What to do if the cat does not go to the toilet after sterilization? Let us help you solve this delicate problem!

Usually the sterilization operation goes well and without any consequences. But there are times when an animal has problems that they are not able to tell a person about. This is why it is very important to monitor your cat after surgery. What to do if your pet doesn’t go to the toilet? Perhaps something went wrong and she needs your help? Everything is exactly like that! We will discuss how to help the animal later in the article.

Why doesn't a cat go to the toilet or pee after sterilization?

Cat owners often encounter this problem when, after sterilization, the cat does not visit the litter box for the first 2-3 days, does not poop, or rarely defecates. As a rule, problems with bowel movements are noted in many animals after abdominal surgery.

This condition is caused by the body’s reaction to surgery and anesthesia. In some cases, if the animal goes to the toilet a little, does not pee, does not poop, or experiences pain or discomfort during bowel movements, this can be both a postoperative complication and signal an exacerbation or development of any diseases.

Important! The adaptation period, the recovery time of females after sterilization, largely depends on the type of operation, the dose of drugs used for anesthesia, the type of anesthesia, age, individual characteristics, and the degree of reactivity of the body.

If an operated cat does not visit the litter box or rarely goes to the toilet, possible reasons include:

  • Decreased sensitivity of the bladder. This condition can be caused by stress or the effect of anesthetic agents. In the first two days, reflexes are weakened.
  • Insufficient saturation of the body with moisture, dehydration. As a rule, cats are in a depressed state for the first 12-24 hours after recovering from anesthesia. Many animals sleep until they recover from anesthesia and show no interest in water. If the cat does not drink, the body is dehydrated, which means it has nothing to defecate with. Normally, the bladder fills within 40-50 minutes, depending on the amount of fluid consumed. After surgery, the organ takes longer to fill. In addition, the operated cat can be given water no earlier than four hours after emerging from narcotic sleep.
  • Pain syndrome. As soon as the animal recovers from anesthesia, discomfort and severe pain may appear. This can also cause your cat to rarely use the litter box or pee or poop.
  • Unnoticeable leakage of urine. Spontaneous bowel movements. It is possible that the cat, recovering from anesthesia, excretes a small amount of urine. The body is weakened by the operation, reflexes are dull.
  • Suffered severe stress. Not only the operation itself and anesthesia are stressful for the pet’s body, but also a trip to the veterinary clinic, especially if the animal does not walk on the street or leave the house or apartment.

The reason for the lack of urination after surgery may be urolithiasis (urolithiasis), exacerbation of chronic kidney disease, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract.

Perhaps you have tightened the post-operative blanket too much or the protective accessory is interfering with normal movement. In this case, remove the blanket and collar, but do not leave the animal unattended so that the pet cannot lick or chew the seams. Many cats, having gotten rid of excess “clothing” on their bodies, willingly go to the litter box.

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Possible reasons

How a pet recovers from surgery and recovery time depend primarily on its physiological characteristics.

Some cats can return to their previous behavior and lifestyle within a day, while others will need a longer period to adapt.

If the cat does not pee after sterilization, the following factors additionally need to be assessed:

  • Drinking fluids . If the animal does not drink, then there is no need to visit the toilet. You need to give your cat time - as soon as she wants to drink, you can expect that she will soon start peeing.
  • Presence of additional symptoms: If the cat does not walk around after sterilization and does not feel any serious discomfort, most likely in the next few hours the body will recover and the pet will begin to urinate again. If, in addition to the reluctance to go to the toilet, the animal meows loudly, is nervous, is clearly in pain, its tail is shaking or the temperature rises, this is already a reason for concern and an immediate visit to the veterinarian.
  • Postoperative blanket . Since its presence on the body can irritate the pet, sometimes the cat does not go to the toilet. You can try to temporarily remove the device, leaving your pet under constant supervision.
  • Unnoticeable leakage of urine . After sterilization, the pet may simply not visit the tray due to weakness, excreting a small amount of urine without leaving the spot. It could even be a few drops, but their presence will already reject versions of the danger of the condition.

Constipation can be considered the absence of bowel movements for more than a day. However, if the cat behaves calmly after sterilization, there is no need to worry if there is no stool for up to three days. This is especially true when the cat eats very little. If the animal does not strain, does not meow, or shows signs of severe anxiety, the stool will recover on its own.

To avoid this situation, after sterilization, you need to feed the cat with liquid food and broth, temporarily excluding solid food from the diet.

When there is no bowel movement for too long, and changes in the animal's behavior occur that indicate discomfort, laxatives can be used. For cats, a common option is Vaseline oil or Microlax microenemas. During the adaptation period, it is not recommended to force feed your pet.

Adequate reasons for “delays” of the trip

So, the anesthesia has passed, but the pain syndrome remains, which each animal perceives differently. Some lead normal lives, eat and drink, while others lie indifferently and refuse food and water. In this case, the cat simply will have nothing to go to the toilet with.

What to do? You can try giving the cat water from a syringe (without a needle). Don't worry about it being harmful.

Excess fluid will be released along with urine, and you will help the animal’s body escape from dehydration and start normal life processes.

Another reason for delayed bowel movements may be the blanket worn after surgery.

Many animals feel uncomfortable in any clothing and, having freed themselves from it, immediately run to the toilet. However, in this case, you cannot leave the cat alone and make sure that she does not start licking the seam.

After all the necessary tasks, be sure to put the blanket back on. Veterinarians do not recommend this method and say not to remove the blanket for a week to avoid serious complications.


Sometimes, after surgery, animals walk in a small way unnoticed, wearing a diaper and a little at a time. This is a normal reaction to surgery and there is no reason to worry.

The cat does not eat or drink: is this normal?

A day after sterilization without food or drink is normal for a cat. After 1 day, the cat will get hungry, but you should not give it too much food. But thirst may begin to torment her immediately after recovering from anesthesia, which is considered natural. If the cat refuses to drink for more than 3 days, then you will have to force it to drink using a syringe. Also, withdrawal from anesthesia may be accompanied by vomiting. If there is no appetite for more than 3 days, then this is a clear cause for concern and you need to show the cat to a doctor.

Dangerous conditions or complications


The first few days after sterilization, it is necessary to monitor the animal’s condition very carefully. The best way out of the situation would be to leave the cat under the supervision of veterinarians.

If the cat remains at home, then you need to monitor her very carefully and immediately contact the clinic in case of alarming symptoms:

  • inability to go to the toilet three days after surgery;
  • severe bleeding of the suture;
  • an increase in body temperature (above 39 degrees) or a strong decrease (below 37 degrees) after a few days;
  • swelling of the suture or its suppuration;
  • depressed state of the animal;
  • refusal of food and water even several days after sterilization;
  • pale color of mucous membranes;
  • abdominal pain and severe bloating.

What might the symptoms indicate?

  • Pale mucous membranes in an animal may be a sign of internal bleeding.
  • Symptoms may indicate that your cat has had a volvulus.
  • Another complication is intestinal obstruction.
  • The inflammatory process at the site of the suture can also cause complications.


If you notice any symptoms, do not delay and take the cat to the veterinary clinic, because she needs urgent help!

