What you need to do to make your cat more affectionate

The appearance of a small furry pet in the house always brings joy. People enjoy playing with a kitten, but not everyone immediately begins to think about methods of raising a baby. Then, when the kitten becomes an adult cat, problems may arise. Take care of the proper upbringing of your pet, act thoughtfully and purposefully. It is quite difficult to train a cat; you will need to establish a trusting relationship with the baby and accurately determine the hierarchy in order to raise the kitten well. Then he will behave perfectly, acquire the necessary skills, become affectionate and obedient, and you will always feel comfortable with him.
Establishing a trusting relationship with the kitten
In the process of raising a kitten, it is important to remember that cats are almost resistant to conventional training methods. They perceive any pressure very acutely. A kitten cannot be raised using the same techniques as a puppy. The most important thing is to achieve the establishment of partnerships, but at the same time determine your place in the hierarchy.
  1. Regular communication.
    Communicate with your kitten constantly. You need to stroke him, caress him, gently call him by name. Praise him for any achievement. Take the baby in your arms carefully, try not to hurt him. The kitten should always feel comfortable with you. Pay attention to him, even if you have a lot to do. It is especially important to cuddle the baby when he has been left alone for a long time.
  2. Protection.
    A small kitten begins to appreciate your care from a very early age. The animal may be shy and vulnerable. The baby will immediately experience stress if he hears a sharp sound of a car or a scream. You need to become a reliable protection for him, which will protect him from everything incomprehensible and scary. A kitten, sitting in your arms, needs a feeling of warmth and complete safety.
  3. Comfort.
    It is important for the baby to feel comfortable. Create good conditions for him, stick to a clear schedule, do not disturb him when he is sleeping or resting. Explain to the children that you can’t play with the kitten all the time: it makes him feel bad and gets tired.
  4. Focus.
    Your actions should be purposeful and understandable to the baby: this is the only way you can raise a kitten correctly. Don't use double standards. Adhere to a unified system of education, teach to observe a number of rules of behavior. React to pranks the same way, regardless of your mood at the moment. If you need to scold a child for something, convince him not to do this again, you need to repeat the educational procedure every time. Then the kitten will eventually understand what they want from him, and he will develop the necessary reflexes. Never leave offenses unattended, do not allow them to do what was prohibited yesterday.
  5. Calmness and absence of corporal punishment.
    Please note an important point: cats do not tolerate strong pressure. The kitten should not be beaten, held by the ears, or deprived of food for pranks. Such actions on the part of the owner will only cause the opposite effect. Aggression will appear, the kitten will begin to break the established rules to spite you. Be persistent, but do not hit the baby. Remember that the kitten is very fragile, delicate, and can be easily injured. Never hit him on the head, never flick him on the nose. The kitten may get sick, become nervous and fearful.
  6. Persuasiveness.
    You should establish a trusting relationship with the kitten. A loving animal will definitely respond to comments. You will need to tame the baby, convince him to obey you. Your kindness, tenderness, and perseverance will help with this.
  7. The owner's place.
    Define your place in the hierarchy clearly. Animals understand very well that the head of the family must be obeyed. You can play as a kitten, let him sleep in the bed with you, but this tiny baby must always understand that you are the master. Your friendship should be formed as a partnership, but you should be in charge and emphasize your status. Keep a small distance.
  8. Confidence.
    You can convince the kitten to behave well, explain to him what needs to be done, scold him for pranks. Refrain from showing aggression, anger, try to control yourself. Even when you stop the kitten’s actions with a sharp shout, you should demonstrate confidence and self-control. You are the master of the situation, the leader. The animal will certainly feel this and recognize your authority.

Always be persistent, consistent, show care and kindness more often.
Then you will definitely be able to raise your kitten to be affectionate and obedient. We teach the kitten basic skills

When playing with a kitten, remember: raising a baby requires a certain time and emotional investment. You have already taken the animal into your home, you are responsible for its fate. It is necessary to make the kitten obedient, sociable, smart and kind. At first it may not be easy to cope with certain tendencies of the kitten, but everything can be overcome. But then you will enjoy communicating with a wonderful cat!

