4. Good filtration and aeration of the aquarium.

As for the interior design of a glass house, you can afford almost everything. But keep in mind that under a layer of sand or small pebbles you should definitely lay a layer of large pebbles. Plants should be planted either in the soil itself, but deeper, or placed in special clay pots, carefully strengthening them. The fact is that aquarium sharks are very active fish.

For the convenience and comfort of such unusual pets, arrange several grottoes and stone caves at the bottom.

Despite their terrifying name, these fish are quite peaceful and do not annoy their neighbors in their underwater habitat. They only look so fierce and scary, but they get along with almost everyone.

The most terrible predator that lurks in the depths of the sea. When you hear the words “shark,” you immediately imagine a huge black fin, like the sail of a pirate ship, soaring in the distance. Or surfers torn in two with one bite who inadvertently scared away a family of sharks off the coast of Hawaii. However, in reality, everything is somewhat different. The fact is that the shark family is so diverse that it includes:

  • giants capable of killing a huge sea lion with one bite;
  • tiny, big-eyed fish that will happily roam the expanses of your aquarium.

Interestingly, the aquarium shark lives in various places around the world. They live in shallow waters off the seashore, in surface ocean waters, or in the dark depths of unexplored waters. As a rule, in appearance these “reduced” models of the famous predator are very similar to their formidable counterparts. However, with proper care and sufficient feeding, their behavior has nothing in common with their wild relatives.

As a rule, decorative sharks are moderately peaceful and quite unpretentious to their living conditions. They treat other inhabitants of the aquarium favorably and do not touch decorations with plants. This is what allows experienced aquarists to start them in special water tanks.

Conditions of detention

Compatibility with other fish

Aquarium sharks, in principle, are peace-loving fish, so they can get along well with other inhabitants of the “underwater kingdom.” The main thing is not to allow the fish to starve, since the predatory instinct may manifest itself in relation to other representatives living in the aquarium.

It is not recommended to put different types of sharks in the same tank, as they will have strong differences in care and maintenance.

A home aquarium with mini sharks is a truly delightful sight; you just have to follow the basic rules for caring for these miniature predators, and they will delight you with their mesmerizing beauty for a long time!

Conditions of detention

It is noted that keeping sharks is not associated with many problems and difficulties. However, there are several parameters that must be taken into account when setting up an aquarium with sharks. Firstly: this is the shape and size of the aquarium. Bottom-dwelling shark species require a deep tank. So, for an individual 50-60 cm long, an aquarium with a volume of 500 liters is considered the minimum. A ring or hexagonal aquarium would be ideal.

Secondly: it will be necessary to ensure water filtration and aeration. In this case, the amount of decor should be minimal. The bottom must be covered with pebbles or medium-grain sand. Broad-leaved plants can be planted in the corners of the aquarium. The temperature of the aquatic environment should be between 28-30 degrees with any type of lighting.

From the video “Domestic Predator” you will learn a lot of useful information.

Now let's talk a little about nutrition. The fact is that in nature, as in the aquarium, sharks remain predators. The basis of their diet is seafood. Suitable food: shrimp, squid, shellfish, cod fillet. Young fish need minced meat from the described products for nutrition, but adult fish can eat simply crushed pieces.

Anyone who owns an artificial pond should evaluate their capabilities before they decide to have such a pet. A small aquarium shark can reach more than forty centimeters in length. In order for a small shark in an artificial reservoir not to feel infringed, the vessel itself must accordingly be spacious and have a capacity of more than three hundred liters.

The water temperature in an artificial reservoir for keeping this shark should be 24 -26 degrees, and the presence of a filter is simply necessary. Designing an aquarium for a shark requires some imagination. You must first add large pebbles to the bottom, and then you can fill it with sand. You can decorate with plants, which may be either in pots or simply planted in the ground.

In order for a small aquarium shark to feel at home in its habitat, you can create several caves, castles, and ruins for it. Changing the water environment must be done every week, but general cleaning must be done every six months. The water cannot be hard; it is also necessary to exclude the content of ammonia and nitrites.

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Reproduction and breeding. Nuances

Puberty in the shark ball occurs only at four years of age. Baloo males are slightly larger than females, and their bellies are less rounded (this is especially noticeable during the spawning period).

Breeding in an aquarium is difficult, as it cannot be done without special hormonal injections. Another difficulty is that you need a large-volume spawning tank - more than 1200 liters and more than 2 meters in length.

The water in the spawning tank should be colder and softer than in the main aquarium, cover the bottom with a thick layer of Java moss or mesh. Diet before spawning: plant food for the female and animal food rich in protein for the males.