Increased body temperature in a cat

A cat's natural temperature is 38 degrees, with the exception of hairless breeds, whose body temperature is 0.5 degrees higher. After sterilization, the body temperature may rise to 39.5 degrees for the first 5 days. You shouldn’t be scared - this is considered normal, because the animal’s body has undergone surgery.

A high temperature may indicate that an inflammatory process has begun in the animal’s body. There is no need to specifically lower your cat's body temperature - most painkillers have an antipyretic effect. If you have a high fever on the 6th day after surgery, it is better not to hesitate and consult a doctor.

For example, an animal’s elevated body temperature may mean that the doctor’s illiterate actions led to bleeding into the abdominal cavity. After the operation, the animal is very worried, refuses to eat, and does not lie on its stomach for more than 4 days. Only repeated surgery will help correct the situation; the doctor needs to remove blood clots in the abdominal cavity.

The use of collars and blankets in the postoperative period During the recovery period after surgery, it is recommended to use special attributes - collars and protective blankets. The collar is used on more aggressive and restless cats. It is used, in particular, to protect a fresh seam from being licked by a cat. The collar should fit in size and not cause suffocation or unpleasant, painful sensations. It is worth noting that not all cats like these types of collars, so it may take 1-2 days to get used to them.

Special protective blankets are more popular. They are used to tightly close the seam so that the animal cannot lick or scratch it. In addition, a blanket, if the size is chosen correctly, does not cause physical discomfort to the cat, unlike a collar. It is attached to the cat's body using ribbons - it is convenient to untie them for processing the seam. Excessive pressure on the scar and abdomen is also unacceptable. It is recommended to wear a blanket or collar for at least 10 days after surgery. After this period, the seam will heal, and the cat will no longer pose a danger to itself.

“Challenge” of a big hike

If no dangerous symptoms are observed, the cat eats and even goes to the tray in a small way, but does not get ready to go in a big way, while meowing and straining, then she needs help!
To get rid of reflex constipation and cause a trip to the toilet, it is usually enough to feed the animal with liquid food, broth and give the pet laxatives.


Only a veterinarian can prescribe a laxative to an animal! Do not self-medicate under any circumstances.

The only safe and harmless remedy for your pet is a light tummy massage, but only with the approval of the cat. If she doesn't mind, then you can stroke your belly in a circular motion.


Microlax enemas are widely used for our little brothers. The product is not dangerous for a small organism, because it is not absorbed by the intestinal walls and is not digested.

For a cat, half the contents of one enema is enough, but only a doctor can prescribe the exact dosage based on the clinical picture.

The drug “Duphalac” is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract as a whole. The product is effective and does not cause harm.

The advantage of this product is that it starts to act very quickly. The veterinarian will prescribe the dose required for the animal. To offer a cure, it is best to mix the syrup or powder with the animal's favorite food.

The drug “Lactusan” is a pribiotic and is used to treat constipation in cats. It comes in many forms: tablets, suspensions and syrups. “Lactusan” has a laxative effect and makes it easier to go to the toilet. It can be given with food or dissolved in water. Use with fermented milk products is not recommended.


Vaseline is a natural remedy for constipation. You need to use pharmaceutical vaseline oil.

It does not have the ability to be absorbed into the body, it perfectly softens the intestinal walls and feces, which, after using the product, are easily passed out.

Despite the many advantages of the drug and its harmlessness, you should consult a doctor before use.

Typically, the prescribed dose of petroleum jelly is 0.5 milliliters. You need to drink this amount of oil every few hours.

In addition, there are suppositories based on petrolatum oil, which are widely used for constipation in cats. One candle for a cat will be too much, which is why it needs to be cut in half.

You can try making an enema of pure water using petroleum jelly. It has an enveloping effect and soothes. After the enema, defecation occurs approximately two hours later.

General recommendations

Blanket (bandage)

After sterilization, the abdomen should be protected with a special blanket (bandage) with ties on the back. The protective bandage is worn all the time until the stitches are removed, plus another day or two, so that the cat does not lick small wounds from the threads.

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A cat blanket is usually made of natural cotton fabric and does not cause physical discomfort to the animal after surgery. But due to the peculiarities of tactile sensitivity, the cat may be lazy to walk in it or have a strange gait. When the bandage is removed, everything falls into place.

You need to be careful that the cat does not cling to anything with the blanket and does not get stuck anywhere.

If the cat is handed over to the owners after the operation in a state of anesthesia, then the process of blinking for the pet falls on them. Cats under anesthesia often have their eyes open. To prevent the cornea from drying out, you need to periodically cover your eyes (blink) or drip artificial tears or 0.9% saline solution onto their surface.

Upon arrival home, the cat should be placed warmly (for example, on a warm heating pad) and on soft bedding, because After anesthesia, the process of thermoregulation is disrupted. Be sure to place it on the floor so that during the awakening process the animal does not fall from a height. It is necessary to lay down a well-absorbent diaper, because... Until recovery from anesthesia, the cat cannot control the physiological needs to empty the bladder and rectum. There may be trembling throughout the body (general tremor) or vomiting.

You need to place the cat on its right side to reduce the load on the heart.

At first, the cat should not actively play, jump, or climb on pieces of furniture. If sterilization was carried out after childbirth, and there are kittens left in the house, you need to limit their contact for the first time. 2-3 month old kittens can suckle a cat for a long time, and this is fraught with injury to the postoperative wound. Sterilization of a nursing cat is carried out for emergency reasons, because... postoperative complications in the mammary gland are possible.

  • On the first day after surgery, the cat must definitely go to the toilet - it is important not to miss stagnation in urination and bowel movements after anesthesia.
  • For the first two days, you may need pain relief. Pain is indicated by increased aggressiveness, apathy, meowing, refusal to eat, dilated pupils and reluctance to move.
  • Antibiotic therapy is not required if the operation is planned and carried out taking into account the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
  • Vitamin preparations and restoratives are prescribed only to old and weak cats who have undergone a difficult operation.
  • In case of urgent need (the suture is bleeding or internal bleeding has been detected), hemostatic therapy may be prescribed.

Coming out of anesthesia

Three types of anesthesia are usually used. After each type of anesthesia, the cat comes to its senses differently.

  • Muscle relaxants analgesics. The most effective mixture, used most often. The main disadvantage is the difficult recovery from such anesthesia: from 5-6 hours to a day.
  • Muscle relaxant epidural anesthesia. The mixture is slightly toxic, the cat easily tolerates it and quickly recovers from such anesthesia (up to 8 hours maximum). But there is a high probability of complications if the injection into the epidural space is carried out incorrectly - full sensitivity and motor activity in the hind limbs can return up to 2 days. When performing such anesthesia, the qualifications and experience of the surgeon are very important.
  • Gas (inhalation) anesthesia. A very effective and minimally toxic method, but it is rarely used due to the lack of special equipment and mixtures of substances for anesthesia. The cat comes to its senses almost immediately as soon as the anesthesia machine is turned off.

When recovering from anesthesia, the cat will be out of control for some time, coordination will be impaired, and the cat’s behavior after sterilization may seem inadequate. There are attempts to get up, run somewhere, perhaps meowing, and an obvious lack of understanding of what is happening around. It is important not to let the animal hide in the far dark corner, so that there are no difficulties in removing it.