  1. Hygiene.
    The kitten must be trained to use the litter tray immediately. Did you take the baby from the family? Find out what kind of litter the kitten used and what shape the tray had. Buy the same things. This will make it easier for him to get used to the change of environment. A kitten taken from the street can also be trained to use a litter tray. Most often, animals go to the toilet after sleeping or eating. Keep an eye on the baby, and at the right time transfer him to a tray with filler. Train him gradually, but very persistently. If he goes to the litter box on his own, be sure to praise him and treat him to something tasty.
  2. Play by the rules.
    It is useful and pleasant to play with a kitten. Use sticks, bows, balls, special mice. It is advisable not to play with your baby with your hands. While he is small, bites and scratches will be minor, but an adult cat can injure quite severely. From childhood, explain to the animal that it is forbidden to scratch or bite its owner.
  3. We sharpen our claws.
    Be sure to teach your kitten to sharpen its claws in the right place. You can buy a special scratching post in the store. If you wish, you can make it yourself using a piece of carpet or a wooden board. Show your baby that the claws need to be sharpened in the designated place: carefully run the kitten’s paws over the scratching post. Prohibit tearing furniture or sharpening your claws on rugs or wallpaper. Praise your kitten every time he uses the scratching post.
  4. Name.
    Teach the kitten to immediately respond to its name. Choose a nickname that is short and sonorous. Encourage and praise the animal when it comes to your call.
  5. Walks.
    The kitten must be able to walk on a leash. It is advisable to choose the most suitable leash in the store, strong enough, thin, soft. First, place a small rubber collar around the neck for a while so that the animal gets used to wearing it. Then you can rehearse walks on a leash at home, and then go outside.

It is also advisable to teach the kitten not to leave the house without your permission and to sit quietly in your arms.
It is important to always follow a daily routine and feed your kitten on a schedule. All this will perfectly discipline your pet and help raise the kitten. Then the baby will grow into an obedient cat. Each cat already has its own character from birth, and owners must take this into account. Heredity is of great importance, but the formation of a cat’s “personality” is also influenced by the behavior of the mother cat when raising kittens.

It is impossible to say for sure what has a greater influence on the future character of a kitten - its genetics or society. However, you can be absolutely sure that a baby born from an affectionate cat will have a better chance of growing up friendly. This quality will be even stronger if a good-natured father cat was nearby and took part in raising the kittens.

Early interaction with humans is also an important point in the development of a kitten. Between 3 and 7 weeks of age, if kittens have positive experiences with people, being held, petted and fed, they will typically grow up to be highly socialized and very friendly.

But sometimes your pet’s life experience is not so successful, especially for animals picked up from the street. What can you do to make a cat become affectionate if she is “evil, like a fury” - she scratches, breaks out, shys away from any attempts to pet her? And you want her to spend more time on your lap, often come up to cuddle and purr next to you.

Features of raising kittens

Male cats try to take a dominant position in the house, to become the leader. They often show aggression. The smell from cats is stronger than from cats, since they are not so clean and do not like to lick themselves.

Girls are more affectionate and express emotions openly. They will not establish their own rules in the home, but with affectionate behavior they will be able to get their owners to fulfill their desires.

To raise a kitten correctly, you should take into account the characteristics of the breed.

Bengal breed

Scottish kittens

The behavior of the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight is the same. After all, one cat can simultaneously give birth to babies with different ears.

It is believed that raising babies of this breed is not difficult: they quickly get used to the tray, never jump on cabinets, do not scratch the sofa and curtains, and quickly get used to the scratching post. But the last item is missing from the house, then the upholstered furniture will suffer.

The peculiarity of Scottish cats is that they do not like to be held. Making them manual requires patience. In the first days after the kitten appears, you can only stroke it lightly, without lifting it or lifting it from the floor. In a few days he will get used to the hands and will be more affectionate.

Maine Coon

Sphynx kitten

This breed has an easy-going and affectionate character. Possessing great intelligence, kittens quickly learn the necessary behavioral skills in a residential building. They are not aggressive and love to play with children.

Possessing a soft and stable character, Sphynx cats easily get along with other pets. These cats never do anything out of harm and do not hold a grudge against their owner.

Sphinxes have a high need for communication. This breed does not tolerate loneliness very well. You can achieve a lot from them by using affection when training them.

