Cats that look like Georgians. Description of the oriental breed of cats similar to Georgians

Contents of the Oriental breed

Caring for this cat is generally the same as for cats of other breeds.
The pet must be combed with a comb or a rubber glove, in this case the fur will look shiny and healthy.

You also need to clean the eyes and ears with damp cotton pads once a week. An Oriental cat's claws grow quickly, so they often need to be trimmed.


Oriental cats as adults have a hard time getting along with new pets, so you need to expand your home zoo while the oriental kitty is still at a tender age.

Socialization of kittens is quick and easy, the main thing is to pay attention to the baby. All educational measures must be consistent and adequate! We remember about the touchy nature, and try not to scold the baby, but to understand

Usually the stumbling block is the process of toilet training. The kitten will quickly learn to use the litter box if you follow all the recommendations and advice on such a sensitive issue.

All educational measures must be consistent and adequate! We remember about the touchy nature, and try not to scold the baby, but to understand. Usually the stumbling block is the process of toilet training. The kitten will quickly get used to the litter box if you follow all the recommendations and advice on such a sensitive issue.


Before bathing, turn on the hairdryer and leave it nearby so that the animal gets used to the sound and the working object. The cat is placed in a sink covered with non-slip material. Hold the cat with one hand, apply shampoo with the other and wash the body. Water should not get into your ears! Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly, place the cat on a towel and gently dry it with a hairdryer.


An adult cat is fed twice a day, never overfeeding it. You can feed your kitty natural food, or you can give it specialized food for Siamese and Oriental cats such as Royal Canin Siamese 38.

This slender girl has an excellent appetite, but you shouldn’t spoil her. The food should contain enough fat to keep the coat shiny. The caloric intake is 250-300 kcal per day.

Kitten care

Oriental kittens are also rascals, so the main thing will be not only the love of the owner, but also the upbringing of the fluffy tomboy. The baby is fed according to a set schedule, his eyes, teeth, ears are regularly cleaned and his fur coat is combed.

The cat is toilet trained in the first days of his arrival in the house.

In order for the baby to grow up sociable, do not forget to caress him. You need to play with the kitten every day, this will allow you to raise your pet cheerful and active.

Health of the Oriental cat breed

Both types of Orientals—short-haired and long-haired—suffer from the same diseases:

liver amyloidosis (hereditary disease);

retinal atrophy;

flat chest syndrome;

The cats are protected from drafts, the condition of their teeth is monitored and anti-parasitic prevention is regularly carried out.

With proper care, orientals can live up to 20 years.

American Bobtail (Yankee Bob)

The main feature is a short movable tail (from 2.5 to 7.5 cm). These cats have a long, muscular body, low paws and a wide, almost square muzzle. There are short-haired and semi-long-haired individuals. The color can be any, the most common being agouti. Weight – 3-9 kg. Smart cat, loves big companies and active games.

Large breed of cats, weighing up to 15 kg. The body is muscular with an arched back. The tail is short, consisting of one or more knots. The coat is of medium length with abundant guard hair. The breed is characterized by intelligence and tact; they do not like to be held, but enjoy chasing toys.

Short-tailed, color-point cat with short mink hair. The body is of medium size with proportional parts, the length of the tail does not exceed a third of the body. The ears are small, straight, and the eyes are predominantly blue. They are very curious and always try to be close to their owner.

They are distinguished by dog-like behavior, they can walk on a leash, bring toys in their teeth, and in case of danger they would rather bite than scratch.

The breed is medium-sized, slender with an elongated body and physically developed muscles, the limbs are long and strong. The tail is short, vertical, about 7 cm long, and may or may not be movable. The head is triangular with neat curves and large eyes. The coat is short and dense, without undercoat, most often tortoiseshell and white. Very smart and active, they do not like to be left alone. Ideal for living in city apartments.

There are more than 250 breeds of cats in the world: hairless and fluffy, wayward and friendly, affectionate and freedom-loving. But there is one thing that unites them all: they are incredibly beautiful. Anyone who wants to make a meowing friend can adopt a kitten from a shelter, or buy one from an elite nursery.

We invite you to read: Maine Coon education and care tips Principles of Maine Coon education

How much do the rarest cat breeds cost? Find out prices for the most exotic representatives of the cat world.

Ashera Ashera is the most exotic domestic cat in the world. It was created by crossing a domestic cat and an Asian leopard cat. According to the creators of the breed, this cat is hypoallergenic, but there is controversy about this statement. You can become the proud owner of an Ashera for $22,000-$100,000.

Norwegian Forest Cat The ancestors of this cat were bred by the Vikings 2000 years ago. Cute and fluffy, this cat can withstand severe cold and is an excellent hunter. The price of a kitten varies from $600 to $3000.

Himalayan cat This breed is very similar to the Persian, but differs in blue eyes and color point coloring (light body with a dark muzzle, paws, ears and tail). This breed was developed in 1950 in the USA. Himalayans are affectionate, obedient and friendly cats with a calm nature. A kitten of this breed will cost $500-1300.

Scottish Fold The calling card of this breed is its cute ears that do not stick out upward, like those of ordinary cats, but hang down. This unusual detail of their appearance is a consequence of a gene mutation. These are smart cats that get along with everyone in the family and are never averse to playing. Another distinctive feature of this breed is that they can stand on their hind legs and look at what interests them. A kitten costs from $200 to $1,500.

Peterbald The Peterbald, or St. Petersburg Sphynx, was bred in Russia in 1994. These elegant cats have a slender body, a long head shape and large, set-back ears. The body may be bald or covered with down. Cats have an affectionate and sociable character and are easy to train. Such a kitten will cost $400-1200.

Egyptian Mau The appearance of these cats has changed little in 3000 years - since the times of Ancient Egypt. The spotted color of this breed appears not only on the coat, but also on the skin. To become the owner of an ancient Egyptian cat, you need to spend $500-1500.

Maine Coon This is one of the largest cat breeds. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the body length of an adult Maine Coon can reach 1.23 m. But despite their formidable appearance, these are affectionate, gentle and playful animals. The price of a giant kitten varies between $600-1500.

LaPerm This is one of the most unusual breeds, which appeared in 1980 in the USA. In addition to their curly hair, cats of this breed have another feature: they are hypoallergenic, so they are perfect for families with allergies. A kitten of this breed costs $200-2000.

Russian Blue This is one of the most popular shorthaired cats. It became known outside Russia in 1893. As legend has it, this cat brings good luck to the house. You can buy a Russian talisman for $400-2000.

Serengeti This breed was developed in 1994 in California. She belongs to large cats: the weight of an adult Serengeti is 8-12 kg. They have a strong build, large ears, spotted coloration and very long legs. You can buy such a cat for $600-2000.