Food and drink

On the day of the operation, the cat does not need to be fed, only watered as soon as it begins to rise after recovering from anesthesia. In the first hours after waking up, it is better to do this through a syringe. Be sure to monitor whether the animal makes swallowing movements so that it does not choke.

Start feeding from the second day with 1/3 of the usual portion. The cat should drink on its own. Food should be easily digestible and low-fat. On the 3rd day, the cat should begin to show independent interest in food, i.e. start asking. All food should be balanced. Portions are increased gradually, but not to the maximum - sterilized cats should be protected from obesity.

There are cases that a cat does not eat after sterilization for 2-3 days, but only drinks. If the lack of appetite is no longer associated with any additional symptoms, this phenomenon can be considered as an individual variant of the norm.

Throughout the entire postoperative period, the suture should be clean and dry. Any suppuration, inflammation or bloody wetting is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

Depending on the type of operation, the stitches may be on the abdomen along the linea alba, on the side, or in the form of punctures if the operation was performed using a laparoscope.

Sutures are placed on the muscle layer and on the skin (if on the stomach) or only on the skin (with an incision on the side, the muscles are not cut, but moved apart, and during laparoscopy small punctures are made). Internal sutures are applied with self-absorbing threads, external sutures are applied with surgical thread (it must be removed over time).

There are sprays with which the seam is treated immediately after surgery, and then every few days (for example, Aluminum spray or Chemi spray), and this is an almost 100% guarantee that no infection will get into the wound.

On days 7-10, the sutures are removed (after the 12th day, the threads will begin to grow into the skin). This can be done at a veterinary clinic or on your own.

Seams are made in two ways: stapled or continuous. The staple stitch consists of several threads tied into knots at equal distances. It is enough to pull the protruding threads, separate the knot from the skin, cut the loop and pull out the thread. If the seam is continuous, then the knot is cut off on one side, the seam fastening is on the other, the thread is pulled through the middle and the whole thing is pulled out.

The opposite condition is diarrhea and what to do

If a cat has diarrhea, then a completely different approach to solving the problem is needed. Recognizing diarrhea is not at all difficult, because its main difference is liquid feces.

If your pet has diarrhea, you need to take it to the veterinarian. He will measure the animal’s body temperature, determine the degree of dehydration, and palpate the tummy and internal organs. In addition, the clinic will perform some tests:

  • examination of urine and feces (for the presence of worms, for hidden bleeding);
  • blood analysis.

Treatment for the disorder will depend on its severity, duration and, most importantly, the cause of its occurrence.

In some cases, it is enough to provide the cat with rest and keep it on a starvation diet for one day.

If a cat experiences fluid loss, it must be replenished through intravenous drips or oral administration. When feeding, you need to follow a diet, and the portion of food should increase gradually.

If diarrhea is a consequence of an infection introduced during sterilization, then in addition to all the above actions, special treatment is also included, which is prescribed by the doctor.

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If the cat continues to ask for a cat after sterilization

You can often hear that a sterilized cat has gone on a spree again. The operation itself is designed to ensure that the cat’s reproductive function will be lost. However, if only the animal’s uterus has been removed, then it is quite capable of even intercourse with a cat. If a cat has her ovaries removed, she will lose all attraction to males.

In some cases, for example, when surgery is performed on adult cats, their hormonal levels remain at the same high level. The animal, for old times’ sake, begins to ask for a cat. Such “symptoms” may appear soon after the operation, or they may appear several years later. Usually a course of hormonal injections, for example, Covinan, helps to cope.

Important - do not take active steps without consulting your doctor. You need to find out the root cause of your binge drinking - do an ultrasound and get tested. In case of complications, for example, with an incompletely removed ovary, the cat must be injected with hormonal drugs for the rest of its life. One consolation is that such cases are very rare.

When to sound the alarm: possible complications

If the operated cat has completely recovered from anesthesia, feels normal, does not experience discomfort, active recovery of the body occurs in the first two days. Animals may walk less often. Once the body has fully recovered, urination and bowel movements will resume and become completely normal. At the same time, one should not exclude the development of serious postoperative complications, which need to be addressed immediately.

You should sound the alarm in the following cases:

  • if the cat did not lose weight 12-24 hours after surgery;
  • bowel movements did not return to normal on the 4-5th day;
  • if the animal shows strong anxiety and constantly meows;
  • in case of inflammation, suppuration, infection of the sutures;
  • the cat does not recover from anesthesia on the second day (lethargy, depression, drowsiness);
  • when the temperature drops to 37-37.3 degrees or if the temperature is consistently high (39-39.5);
  • if the seam bleeds heavily;
  • The pet refuses water and food for more than a day.

Possible postoperative complications also include: volvulus, intestinal obstruction, internal bleeding, development of acute inflammation at the site of surgical suture material. It is possible that castration can provoke inflammation of the genital organs, which will also cause rare bowel movements.

A protracted recovery period and an unfavorable course of the postoperative period can be caused by a violation of the surgical technique, insufficient qualifications of the surgeon, penetration of pathogenic flora into the wounds or gnawing, intensive licking of the seam. Errors in caring for the animal can also cause postoperative complications.

If the cat has an unstable temperature for more than two days, a tight, greatly enlarged tummy, the animal feels severe pain upon palpation of the peritoneum, severe swelling in the scar area, a postoperative hernia, the cat reacts inadequately to irritants, urgently contact the veterinarian who performed the sterilization. Delay and self-medication can cost the animal’s life.

Caring for a cat in the first postoperative hours

After the operation, the cat will be very weak for the first three hours. He will experience dizziness, nausea, thirst, and muscle weakness. This is a normal condition that should not bother the owner, so the pet will recover from anesthesia.

The owner may be offered to leave the pet on the first day at the clinic, under the supervision of a doctor, but he will be there in a stressful state. Therefore, it is better to take him home so that the cat feels the care and participation of the owner.

During the postoperative period, the cat experiences:

  1. Dry eyes. During anesthesia, cats' eyes do not close, they remain open. During the operation, the veterinarian closes the animal's eyelids from time to time so that the conjunctiva is moistened with tears. If the cat has not yet recovered from anesthesia, then the owner will have to do this.
  2. In order to properly care for your pet's eyes, you need to buy tetracycline eye ointment or antiseptic drops. After the pet has recovered from anesthesia, there is no need to close his eyes; he will do this on his own. There are times when an animal lies for a long time with its eyes open, then it is necessary to drip saline solution into the eyes. This will save them from dryness.
  3. Low body temperature. The usual cat temperature is 37.5 – 39.0 degrees Celsius. In the postoperative period, the temperature can drop to 36.5 - 37.0 degrees. The cat should be placed on a warm bedding and covered with a warm blanket. In extreme cases, the cat can be warmed with a heating pad. To normalize blood circulation, he needs to rub his ears and paws.
  4. Unsteady gait. This is due to the relaxation of muscles during the application of anesthesia. Usually during this period the cat walks with a staggering gait. On the first day, you should better monitor your pet so that he does not climb to any height, otherwise he may not be able to hold on and fall.
  5. At first, the cat needs painkillers. If your pet is silent, this does not mean that he does not feel pain. Most animals silently endure pain. They completely refuse food and are in a motionless position. Their pupils, as a rule, are dilated and concentrated. The gaze is fixed on one point.

