What is sidex and what is it used for in an aquarium Once upon a time, an American developed and released
Cherry shrimp Red cherry shrimp (Neocaridina heterpoda var. red) Kingdom: Animals; Phylum: Arthropods; Subtype:
Habitat The homeland of Ancistrus is the Amazon River in South America. Prefers fast-flowing river waters
Keeping ampullaria snails at home When grown at home, ampullaria is not capable of delivering much
Barbs are a type of aquarium fish. Among the other inhabitants of the home pond, they stand out for their bright
Signs Signs of ecosystem disturbance: cloudy water; change in color of the liquid to green and brown; Scenery,
The second name of this fish is SAE, from English. Siamese algae eater - Siamese eater
Cirrus (Myriophyllum) is a beautiful freshwater plant with a long, straight stem and delicate feathery feathers.
What does a tarantula spider look like, its characteristics and structure? A tarantula is an arthropod spider that has
One of the unusual aquarium pets is crayfish. It is brightly colored and does not require special