During spawning, one individual produces 10 thousand eggs. Then the fish need to be transplanted back. On the third day, methylene blue is removed with the help of coal. The appearance of the fry can be expected in two days, and after three days they are already swimming in a school and willingly eating living dust.


As for feeding these exotic fish, sharks are omnivores and cause virtually no problems. A small aquarium shark eats only what it sees under its nose. A small shark will not look for food under stones, at the bottom. So, you need to feed her carefully, you need to make sure that she eats the food and is not hungry. An aquarium shark can die from starvation.

The remains of the food can be eaten by bottom-dwelling fish. It is not recommended to feed a decorative shark by hand. These fish are very lazy and can lie on the bottom surface for hours. But as soon as it is time to eat, they begin to fuss and poke their heads out of the water surface. This suggests that they remember feeding times.

Freshwater sharks are predators, and therefore they have no problems with appetite. Food is taken both in the upper and middle layers of the reservoir.

Correct diet:

  • feeding three times a day, in portions appropriate to the age of the fish;
  • protein, an essential component of each serving;
  • Beef meat minced through a meat grinder will be useful in the diet of shark catfish;
  • low-fat fish varieties for catfish are good suppliers of phosphorus;
  • Shrimp and squid should be included in the diet;
  • we must not forget about the benefits of microelements from plant foods for the normal growth of Siamese catfish (cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes);
  • boiled buckwheat or rice porridge can also be given to fish.

Considering that shark catfish is a fairly voracious fish, you should not overfeed it. Obesity comes on quickly, and getting rid of it is problematic. For prevention, “fasting” days are arranged twice a week, when shark catfish do not receive any food.

Common aquarium species

It is easy and simple to keep a nurse shark in your home pond. She lives for about 25 years and reproduces well. Other species live 8-12 years.

Other well-known species commonly found in aquariums are the brown stripe freshwater shark, the carpet shark and the peaceful bamboo shark. They eat crabs, shrimp, and sea urchins. In nature, they live in shallow water and are quite lazy.

Carpet sharks have a bright body color, and there are many fringe-shaped outgrowths on the head. They reproduce by laying eggs (shark eggs). Shark fry are 6 cm long and grow at a young age to 60-70 cm. Decorative sharks give birth to 10 sharks. Maintenance requires an aquarium with a volume of 600-1000 liters. The required water temperature is 22-23 degrees, permissible hardness is 2-15o, water acidity is 6.5-8.0 pH. Filtration, aeration and bottom siphon are required.

Watch the feeding of the marbled and bamboo shark.

How to feed aquarium sharks

It is not recommended to feed pets by hand; it is better to do this with a net, or install a feeder. Feeding does not cause any trouble; these fish are suitable for live, dry food, which is served 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. In public places they are fed meat, squid, shrimp, and fresh frozen fish.

Subject to the correct feeding regime, maintaining a varied diet, and the absence of external irritants, sharks from aquariums will respond to humans with a friendly character and peaceful behavior. The gluttony of these species is just a rumor. Like all fish, they require attention and quality care.


Now let's talk about what types of these creatures are most often found in aquariums.

Shark catfish

The second name is pangasius; it is not a typical shark, but simply a type of fish very similar to it. This fish prefers to live in a school and needs a very spacious aquarium (in nature it grows up to 130 cm). The body of young individuals is covered with silvery skin, the fins are quite high, located on a compressed body. Adults have a less bright grayish coloration.

Pangasius or Siamese catfish lives in the Mekong and Chao river basins in Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. His appearance is interesting: a powerful body and a muzzle on which there are two pairs of mustaches. On the dorsal fin you can find 1-2 spines. In an aquarium, the size of this fish reaches 1 meter, and its weight can be 30-45 kg. Shark catfish live for about 20 years.

An interesting fish that surprises not only with its external resemblance to its wild relative, but also with its tiny size. In an aquarium, this fish rarely grows to 20 cm. The parameters of the aquarium’s aquatic environment are very important for it. So, the temperature in it should be 24-27 degrees with an average level of hardness and neutral acidity.

Black Shark

Perhaps the most popular of all species belonging to the group of aquarium sharks. These fish are painted black, which changes its intensity depending on feeding. This fish is an exact copy of the wild species, albeit smaller. Its size rarely goes beyond 40-50 cm. With good feeding, this shark is quite peaceful, able to get along with other species of fish.

A variety very similar to the previous group. These aquarium sharks are distinguished by the fact that their body is covered with velvety skin of a very rich black color. But their tail has a bright red color, which looks very interesting against the background of a black body. The only thing worth remembering when choosing these sharks is that they are much more aggressive than all other species.