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Ways out of the situation

Partial solutions to the situation logically follow from the above reasons. Let's go over them in more detail again. So, the cat has stopped going to the litter box, what should you do in practice? If it’s not a matter of illness, the fluffy is healthy, then you need to “activate” the mode of total observation of him and analyze the “data” obtained. We keep the tray and the area around it in perfect order. We empirically select a filler that the pussy will like and provide it with maximum privacy. We neutralize any stressful situations. If it is a move, a new family member, the appearance of another animal, we surround the pet with maximum affection, attention, understanding, and wait patiently until he gets used to the changes.

We encourage trips to the “right” potty, express our “fie” about visiting the “wrong” place (without physical violence!). It’s better to completely block access to it: put up furniture, cover it with rustling paper, and spray it with a strong-smelling chemical. If the cat has stopped going to the litter box, you can use special medications (soothing, corrective): Kot Bayun, Stop-Stress. Or Royal Canin Colm food, which completely neutralizes anxiety.

Reasons for ignoring the tray

There are many reasons and situations when a cat ignores the litter box. To solve the problem, you need to find out what is the reason for this pet’s behavior. Why did the cat stop going to the litter box and how to fix the situation? – The answers are given below.

Tray and filler

Nowadays you can buy various types of fillers in pet stores - wood, mineral, corn, etc. The choice must be approached carefully. One of the possible reasons why a kitten does not go to the litter box is an incorrectly selected litter. The pet is experiencing discomfort. Mustaches sense foreign odors. Cats prefer fine-grained litter, similar in consistency to sand. It is best to use unscented, as extraneous scents repel cats.

You can experiment with different options. The cat's litter box should be washed without using scented products. Flavorings will confuse the animal and can cause allergic reactions, which will then have to be treated.

Wrong place chosen

After the pet appears in the home, it is necessary to determine the place where the tray with the filler will be placed. It is better to choose a quiet, unlit place for the toilet. The cat needs privacy to relieve itself. He does not like noise that will distract him. Cats require silence to concentrate. Do not place the tray near noisy appliances. It will be much more convenient for the cat to relieve himself in a secluded, unlit place. If a kitten or adult animal does not go into the litter box, then you should try moving it to another place.

Psychological problems

A pet may ignore the litter box due to various psychological problems.

Moving to a new place of residence can lead to stress in a cat. They get used to one place and have a hard time moving. The pet needs time to get used to the new environment. There is no need to yell at him if he went to the toilet in a place not intended for this. Screaming and swearing will complicate the situation.

Important! When a pet goes on a spree, it experiences a complex psycho-emotional state. He begins to mark the territory in which he lives. This behavior can be perfectly changed using special drops and tinctures. In this case, sterilization and castration will help.

Cats may feel jealous when a new pet arrives in the house. Because of jealousy, cats may change their behavior and stop going to the litter box, demonstratively showing this to the owner. The cat is worried, so you need to show it that it is loved. If there are several pets in the house, then there should be the same number of trays.

A cat's bad associations may also be the reason why he avoids the litter box. Perhaps while the cat was in the litter box, something scared her. They remember these moments because they experienced fear. It’s worth trying to move the tray to a different place, away from the previous one.

Health problems

The cat may ignore the tray for health reasons and jump out of the tray. Among the main diseases are those listed below.

Inflammatory process and infections. Cystitis or other infectious diseases cause frequent urination in cats. Due to frequent urges, the cat cannot always make it to the toilet in time and pees wherever it has to.

Diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, and inflammation of the urethra cause a constant desire to drink. If your cat drinks a lot of liquid, you need to sound an alarm. Such diseases need to be treated urgently. These diseases cause frequent urination.

Pain during urination. Many diseases cause pain when urinating. Perhaps this causes the cat to have unpleasant memories of the litter box, and therefore she begins to avoid it.

Urolithiasis disease. Pets feel severe pain when urinating, and in severe cases, urine is not released and the cat experiences pain. Sometimes when a cat is sick, it constantly lies down and stops going to the toilet, experiencing discomfort.

When a cat doesn’t go to the litter box “for the most part,” the food may have been chosen incorrectly. You can try giving laxative food or medicine.

To rule out health problems, you need to be examined by a veterinarian. If your pet is diagnosed with an infection or disease, a specialist will prescribe treatment.

Other options

A pet may refuse to use the litter tray for other reasons. Some pets hide in secluded places after taking a bath to dry their fur and calm down from the stress they have experienced. Fearing water, they may go to the toilet behind the sofa and in other places. Trimming nails can also be a cause of litter box neglect. After trimming, the claws become sensitive and the cat experiences discomfort when digging. To make your cat comfortable, you need to change the litter.

Diet to prevent constipation

For stable operation of your pet’s gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to give him food that is enriched with protein and fiber. Completely eliminating cheese, dairy and flour products, eggs and rice from your cat’s diet will help reduce the risk of developing problems with bowel movements.

The animal needs constant access to a drinking bowl with clean drinking water and regular exercise. If the pet is not very active, then it is necessary to play with it to develop the animal’s mobility and to increase the ability to defecate if constipation develops.

Manifestation of natural instincts

It would seem that this is obvious and, nevertheless, it is better to repeat it. Cats have a very strong sense of smell; a dirty litter box is much more unpleasant for them than for humans. In addition, cats, like people, have different personalities. And among them there are “cleanies”, characterized by increased disgust. Perhaps your pet is one of them.

Therefore, before you puzzle over why the cat stopped going to the litter box, big or small, try changing the litter and washing the cat litter more often - what if your problem is solved just like that? This would be a great relief for both you and your four-legged friend.

I would like to note that a sharp change in the behavior of furry pets always has its own, although not always obvious, reasons. An animal that has been trained to go to the litter box from a young age will never just get dirty in its home. This is explained by the fact that such oddities are not characteristic of clean purrs.

There are a number of common reasons that most experts attribute to cats’ refusal to use the litter box:

  1. The leading position, oddly enough, is occupied by stress, which can be caused by almost anything - from resentment towards the owner to fright from loud noise.
  2. Another quite serious reason for worry may be the arrival of a new family member in the house.
  3. Poorly positioned tray or incorrectly selected tray filler.
  4. Jealousy caused by other pets.

how many times a day should a cat pee

Although cats are considered domesticated animals, this does not mean that they have forgotten about their natural instincts. The most obvious of them is the desire to protect oneself.

As a rule, this is achieved by ensuring that the home in which the cat lives must have “its own” smell. To do this, it must be marked with a secretion secreted by the glands. During the period of sexual heat, such fragrances are significantly enhanced by a mixture of urine and secretions secreted by the glands located under the tail of the animal.

Surely every pet owner has noticed how the latter, lifting its tail, generously sprays the corners of rooms and the area in front of the entrance doors. The appearance of such instincts is quite natural for an animal and, accordingly, it does not understand when it is scolded and punished for this. Based on the fact that an adult animal at a tender age was trained to use a tray, but suddenly began to dirty the room now, then it’s all about puberty.

In order to solve the problem, you can adopt one of the methods presented below.

