Review of cat food Night Hunter: types, composition, reviews

Pet lovers are well versed in modern cat food brands. "Night Hunter", however, is not a very well-known brand. This is a complete food for pets, domestically produced. It is produced in the Rostov region, and today has its admirers both among cats and their owners. Today we will tell you a little more about this brand and the features of the food.


Night Hunter cat food is not produced by a new company, but by a leading Russian manufacturer of premium canned food for pets called ProdKontraktInvest LLC. A wide range of products can satisfy the requirements of the most demanding breeder. Today they are valued not only in Russia, but also in Belarus and Kazakhstan. The company's product range includes not only Night Hunter cat food. These are also the brands Puffins and Herbax.

What kind of food?

ProdKontraktInvest LLC is the copyright holder of several trademarks. The company produces not only premium food “Night Hunter”, but also Herbax, Puffins, as well as two different lines for dogs, birds and rodents “True Friends”.

Food for cats and kittens has a solid history - since 2011. In modern conditions, this is a fairly long period of time, indicating the demand for products on the market.

Features of the brand

What does every caring owner need? So that his pet is healthy and cheerful for many years. And by and large it depends on what kind of nutrition he receives. A cat is a carnivorous animal that cannot be fed with milk and soup, as some people believe. Night Hunter cat food is made from high-quality, natural and fresh raw materials from domestic suppliers.

For the production of feed, a special recipe was thought out, which takes into account the characteristics of animals and the requirements of veterinarians. The line of pet food has been in existence since 2011. Such a long period indicates high demand in the market, which means excellent quality.

Is this food suitable for everyone?

The Night Hunter brand food is a universal food. They are suitable for feeding four-legged pets of any breed, even the most fastidious of them; of different ages, castrated and sterilized, long-haired and short-haired, pregnant and lactating cats. When selecting food, the age of the animal and its state of health should be taken into account.

The food is suitable for cats of different breeds and ages.


First of all, owners are concerned about what the Night Hunter dry cat food consists of. Since it is positioned in the premium segment, consumers have the right to expect that the composition will be natural, without dyes or flavors. By the way, the price is quite attractive for its class. But unlike well-known super-premium brands, the list of ingredients is opaque. Although it’s good that it exists at all. When choosing economy class food, you may not find information about what the product consists of.

Weak spots

Dry food is not widely used. They are easy to find in Moscow and not easy in the provinces. Among the disadvantages of Night Hunter feed are the following:

  1. Lack of a positive reputation that has been built up over the years.
  2. The use of meat flour, the composition of which is unstable, and fish flour, which is often counterfeited.
  3. The use of components subjected to high-temperature drying leads to denaturation of proteins and a decrease in the digestibility of amino acids. Laboratory tests show high protein content, but its digestibility is unclear.
  4. Opaque information about the composition. The components are indicated, but in what proportion they are included in the feed mixture is unknown.

The Pet-online store provides a wide selection of food:

  • Night Hunter canned food (pouch) with chicken and rabbit for kittens, 100 g, price 18 rub.
  • Night Hunter canned food (pouch) with chicken in sauce for cats, 100 g, price 18 rub.
  • Night Hunter canned sea cocktail in jelly for adult cats, 400 g, price 57 rub.

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Based on meat

The composition of the cat food “Night Hunter” includes chicken meat meal or fish meal as the main ingredients. Of course, they lose out in this segment to super-premium products that contain meat. What is the difference? The fact is that chicken meal can include feathers, beaks, bones, and entrails, which have less nutritional value than the meat itself. Please note that the feed contains corn and soybean oil. If your pet does not tolerate plant components well, then it is better to choose a different line of food. Additional components are healthy beet pulp and chicken liver. The food is enriched with taurine and biotin, mineral compounds and vitamins.

Feed composition analysis

From the manufacturer's information on the packaging, you can see what components dry industrial food consists of, for example, a product with the taste of chicken and rice includes the following elements:

  • chicken meat flour;
  • rice;
  • corn;
  • animal fat (edible);
  • fish and meat flour;
  • sugar beet pulp;
  • liver extract (chicken);
  • flax seeds;
  • yeast;
  • soybean oil;
  • minerals, they are represented by potassium, cobalt, calcium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, iodine, selenium;
  • antioxidants;
  • taurine;
  • vitamin complexes with vitamins A, B1, nicotinic acid, choline, thiamine.

Chicken and Rice food consists of chicken meat meal, rice, corn, fat and other ingredients

The energy value per 100 g of this feed is 380 Kcal.

