Can cats take antibiotics? The answer is yes. There are cases of diseases when without them it is impossible
Genetics of the phenomenon Heterochromacy is a phenomenon associated with different colors of the irises of the eyes. Reason
Why are tassels needed? Scientists have several versions regarding tassels on the ears. U
Thanks to sterilization, you can not only avoid the appearance of unwanted offspring, but also prevent the development of cancer.
Who are Giardia? It is not a worm, bacteria or virus. Giardia -
How to avoid problems with your pet? And we're not talking about cat litter at all.
The idyll between a pet and a person may one day be disrupted by one extremely ticklish, but global
What to do if a cat sheds a lot - even experienced people can face this problem
4966Administration 1 Can cats have sweets? Many owners are interested in seeing how their pet
Why does a cat meow? A cat’s vocal functions play a significant role in its life.