  1. Regularly wash all corners marked by the animal and hope that your pet will calm down soon. However, as practice shows, even the most expensive sprays and detergents are powerless against sexual hunting. By diligently removing cat marks, you force the pet to mark its territory even more diligently.
  2. Some cat owners restrain their pets' instincts through special hormonal agents (injections, tablets). The action of drugs of this type is mainly aimed at artificial regulation of hormonal levels. The downside of this solution is the potential harm to the health of the tailed ward (the risk of developing cancer).
  3. Sterilizing an animal is one of the surest ways to get rid of marks. As a rule, the duration of hormonal fluctuations ranges from 2 months to six months. Further, the sexual instinct weakens, and the pet will not feel the need to attract sexual partners. However, it should be taken into account that sterilization is not indicated for all animals. The most valid reason for refusing this procedure is breeding value. Also, animals that have heart problems or react acutely to the use of anesthesia should not be sterilized. The recommended age for sterilization is from six months to eight years.

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|| Do chickens have a runny nose? Advice from a veterinarian on how to tell if a kitten wants to go to the toilet

A non-sterile animal goes into heat with a certain frequency. Cats come into heat 2-5 times a year, and cats dream of meeting a beautiful lady all the time. In nature, animals look for a partner using a specific smell left with marks and a characteristic cry.

When mournful meowing does not lead to the appearance of a partner in a city apartment, the cat can move on to “arranging” marks. She is attracted to objects that carry a fresh, uncharacteristic smell for the room. For example, the owner's shoes. Promising places for marking, from the point of view of a walking cat, are areas near the balcony and front door: because of the cracks, the animal picks up the smell of the entrance and street.

The cat has a different method of searching for a partner - it randomly places marks, twitching its tail and squirting a small amount of urine with a characteristic odor. A cat’s toilet habits are “forgotten” only during walks. The cat constantly defecates in small portions on furniture and shoes, but the animal leaves a large portion of urine in the potty.

If your tailed pet goes to the toilet in boots, think about sterilization. Removing the uterus and ovaries from a young animal solves this problem immediately. Delaying leads to the fact that the apartment is covered with old marks and, according to the cat, it is one big toilet. Correcting an acquired habit is difficult and sometimes impossible.

Cats are naturally clean. It’s rare that an animal will agree to regularly go into an untidy potty. But everyone’s concept of pollution is different. Some cats will not go to a litter box that has not been cleaned after the previous visit; for other animals, it is enough to clean the toilet area 1-2 times a day.

The main indicator of dissatisfaction with the sanitary condition of the toilet is that the cat does not go into the tray, but next to it. Despite the problem, this situation is easy to resolve. You will need 2-3 trays, possibly smaller ones. They can be placed at a short distance from each other, or they can be placed, for example, in the toilet and in the corridor.

If a cat does not go to the litter box at a new place of residence, then this is more likely a common practice than an out of the ordinary situation. The owner will have to take the time to remind the cat about toilet culture. You can use the same physiological rule - you will need the potty some time after eating.

You need to constantly watch a well-fed cat or hold it in your arms, putting it in a pot and raking it with your paw. There is no need to force the animal inside the tray. A few strokes and kind words are enough. If the cat jumped out as if scalded, it’s not a problem. Let her walk around the apartment under supervision and repeat the situation after a while. Don't let things happen during the first few days of your cat's stay in the new premises.

The habit of doing things behind the sofa or under furniture will not be established immediately, and it is difficult to get rid of what has become the norm for an animal. As soon as you notice that your pet has jumped into the tray without a reminder, you can calm down and stop watching the animal.

What should you do if your cat stops going to the litter box and attempts to correct the situation are unsuccessful? Perhaps the owner cannot understand the pet’s behavior and in this case the help of a zoopsychologist will be required.

Folk remedies

Vaseline oil has become quite widespread among folk remedies. It must be given to the cat in the morning on an empty stomach. The dose is calculated according to the weight of the pet; one milliliter of Vaseline oil should be added per kilogram of the animal’s body weight. After taking the medicine, you must wait until the evening. If the cat still does not go to the toilet, give your pet another dose.

Some pet owners advise feeding their cat Vaseline oil every hour, while increasing the serving size. This opinion is based on the fact that when using petroleum jelly, the product is not absorbed into the intestines, due to which its undigested remains simply flow out of the anus. If the cat does not want to drink the oil, the required dose can be poured into the animal’s mouth from a syringe without a needle.

Another folk remedy is regular or condensed milk . It is recommended to buy classic condensed milk, which consists, in addition to milk itself, only of cream and sugar. Condensed milk should not contain any additives such as vegetable oil.

In addition, an enema with Vaseline or heated vegetable oil has a good laxative effect. To properly give a cat a cleansing enema, you need to place the pet on the table with two front paws, while holding it in a slightly suspended state. At this time, the assistant carefully inserts the enema into the anus.

It is quite possible that it is simply inconvenient for the cat to visit the litter box because of the cervical collar , which is put on the animal so that the pet does not lick or chew the post-operative suture. Try freeing your cat from the restraint for a while. Sometimes a cat does not go to the toilet after sterilization because the postoperative suture is difficult to heal and it is painful for the animal to push.

However, problems can arise not only with bowel movements, but also with urination. If the cat does not go to the toilet in a small way, you should feel the animal’s bladder. In order to palpate the bladder, grab the cat by the chest with your left hand, and with your right hand, gently feel the stomach below the seam a few centimeters. If your pet cannot urinate, then her bladder will be tight. If it is overcrowded, you should go to a veterinary clinic, where the cat will be given a catheter to remove urine.

Keep in mind that a cat who has undergone sterilization and is recovering from anesthesia should always be provided with fresh water . The food you feed your pet should be easily digestible - it can be either the highest quality artificial food or boiled soft meat. In this sense, chicken breast fillet, pollock fillet, and chicken liver are suitable.

Taking the cat home after surgery

Often, the animal can be taken home when it has just woken up from anesthesia, but if the cat does not wake up for a long time, it is taken away while still sleepy. Therefore, if there is no bleeding from the suture, she can be taken home 1–2 hours after surgery. It is necessary to get all the necessary care recommendations from your doctor, as well as purchase the necessary medications. When picking up a cat from the veterinary clinic in the cold season, make sure that it is warm and wrap it in a blanket. During the hot season, the animal should not overheat.

It is better to transport your pet in a spacious and comfortable carrier. It is worth considering that a cat after surgery may behave aggressively - scratch and even bite. Sudden movements of the animal will only aggravate the condition of fresh stitches. In addition, when carrying a cat in your arms, there is a risk of it escaping. A stunned and frightened animal may get lost or run over by a car. When transporting a cat in personal transport, it is worth limiting its ability to move around the vehicle. Keep in mind that the cat may vomit on the way home - this is a common occurrence after general anesthesia.

The cat's seam came apart after sterilization

A tiny cosmetic stitch after sterilization of a cat normally heals quickly without a trace. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes owners are forced to return to the clinic again because the cat’s stitch has come apart after sterilization.

The most common cause of this problem is neglect of the veterinarian's recommendations. If after surgery the cat does not wear a collar or blanket, it will tend to lick the stitches.

Together with saliva, an infection enters the wound, and severe inflammation (festering) of the suture occurs. In this case, no threads will hold the fabric together. In addition, with its rough tongue, a cat can get rid of stitches ahead of time.