Dwarf shark

An inhabitant of the Pacific and Indian oceans, which is distinguished by its very small size (20-25 cm). It is also interesting that it belongs to the category of ovoviviparous and is capable of giving birth to 8-10 sharks in one spawning. The diet of this shark species is based on cephalopods. It is also interesting that its pectoral and pelvic fins, and in addition, the abdomen itself glow in the dark.

Real shark or Pangasius

Children and adults are very surprised when they learn from a pet store seller that a harmless sea monster is swimming peacefully in an aquarium, and its almost complete copy is a harmless catfish. Pangasius is a beautiful large fish, belongs to the shark catfish family. You can visually identify an aquarium shark from a real predator by its characteristic color and body shape. Young representatives have a bluish or ash color. Bright silvery stripes are clearly visible on the sides of catfishes. Despite the fact that the fish are almost identical, you can recognize a peace-loving catfish by the following characteristics:

  • flattened head shape,
  • outstanding eye shape and large mouth,
  • four mustaches,
  • fringe on the anal fin,
  • The fin on the back is set upward.

The external differences between pangasius and a real shark are clearly visible in the photo.

The catfish has a certain similarity with a predator in its dynamic swimming style. In a flock they actively scour in search of food and love to swim in circles.

There are 3 types of fish most often found in artificial habitats:

  1. High-finned pangasius.
  2. Siamese pangasius.
  3. Small Pangasius.

An adult shark catfish reaches an average length of 60 cm.


This shark has very interesting behavior, which makes it different from other species. Her height is more than half a meter. She is very shy. She cannot be frightened, as she immediately pretends to be dead, or faints. But after some time he begins to swim and frolic as if nothing had happened.

And in moments of danger, it begins to hit the walls of an artificial reservoir, thereby damaging itself. You can feed her frozen squid, not very fatty fish or granulated food. But as for the reproduction of these fish, it’s unlikely. In captivity this practically does not work.

Aquarium decorative sharks are active fish in the home pond

From the video “Sharks in Home Aquariums” you will learn a lot of useful information.

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Many are accustomed to the fact that a typical shark is a bloodthirsty predator waiting for its prey. Most likely, this description is suitable for oceanic and marine species, but not for aquarium ornamental species, which have minimal body sizes. Small species rarely show an evil disposition; rather, these fish can be afraid of others, even humans.

There is information that a mini shark grabbed a man’s hand and bit him, but this has not been confirmed. You can easily clean the aquarium and add soil and decorations to it. They love a soft bottom and sometimes burrow into the ground. These fish are unpretentious in keeping. They are distributed mainly in museum and public aquariums, where they look more interesting.

Experts have found that aquarium sharks are slightly lazy creatures with a calm character. Sometimes they lie at the bottom of the tank, movements while swimming are slow. A few hours before the meal, they fuss and make sharp turns. When the feeding begins, they stick their face out of the water, demanding food. This means that they have a biological “clock” with built-in memory.

During lunch, they push away, drive other fish away from food and tear food apart by splashing their tails. This is perhaps the only thing that connects them with related predators. They have a strong grip; once they grab a piece of prey, they will never let it go. For feeding in a community aquarium, the food is distributed evenly so that all the fish can eat, or a separate feeder is installed.

Conditions of detention

Aquarium sharks, or more simply, Siamese pangasius or shark catfish, are a very common type of pet. In nature, there are two types of aquarium sharks, namely:

  1. Pangasius hypophthalmus, which is a predator and grows to a very large size.
  2. Pangasius sutchi is a more “harmless” and non-aggressive fish.

Shark catfish pangasius or freshwater sharks are fish whose natural habitat is in Indochina and southeast Asia. This family includes about 46 different species of fish, of which only two are suitable for keeping in captivity.

Freshwater sharks are most common in Laos, Vietnam and Thailand, where they are raised as a commercial fish in special fish farms. By the way, these fish are similar to a real shark only in appearance. These are completely different families of fish and freshwater sharks belong to the catfish, which are also called pangasius.

Freshwater sharks are very large fish. They love the middle layers of water. These catfish have a pair of whiskers on the upper part of their mouth, their eyes are very large, and their body is shaped like a torpedo. The head is flattened on top, the adipose fin is small. The two species of freshwater sharks that can be kept in an aquarium have a dark color, with very rare stripes and spots of a light shade - in the high-finned catfish and a silver tone - in the common Siamese.

Pangasius or freshwater shark has a light belly; males are brighter in color than females. Freshwater sharks look very beautiful in large species aquariums with proportionate neighbors. Freshwater sharks are predators and can behave quite aggressively. With proper care and feeding they grow extremely quickly. The optimal size in captivity is about half a meter. Full maturity is reached at the age of 3-6 years. They live 10 years.

