Bald rat - what kind of species is it, characteristics of the breed

The love for exotic species of animals appeared not so long ago, but every day it becomes stronger. If earlier there was a real boom about hairless cats, now hairless sphinx rats have become the favorites. Their peculiarity is that they are devoid of wool. We invite you to learn more about these wonderful pets!
  • 4 Care, health, feeding
      4.1 Health
  • 4.2 Feeding
  • 5 If problems or illnesses arise
  • 6 Videos
  • Description of a hairless rat

    The Hairless breed was created in 1932 by mutation. The reason for the appearance of an unusual rodent was simple human curiosity. The animal is called the Sphinx rat, naked rat and bald rat . This is a rather rare phenomenon, which is distinguished by a hairless body, bright pink translucent skin, and a mustache of standard length.

    Here are some interesting facts that clearly describe the bald man.

    1. He has a friendly character and a great mind. The pet expresses its affection in an interesting way. For example, he licks the owner’s hands. The temperament of an animal is determined by genetics.
    2. Lives up to 3 years, and with proper care - up to 5 years . Often these individuals die very early due to various diseases and human negligence.
    3. The body size of adult rats ranges from 15 to 25 cm, and body weight ranges from 350 to 700 g.
    4. The true Sphinx has bright pink skin, without scars or spots. It is soft and velvety to the touch. A slight folding of the skin gives the pet solidity and attractiveness. Today you can find hairless rats that are black, blue, chocolate, gray or cream in color.
    5. Vibrissae are located on the cheeks and above the eyes. The mustache curls slightly downwards, forwards or backwards. The size of the antennae is small when compared with the whiskers of standard rats. Some individuals do not have a mustache, which is considered a genetic deviation.
    6. Baldies are endowed with large, wrinkled, low-set ears. The eyes are bright and can be black, red, ruby, husky, or pink. There are individuals with different eye colors.

    There is no hair. The recessive hairless gene is not observed in all rats. More often, individuals have partial hair.

    Rats within the breed are divided into subspecies, depending on the areas of baldness, the shape and length of the whiskers:

    • Hairless - hairless;
    • Naked - naked;
    • Fuzzy - fluffy;
    • Nude - naked;
    • Shorn - shorn;
    • Bald - balding.

    After birth, the offspring acquire a thick coat of fur. The fur coat is gradually falling out. It is possible to determine the subspecies of the animal only until the sixth week of the cub’s life.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

    The hairless rat will be an ideal pet for children, lonely people and allergy sufferers. The main advantages of the breed are highlighted:

    • absence of unpleasant odors;
    • sociability, affection for a person;
    • interesting external data;
    • hypoallergenic properties;
    • good mind.

    Disadvantages include low life expectancy. The rodent will wither if left alone .

    Pros and Cons of Keeping Dumbo as a Pet

    The decorative rat is one of those pets that does not require large expenses for its maintenance. Rats are curious and everyone wants to try their teeth. In addition, they require constant attention as they can fall and get hurt.

    What attracts these animals is their developed intellectual abilities and lack of aggression towards humans and other animals.

    The advantages of choosing Dumbo the rat as a pet include:

    • cleanliness of the animal;
    • omnivorous;
    • low maintenance costs;
    • ease of care.

    But there are also disadvantages:

    • the property of an animal to leave marks wherever it is;
    • tendency to chew on any objects;
    • expensive treatment;
    • people with a keen sense of smell notice a specific smell that comes from domestic rats;
    • for your pet to feel well, you need to devote a lot of time to it;
    • walking is required;
    • relatively short lifespan.

    Varieties of Sphinx rats

    Sphinx on standard

    This species was obtained by mutation and crossing of ordinary standard breed rats. Sphynxes have long mustaches and sparse hair on their heads, paws and sides. The animal's soft pink skin is intertwined with coarse dark hair. A distinctive feature of the animal is the presence of circles around the eyes . Rat breeders call them “porcupines” and “spectacled rats.”