Elf This young cat breed was bred in the USA in 2006. Elves are very friendly, intelligent, mischievous, sociable, inquisitive and loyal creatures. Those wishing to purchase such a unique pet will have to pay a considerable amount - 2000 US dollars.

Toyger This large cat breed resembles a tiger in color, which is why it got its name. The creator of the breed claims that the Toyger was bred to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in the wild. You can get inspired to save tigers for $500-3000.

American Curl This breed was developed in California in 1981. Newborn kittens are difficult to distinguish from ordinary cats, but by the 10th day of life their ears curl back like small horns. This feature touches hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can join the curl lovers for $1000-3000.

Bengal This breed was developed by crossing an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. These cats love to swim, and despite their impressive size (4-8 kg), they often climb onto their owner’s shoulders. You can buy a mini leopard for $1000-4000.

Safari This rare breed was created by crossing an ordinary domestic cat and the South American wild cat Geoffroy. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States in the 1970s to study leukemia. The average weight of an adult cat is 11 kg. You can become the owner of a domestic predator for $4000-8000.

Kao-mani The earliest mention of this breed is in the Tamra Maew, or Cat Book of Poems (1350-1767). In ancient Siam, kao-mani lived only in royal families and were considered a symbol of good luck, longevity and wealth. You can buy an oriental talisman for $7,000-$11,000.

Chausie This one of the rarest breeds of cats appeared thanks to the crossing of a domestic cat and a swamp lynx. These are very sociable animals that find loneliness difficult. Such cats will be happy with any company: a person, another cat or even a dog. The cost of a kitten varies from $8,000 to $10,000.

Caracal The caracal is endangered. Several years ago, the caracal moved from the category of wild predators to a number of exclusive and expensive pets. Therefore, by purchasing a kitten for $7,000-$10,000, you can help preserve this unique species.

Savannah This breed was born by crossing an African Serval and a domestic cat. These are the largest cats: the weight of an adult is on average 15 kg, and the height is 60 cm. Savannahs are known for their high level of intelligence, calm character, curiosity and activity. They love water treatments, walks in the fresh air and active games. To get such a cat, you need to have a large space for her to play and $4000-22,000. The original was taken from

Fluffy and hairless, affectionate and capricious, fidgety and lazy – all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for it, what to feed it and what tricks to expect.

Choosing a kitten and caring for it

Buy a kitten only from a trusted breeder who can document the absence of genetic diseases found in representatives of this breed in the parents of the Oriental cat.

Before choosing a kitten, familiarize yourself with the external characteristics of the breed specified in the standard. Observe how the baby behaves in a familiar environment among his brothers and sisters, choose an active and healthy individual.

Demand from the breeder documents confirming the right to engage in breeding and selling purebred cats! Each cat must have its own pedigree, documents confirming vaccinations, and a certificate of health of the kitten.

It is recommended to talk with those who have already purchased animals from the seller you have chosen, find out their opinion about it, and clarify the health status of the animals some time after the sale.

Recommendations for choosing a kitten

You need to purchase an Oriental cat kitten from specialized nurseries. When choosing a breeder, you should read reviews and photographs of animals from this nursery. When choosing a kitten, you must follow the recommendations of experts:

  • Do not buy an animal under 3 months old. Experienced breeders do not allow purebred pets to be sold until they have received all the necessary vaccinations.
  • Pay attention to the conditions in which cats are kept. Conscientious sellers do not put Oriental breed kittens in cages. If babies are kept indoors, they do not adapt well to their new home. Some cats develop psychological disorders due to prolonged exposure to confined spaces.
  • Study the external condition and behavior of the kitten. Healthy animals have clear eyes, large clean triangular ears, and soft, shiny fur. The Oriental Longhair has noticeably longer hair. From an early age, Orientals are very active. They try to get out of the basket or constantly look over its sides.
  • Review the documents confirming the pedigree of the parents.

How much a cat will cost depends on its color and compliance with the breed standard. If there are minor defects, the cost of the baby will be reduced. The average price of a kitten is 30–40 thousand rubles.


And indeed, from the outside it looks like a child’s drawing of a child who was trying to draw a cat. We’ve discussed so many options for cats here on the blog, but I still don’t know who these long-eared cats are. Some call them “Georgian” cats, others jokingly call them “elven” or “a cross between Dobby and a cat.” What kind of breed is this actually? Photo 2. The history of the origin of the Oriental breed began with their closest relatives - Siamese cats. True, both breeds have changed over time, so now their representatives are no longer as similar to each other as they were before. For example, on the face of Oriental cats there is never a black mask characteristic of Siamese, and their character is much softer. Photo 3. The ancestors of both of these breeds were first brought to England from Asia at the end of the 19th century, then the history of Oriental cats began, although their first images have been found in ancient Thai manuscripts. In 1896, for the first time, an exhibition was held, which included an oriental blue cat brought from Bangkok. True, after this a “boom” for Siamese cats began, and their relatives with a solid coat color were somewhat forgotten until the mid-20th century. In the 60s, British breeders began to breed a breed similar to the Siamese, but with a different coat color, and this is how the history of the Oriental cat breed as we know it began. Photo 4. The breed received its official confirmation a few years later, not only in England , but also in America (officially recognized in 1977). At first they were completely white cats, then with the Havana color, and then with the rest. But at the time of recognition, there were already more than 50 nurseries of these cats, and they were actively bred and purchased, despite the fact that there was no official confirmation. They first appeared in Russia in 1989, and immediately gained love and popularity among our compatriots, along with the Siamese. Since the origin of the Oriental cat is closely related to the Siamese, now they are classified as one group of breeds, have the same standards, and they can even be bred together. Photo 5. Cats of this breed are slender, muscular, with a long graceful neck, narrow hips and shoulders. The front legs are proportionally shorter than the hind legs, the paws are oval, small in size, and the belly is tucked. The tail is thin, pointed at the tip, very long. Photo 6. Psychology An oriental cat is very smart. If you have earned her respect and love, you will never feel betrayed by a cat.

The Oriental is very attached to a person, so she is offended if the owner, instead of petting, playing or just talking, is busy with his own business. Representatives of the Oriental breed, like all cats, are sure that the world was created for them, and therefore they will meow, trying to attract attention. Although their voice is quite pleasant and melodic, unlike Devon Rex or Ragdoll

This is not a breed that will walk on its own; it needs a friend and playmate.