During maintenance, regular weekly replacement of about a quarter of the volume of water in the aquarium is required. In this case, the skin of the fish turns pale, but after about a day it returns to normal. You cannot replace more than a third of the water volume in the aquarium at a time, as the freshwater shark may go into shock.

It is not recommended to keep them together with neighbors who are much smaller in size. Fish such as a freshwater shark in an aquarium perceive them as food and easily eat them.

This shark is a very active and energetic fish, which also has a rather capricious and unpredictable character when kept in very cramped conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to close the aquarium with a lid and weight. It is advisable to feed pangasius in the evening, because it is most active at night. Lighting should be fairly moderate.

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The diet of this fish is very rich. The freshwater shark eats fish, shrimp, meat, dry, live and plant food well. The food must contain protein, since this shark is a predator. When hungry, she can even attack fish that she cannot swallow, so if she lives with neighbors, it is better to keep her well-fed, but not overfeed. On the contrary, it is recommended to have fasting days a couple of times a week to avoid obesity and disease.


We looked at several main types of aquarium fish living in fresh water. The listed species do not limit the entire variety of aquarium fish, but this article already gives an approximate idea of ​​what beautiful freshwater fish are. Whatever fish you choose for your home, be it a shark, a predatory piranha or a peace-loving chain catfish, you should always remember about the compatibility of certain species. It’s great when you can stop your tired gaze at the aquarium and see your pets busily swimming in the water!

Aquarium sharks come from Thailand. Also quite interesting is the fact that although they look a little like their bloodthirsty counterparts, they are not at all considered real predators. They are usually found in the Mekong River basin.

Avid aquarists, in pursuit of unusual species of aquarium fish, often resort to purchasing something exotic. After all, everyone wants to have some wonders of the underwater world. One such miracle is the decorative small shark. But before purchasing a shark for an aquarium, you need to study all the features of its behavior and maintenance.


It is worth emphasizing that the aquarium shark has a wide variety of species. So, the most popular of them include:

  1. Black.
  2. Dwarf.
  3. Prickly.
  4. Vympelnaya.

Let's look at them in a little more detail.


Based on the name of this species, it already becomes clear that this fish cannot boast of a special size. So its maximum value is only 250mm. She is also a member of the ovoviviparous family. The maximum number of its cubs can be up to 10 individuals, the size of which does not exceed 60 mm.

Important! This shark in the aquarium does not tolerate low temperatures well, and uses ordinary fish as food.


As for the representative of this species, its characteristic feature is rather small eyes. This is due to the fact that in its natural environment it lives in a rather muddy water environment and its eyes are not its main factor in conducting a successful hunt. Its size is 50 cm.

As a rule, this shark is not particularly popular among aquarists. Therefore, it is quite rare to find it on sale. Well compatible with active and mobile fish. Does not get along well with triggerfish and fish similar in behavior.


This shark has a dark color. But it is worth noting that if she eats poorly, then over time her color scheme will begin to fade. Its maximum value is 500-700mm. She is very calm by nature. But if she is hungry, she will not mind profiting from everything that can fit in her mouth.

Its body and snout are somewhat elongated. The jaw located above is somewhat longer than the jaw below. She takes great pleasure in cleaning the surface of all kinds of driftwood and stones with her thick lips, reminiscent of machine scissors used in a hair salon. These fish are distinguished by their quarrelsome nature, and not a day goes by without them taking part in at least one fight, both among themselves and with other inhabitants of an artificial reservoir.

This is evidenced by broken scales and torn fins. As a rule, the result of such collisions is various damage to the scales and torn off fins. To avoid such collisions, it is necessary to keep at least 10 individuals and as much vegetation as possible.

Conditions of detention

Most ordinary people, far from ichthyology, when mentioning a shark, most often recall fragments of films or works of fiction about a bloodthirsty sea monster of gigantic size, mouth and teeth. The only purpose of such a character in artistic creations is to devour anything and everything, including humans.

The relatively small size of some shark species allows them to be kept in home aquariums. Having decided to have aquarium sharks, you should approach the selection issues very responsibly and evaluate your strengths and capabilities. These fish are long-lived and often outgrow the size of their home.

Most of the fish that are united under the word “sharks” have nothing to do with the predators of the oceans and seas. Most of the species come from Thailand, where they are successfully bred on farms and in rivers.


As for the representative of this species, its characteristic feature is rather small eyes. This is due to the fact that in its natural environment it lives in a rather muddy water environment and its eyes are not its main factor in conducting a successful hunt. Its size is 50 cm.

As a rule, this shark is not particularly popular among aquarists. Therefore, it is quite rare to find it on sale. Well compatible with active and mobile fish. Does not get along well with triggerfish and fish similar in behavior.

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