    Sphinx on a rex

    The breed's hairless coats are descended from rodents with curly fur. Uniqueness lies in the presence of curled mustaches, sparse wavy hairs on the head, limbs and groin. Hair is absent during the molting period.

    Sphinx on Double Rex

    They are a sought-after breed of rat. Individuals are distinguished by completely hairless pink wrinkled skin. Bright eyes and large ears give the rodent a mystical appearance.


    This is a very attentive, peace-loving creature, which, like a tail, becomes attached to its owner. They, like other pets, require increased attention.

    Due to the lack of hair on their bodies, such rats love to be in the warm hands of their owners, warming up and quickly calming down.

    Not everyone has the opportunity to keep a cat or dog in the house, but many people want to have a true friend in the form of a pet. In this case, hairless rats are ideal because they are very intelligent and responsive. They respond to their nickname and it is enough to call them once, and they immediately come running to the owner’s voice.

    Caring for a hairless rat is not easy, so before bringing it into your home, carefully read about the features and care rules. Even ordinary domestic rodents are not distinguished by strong, heroic health, but here, due to the complete absence of hair, very proper and attentive care must be taken so that the pet does not get draughty, not blown, etc.

    They are distinguished by their intelligence and friendliness. They easily express their affection, for example, by licking the palms of their owner. They are sociable, and this is what sets them apart from other rodents who are cool towards humans.

    Genetics largely determines a rat's temperament. The main thing in this whole species is that they cannot be alone, they always need company, so that there is someone to take care of them.

    They are distinguished by their intelligence and friendliness

    Rules for keeping a Sphinx rat


    The ideal place for a bald animal would be a large, cozy cage. Place the house in a secluded corner. It is important to exclude exposure of the rodent to drafts and sharp objects.

    Correct temperature

    The temperature in the room should be from +25 to +28 degrees.

    Important! Dry air and too high temperatures destroy your pet's skin. It is recommended to humidify the room daily with spray bottles or special humidifiers.

    Choosing a pet cage

    To properly arrange a home for the Sphinx, just use these tips:

    • buy a wire cage measuring at least 60x40x60 cm, equipped with a high plastic tray, a solid bottom and wide doors;
    • an aquarium will create safer living conditions;
    • inside the cage there is a swing, sticks, a wheel and a small house;
    • large sawdust, white paper or cardboard are used as filler;
    • a feeder and a drinking bowl are placed.

    Before placing a pet in a new home, the cage is carefully inspected for damage and sharp corners.

    Attention! It is not recommended to purchase a cage made of plastic or similar materials. After cleaning and disinfection, the material will be damaged and will release hazardous substances.


    Clean the home once a week. The Sphinx is placed in a safe place so that the cage can be treated with disinfectants. After completing the procedure, rinse the house thoroughly under running water and dry. The drinking bowl and feeder are washed every day.
    Do you groom the cage once a week?

    Mandatory hygiene

    Bathe your bald head once every few months. The frequency of water procedures depends on the cleanliness of the rodent. If your pet gets very dirty with food, you can bathe it once a week.

    The container is filled with warm water and the rat is carefully placed in it. It is prohibited to use soap, shampoos, and other detergents. After washing, dry the Sphinx with a towel.

    Hygienic procedures include trimming the claws. Special scissors and pruning shears are sold at pet stores. If a rat's claws are too long and sharp, it will scratch the other inhabitants of the cage.


    Hairless rats are barked often and in small portions. The Sphinx's favorite food is various nuts, vegetables and fruits. You can buy special food. You should not give your pet cheese, salty or fatty foods.

    Group content

    Sphinx lovers are advised to get a same-sex pair of animals at the same time. They will warm themselves against each other. Several individuals get along well in one area.

    Important! Keeping a large number of hairless rats will not be difficult. One group is placed in a cage at a time. If pets are purchased in addition, it is better to place them in another cage. This will eliminate the aggressive behavior of the house owners towards new rats.