Sphynx cats sweat a lot, and sweat and fat accumulate in the folds of the animal's skin. If you don't clean the leather, stains will remain on the furniture. Therefore, the kitten must be taught to wash regularly from an early age.

Kurilian Bobtail

To attract a cat to the scratching post, you need to spray it with a special spray or a weak solution of valerian, and tie your favorite toy to it. You can simply hang a piece of old carpet on the wall where the cat is tearing the wallpaper.

Options for making your own scratching post

It's easy to make the device yourself. To do this, wrap the stick with a thick rope.

Each cat already has its own character from birth, and owners must take this into account. Heredity is of great importance, but the formation of a cat’s “personality” is also influenced by the behavior of the mother cat when raising kittens.

It is impossible to say for sure what has a greater influence on the future character of a kitten - its genetics or society. However, you can be absolutely sure that a baby born from an affectionate cat will have a better chance of growing up friendly. This quality will be even stronger if a good-natured father cat was nearby and took part in raising the kittens.

Early interaction with humans is also an important point in the development of a kitten. Between 3 and 7 weeks of age, if kittens have positive experiences with people, being held, petted and fed, they will typically grow up to be highly socialized and very friendly.

But sometimes your pet’s life experience is not so successful, especially for animals picked up from the street. What can you do to make a cat become affectionate if she is “evil, like a fury” - she scratches, breaks out, shys away from any attempts to pet her? And you want her to spend more time on your lap, often come up to cuddle and purr next to you.

Early communication

Close contact between a person and a kitten from a very early age helps to cultivate gentleness and complaisance in the animal. You just have to remember that you can separate the baby from his mother no earlier than 6–8 weeks after birth. By this age, kittens acquire some self-confidence and cease to perceive others as enemies.

But even if the baby is completely stupid, you need to try to become his friend. Constant attention, games and affection accustom the kitten to its owner and allow it to feel his care.

The main rules of education

For good parenting, it is important to understand the psychology and worldview of a cat. An animal lives according to its own principles; it is important to take into account its natural needs and inclinations. Therefore, it is important to study the individual characteristics of your pet and act based on them in the future.

One of the most important rules for raising a kitten is to respect its love of freedom; not all cats are loyal and loving to their owners. But this does not mean that cats are allowed everything; it is important to find a middle ground when both the owner and his pet feel comfortable. The basic principles of raising a kitten include:

  1. Taking into account the innate egoism and practicality of the animal - in the process of education, it is not allowed to affect the animal’s pride, it is not allowed to humiliate and insult it, otherwise the cat will become withdrawn and aggressive. It is also important to take into account the practicality of cats - they will never do anything for nothing if they do not understand their benefits and benefits from this action. Therefore, in order for the pet to stop certain actions, the owner needs to prove their impracticality and offer something else that is better and more pleasant for the cat.
  2. Cats are characterized by waywardness and selfishness, so it is important from the first day to show who is boss in the house and not follow the animal’s lead.
  3. It is important to avoid the following mistakes:
  • scream at the kitten or hit it;
  • do actions that will make the kitten afraid of you;
  • humiliate the kitten, poke its nose into a puddle and take it by the scruff of the neck.

All these actions cause resentment and aggression in the pet; in the future, he can take revenge and grow up with nervous disorders. The keys to success are affection and kindness. Commands need to be spoken in a clear and confident voice; it does not have to be raised so that the animal listens and understands that this cannot be done. Kittens can learn, but it takes a lot of time and patience.

  1. You should not let your kitten sleep in your bed
    - the greatest concentration of odor accumulates in the place where it sleeps. When a kitten sleeps with its owner, it begins to feel like an equal with him and does not recognize his authority. It is better to arrange a separate place for the purr to sleep, and you need to accustom him to it from the very beginning.
  2. It is important to pay attention to the kitten
    , otherwise it will run wild and stop obeying as a sign of protest. Babies especially suffer from lack of attention, so take time to play with him and cuddle him. Then he will trust you, and you will become an authority for him. And besides, by distracting him by playing with special toys, you can be sure that he will not do any mischief.

Regular play and petting

Daily stroking and scratching helps make the cat sociable. If the owner is busy with other things and prefers to throw a lot of toys at the pet so that he can have fun on his own, the distance increases. Felinologists warn that frequent tactile contact socializes the pet, develops its intelligence, and calms it down.