If the suture discrepancy is minor, the doctor may prescribe “conservative” treatment. First of all, you need to stop the seam from licking. Then local blockades are made (Novocaine 0.5% with an antibiotic), the wound is washed 1-2 times a day. Sometimes healing ointments and preparations such as Vinilin are used. Treatments sometimes last a long time, 1-2 weeks, so I urge owners to take care of the suture immediately after surgery to avoid such problems.

Minor divergence of the cosmetic seam (the cat was not wearing a blanket)

If the suture is severely torn, the only treatment option is surgical revision of the suture under general anesthesia. The doctor will remove non-viable tissue and sew up the belly again. In this case, removable external sutures are usually placed and a systemic antibiotic is prescribed. Case from practice:

The cat was sterilized in a third-party clinic, the external and internal seams were made with silk, the cat did not wear a blanket

Severe seam divergence, 3 weeks have passed since sterilization

All non-viable tissue was removed and sutures were re-sutured.

The same cat after removal of stitches (12 days after wound revision)

If you decide to leave your cat after sterilization at the veterinary clinic

Should I take my pet home or leave it at the veterinary clinic for professional care? If it is not possible to care for the cat during the postoperative period, then you can leave it in the veterinary clinic so that doctors can care for it. You should also leave your pet if the owners are unable or unable to give an injection, treat a suture, or give the animal a pill. And also if there are small children or other animals at home that could disturb the cat during a difficult period. In a calm home environment, the cat will more easily endure shock after sterilization.

Naturally, a cat will not be happy to be left alone in an unfamiliar place with strangers, without its owners. However, at the veterinary clinic she will be given the necessary medications on time, and all procedures will be carried out strictly according to schedule. You should make sure that the institution can provide decent living conditions, namely: the absence of drafts and optimal temperature conditions, inaccessibility of contact with other animals, in order to eliminate the risk of contracting various infectious diseases. Of course, animal care services in clinics cost a lot, but if there is no other choice, then you can use this service and leave the cat in a hospital for the period of recovery.

Enema appointment

  • an hour and a half before the procedure, the animal takes 3 ml of vaseline oil;
  • Next, prepare an enema solution at room temperature;
  • the tip is lubricated with Vaseline oil, the solution is drawn up and inserted into the cat’s anus in a circular motion;
  • At the end of the procedure, the pet’s anus is clamped with the tail for 20 minutes and only after that the animal is released to the toilet.

It is necessary to understand that douching is a very painful and unpleasant procedure for the animal. It is prohibited to carry it out if the pet has skin disorders around the anus, as well as bleeding and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, douching is not performed on pregnant cats.

Important! Frequent enemas disrupt the intestinal microflora and injure the pet's anus.

The cat doesn't like the litter box

In order for a cat to regularly go to the litter box, the “toilet” must satisfy all the cat’s requirements and fit the animal in certain categories.


The container must be such that the animal not only fits in it, but also has room to maneuver. It is known that cats love to rummage, row and paw in the tray before and after the “procedure”, actively moving and turning around. In this regard, a grown-up pet may simply outgrow its “children’s potty”, which was bought for it when it was a kitten. Limited space is one of the reasons that a pet is looking for a “wider field of activity.”

What to do. If a cat, having once made a mistake, begins to constantly recover next to the tray, it is recommended to lay a flattened newspaper under the container and gradually reduce its size, forcing the animal to go to the tray again. Sometimes a grown-up kitten gets so used to its litter box that it stubbornly refuses to use the new, big and shiny one it just bought at the pet store.

That is why felinologists recommend not throwing away the “children’s potty” until the pet’s reaction to the new toilet is established. For those cats who stubbornly do not want to “get out of childhood,” you can offer a deceptive trick by placing a “children’s potty” inside a large tray, and after the mustachioed tabby agrees to relieve himself in such a structure, remove the small container.


Conventional trays look like a rectangular plastic tray, the shape of which depends on the age and individual qualities of the animal. As practice shows:

  1. Flattened containers with small sides are usually purchased for kittens to make it easier for the baby to overcome the side barrier.
  2. Adult cats that like to rummage through litter require a tray with higher limits to prevent loose material from being scattered around.
  3. Shy animals and individuals who persistently ignore the classic rectangular tray can be offered a “toilet-house” that combines the properties of a tray and a shelter. The tray, closed on 3 sides, resembles a plastic container and requires a lot of space when installed, but the animal feels completely comfortable there, without fear of prying eyes at such a delicate moment. In order to maintain cleanliness in the house, the “toilet house” is perfect for those animals who rummage through the litter with the energy of a bulldozer.


Animals tend to find latrines based on scent trails, so in order to train them to use a litter tray, you should not wash the container with household chemicals at first - just rinse it under running water. A violation of the odor association occurs when, instead of the old, familiar and “fragrant” litter box from the cat’s point of view, a new, nasty-smelling plastic tray suddenly appears.

In order not to cause dissonance in the animal’s psyche, it is recommended to pour part of the already used contents of the old container into the new tray with filler, making it clear to the animal that everything remains as before. It is also recommended to use special “smart sprays” from a pet store designed to train a cat to use the toilet.

If the cat does not pee at all (anuria)

With anuria, the kidneys lose their ability to produce urine. Experts associate this disease with partial or complete renal failure. When the disease occurs, the water-salt balance and acid-base metabolism are disrupted - intoxication of the cat's body occurs. Experts distinguish between acute and chronic forms of the disease.

Symptoms in the acute form:

  • dejected state;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • refusal of treats;
  • rapid pulse;
  • urination either stops altogether or decreases significantly;
  • change in the shade of mucous membranes to a pale color;
  • swelling;
  • decrease in temperature indicators;
  • a distinct smell of urine from the mouth of the mustache;
  • dehydration.

If the disease occurs chronically, then the manifestations are hidden for a long time. Usually the first signals make themselves felt when 65-75% of nephrons are no longer working. Healthy kidney cells are overloaded because they take on all the work.

The first obvious manifestation of chronic anuria is very strong thirst and frequent trips to the litter box (polyuria). Afterwards, other symptoms signal themselves: emaciation, refusal to eat, diarrhea, vomiting, unpleasant odor of urine from the mouth, the appearance of ulcers in the mouth, dull fur, irritability and passivity.

This disease is fatal to the pet and requires professional supportive care. It cannot be cured, but you can alleviate the condition of your beloved four-legged friend with the help of veterinarians. Therefore, if you find that the cat does not pee, take him to the veterinary clinic.

Behavioral (psychological) reasons

If we compare cats and dogs, the former are distinguished by more complex socialization and behavioral manifestations. You can talk about the “cockroaches” in their little heads for hours (the owners won’t let you lie). They are incredibly conservative (cats are stronger than cats), stubborn, attached to territory and smells. Even an item in the room moved from one place to another can cause discomfort for them. Therefore, there are a good dozen behavioral reasons for refusal of the litter box in cats. And the individual characteristics of any animal can expand this list indefinitely. Let's list the most likely possible behavioral reasons why your cat stopped going to the litter box. This may happen because:

  • the tray or the place where it stands is dirty;
  • I don’t like the tray itself;
  • the filler is incorrectly selected;
  • foreign odors are present;
  • there is no privacy in the latrine;
  • the animal has experienced (or is experiencing) stress;
  • aggression within a cat group (there is more than one animal in the apartment);
  • mental features.