Therefore, it is worth getting one for those who have more freedom with their time, like to play and don’t mind a “heart-to-heart conversation” - the cat loves to talk out loud and out loud. Those who love peace and quiet should consider another furry friend with a calm and quiet personality. Calm breeds include exotics, Persians, Abyssinian and Russian blue cats, as well as Scottish Straights and representatives of the Maine Coon breed. Photo 7. The Oriental cat seems to have telepathic abilities and easily senses the pain, desires and mood of the owner. Surprisingly, she can be taught some tricks, such as walking on a leash or fetching a ball. However, make no mistake, a cat will perform tricks if it wants to, and not under coercion. It is easier than representatives of other breeds to teach Orientals to go not even to the litter box, but, excuse me, to the toilet, to open the tap in the bathroom or kitchen so that drink water. In addition, they are also energy therapists - they lie down on a sore spot, curl up in your arms if you are tired. They get along well with children and do not forget, releasing their claws and fangs, even in the midst of games. Orientals react very friendly to the arrival of guests, charming and touching them. As for other pets, animals can make friends with them too. Photo 8. Photo 9. Photo 10. Photo 11. Photo 12. Photo 13. Photo 14. Photo 15. Photo 16. Photo 17. Photo 18. Photo 19. Photo 20. But this cat reminded me of this actor from “Star Wars” Photo 21. Or, for example, this fox: sources

Origin story

This breed was first encountered in the East, although it received recognition only in 1974 in America. The eastern origin of Orientals is confirmed by the fact that they were first heard of in Thailand, where the Book of Poems about Cats was created in the 14th century, mentioning refined animals with the grace of panthers. Due to the closed borders of the country, they were not presented to the world for a long time.

In the 19th century, purebred chestnut-colored pets were transported to England. However, the British were not impressed by such cats and dubbed them Siamese, meanwhile proving the lack of pure blood in them due to the wrong color. Read a separate article about Siamese cats, their character, differences from Thai cats.

For a long time it was considered a side branch from the Siamese, but the characteristics of the breed do not allow them to be confused.

At the end of the 50s, they came to America, where serious breeding of purebred Orientals began. Already in 1974, they were registered by American felinological organizations, and in the 80s they started talking about them in the USSR.

Their differences from the Siamese turned into advantages, and the chocolate shade Havana obtained as a result of experiments became the rarest and most popular. To improve their characteristics, they were constantly crossed with Siamese representatives. Many of their distinctive features are the same, so even their standard is almost the same, with the exception of colors.

Character of the Oriental cat breed

The Oriental cat has a balanced character. The pet is able to find a common language with other pets, including dogs. Orientals are also tolerant of children. They are quite tolerant of squeezing and “inappropriate treatment.” But it is worth remembering the pet’s sense of dignity. Like most animals, the Oriental cat will begin to show character as soon as the opponent crosses the line of his patience.

Some mousecatchers perceive a person as a service staff, honoring the owner with rare signs of attention. If you are interested in what an Oriental cat looks like, a description of its breed and character, future owners will see the opposite picture. Representatives of the species become attached to the owner. They meet their loved one from work and strive to participate in all his activities. If the “chosen” owner ignores or offends the pet, the pet gets offended.

An offended animal can take revenge. Satisfying their natural needs on the bed is an extreme measure that Oriental cats can take; character, habits, characteristics of the breed first push them to “oral” condemnation. Like the Siamese, the species is accustomed to communicating with its owner

The animal will express its dissatisfaction with loud screams. In an effort to attract attention, a pet may:

  • tear up the sofa;

throwing small objects off shelves;

climb on a table or other “forbidden” surfaces in full view of the owner.

Communication with the Oriental will help prevent such actions. If the owner cannot pay enough attention to the pet, it is worth getting him a companion. It is not necessary that this be the second Oriental cat; the nature of the species allows you to make friends with a small dog or an ordinary yard mouser. You should not expect that your pet will perceive a hamster or other small animal as a full-fledged playmate. But with equal status, Orientals strive to find a common language.

Breed care

Some species require complex care. The Oriental cat breed does not belong to this group; the pet’s character allows it to occupy itself with toys and companions. But we must remember that the animal becomes attached to one person. The coldness of the “chosen one” will cause furious vocal protests. Having decided to get an Oriental, the owner will have to think about how to allocate time to communicate with the pet. The breed does not tolerate being ignored.

Recommendations regarding nutrition correspond to general advice for purebred (and not so purebred) cats. It is advisable to create a diet based on lean meat:

  • veal;


young lamb;


Onions and garlic are contraindicated for cats - they contain components that can cause anemia. Fish should be given no more than 1-2 times a week. Proper care will allow Orientals to live up to 16-18 years and overcome this level. But, on average, according to some opinions, the life expectancy of the species is 8-12 years.

Orientals are clean people. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the tray. You can comb short-haired pets 1-2 times a week, using a brush or a special mitten.

It is important to think about the safety of places where an adult Oriental cat can reach - its height and jumping ability allow the pet to conquer almost any piece of furniture. If there are fragile figurines or dried herbs on the cabinets, you should think about how to protect them from contact with a curious pet

Now you know everything you need about the breed and character and can make a choice whether you should get this particular breed of cat.

British Longhair

Balinese cat

These cats never grow to be giants; they are usually small or very small. The Balinese were born in Thailand, but this does not prevent them from communicating well with the whole world. You still have to look for such an open cat, striving to love and be loved!


The Cymric cat comes from Canada. Some consider it a long-haired version of the Manx, but Canadians are sure that they have their own breed and it has the right to exist! Stocky, muscular and round are the main characteristics of the Cymric breed. They are also trainable and easy to bathe, as they simply adore water and water procedures.

Kurilian Bobtail

This is the Russian version of the short-tailed cat. The pom-pom tail, frost resistance and canine habits are the unofficial standard of the Kuril Bobtail breed. The length of the tail is different for each representative of the breed, traditionally varying from 2 to 8 vertebrae. The absence of a tail at all is a disqualifying sign.


Again a rex cat breed with wavy hair. Laperm is both American blood and oriental spices. In addition to curly hair, breeders note the silence of laperms. These are not the cats that wake you up in the morning with deep cries, but the ones that pull you out of your sleep with affectionate rubbing of the owner.


The Ulybaka cat is a munchkin cat. The length of its knife is three times shorter than the length of its body. A dachshund cat sometimes behaves like a kangaroo cat - it sits on its short hind legs and props up its body with a strong tail. Munchkins arrived in our open spaces only in 2001 and so far munchkins are not particularly popular.


The Himalayan Colorpoint is very similar to the Persian cat, but the latter is never colorpointed. Another difference from the Persian cat is that the Himalayan cat is more active and playful. Long-haired cats get bored decorating the world with themselves and they are happy to run after a sunbeam.

Persian cat

Oh, the oldest and most popular! Yes, the creature, descended from the cat Scheherizade, must be treated with special respect. The snub-nosed cat lifts its nose for any reason and does not really like fuss around itself. According to the standard, there are about 100 varieties of Persian cat colors, but all these cats are similar in type of build - they are strong and massive.

Cats have medium-length fur, but appear fluffy due to their thick undercoat and short legs. The muzzle is large and massive with pronounced cheeks and large round eyes. There are many color variations. The color of the eyes should match the shade of the fur coat. Character is kind, sociable. Cats are obedient and calmly experience separation from their owner.