During petting, it is important to observe what kind of contact the cat likes and what he does not accept. For example, most animals do not like to have the base of their tail touched. Some people react negatively when their stomach is touched. In any case, you should not insist on petting if the cat moves away or tries to hide.

What to do with existing parenting flaws

What to do if there are mistakes and flaws in raising a kitten? You can try to fix them. Of course, this is a more complex process than initially properly raising an animal, but it is possible. Let's look at the most common errors:

  1. Goes to the toilet in the wrong place
    - you shouldn’t scold or hit the kitten. It is important to show him his territory, choose the right tray and filler. If the kitten has chosen a specific place to relieve itself, you can temporarily place a tray there until the baby gets used to going in it (how to accustom a kitten to the tray).
  2. It spoils, tears and gnaws curtains
    , bedspreads and other things - this habit must not be allowed to develop; to wean it off, you can use a spray bottle of water; at the slightest intention to spoil the thing, you must spray the mischief-maker and stop his intentions constantly until he loses the desire to do it. .
  3. Sharpens its claws on furniture and carpets
    - often such actions are caused by natural instinct, this is how cats mark their territory. To stop this, it is important to purchase several scratching posts and immediately accustom the kitten to them. It is also important to trim your pet's claws on time.
  4. He bites and scratches
    - this must be weaned from childhood. To play, you need to use not your hands, but toys intended for this. If a baby bites and scratches and this cannot be stopped, then he will repeat the actions as an adult. To wean yourself from a bad habit, you can lightly flick the mischief-maker on the nose. In the same way, a mother cat punishes her baby.
  5. Marks corners
    - this problem often occurs in males. It is very upsetting and makes caring for your pet difficult. But don't despair. You need to spray the marks with a solution containing an essential oil with a strong odor, such as citrus. It will forever discourage the cat from marking corners.

Cats are one of the most popular pets. Very often, both adults and children dream of having a cute and playful cat live in their home.

However, before getting a kitten, you need to carefully study the information about your preferred cat breed, as well as the needs of your future pet. In order for a furry pet not to cause inconvenience, but to bring joy, it is necessary to raise it correctly.

Who is the head in this house

All people understand that they are stronger, smarter and bigger, but often the reason for restraint on the part of a cat is the awareness of the same thing. And if the owner demonstrates that he is in charge at every opportunity, then you should not be surprised that the cat will feel uncomfortable.

Let the cat at least sometimes feel like a mistress.

Do not forget that cats living in natural conditions are loners, and if they feel that they are being subjugated, they simply leave their territory to where they will be the absolute masters. A domestic cat cannot do this, so it only experiences aggression and stress. There is no need to confuse dogs and cats. Under no circumstances should dogs be placed on the same level as you, but a cat will be more affectionate the more self-confident she feels.

To make a cat become affectionate, you should try hard.

Therefore, it is better to be careful with manifestations of your superiority and various punishments: an increasingly frightened cat is almost unable to perceive information. However, you shouldn’t spoil your pet either. You should not confuse an affectionate cat with an insolent one. It is quite enough to simply control yourself and not stoop to shouting, coercion and punishment.

By being patient and having free time, you can make even the most inert cat affectionate and trusting.

The main weapon should be cunning and persuasion. If a cat has done something wrong, you can pretend to be a big cat and hiss, but if she has done something right, she must be praised.

What you need to buy before taking a kitten home and raising it properly

You have thought it over well and decided that you need a pet, namely a cat. This means you need to properly prepare before bringing your kitten home. First you need to purchase the most necessary things:

How to raise a kitten and train it to the toilet

First of all, when you choose a kitten, and it doesn’t matter whether you buy it or just take it into good hands, you need to check with the breeder which tray and brand of litter the kitten is used to using.

It’s good to take some litter from the breeder from the kitten’s home litter box.

with his smell. If this is not possible if you buy a cat at an exhibition, you should definitely find out the name and brand of the litter.

Let's say you did everything correctly, but after a while at home you discovered a puddle or some other surprise in a completely different place than where the toilet was intended. What to do? First of all, don’t panic and don’t scold the baby, and especially don’t poke the kitten’s muzzle into his puddle.