Each of the above points needs to be explained separately. The tray and its location must always be perfectly clean. This means fresh filler, washed pot, wiped linoleum (laminate, tile, etc.). Cats are extremely susceptible to foreign odors, so the pot and scoop itself do not need to be washed with chemicals, or choose something with no odor. The cat may not like the very shape, size, or configuration of the pot. The fact that you like it and fits the interior does not mean anything. If the cat has stopped going to the litter box, the reason for this may be changing the old one to a new one. Therefore, do not throw away the old tray until your tailed friend takes a liking to the new thing.

Attention! Very often the cat begins to ignore the toilet because he does not like the litter.

This often happens when changing from one species to another. Sometimes stores can suddenly run out of filler, and the owner has to quickly look for a replacement. A real lottery awaits you here. You bring home a new litter, the cat doesn’t like it, so you go get a new one. And so on until the cat person approves of your purchase with a joyful puddle or pile. Choose a filler without foreign odors. Of course, I would really like the toilet, especially a wet one, to exude the scent of roses, but the cat will never agree to this. Decide what you like best: the dubious smell of roses or an obedient cat who will honestly bring his “goods” to the tray without spilling a drop.

Prevention: food for proper bowel function

If your cat has any digestive problems caused by a lack of dietary fiber in the diet, Duphalac will help cope with them. This is a lactulose solution. It is not digested and is not excreted from the body with milk. In addition, adding a small amount of pumpkin puree to the food helps.

There are also special commercial feeds designed to enhance peristalsis in postpartum animals. In severe cases, an enema in combination with abdominal massage can be used for immediate evacuation of feces. If constipation is caused by bones getting into the digestive tract, it can only be treated through complex abdominal surgery.

The sooner the predisposing factors are neutralized, the faster the animal’s intestinal motility will improve. In particular, if your pet is a representative of long-haired breeds, brush it more often, as otherwise all the hair will end up in its intestines. Make sure your animal always has unlimited access to clean drinking water. In addition, you do not need to give your cat dry food for at least 5 days after birth.

Preventive procedures include:

  • visit the veterinarian at least 2 times a year;
  • active lifestyle of the pet and walks in the air;
  • proper nutrition;
  • Regular brushing of fur.

Owners of cats and kittens should remember that their pet should not be overfed. This is especially true for castrated animals. A special balanced diet has been developed for them.

To quickly restore the functioning of the digestive tract, the animal’s body must receive proteins and fiber. The diet does not include eggs, cheese or rice. These products aggravate the condition of the sick animal.

To improve intestinal function, it is recommended to give diluted store-bought condensed milk with water up to 3-4 times a day. Vaseline oil is given once a day on an empty stomach; for prolonged constipation, the dosage frequency is increased to 2-3 times.

We process postoperative sutures

Immediately after sterilization, ichor and a small amount of blood will be released from the suture. Small bruises and bruises may appear on the skin near the suture - this is a natural process after surgery. The seam itself looks like a red roller, rising above the level of the skin. Surgical threads may also be visible from it. Immediately after arriving home, it is recommended to apply ice wrapped in a clean scarf to the seam.

After 2 days after sterilization, the seam must be treated with disinfectants. A solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin is suitable. Using a cotton swab soaked in the solution, you need to carefully treat the seam area, clean it of dirt and hair. Attention! To avoid burns, it is forbidden to use iodine and brilliant green! It is not recommended to place the cat on its back during the procedure. It is most convenient to process the seam together with a partner - one person holds the animal by the forelimbs, and the second can work on the seam while the cat stands steadily on its hind legs.

The approximate course of treatment of a postoperative scar after sterilization is 10 days. Treatment frequency: 2 times a day. If after 5 days the seam is still wet and inflamed, then you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian - it is often necessary to additionally treat the cat’s stomach with an antibacterial ointment, for example, levomekol. The swelling of the suture will go away in about 3 weeks. If the seam is not properly treated, there is a risk of it becoming suppurated. Only a veterinarian can assess the situation, and most often, repeated suturing is required. The cat will need to undergo surgery again and be put under anesthesia.

Viral infection

It is not entirely correct to call a viral infection a complication of sterilization. But I want to warn as many people as possible. Doctors try to maintain cleanliness and order in the clinic to the best of their ability. However, your cat may still encounter viruses brought in by other cats. It is better if she is vaccinated in advance. The ideal regimen is vaccination at 3 months and sterilization between 6-12 months. Then revaccination at 15 months, when the cat has fully recovered from the operation.

Alarming signs of various viral diseases (rinotracheitis, calicivirosis, panleukopenia):

  • Excessive drooling;
  • Ulcer on the nose, tongue;
  • Nasal discharge, sneezing;
  • lacrimation;
  • Vomiting or diarrhea;
  • Depression, refusal to eat.

If your animal feels unwell, it is better to call your doctor and discuss the course of action. Sterilization itself cannot cause poor appetite, loose stools or other symptoms.

Health problem

Do not rush to scold your pet - perhaps this situation arose due to a disease that cannot be recognized by sight. Excessively frequent urination, when the cat simply does not have time to reach the litter box, is often associated with various pathologies. It can be:

  • injuries (especially when the blow was to the stomach or kidney area);
  • cystitis (inflammatory process in the bladder);
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • disorders of the nervous system due to stroke or brain tumor;
  • severe pain of any etiology, when the animal’s normal reactions are disrupted.

Therefore, the first step to get rid of the problem is to show the cat to a veterinarian, get tested and undergo the necessary examinations. And only when the pathology of the internal organs is excluded, do we look for other causes.

We suggest you read: Why a cat is afraid of everything and hides. The main reasons why a cat is nervous

Some diseases of the urinary system make it painful for cats to go to the toilet. A cat’s ability to analyze its own condition is very limited, and it may well associate pain with the place in which it experiences it and begin to look for something else. Suddenly, your cat stops going to the litter box for a little while, and you observe any other strange behavior in your pet - it would be wise to urgently visit a veterinarian.

If the kitten stops going to the litter box

  1. We rule out a medical cause. We go to the doctor, make a diagnosis, undergo treatment and keep our fingers crossed that this will help restore good manners to the patient.
  2. We exclude a behavioral cause. There are no guarantees here. Firstly, that you will find it, and, secondly, that after eliminating it, everything will return to normal. But it's worth a try.

- So, first we try to determine what the picky person doesn’t like. Here you should analyze what’s new in the apartment (new noise, new family member, new pet, etc.). And then we create a positive feeling from this new thing - for example, when there is a new sound (a child’s cry, a neighbor’s dog barking, etc.), we say affectionate words, stroke it and give a piece of treat.

- If the reason is stress (moving, renovation, owner leaving, visiting the veterinarian, ...), then time and, again, a gentle approach can help.

— If you don’t like the toilet, we try to empirically determine the desired place for it or the preferred filling. By the way, you can see about toilets and litter here, and about training a cat to use the toilet here.

— If your pet is of advanced age, he may need a tray with lower sides.