The nutritional value of the feed is ensured by:

  • protein (33%);
  • fat (16%);
  • ash (7.5%);
  • fiber (4.5%);
  • calcium (1%);
  • phosphorus (1%);
  • vitamin E - 500 mg/kg;
  • taurine 1500 mg/kg;
  • vitamin A - 24,000 IU/kg;
  • vitamin D3–2000 IU/kg;
  • moisture (10%).

The manufacturer indicated that the feed contains meat components, their quantity is not less than 55%; in the protein component of the feed, 80% is allocated to animal fats, 20% to vegetable fats, which come with corn and flax seeds; rice, wheat. In reality, it turns out that out of the total amount of meat, 55% belongs to a high-quality product, and 25% (80–55) is the share of low-quality proteins.

The meat part of the food (55%) is not the best component, since meat meal obtained from waste brings little benefit to the cat's body. Unlike Night Hunter brand products, the information for high-quality feeds states that they use fresh chicken, boneless chicken, or other types of meat.

Rice included in the food is less likely than other grains to cause allergies. It supplies the body with protein, fiber, and carbohydrates. Next comes corn, it is poorly digested by the cat’s body and can provoke an allergic reaction. With regard to animal edible fat, nothing is said about whose origin it is; It is likely that it contains preservatives.

It is not specified what the ingredients in the form of meat and fish meal are made from. These products can be obtained by drying and grinding waste obtained from fish or meat. In the case when flour is the result of processing fresh meat, then it is a pretty good component in the feed.

A byproduct of sugar production from sugar beets, its pulp or pulp, serves as a natural prebiotic and source of fiber. However, some cats may experience a bloated stomach or other digestive problems from eating it.

The manufacturer did not specify what the chicken liver extract is made from. Yeast present in the feed can provoke an allergic reaction, but a small amount of it improves the condition of the animal’s coat. The list of food ingredients is completed with vitamins and minerals. A complete list of them is provided; however, they are not the basis of feed. The main thing in it should still be nutritious meat products.

Regarding canned food of the “Night Hunter” brand, you can see from the example of beef with meat pieces that the role of the ingredients belongs to:

  • beef (up to 10%);
  • meat, offal;
  • cereals;
  • vegetable oil;
  • minerals, taurine, vitamins A, D, E.

The food contains 10% beef

The given composition does not indicate what is meant by beef. This ingredient can be obtained from meat, bones, and entrails. It does not decipher what the components consist of: meat, offal, cereals, vitamins. There is only 10% beef in the feed. This amount is not enough for the feed to acquire nutritional properties due to the high content of animal products.

For carnivorous animals, which include cats, food must contain the maximum amount of meat ingredients and a minimum content of grains.

The manufacturer reports that since the food is produced at high temperatures, the vitamins in it are partially destroyed, which means that two or three times a week the cat needs to be given additional vitamins when feeding it only canned food.

Based on the analysis of the feed, it turns out that the products of the “Night Hunter” brand do not reach the level of premium feed products.

Canned food

For kittens, as well as sick and weakened animals, canned food is most often used. Their composition is also very attractive: meat and offal, vegetable oil and cereals. In addition, they have added vitamins and mineral compounds. The unique formula allows the canned food to be used for feeding kittens starting from one month of age. The owners note that even capricious animals eat this food with pleasure.

Feed disadvantages

Those same 50% of the protein composition of the food do not in any way correspond to the cat’s norm of meat consumption (80%). In addition, protein is represented by low-level raw materials. Meat flour and fats, even refined ones, are not the best daily menu for a cat.

Too many grains in the composition is a significant drawback. Up to 38% rice, wheat or corn. These grains are allergenic, so when offering Night Hunter to your pet for the first time, be vigilant and observant. When the first signs of an allergy appear, change the food.

Yes, we must warn you right away - Night Hunter cans are awkward to open. You will need the help of the audience or a strong man's hand... with a can opener!

More food:

  • Grandorf,
  • Pronature.

A wide range of

There are three branches in total. The first is kitten food. The second represents a line for adult animals. And the third is specialized feed. The most popular dry food for sterilized cats is “Night Hunter”. There are several flavors available, which makes it possible to diversify your pet’s diet. These are chicken with rice, seafood cocktail, cold cuts and lamb with rice.

Separately, it is worth mentioning canned food. As part of this line, you can buy pieces of meat in sauce or jelly, pieces in cheese and sour cream sauce, pates and specialized canned food for kittens and cats over 7 years old.