Such actions can frighten the kitten, and in the worst case scenario, he will simply be afraid of the litter box, believing that he simply cannot cope with his natural needs in your house, and since it is impossible to endure indefinitely, this means that these matters must be hidden from you. Raising a kitten depends on your patience


It’s better to collect the puddle on toilet paper or a napkin and take it to the tray, and do the same with the surprise. Then calmly carry the baby and put him in the tray so that he can smell and begin to understand where his toilet is.

If the situation with surprises and puddles repeats, you need to be patient. And check whether the tray is conveniently located. The place should be secluded, cats do not like to do their business in plain sight. Can the kitten find it: if the tray is placed far from the place where the baby sleeps and plays, he simply may not reach the tray. It is very important not to scream or scare; it is better to show the cat that you are disappointed with his behavior.

Which tray to choose

After your pet gets comfortable and gets used to the toilet, and at the same time grows up, you can move the tray to a place convenient for you.

There are two types of trays:

open and closed. Covered litter boxes tend to be more appealing to cats. They are made in the form of a house and cats feel safe there. The main disadvantage of closed trays is the high cost.

Open trays come with or without a grid. If the tray has a grid, it is usually used without filler; many cats willingly use them, but they also like to bury their business in the filler. For the filler you need to take a tray without a grid. It is better to purchase both versions of trays.

Fillers are wood, clumping and silica gel

. Wood fillers are the most environmentally friendly, cost less and are suitable for any cat. Silica gel filler will save time because it needs to be replaced less often than other types of filler, but it will also be more expensive.

The most common type of litter among breeders is clumping litter. They contain odors and are easily replaceable, the main thing is to choose a high-quality filler.

Scratching post and nail clippers

scratching post

– another important thing in raising a kitten. Since cats are hunters, their claws should always be in perfect condition. If you don't have a scratching post in your house, your cat will find one on his own. This could be a door frame, your favorite sofa or chair.

There are a lot of scratching posts in stores now, so you can choose something to suit every taste and budget. Also in stores there are entire complexes for kittens and adult cats. They include multi-level cozy beds, houses and scratching posts on which your pet will happily climb and jump.

You can make a scratching post yourself

from beautiful hemp or, wrapping the board with a piece of carpet, attach it to the wall. If the kitten does not immediately understand for what purpose the scratching post is needed, you need to patiently accustom him to it.

You can hang a toy on the scratching post and play with your pet, or when he starts sharpening his claws in the wrong place, move him to the scratching post.

It is very good to buy nail trimmers

. They are indispensable if you are going to participate in cat shows. A large number of cats of various breeds and temperaments are always exhibited at exhibitions. Your pet may panic, especially the first time, and scratch you at the judging table. And they won’t hurt for your home if you have small children or guests often come.

How to choose a bed

The most important thing is that the bed must be cleaned well.

. Even if you have a smooth-haired breed, such as a Thai, hair will still collect on the bed. The bed must be the right size. You shouldn’t buy a big bed right away.

The kitten will be uncomfortable in it, but your closet with clothes may seem cozy and it will get used to sleeping not in place, but in the closet.

the bed in a quiet and warm place

. Cats love warmth and do not like noise. Cats' hearing is much better developed than that of humans. The bed needs to be vacuumed and washed periodically. If you choose a play complex for your pet, it is good to put soft rugs on the beds and in the houses that can be washed, and the complex itself can be vacuumed.

You can use disposable diapers; they are also useful for carrying, so that you don’t have to clean it again, especially if you are going on a long trip with your furry friend. Cats are clean animals and do not like it when it is dirty.

How to choose a carrier

of carriers :

made of plastic and sewn from material. Plastic carriers are more convenient if you plan to often carry your cat in the car. It does not deform, and the cat feels in this carrier as if it were in a house.

When you travel in the summer, the cat will not be hot in it, and if in the cold season, you should cover the plastic carrier with a blanket on top so that the cat does not freeze.

Carriers made from fabric are lighter and cheaper than carriers made from plastic. But they can become deformed when the cat is in it, so when transporting in a fabric carrier, you need to carefully ensure that the cat is comfortable and nothing puts pressure on the carrier.