The calling card of the breed is its short plush coat and muzzle with massive cheeks and round orange eyes. Average weight – 5-8 kg. Creatures with character, that is, you won’t be able to squeeze them until they allow it. The British are neat and obedient, they love order. They remain active throughout their lives. They calmly tolerate separation from their owner.

These are representatives of a semi-wild breed, the ancestors of which are considered to be the bobtail from Japan. These pets are called lynx cats, because in appearance they are very similar to them, and, in addition, they are adapted for life in a wild, harsh environment. Life on the Kuril Islands made the cats large, hardy and fearless, and crossing them with the Siberian cat had a fruitful effect on their character.

- a large cat with a short tail and semi-long, dense hair, the claws of these cats do not retract, they love water very much. They become very attached to their owner and can even protect him, driving away strangers.

This is the abbreviated name for these cats; they have the chic Persian coat and the original color of the Siamese. There are many legends and tales wandering around the breed and they are called “sacred”. It is difficult to say what is true and what is fiction, however, the Burmese are truly distinguished by their “holy” character.

They are playful, but not dirty, active, but in moderation. They do not impose their communication and agree to wait until the owner has time to communicate. The Burmese cat gets along with children, but does not like excessive noise and tense environments.

They are called Siberians with Siamese sophistication; cats and cats of this breed are beautiful, large and very colorful. But this is by no means a merit of the efforts of the breeders, but the result of an accidental love between a Siberian cat and a cat with a Siamese color (it is not known for sure whether she was Siamese or Himalayan).

It is long-lived, its coat does not cause allergies and does not require painstaking care. She has a certain charisma - she loves to show off, but she is distrustful of strangers. Adapts perfectly to new conditions and loves his family.

Once upon a time, this large, colorful animal with long luxurious hair lived in the Norwegian forests. Naturally, this determined his hunting qualities and endurance, but selection work turned the cat into a cute domestic creature that retained high intelligence and beautiful appearance.

Suitable for home keeping, she is very balanced and calm. He loves to communicate, but sometimes he doesn’t mind being alone. Finds a common language with other pets and is good with children.

Cats of this breed are hard to miss - after all, they have an extravagant appearance - a wide muzzle with a flattened nose and the most luxurious fur. The breed has undergone a number of changes, not always positive, but today it has no flaws, and its representatives are healthy and active.

- This is an ideal companion who does not like loneliness and is not suitable for living on the street - only with a person does she feel calm and confident.

Pet care

There are no special rules for caring for an Oriental cat. All conditions for them are the same as for other cat breeds. These animals monitor the condition of their fur on their own. They lick the fur, removing all dirt from it. Owners are advised to brush their pet, especially during the shedding period. It is better to carry out this procedure with a special combing glove. This grooming ritual can be done with a comb. When shedding, the fur can be easily removed with a damp cloth. The fallen fur sticks to it and does not scatter in all directions around.

You should not bathe these cats too often, once every few months is enough. Orientals are domestic cats; free walking is not required for them, which means there is no reason for frequent water treatments. Ear hygiene procedures need to be carried out every 10-14 days. This can be done with simple cotton swabs dipped in water, disinfectant solution, or Vaseline. The condition of the eyes is examined with the same frequency. If necessary, all secretions or contaminants are removed. If there is too much discharge in your eyes and they become watery, you should contact a veterinarian.

Short-haired Oriental breed.

Grooming and coat care

Nails must be trimmed regularly and their condition monitored. A cat can largely cope with this procedure without the help of its owner. It is enough to buy a scratching post. It is necessary to trim only the top claw so as not to damage the animal's finger or create an open wound. If for some reason this is difficult to do, you should seek help from professionals.


The digestive system of the Oriental breed cannot digest food from the human table. The diet of these animals is not very diverse. If we talk about ready-made food, it should be premium or holistic food. The pet must have a constant diet, changing which can lead to problems with the pet's health. You can determine how much a cat is receiving proper nutrition by looking at the condition of its coat. It should be soft, fluffy, glossy, and have no signs of dandruff. Deviations indicate malnutrition.

To ensure that the animal receives all the substances it needs, vitamin and mineral supplements are included in the diet. The animal's diet should consist of boiled lean meat, cereal porridge, and vegetables (raw or boiled). Occasionally you can give pieces of raw meat, lean sea fish, and fermented milk products. The frequency of feeding kittens depends on age. Kittens should eat up to five times a day, adults - two meals a day. The animal must have constant and unlimited access to water.

Asian cats.

Walking your pet

Walking is not required for Orientals; she feels good in the most ordinary city apartment. In addition, walking on the street can be dangerous for representatives of this breed. Some individuals with rare colors and expressive appearance can simply be kidnapped by unfriendly persons and then resold. Also, walking in the city carries great risks - dogs, stray animals, cars and others. All this can lead to the loss of the cat or its death.

Caring for Oriental cats with a nose like a Georgian

What to feed

When choosing a brand of dry food, give preference to “super premium” lines; they will replenish the balance of essential vitamins and microelements, making the diet balanced and the pet’s appearance well-groomed. Read more about feeding.

It is recommended to give preference to feed from the following manufacturers:

  • Royal Canin labeled healthy food,
  • Hills for active breed cats.

Rules when creating a menu for a pet:

  • for coat care, it is recommended to give Orientals 2 drops of melted butter as an additive to their main food;
  • foods high in fiber should be excluded;
  • the presence of fats in food is necessary (about 20% of the total diet), the amount of carbohydrates can be reduced (2-3%), proteins make up up to 50%;
  • from meat you need to give beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit from a trusted supplier and of high quality;
  • boiled sea fish, strictly without bones, 1-2 times every 7-10 days;
  • exclude dairy products from the menu of an adult cat, this leads to diarrhea.

You should always make sure there is fresh water in your cat's bowl!

The Oriental's feeding schedule depends on its age:

  • Kittens are fed 5-6 times a day;
  • Growing individuals should be given food 3-4 times (9-12 months);
  • adult cats are fed more often 2-3 times depending on the amount of food and menu items.

How to care for claws, eyes and other body parts

The Georgian cat, in accordance with the standard, has short hair, without undercoat, which does not require special care, you just need to maintain a balanced diet, do not give the cat harmful foods or cheap dry food.

It is not recommended to bathe Orientals:

  • firstly, they take excellent care of their fur;
  • secondly, they do not like water treatments; contact with water can be stressful for the pet.

To care for your claws, you need to take the following measures:

  • be sure to purchase a scratching post and teach your Oriental to use it from a young age, otherwise overgrown claws will become a problem not only for the cat, but also for yours;
  • If the claws continue to grow, you should carefully cut off the long part of the claw in the place where there are no blood vessels using special scissors.

The outside of the ear must be systematically inspected and cleaned with soft cotton wool ear sticks. The procedure is carried out once every 10-14 days.