Price and where to buy

You can buy food of this brand in online pet stores:

  1. "Yandex Market" ():
      Dry food, packaging 0.4 kg - from 83 rubles;
  2. Dry food, packaging 1.5 kg - from 271 rubles;
  3. Dry food, packaging 10 kg - from 1940 rubles;
  4. Pouchi, 100 g bag - from 21 rubles;
  5. Canned food, can 415 g - from 62 rubles.

The cost of feed indicated above is relevant in September 2021 and may differ depending on the feed option. For exact prices, see the pet store’s website at the link above.

Advantages and disadvantages

What can you say about Night Hunter cat food? Reviews from the owners emphasize that they were somewhat wary of the emergence of a new brand. And there was no question of giving food to your pet at all. However, after listening to the opinions of breeders and other owners, we decided to try it. In most cases, the cat accepted the new food normally. Moreover, the transition did not affect her health and activity in any way. From this we can conclude that it is really high quality.

Another set of reviews belongs to those who, due to life circumstances, were forced to switch to cheaper food, but did not want to risk their pet’s health. And in this case, dry food for adult cats “Night Hunter” came to the rescue perfectly. True, there are also negative reviews that report bouts of vomiting and deterioration in the animal’s health. But individual intolerance to the product is not excluded.

"Night Hunter": pros and cons

Cat owners speak well of this product, noting its positive aspects.

Benefits of the feed

These include:

  • balanced composition;
  • animal protein accounts for 50% of the composition, and it is necessary to increase energy and build body cells;
  • the food does not contain harmful additives;
  • has two varieties: dry food and wet food;
  • large assortment of flavors;
  • Possibility of use for cats of different ages and conditions;
  • long period of use (up to 2 years from the time of manufacture);
  • the best option in terms of quality and price.


The food also has them:

  • the high content of grains in the food increases the risk of allergies in animals; food should be introduced into the diet of cats gradually and observed how it affects their condition and the well-being of the animals;
  • 50% of the protein included in this product is not enough for the normal functioning of the cat’s body (80% is required), so it needs to be increased through other nutrition;
  • difficulty opening cans of canned food, using an additional device for this;
  • food containing meat and fish meal is not very good for the daily nutrition of cats;
  • the cat is a predator, it requires meat for nutrition, and the food contains a lot of grains;
  • The composition of the food is described vaguely by the manufacturer; for example, it does not indicate what kind of meat is used.

Many animal owners believe that the food belongs to the economy class, since the protein in this food is of low quality; instead of meat, low-grade raw materials are used in the form of skins, leather, and offal.

Experts' opinion

But what do those who often have to treat animals say after experimenting with different foods undertaken by the owners? We are interested in reviews from veterinarians. Night Hunter cat food has not yet gained such widespread popularity as Chappie or Pedigree, but experts are also interested in new products on the market, so they have something to say.

First of all, veterinarians refer to the composition. They emphasize that for the health of a cat, as a predatory animal, it needs meat and fish. In nature, they most often feed on birds, insects and rodents. Therefore, semi-digested grain and grass seeds are obtained from the stomachs of their victims. What do we see in the composition? Chicken flour, which is the result of deep processing of raw materials, leaves nothing but the protein itself. If this component were added to meat to increase the protein content of the product, then the food would be very good. But here it is the main source of protein.

The second claim of experts is the content of animal edible fats and soybean oil. This is a cheap and low quality source of lipids for your pets. The amount of carbohydrates is not indicated, but after doing mathematical calculations, we can assume that there are about 30% of them. Rice and corn are practically not digestible by the cat’s body, so they are only a good way to reduce the cost of the product.

Cat food Night Hunter - reviews

There are many reviews about Night Hunter food on pet owner forums, social networks and other sites. But almost all of them are about canned food, but few opinions are expressed about dry food. Below are some of the most informative reviews.

Reviews from veterinarians

Some cat owners note in reviews that their veterinarian did not say anything bad about Night Hunter food. However, we did not find direct opinions about this food from veterinarians.

Customer Reviews

Asya writes:

More than once I heard how wet food “Night Hunter” was praised, I thought that normal canned food from a domestic manufacturer had finally appeared. I bought spiders in jelly for my cat, a 400 gram tin. , the first three letters stand for Limited Liability Company. That is, if something happens, the manufacturer can say “my house is on edge, I don’t know anything.”

The smell of the food is reminiscent of burnt meat, most likely it is the smell of attractant flavors. In addition, my cat is sensitive to flavorings, he attacks cheap food as if he hasn’t eaten for a week, and eats normal food much worse. On the other hand, the composition of canned food seems to be good. True, I doubt that at a price of 56 rubles per 400 g jar they put meat in it.