How to choose toys for a cat

There is a wide variety of entertainment for pets on the market. It can be:

And even some treats can be toys. Education without toys is impossible. Toys must be chosen carefully. Make sure that toys are safe for your pet, especially when he is still small. The bells should not fall out of the balls, and the mice should be sewn with high quality. Under no circumstances should you allow playing with balls of yarn or thread.

, this is deadly for cats, as the cat can eat thread and clog its stomach and intestines.
And the New Year's rain is also dangerous

How to choose food

You can feed your cat either professional food or prepare its food yourself. When you take a cat from home or a nursery, you need to find out what food the cat is accustomed to, and at first feed it exactly as it is accustomed.

When the cat grows up, it needs to be switched to adult food.

or switch to homemade food. Homemade cat food should be prepared specifically for the cat. Human food is not suitable for her; it contains a lot of salt and spices. You cannot feed your cat sausage and processed foods.

Many cats love to climb on tables. To prevent this, do not leave leftover food on the counter or dirty dishes in the sink. The cat is an explorer, and if she doesn’t find anything interesting on the dining table, she won’t bother next time. Proper raising of a kitten depends on your accuracy.

There may be such a situation: you picked up a kitten on the street. How to raise a kitten from the street?

In this case, you need to show him to a veterinarian to rule out possible diseases and
complete the entire range of prevention

A cat adopted from the street is usually not toilet trained, and you need to be patient to train it correctly and gradually train it to use the toilet in the right place. Raising a cat depends only on you and your love for your pet. Although often cats that have been rescued are grateful to their new owners and behave with dignity, immediately understanding how to behave properly in the house.

In conclusion, I would like to add that you are taking into your home a living creature with its own character. And if you treat your cat with care and love, then she will answer you in the same way. Proper upbringing is attention, love and care.

When choosing cats, people most often choose kittens rather than adult animals. It’s so nice to take part in raising a child, to see how he grows. Of course, no one remains indifferent when looking at the little pranks and behavior of furry pets. However, here lies the most important mistake of owners - the wrong attitude and education of cats. You cannot assume that an animal's character will improve with age and that it will not be aggressive or ill-mannered. We’ll look at how to raise a kitten correctly in this article.


Basic rules of education

The basis of proper upbringing of kittens lies in understanding the psychology and worldview of the animal. You cannot apply any rules of the human “world” to cats. They see this world differently, according to their own concepts and principles. To gain the kitten's trust and respect, it is important to take into account the animal's natural needs and inclinations. Therefore, any caring owner will not only read literature about the character of cats, but will also try to study the individual characteristics of their pet.

Perhaps the most important rule in raising a kitten is to take into account the freedom-loving nature of these pets. Not all cats are ready and able to show boundless love and devotion to their owners. This is not a dog that, when you come home, will jump for joy and try to lick you from head to toe. The most a cat can do is a friendly “meow” while looking at the refrigerator. But this does not mean that cats are allowed everything; they also need to be educated so that living together brings joy to both you and the animal.

Raising cats, as well as proper care, depends entirely on the owner.

Innate selfishness and practicality

So, all cats, without exception, are characterized by innate selfishness. What does it mean? First of all, when raising an animal, one must not touch the animal’s pride; it must not be insulted or humiliated. In this case, the animal will become withdrawn and aggressive. It is important for an understanding owner to preserve the cat’s self-esteem in any situation.

On the other hand, cats are very practical; they will never do anything that is unprofitable or useless for them. Therefore, in order to force a pet to stop some action or wean it from something, you must first prove its impracticality. First you need to show that doing something different instead of the previous action is much better and more enjoyable.

With the right approach, cats can become devoted and loving pets, giving their love and affection to humans.

So, cats are wayward and selfish animals, so you can’t do without the right approach and education. The following rules will help you avoid the most common mistakes:

  • Raising a kitten should begin from the very first day of living together;
  • on the very first day, show the animal that you are the boss in the house, and that certain rules must be followed here. Don't follow your pet's lead;
  • an animal cannot be beaten or scolded loudly - this is a taboo;
  • the kitten should not be afraid of you, fear will not get you far;
  • You cannot humiliate a cat, for example, by poking his nose into a puddle or picking him up by the scruff of the neck. All this causes a feeling of resentment, so in the future the pet may take revenge on you;
  • where a dog will endure and bow its head, a cat will not;
  • affection and kindness are the key to success;
  • cats sense your emotions, tone and voice well, so you don’t have to scream to point out a mistake to the animal. It is necessary to use strict but clear commands “No!”, “No!”, “Scram!”;
  • cats are capable of learning, but it takes time and patience.