If you notice dark-colored discharge, contact your veterinarian immediately!

Representatives of the breed are very sensitive and prone to gum inflammation, so caring for the cat’s mouth should be carried out regularly from a young age. To do this, teeth are brushed 2 times a week using a children's toothbrush and a special paste.

If inflammatory processes occur on the gums, you should immediately contact your veterinarian!

Bowls should be kept in exemplary cleanliness, do not forget to wash them as often as possible.

At what age should vaccinations be given?

Vaccination of Orientals and Siamese cats is carried out according to the same schedule:

  • 9 weeks;
  • 12 weeks;
  • 15 weeks;
  • 6 months;
  • 12 months.

Before vaccination, it is necessary to examine the general condition of the animal, undergo a preparation procedure, including timely distribution of anti-worm medications (carried out in accordance with the veterinarian’s recommendation 7-14 days in advance).

Every year, Oriental cats must receive the following vaccinations against:

  • panleukopenia;
  • calicivirus;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • leukemia virus;
  • rabies.

What pet diseases can an owner encounter?

The average lifespan of a cat similar to a Georgian is from 12 to 15-16 years. The cat’s health depends on quality care, because many diseases can be prevented at an early stage if you pay due attention to your pet.

The Oriental cat has fairly good health, but is prone to inflammation of the gums, the tissues that surround the teeth.

Prevention of gingivitis and periodontitis is mandatory; for this you should follow hygiene procedures and regularly visit a veterinarian who examines the animal!

Often representatives of the breed have common diseases with Siamese cats: heart problems, kidney disease, manifestations of liver failure.

Remember, an annual examination by a veterinarian is mandatory for cats 7 years of age and older!

Beautiful cat breeds

Since ancient times, cats have been highly respected by people. They achieved this with their grace, intelligence and character, as well as the fact that cats, unlike dogs, allow themselves to be loved and if they don’t like something, they will definitely show it. Today we will talk about the ten most beautiful cats in the world. The list will appeal to those who want to get themselves a furry pet, but have not yet decided which one, or simply lovers of aesthetics.

10. Maine Coon

Representatives of this breed grow very large. Perhaps they are considered the largest domestic cat breed in the world. They have a long tail and long fur. They have an easy-going and gentle character. Maine Coons are very attached to their family and are friendly to all its members. They are wary of outsiders.

9. Siamese cat

Siamese cats have a long and thin body, a thin tail, blue eyes and short hair. They are very independent and active, but at the same time need attention. They don't like being ignored. They use their vocal cords well to show their mood. They meow a lot.

8. Egyptian Mau

These are very clean cats, they quickly get used to the toilet, and always keep themselves clean. Oddly enough, they love water and often touch it with their paws. Active, smart and fast - capable of reaching speeds of up to 58 km per hour

They love attention very much, sometimes they can even be intrusive

7. Turkish Van

This is a very curious and active cat that needs movement. She can play for hours and attract her owner to this task. They love to “talk.” Although the Turkish Van becomes attached to all family members, he still singles out one who he likes best. They also love water very much, they have absolutely no fear of it.

6. Abyssinian cat

The Abyssinian cat is considered one of the most ancient cat breeds. They are smart and active. They love company and therefore get along easily with other pets. They are curious, sociable and very people-oriented. They are easy to train, and you can always come to an agreement with them.5. American Shorthair

These cats have very soft fur. They are hardy and love to jump. They can demonstrate excellent hunting skills. They are considered affectionate and gentle, and have excellent health. They love to eat, so they have a predisposition to obesity. A little lazy.

4. Burmilla

The white-silver short coat gives this breed a special beauty. Intelligent, kind, friendly, gentle and affectionate. Burmilla loves to lie down and play, everything in moderation, so it’s very easy with them. Undemanding. This breed is often called “a dog in a cat’s body” because of its devotion and love for its owner.

3. Siberian cat

The Siberian cat is distinguished by its semi-long, thick coat that does not allow moisture to pass through. They are excellent hunters, independent and love solitude. They recognize only one owner and simply make peace with the rest of the family. Not too affectionate. They are not intrusive, they have their own character, which they can show if they don’t like something.

2. Russian Blue cat

The Russian Blue gets its name from its short blue coat with a silvery tint. Cats of this breed are kind and obedient, but sometimes they can show character and be stubborn. Loves freedom. She loves her owners, knows how to express her love when she is petted - she purrs or rubs against her legs. Secretive and shy with guests, very open with family members. Big homebody.

1. Bengal cat

The Bengal cat combines the temperaments of a domestic pet and a wild animal. If you take care of them from childhood, accustom them to handling, then they become responsive and devoted to their loved ones, but if you don’t do this, they can grow up wild. They are very active, love to chase things and hunt. They are not aggressive, curious and observant - they follow people and learn to open doors, cabinets and even windows.

If you lack the comfort of home or want to break up the routine of your life, then you should get a cat. You can’t even imagine how quickly you will get used to this fluffy miracle and notice that the world has acquired new colors. Let us remind you that in Narva you can choose a friend from among more than hundreds of cats and kittens completely free of charge.

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Cats like Georgians breed

Pros and cons of the oriental Georgian cat


  • stubbornly achieve their goal, will very persistently demand attention, encourage the owner to play together, which can deprive you of peace and quiet;
  • representatives of the breed are willful, they are difficult to train and manipulate by humans;
  • the high cost of pet food, the need to carefully monitor the pet’s diet;
  • high cost of a kitten (about 20-30 thousand rubles);
  • the likelihood of genetic diseases.

Positive sides:

  • are distinguished by devotion, care, and attention to the owner;
  • get along well with other pets, they are not inclined to show aggression;
  • very beautiful, non-standard, memorable appearance;
  • fairly simple care that does not require long procedures;
  • a very active and playful cat breed;
  • Oriental cats get along well with small children.

Remember that with proper care, love and care, you will find in the Oriental a faithful and devoted friend, a true family member!

Addiction to food and telepathy in Orientals from birth

I would like to note the peculiarity of the Oriental cat breed towards gluttony. Therefore, you must make every effort not to succumb to their charm and pour in too much. Excessive portions will lead to heart disease, and the cat will lose its natural grace and thinness. You should make sure that the cat does not start stealing from the table, shelves and drawers if it does not receive the desired supplement.

This cat breed is suitable for people who are allergic to animal fur. There is no undercoat or very little, they practically do not shed, so Oriental cats are suitable for allergy sufferers. Many owners note that this breed has telepathic abilities. They literally feel your mood and try to cheer you up in any way. Even if you are just watching TV, your friend at home will share your silence with you and just be there.

Oriental breeders should remember that a small cat requires a lot of your attention and education. And you should stock up on a huge amount of patience so that you get the most reliable friend, whose character suits you best.