The canned food looks like there are pieces of carrots and what looks like pieces of meat. But this is not meat, it doesn’t taste like meat (I tried it), it’s some kind of meat-and-bone meal. Despite the fact that my cat ate it with pleasure, I will not recommend it, at least I do not recommend giving it on an ongoing basis. I think you yourself will switch to feeding Night Hunter canned food to your pets if you try these pieces.

Anna writes:

Night Stalker is one of the cheapest wet foods available at a pet store near us. The cost of a tin can weighing 400 g is only 60 rubles. The same Whiskas and Friskies are more expensive, although they contain 4% meat, and here 10% veal and 10% turkey (in canned food with the “Veal and Turkey” flavor).

There is also an inscription on the packaging that the food contains no soy, GMOs or preservatives. The food itself is made in pieces, and not as a paste, as is most often in tin cans. The pieces are filled with jelly, of which I would say about 30%. Jelly is a broth, maybe that’s why the price is budget.

The smell is so-so, I wouldn’t call it appetizing, but my cats ate this food with pleasure, even licked the jelly from the plate. My conclusions are that Night Hunter food is a good alternative to supermarket food.

Polina writes:

Our cat has a bad character and is very picky. You can’t force them to eat homemade food, no soups or cereals, just serve meat and fish. It’s good that he eats specialized food, dry and canned food. Previously, we bought Schesir, but it turned out to be a little expensive, so we looked at cheaper food.

We recently bought two cans of Night Stalker to try, one glass and one tin. There is a lot of moisture in the tin, only half of the content is food itself, and half is sauce. The smell is normal, but for some reason fishy, ​​and the food contains chicken. The cat didn't eat very well, but he ate everything. There were no problems with stool. In general, the food did not cause any negative impressions.

Results of the analysis

In addition to the main ingredients, we see beet pulp and yeast, flax seeds and liver extract. That's the whole lineup. Beetroot is a source of fiber and yeast keeps the coat in excellent condition. Flax seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3s, vitamins and antioxidants. But judging by the fact that the component is listed at the end of the list, there is very little of it in the composition. Based on this, the food can be called premium nutrition because it does not contain chemicals or harmful additives. But the fact that this is a high-class food is just an advertising ploy that the manufacturer effectively uses to increase sales.

Feed overview

Night Hunter is a cat food consisting of natural ingredients, provided in dry and wet form.

The food is inexpensive, high quality, a domestic equivalent to expensive imported food like Eukanuba for furry pets.

ProdKontraktInvest LLC is a domestic company producing cat food.

It has a wide range of different flavors, and has already managed to positively recommend itself and become a favorite among the inexpensive price segment.

The product contains only high-quality and natural ingredients that guarantee the health of pets.

All recipes are developed by experts and are as balanced as possible. The company constantly pleases with new tastes.

Nutrition is a very important part in the life and health of a cat.

The correct menu determines how the animal will look and feel.

If a cat does not eat properly, then within two years it will develop a whole bunch of diseases and problems.

The pet must receive a full range of vitamins and minerals every day, which are not always found in the foods that the cat agrees to eat.

For example, it is difficult to get a pet to chew carrots or cabbage.

Also, you cannot include corn or flax seeds in your cat’s diet, which are rich in vital Omega acids.

In this regard, manufacturers have made sure that one food combines healthy ingredients with a pleasant taste for the animal.

The composition of the food is completely natural, without flavorings or dyes.


There are quite contradictory reviews on the Internet about the Night Hunter brand food. Here are some of them:

Daria: “The Night Hunter food was recommended to us by a veterinarian, noting that it was cheap and of high quality. I bought it in different packaging and noticed that the quality of the food was also different. Canned food in glass lasts only 2 days and has an unpleasant odor. The food in a tin is better, but the food in small bags is even better. This is what my cat eats. I also bought dry food, but the cat only sniffed it, but didn’t eat it.”

Egor: “After the crisis, I decided to switch my cat to a more affordable diet. I decided on the Night Stalker. It's essentially a porridge that tastes like fish. Even if the ingredients say meat, it still smells strongly of fish! The cat eats, but without any desire. I will continue to look for economical options.”

Olga: “I bought the Night Hunter out of curiosity, especially since it was made by us and not imported. Cats are equally happy to eat dry food and canned food in jelly. I was extremely pleased, since the price is very reasonable and almost 2 times cheaper than imported ones. I recommend".

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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