— For our part, we make the cat’s toilet as attractive as possible for her - we monitor the cleanliness of the litter box, regularly remove feces, pour the litter to the required depth, mix it in a timely manner, refresh it and change it on time. In general, we absolve ourselves of possible blame

— On the other hand, we make the “wrong place” as repulsive as possible for the cat. Anything can be used - foil, rustling paper, a plastic surface, mothballs or other chemicals, sticky film, etc. - each animal has its own horror stories. Or we simply cover the long-suffering place with heavy furniture.

— If the pet has chosen a bath or sink for itself, but for some reason we don’t like it, we leave some water there.

— If there are several animals in the house, we try to normalize their relationship. And the formula for a comfortable number of toilets is calculated as follows: the number of cats is 1. Moreover, they should be in different places (taking into account the preferences and overlap of users).

- If, in your opinion, everything seems to be normal, but the cat persistently shits in the wrong place, then an integrated approach will do - negative positive. When we manage to “catch” the scoundrel at the crime scene, we create a negative attitude towards this place - as usual, we spray water from a spray bottle or produce a noise effect (rattle, cotton).

- Simple supervision can also work - we monitor the pet and patiently transfer it at the right moment from the wrong place to the right place. Perhaps this will convince him in the end.

- Or we simply “cut off the oxygen” - making it impossible to access the “wrong place”.

- Sometimes “confinement” also helps - while performing natural needs, the cat is locked in a small space next to its litter box, for example, in the bathroom.

— Vertical marking is also occasionally encountered. Typically, marking a territory is typical for uncastrated animals. Everything is clear here - we castrate. But what to do with already operated cats and cats? From two trays we make one vertical, placing one in the other in a vertical position.

Pharmacology When we are dealing with changes in behavior in a cat caused by stress, calming and relaxing medications can help. The most accessible corrective products are "Cat Bayun" (herbal), "Fitex" (herbal), "Stop-stress" (in addition to herbs, contains phenibut) and the magical "Feliway", which sprays synthetic "cat" phermones into the air. happiness".

Chemicals Enzymatic preparations for cleaning dirty places and eliminating odors, decomposing excrement even at the molecular level, sprays for habituating to a place, sprays for weaning off a place - all this can be easily found in any pet store.

Food Yes, yes, there is also a veterinary diet, specially developed and recommended for stressful situations and during the period of adaptation to change. This is Royal Canin Calm.

In addition to the fact that this is a complete diet for cats, the additional ingredients it contains (peptide α-casozepine, L-tryptophan) have a regulating effect on the activity of the central nervous system, on states of arousal, sleep and appetite.


You cannot physically punish a cat! But if you really want to, then punishment should be applied only at the moment the offense is committed, otherwise there is no point. We just let the pet know that we are very unhappy with him. For example, in a raised tone, looking into his eyes and repeating his name, we express everything we think about his behavior. At the same time, we lightly tap his forehead with our finger a couple of times. It doesn't hurt, but it's annoying. However, each owner has his own training method.

But be careful here! Punishment can cause resentment or fear in the culprit and negatively affect the attitude towards the owner. Oh, how much worse it would be for us!

My cat Zhanna Arkadyevna enjoys great respect from the human population of the apartment, since for the slightest disrespect the offender will soon have a surprise in his shoe. It’s amazing how accurately Zhannochka identifies the right shoes.

Use the small enclosed room method. A cage that only fits a cat and a litter box will do. It is unacceptable to keep an animal in it for a long time, but you will need to catch the right moments. The urge to defecate and urinate appears 15-45 minutes after eating. The owner needs to limit the cat's access to food and feed it by the hour.

  1. After the morning meal, place the cat in the cage, giving the choice: go to the toilet under itself or risk using the potty. A persistent aversion to the tray is usually not observed, so the animal will most likely choose the lesser of two evils.
  2. After the “deeds are done,” praise the cat and release it.

We invite you to read: Roncoleukin for cats: reviews, instructions for use, contraindications

It is not recommended to talk to the animal, even in a very gentle tone, when it is “in the process.” In these intimate moments, the cat needs to be alone with itself. Even a calm and encouraging voice from the owner can distract the animal from the process, which is unacceptable when correcting behavior.

By the way, an interruption in going to the toilet due to external influences can also cause the cat to not go to the litter box. You should not go into the toilet room, address the cat, and even more so, allow the child to pick it up if the animal has not finished and buried its “done work.”

Another method of correcting behavioral litter box refusal is to provide a choice. Several types of filler will be required. The pots need to be placed in a familiar place close to each other.

Suitable for experiment:

  • regular sand,
  • soil - you need to collect it at a shallow depth - this will eliminate the possibility of animal excrement getting into the tray,
  • fine-grained ready-made filler,
  • silica gel.

New types of dry food attract the attention of the animal. Anything that can be raked with a paw is perceived by the cat as a place suitable for the toilet.

The same tactics should be followed if you take home an animal from the street. You don’t know the animal’s lifestyle and habits, so you need to explain the norms of toilet culture to the cat in a language it understands. Remember that it will take 3-4 days for the skill to become stable.

If the animal has chosen one of the trays for excrement, then at the end of the process it is worth cleaning it and leaving the assortment of trays in their places. There is no need to praise the animal or attract its attention: a cultural visit to the litter box is an ordinary situation. If the cat has found “its” litter, it is available and within the owner’s means, then the problem can be considered resolved.

Main reasons for refusal:

  1. Diseases. If the real reason is illness, then shouting and trying to teach him to use a suitable toilet again will not help. Some of the possible reasons:
    • bodily injuries - especially if the injury is in the abdominal cavity or the kidneys are affected;
    • cystitis - a disease of the bladder;

  2. stones in the kidneys;
  3. various inflammations.
  4. If there are no visible signs of the disease, but your pet refuses to use the toilet, contact your veterinarian. He will prescribe the necessary tests and conduct an examination. Only in the case of complete absence of diseases, look for reasons elsewhere;

  5. Cats are quite pedantic. Perhaps he is not satisfied with the cleanliness of his toilet. Many people refuse to use the tray even if it gets dirty at the slightest level. Wash the cat litter well and constantly check the cleanliness of the litter;
  6. The toilet is not suitable. Over time, it is necessary to change the cat litter item, but do not rush to get rid of the old one. The new box that you liked so much in color and shape may not suit the animal. Let you have the old thing until the tailed one agrees to go to the new one;
  7. Wrong filler. If your pet has been using the same litter all its life, but has recently stopped using it, this may be the reason. Try switching to another one;
  8. Smells. Don't buy scented litter. Of course, it’s much more pleasant when, instead of cat excrement, it smells like sea waves or forests, but a mustachioed person may not like it. Limit yourself to neutral odors, it is better to clean the tray more often;
  9. Lots of extra eyes. Four-legged animals, like people, like to relieve themselves without unnecessary scrutiny. Provide a secluded place;
  10. Psyche. Severe stress can cause litter box abandonment. Animals have a hard time with a change in their usual environment, an addition to the family, or the appearance of new pets. In this case, shouting and punishment will not help correct the situation. It is necessary to create a calm environment, consult a doctor, you may need to give him sedatives;
  11. Jealousy. If an adult furry has a competitor in the form of a dog or another representative of those who see in the dark, then the animal can attract attention to itself by toileting in the wrong places;
  12. Anger. Animals, like people, tend to get offended. So search your memory, perhaps you recently yelled at your ward, and he takes revenge;
  13. Sexual desire. During this period, animals mark their territory.
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