Character of an oriental cat

Features of behavior

The Georgian cat breed gets along well with people and other pets. They have the gift of subtly sensing the mood of the owner; cats are not aggressive, but if necessary they are able to stand up for themselves.

It is worth noting that hyperactivity is often found in representatives of the species, then any object in the house, including curtains, furniture, and decorative elements, can become a cat’s toy. You need to be prepared for this: prepare yourself mentally, arrange a spacious play area with various exercise equipment for your pet. Read how to train a cat to behave well.

Features of care and maintenance

The breed of cats, similar to Georgians, does not require complex care. Before purchasing a kitten, you should prepare the necessary equipment:

  • bowls;
  • tray;
  • filler;
  • toys;
  • bed;
  • wool brush;
  • scratching post;
  • nail clipper

You will also need hygiene products for a Georgian cat - shampoo, ear lotion, cotton pads, saline solution.

Short hair does not tangle, so it is easy to care for. It is enough to go over the glossy coat with a brush with silicone tips to collect the fallen hairs. This should be done 2 times a week, and more often during molting.

The cat should be accustomed to water from an early age. You can bathe it once every 2 months. In this case, use shampoo for short-haired animals. More frequent washing is not recommended so that the cat's delicate skin does not begin to peel off. When swimming, be careful not to let water get into your ears.

For daily eye care, use saline solution or boiled warm water. Using a damp sponge, the discharge in the corners is carefully removed. It is recommended to clean your ears 2 times a month. Dirt is removed with a cotton pad soaked in lotion. The claws of Georgian cats are shortened by 1–1.5 mm every 15 days.

Particular attention should be paid to oral hygiene. When feeding soft foods, plaque forms on the teeth, which hardens over time.

Because of this, the gums suffer, they become inflamed and bleed. To avoid this, the Georgian cat needs to clean plaque with a baby brush and animal paste. The procedure is carried out once a week.

Attention! Caring for a cat that looks like a Georgian includes preventive treatment against helminths, fleas, as well as timely vaccination

How to care for the skin of hairless cats

The main condition for caring for a cat is control. The skin is very delicate and the sun can burn the animal. The owner needs to ensure that the kitty does not overuse sunbathing.

In addition, it is recommended to bathe your Sphynx weekly. To prevent bathing from causing aggression, you will need to get used to it from childhood.

Important! Once every two days you need to wipe your pet with baby wipes.

Comedo clusters may form on the ridge and near the tail. They cannot be squeezed out. This can cause inflammation on the animal's skin. To reduce the incidence of comedones, you need careful care of your cat's skin.

Thus, Oriental cats are popular pets. They are often called Georgian cats because of their unique appearance. However, they have nothing in common with this nationality.

In the article I will describe in detail the history of the origin of the Georgian cat breed. I'll tell you about a breed of cats similar to Oriental ones. I will pay special attention to the appearance of animals, their habits, manners and character. I will explain why Georgian cats are so interesting to society.

Description of Oriental breed cats

The external elegance and elegance of an Oriental cat can decorate the most sophisticated home. Females weigh less than males: 5 kg and 6-8 kg, respectively.

The head is medium in size and resembles an equilateral triangle. The long nose continues the line of the forehead. A straight line visually connects the nose and the tip of the chin.

The ears look large in comparison with the head. The base is wide, the tips are slightly rounded. Geometry is also important in the structure of the ears and head: the line of the ears continues the line of the wedge of the head. In an Oriental breed kitten, the ears grow quickly, making the little cat look like Cheburashka. Gradually, harmony occurs in the relationship between body and ears.

Almond-shaped eyes open on the third day after birth without signs of strabismus. Basically, the eye color is green, only representatives of the white color have blue eyes.

The body is elongated and tightly built, the stomach is lean. Cartilage protrudes on the chest.

The hind legs are longer than the front, all limbs are slender and strong, and the paws are small and round in size.

It is impossible to imagine an Oriental cat without a thin and long tail.

Longhaired Oriental breed

The long-haired variety was bred in North America, presumably in 1985, by crossing a short-haired Oriental and a Siamese. Many associations and breeders immediately recognized such exotic beauties.

The weight of Oriental longhaired cats is 4-6 kg. Popular colors of longhairs: shaded, tabby, smoke, and the character is extremely friendly and curious. Externally, Oriental cats are similar to Balinese cats, with the exception of coloring.

Shorthair Oriental breed

The two types of graceful cats differ in the length of their fur. The cat's coat is shiny and lies close to the body. There is no undercoat, so in harsh conditions the purrs will be somewhat uncomfortable.

Orientals with short hair require less care - they are not at risk of tangles, they cannot swallow so much of their fur, and it is much easier to comb them.

Colors of Oriental cats

There's plenty of room to choose when choosing the color of this fluffy beauty: 300 colors of an oriental-looking pet, with spots and stripes, will satisfy the tastes of any breeder.

Basic cat colors:

The chocolate color of the Havana is uniform, the nose repeats the brown tone, the lighter pads are pink-brown;

lavender - gray coat with a touch of “frost”; signs of blueness should be absent. Both the nose and paw pads are pale lilac;

blue color is uniform throughout the body;

light brown cinnamon provides pink color for the nose and pads;

a faun with a beige or light gray coat is combined with a pink nose and pads;

red - red fur.

Basic colors are characterized by green eyes.

Rare colors - completely black or white.

Beautiful coat colors - brindle, spotted, marbled, ticked tabby.

How to learn to recognize the thoughts of cats by their tail and face

To understand your own pet, or rather, what cats and cats think about, first of all you need to take a close look at their habits. After all, cats demonstrate their mood in various ways, but not all owners can understand what their pet currently wants.

Pinned ears indicate readiness to attack

What does the tail say?

It is worth taking into account the characteristics of cats’ habits presented by experts:

  • If cats see a person who is unfamiliar and for some reason unpleasant to them, they can express their dissatisfaction with their quivering tail raised up. This option may also indicate that the cat, in the presence of kittens, is trying to say that she is afraid for her offspring.
  • When a cat's tail is held in a straight position, but its tip is bent in the form of a question mark, this means that the animal is thinking. Most likely, your pet is in a good and cheerful mood. But his thoughts are busy with his own affairs, and he does not want to be disturbed.
  • When a pet is poorly cared for, constantly yelled at, and hit frequently, it may express its fear by arching its back and tucking its tail under itself. Sometimes a pet shows its fear by fluffing its tail.
  • If the fifth point is lowered, this indicates that the animal is sad.
  • Twitching of the tail may mean the animal is worried due to an unusual course of affairs. A similar manifestation occurs, for example, due to moving to a new place of residence. Collecting things causes the pet to not understand what is happening and why they cannot stay in the same place.
  • If a cat begins to flick its tail, shake, and meow nervously, it means that someone or something is causing them fear. Don’t forget that cats have excellent eyesight, and they can see things that are invisible to humans at first glance. In this case, it is necessary to understand what kind of object provoked this behavior of the pet.