    The Sphinx rat needs constant communication and games with its owner. Walk your pet in a safe room. The bald one will hide in the warm hands of a person and will closely observe the environment.
    If you trim the claws in a timely manner, the animal will not scratch its knees or shoulders while climbing.


    Decorative rats do not need vaccination. No drugs have been developed for them to help prevent the development of diseases in these animals.

    Selection and accessories for your pet

    An animal's cell must contain several elements:

    • drinking bowl;
    • feeder;
    • nest (place to sleep);
    • a mineral stone on which the animal will grind its teeth.

    To prevent the animal from getting bored, toys are placed in the house. Rats are very fond of such a device as a hammock. It can be made from a piece of durable fabric or purchased ready-made at a pet store.

    Most preferred toys:

    • ladders, including rope ones;
    • tunnels;
    • labyrinths.

    Breeding and reproduction

    The Sphinx reaches maturity at 5 weeks of age. The young female is ready to mate 100 days after birth. The duration of pregnancy is 25 days. Hairless rats reproduce well: 8 to 12 pups are born in a litter. Zoologists recommend contacting a veterinarian before breeding Sphinxes.

    The hairless rat cannot boast of maternal instincts. The owner must carefully monitor the mother's behavior. If she refuses to feed the offspring, then the owner must independently feed the pups with a special mixture.


    To live a full life, rats need a balanced diet. It should include:

    • Cereals as the basis of nutrition. Rats can be given specialized kits from a pet store, fed with bread and boiled corn.
    • Fruits and vegetables should please the beast every day - cabbage, carrots, apples should definitely be included in the diet.
    • The role of vitamin replenishment is played by treats in the form of lollipops, sticks, and sweets from the pet market.
    • Protein foods are served less frequently, about twice a day. These are cottage cheese, meat products, yoghurts. The main thing is not to give protein more often, otherwise the rat will age faster.

    Rats are recommended two meals a day - morning and evening. It is best to serve food at the same time. This will avoid possible problems with the digestive system. However, if we are talking about a pregnant female, then feeding is increased up to 3-4 times a day. The same applies to growing rat pups.

    Health and illness

    Sphynx rats are susceptible to:

    • acute respiratory diseases - the pet makes sounds similar to coughing;
    • abscesses - purulent formations on the skin are observed;
    • cardiovascular diseases - the animal is weak and inactive, obesity appears;
    • skin diseases - there are rashes, wounds and scabs on the body;
    • benign tumors and oncological diseases - the animal languishes, refuses to eat and drink.

    After birth or purchase, the hairless rat is taken to the veterinarian. If minor deviations in the pet’s behavior are observed, it is important for the owner to immediately contact a specialist.

    What to name the animal

    You shouldn't give your pet the first name that comes to mind.

    It is advisable to choose names for your pet that will highlight its individuality. To choose the right one, you can rely on the recommendations of experienced rat breeders.

    1. There is no need to rush to give your Dumbo rat the first name you like. You need to take a closer look at the pet, observe it, and note its characteristic behavioral features.
    2. Each pet is special to its owner and has the right to a “special” name. Therefore, you should not stop at the usual names for rats, but choose an original one.
    3. If there are several animals, they can be given names from the same category. For example, the names of the planets are suitable.
    4. Hints in choosing a name can be found in fairy tales, cartoons or nursery rhymes.

    It is important to choose a name that can be changed to a diminutive. This is what the owner will most often call his charming pet with big ears.

    Dumbo the rat is one of the best pets. Communication with him is always interesting and evokes a lot of positive emotions. Taking care of a rodent is not difficult, and food costs are low.


    The menu of ornamental animals should be varied, it should contain various grains, fruits, and vegetables. The animal's body requires protein, so they can be fed boiled lean meat or insects. You should feed your pet often, but little by little.

    Rats periodically renew their front teeth. During this period, animals need to chew something. For this purpose, you can put a block of wood or regular bread crumbs without flavoring into the cage. The body of rodents needs to be enriched with minerals. To do this, you can buy chalk or mineral supplements for pets.

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