How to pick up a cat from the street?

If the cat is given into your hands, the easiest way is to put it in a carrier and carry it away. Naturally, do not forget about the diaper - the animal may wet itself out of fear, and not only that.

If the cat is not easy to handle, use a special net and/or cat catcher.

If you have the opportunity to communicate with the chosen cat for a long time, you can accustom it to you gradually, see how to do this in the next section of the article.

Do not try to carry a cat in your hands - it can run away in an unfamiliar and dangerous area, or maybe suddenly slash your hands and face.

And don't forget to take precautions to help you avoid contracting rabies.

Sins of upbringing and how can you correct them?

But what should you do if you came across our article after you adopted a kitten or you were not the one raising the cat? It doesn’t matter, because even mistakes and some flaws can be tried to be eliminated. This will be more difficult than initially teaching a kitten your rules and laws, but it is still possible. Let's look at the most common mistakes that were made in caring for a pet.

Wrong toilet

It often happens that a kitten starts going to the toilet in the wrong place. Often such a place can be a sofa or, much worse, your bed. What to do? First of all, you should not try to scold or beat the animal, this will be of little use. Most likely, in childhood the kitten had the opportunity to relieve itself in the bed and the wrong reaction followed.

Firstly, when a kitten appears in the house, you should not immediately take it into your bed, onto the sofa, etc. Give the baby a place, highlight a tray, show his territory. Let him not be present on your bed until he learns the rules of hygiene. Secondly, it is important to choose the right place. If the kitten does not want to go to the tray, but constantly chooses another place, put the tray there.

Gnawing or tearing things, curtains, bedspreads

Having noticed the slightest interest of a kitten in furniture or home textiles, one should not allow this habit to develop. To do this, it is best to use a regular water spray. Cats really don’t like water, and such a surprise will help to quickly and effectively wean them from harmful actions. At the same time, it is important to keep an eye on the miscreant and always prevent even the slightest intentions of approaching the curtains.

Sharpens claws on furniture

Yes, this problem is familiar to many. In this case, both your new sofa and the walls in the corridor can become a sharpening machine. Most often, cats leave their marks in this way; it is an instinct. The best way to get rid of this is to place several scratching posts in the house and immediately accustom the animal to them. Also, trim your cat’s claws in a timely manner so that the cat does not have the desire to do manicure and nail care on his own.

Scratching and biting

You need to wean yourself from this habit from childhood. When playing, do not use your hands and fingers, but purchase special toys. If during play the kitten bites and scratches you, then he will do the same at a conscious age. If such actions do not help, then during a bad habit you can lightly flick the baby on the nose. This is what a mother cat does if she wants to punish her child.

Marks corners

Males often have this problem. Of course, it greatly complicates the care and relationship with the animal. But don't worry. Try spraying the marks with a strong scent. For example, citrus essential oil, which will definitely discourage the prankster.

Features of care and education by month

AgeFeatures of developmentCare and education
1 WeekThe kitten still hears and sees almost nothing, and is helpless.It is necessary to take the baby in your arms and accustom him to the touch of not only the mother, but also the person.
2-3 weekEyes open, hearing appears. The kitten becomes interested in the world, he studies and learns everything. Accustom to voice, name, time and daily routine. Also take in your arms, show the world.
4-5 weekMotor skills develop, teeth growIt is important to train him to the tray, play a lot, give him a lot of toys, as he will chew them.
1.5 monthsThe pet's character is being formedEstablish clear rules in the house, show who is boss, accustom him to a place to sleep and play.
2 monthsPrimary socialization occursIt is advisable that the kitten still grows up with its brothers and sisters, and not be given into the wrong hands, so as not to cause severe fear.
3-4 monthsThe kitten becomes completely independent and switches to regular food. Molars are being cut. Trim nails and increase grooming. It is necessary to accustom him to a scratching post, to play and talk a lot.
5-6 monthsPuberty begins and the kitten can hone its hunting skills.If you are not planning on breeding, to avoid problems with territory markings, it is better to castrate the male. This will also simplify general care.
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