Important! When a family expresses universal love for a pet, its tail is always raised up and can often easily wobble in different directions.

Facial expression

Determining the mood of a cat by its face is a more difficult task. But recognizing what an animal is currently feeling is a completely feasible task, for which a scientific approach should be applied.

When a cat is alert, its whiskers move forward slightly

Particular attention should be paid to the eyes, because they can be much more eloquent:

  • When a cat is currently in an aggressive mood, she looks straight at her, without looking away, and her pupils constrict. In addition, the mustache begins to protrude forward, and the ears are pressed to the head.
  • If the animal is ready to attack, at this moment its mouth opens slightly, where teeth and gums become visible.
  • If the pet is frightened, then its pupils dilate to almost the entire size of the eyes.
  • When the cat is at rest, the eyes close slightly.

You can find out what mood a cat is in by listening to its ears. In a state of tension, the animal presses its ears to the sides, thus warning the person about its bad mood. If the ears are pressed back, then the pet is frightened by something. But if a cat moves her ears left and right, this may mean that she is interested in something

If she is not disturbed, she will sit and carefully study the object or object that has attracted her attention.

When a cat is very interested in something, it moves its ears slightly

If the cat has arched its back, stretched out on its paws and its tail is erect, it notifies the ill-wisher not to approach him. Sometimes a similar picture can be observed when a cat sees itself in the mirror, but this is simply out of surprise. If your pet caresses you or rubs your legs, this indicates that he needs something.

For example, he is hungry or wants attention

Pets can express their thoughts, desires and moods through body gestures. By learning these gestures, it will be easier to understand your cat.

Caring for a longhaired oriental cat

  1. Grooming
    must be proper and timely. Since long-haired Orientals do not have additional undercoat, their fur does not tend to tangle into shreds. Therefore, it will be enough to comb the cat several times a week with a brush of medium hardness and medium teeth. If your pet is not very willing to agree to the combing procedure, then you can purchase a special rubber glove to free the “fur coat” from dead hairs. It is sold in any pet store, its price is more than affordable and cats usually like it. This process is essentially the same as simply petting a cat, but with benefits, both for her and for your home. To ensure that your pet's fur is always shiny, you need to bathe your Oriental long-haired cat once a month. He doesn’t like water very much, so it’s better to accustom him to bath days from early childhood. As a detergent, it is best to use shampoo for cats whose skin is prone to dryness. After taking a bath, try to dry the animal as best as possible with a towel and make sure that it does not fall into drafts or, worse, onto the balcony. No one has yet canceled colds.
  2. Dental hygiene.
    Although this cat does not often suffer from diseases of the teeth and gums, it will not hurt to periodically brush his teeth. If not a toothbrush and tooth powder, then at least once a week feed your pet food intended for cleaning teeth.
  3. Ear care.
    Once every three to four days, inspect the ears of your Oriental Longhair cat for wax accumulations and, if necessary, remove them from the ears. Children's cotton swabs and a special product for cleaning cat ears will help you with this.
  4. The eyes
    are a rather vulnerable place, so they need careful care. At least once a week, wipe the oriental's eyes with cotton pads previously soaked in a solution of boric acid, a weak solution of potassium permanganate (it should be pale pink), tea leaves (preferably yesterday's), or a decoction of medicinal herbs. At the slightest alarming symptoms, such as lacrimation, purulent discharge, redness of the eye, it is better to consult a veterinarian.
  5. Nutrition.
    These cats may look slender, but you need to maintain this slenderness. This breed is particularly voracious. Therefore, they need to be fed often and in small portions, since they do not have the habit of leaving food on their plate and are prone to obesity. As the main diet, you can use ready-made premium food or homemade products, such as lean meats, offal, cereals, milk and fermented milk products, vegetables and chicken eggs.

Features of oriental content

The first mentions of cats of this breed are found in Thai poems of the 14th century. The animals were not known in Europe until the 19th century, since in Thailand they were considered sacred and were not exported outside the kingdom. However, in 1894, representatives of the breed were presented at the London Cat Show.

Siamese oriental cat

The first attempt to establish them as a separate breed was unsuccessful. The British did not recognize the Oriental Shorthair cat because of its similarity to its Siamese counterparts. The cats differed only in color, which was considered a defect of Siamese litter. However, fans of the new breed took the animals to America, where they continued attempts to isolate Oriental Shorthairs.

On the American continent, work was carried out to improve the breed data of Orientals. They were crossed with European representatives, Siamese and longhaired cats. Animals of various colors with long and short hair were bred. Subsequently, the long-haired Oriental cat was identified as a separate breed.

Registration of the Oriental breed in America occurred in 1974. The final standard was developed 3 years later. However, British clubs refused to recognize Orientals until 1997. In Russia, these cats are less popular than Siamese. However, the variety of colors is attracting more and more attention to these animals.

Due to the fact that the Oriental cat does not have an undercoat, it cannot be kept as a yard pet. Animals must live in the owner's home. The sleeping place should be equipped in a corner where there are no drafts. You can take cats outside. However, you should choose warm days for walking. Orientals are easy to care for. However, some rules must be followed.

Animal care

Short-haired pets do not need frequent brushing and bathing. However, in order for the fur to look attractive, it is necessary to comb the cat 2 times a week and smooth the fur with a damp cloth or rubber glove. The Oriental Longhair cat needs daily brushing.

Ears should be cleaned once a week. To do this, you need to prepare cotton swabs and an antiseptic solution. You need to clean the inside of your ear. During the procedure, you should avoid strong pressure and penetration of the stick into the auricle. If cleaning is done correctly and regularly, the pet does not show anxiety.

From an early age, it is necessary to accustom your cat to brushing its teeth. Every 3 days you need to clean off plaque with a soft brush, and use special cleansing pastes once a week. To prevent the formation of tartar, you can give your pet hard meat pads.

Natural mucus rarely accumulates in the eyes of cats. However, you should wipe the corners of your eyes with a damp cotton cloth several times a week. You can't put pressure on your eyeballs. The direction of movement during the procedure should be from the corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose and down.

Nails are trimmed at least once a month. For the procedure, you need to purchase a special nail clipper. Only the sharp ends (approximately 2 mm) should be trimmed, as deep trimming can damage the paw and cause bleeding. If the animal behaves restlessly, cut off 2-3 claws over several days.

Restriction of physical activity is unacceptable for an Oriental cat. Your pet needs active games, so for its comfort you need to purchase various toys: balls, hanging devices, bows. To prevent the cat from jumping on furniture and window sills, you should install a special play complex or independently build shelves for it, located at different heights.

Once a day you can walk your oriental cat outside. For walks, you need to wear a harness with a long leash. You should also purchase clothing for your pet for cold weather. You should avoid walking in severe frosts.

Nuances of feeding

Representatives of the breed are rare animals that tolerate whole cow's milk well. However, dairy products should not form the basis of your pet's diet. Orientals are prone to overeating, so experts recommend being careful when choosing their diet. The daily calorie content of an adult animal should be 250–300 kcal.

Since it is difficult to calculate the calorie content of foods when feeding them naturally, Oriental cats are most often fed prepared foods. For this breed, premium and higher class products are chosen. To provide the cat with the necessary amount of fat, 1-2 grams of high-quality butter are added to the food.

If the owner prefers natural nutrition, the basis of the daily diet should be lean meats. The following rules for feeding natural products should be observed:

  • Minimize the consumption of cereals. The pet is given buckwheat and oatmeal porridge mixed with finely chopped meat.
  • Once a week, give deboned lean fish and a boiled quail egg.
  • Add fresh and boiled vegetables to meat dishes daily.
  • Feed your cat fermented milk products several times a week.
  • Exclude from the diet food from the master's table, fatty, salty, sweet, flour and spicy dishes.
  • Transfer the animal from ready-made food to natural food gradually. However, you should not practice a mixed diet, since this leads to an excess of some microelements and a deficiency of others.
  • Fortify food with vitamin and mineral supplements. A suitable complex is selected together with a veterinarian.

You can determine whether the diet has been chosen correctly by the appearance of the coat. An animal that receives all the necessary substances has shiny fur and does not fall out in large quantities. Experts pay attention to the choice of place for feeding. The cat should eat in a place where it is not distracted by foreign objects or noises.

Lies next to a sick owner

Cats are born doctors: in some amazing way they sense when their owner is feeling unwell. In such cases, they lie down next to you, take away the bad energy, and the person feels better. After this, the animals themselves may get sick, but they sacrifice themselves for the sake of their beloved owner.

It is interesting that cats sense a person’s illness, even if he himself feels well. If your pet was previously not very affectionate, and now she won’t get away with it, perhaps it’s time for you to think about your health. When an animal is constantly pressed against a specific part of the body, this indicates that the source of the disease is hiding there.

Sphynx cats: reviews from owners

Reviews from owners say that sphinxes are incredibly cute. If the future owner dreams of love at first sight, or rather at the first touch, then this velvet animal is just the thing.

Cats are very playful and affectionate. They are very attached to the owner and to everyone in the house. They show their feelings very clearly. They love to purr and sing loudly. They are very afraid to be left alone, so breeders recommend spending as much time as possible with the cat. It is important for a pet to have its owner nearby.

One of the disadvantages that all owners talk about is the toilet. After the cat has done its business, hygiene procedures will need to be performed. Sphinxes do not really like to lick themselves, which is a plus on the one hand, and a minus on the other. Plus, they don’t put anything dirty in their mouths. The downside is that the owner will have to be a cat mother and constantly care for the pet.

Important! One strange feature of these cats is their lack of satiety. Eating is their middle name. They love fruit very much.

Due to the lack of wool, they freeze. The owners advise equipping a house or a warm bed for the sphinx. This method of creating comfort for a cat will protect it from hypothermia and illness. If they are cold, they will not be silent. The cat will meow loudly and come running to warm itself.

Sphynx is a hypoallergenic breed


Oriental kittens immediately declare their social character: they appear in groups of 4–6 together and urgently demand attention. Nurseries provide them with the necessary vaccination card and at the age of 3-4 months they already have all the necessary skills for living in a family.

In principle, Orientals have good health without genetic defects, but sometimes their teeth, liver or heart require attention. Everything depends on adequate care, providing cats with maximum attention and regular examinations by a veterinarian.

Appearance of Oriental cats

Short-haired cats: list of popular breeds The Georgian cat has a long body. Graceful lines create the image of an aristocratic animal. The tail is long. The head is large, triangular in shape. There is no smooth transition from the forehead to the nose. The cat's profile is even. The eyes are large, close-set, almond-shaped. Eye color is related to coat color.

Attention! Strabismus is considered a pathology of this breed. Big nose

There is no depression on the bridge of the nose. The kitten may have a slight indentation, but it will disappear over time

The nose is big. There is no depression on the bridge of the nose. The kitten may have a slight indentation, but it will disappear over time.

The ears occupy a sufficient area at the base, are large and widely spaced.

The length of the Oriental's limbs is above average. The bones are thin but strong. Oval shaped paws.

The coat is quite short, silky, and not prone to shedding.

Where did the Orientals come from?

History of the breed

The Oriental breed is one of the oldest on the planet. The first mentions of cats are found in manuscripts dated 1358-1767. Genetically they are close to the Siamese.

For a long time in Thailand, recognized as the Homeland of graceful cats, there was a ban on their export outside the kingdom. In the 19th century, restrictions were lifted and several individuals went to England. In 1894, the Thai cat and cat were first presented to the general public at a British exhibition, but were not approved.

Breeders did not recognize the oriental beauties as an independent breed, disqualifying them as Siamese with a “defective” coat and eye color. This attitude of the European establishment towards Orientals remained until the beginning of the 20th century. The British Siamese Cat Club even wanted to ban the selection of “Georgians”. American breeders did just that, in 1923, placing a taboo on breeding individuals with any color other than the traditional (Himalayan).

Oddly enough, it was American and English breeders who began restoring the breed in the 60s of the last century. Initially, they planned to breed a new Siamese cat (Orientals crossed with Abyssinians). But, over time, the breed’s right to exist was recognized.

In 1977, overseas breeders approved the official standard of appearance for Oriental cats. English clubs, followed by European ones, followed suit only 20 years later. Funny eared animals received official recognition in the Old World in 1997.


You can use a ready-made diet of dry or canned food according to age. It is worth purchasing at least premium class. The manufacturer always indicates recommendations for the number and volume of servings on the packaging. The food is suitable for any exotic breeds.

Lykoi can be a picky eater. A menu of natural products is formed depending on the preferences of the pet.

The diet for kittens and adult animals is similar:

  • meat (beef, poultry) is the main product;
  • fish;
  • eggs (boiled);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, low-fat kefir);
  • vegetables.

Give milk with caution - in kittens older than 6 months it can cause diarrhea (diarrhea).

Spices cannot be used.

Feeding kittens and adult cats differs in the volume of portions and the size of the pieces.

When preparing food for cats, it is better not to use spices.

Number of feedings per day:

  • for an animal aged 3 – 4 months – 6 rubles.
  • 4 – 5 months – 5 rub.
  • 5 – 9 months – 4 rub.
  • 9 – 12 months – 3 r.

Adult cats should be fed 2 times – morning and evening.

Portions for the Likoi cat should be slightly larger than for representatives of other breeds of the same size. Due to the nature of wool, heat transfer is increased. But you can't overfeed.

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