How to accustom a cat to a new home - arrangement and adaptation options for your pet

How to adapt a kitten to a new home

So, you bought, or your friends gave it to you, a little fluffy dog. Don't worry, training and taming a baby is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to pay him more attention, generously showing care and affection. It is recommended to talk to your pet, stroking its fur, and then feed it. A kind attitude and warm words will help you establish trusting contact with him. Remember that the kitten will love you only after you love him.

It would be a mistake to leave your pet alone in the house for a long time. Most likely, he will hide in corners and avoid you most of the time.

Owners spend quite a lot of time training their kitten to use the litter box. Introduce your baby to the new toilet, and if he relieves himself in the wrong place, sternly but kindly, scold him and point to the litter box again. A naughty fluffy can be “directed” to the toilet by placing a piece of paper or cotton wool moistened with his urine: he will come to the smell.

Another sensitive point: getting used to a new sleeping place. If you do not want the kitten to spend all the time in your bed, you must immediately offer him a secluded, warm and soft corner where he can relax comfortably, if necessary, luring him with special mint from the zoological store.

Be patient and love, and the kitten will very soon get used to its new home.

How to adapt a kitten

On the one hand, it is easier to accustom a kitten to a new place of residence than an adult animal, but, on the other hand, it is also more troublesome. First of all, you need to prepare yourself and your family members for the arrival of your baby. It is difficult to answer how long it usually takes a kitten to get used to a new home; the period varies in each specific case, but this process can be accelerated.

Necessary purchases

How to accustom a cat to a house and sleep in it

Before you bring a little purring bundle into your home, you need to stock up on everything he needs for life, food and play:

  • bowls for water and food (preferably heavy ceramic ones so that they cannot be turned over);
  • tray, filler and scoop;
  • toys;
  • a bed or house (kittens love to hide);
  • scratching post;
  • feed;
  • nail clipper;
  • brush for combing wool.

Security measures

The house must be completely safe for the kitten. What needs to be done before the baby arrives:

  1. Get rid of poisonous plants (the kitten can chew them and get poisoned).
  2. Hide all electrical cords.
  3. Place threads, needles, household chemicals, and plastic bags out of reach.
  4. If possible, install door limiters (due to a draft, the door may suddenly slam shut and hit the kitten).

Important! It is necessary to explain to household members that they must always watch their step, do not leave windows open, and close cabinet doors.

What to remember when going for a kitten

It is better if you pick up your pet with a special carrier and put soft bedding in it. It is not safe to carry a kitten in your arms; it can escape, especially if the journey is long. At home, you should place the carrier on the floor, open the door and wait until the baby comes out on his own.

Do not forcefully shake a kitten out of its carrier.

You should definitely ask the breeder what the baby ate. You can ask to put a little litter into the bag, which the cat family has already used. At home, you need to add this litter to the tray, this will make it easier to teach the kitten to go to the toilet, because the smell is a guide for cats.

How to accustom a cat to a new home

Changing a place of residence causes stress not only for owners, but also for pets. In such cases, breeders begin to take an active interest in how to adapt a cat to a new home, and what needs to be done to successfully complete the matter.

Moving to a new home

It is advisable not to transport an adult pet to a house where cosmetic repairs have not yet been completed, or things have not been sorted out and tidied up. Cats do not like disorder, and “chaos” in the house can aggravate the situation when the animal gets used to new conditions.

If you have a very sensitive animal, it will be better to at least partially keep the original interior to help him get used to an unfamiliar home. The fact is that cats remember smells well, and keeping old things will help them quickly adapt to a new environment. Gradually everything can be replaced.

Take care in advance of the sleeping place, the “dining room” and the tray for the cat. It is best to bring everything you need from your previous apartment, and after adaptation, purchase new accessories. The animal will be grateful to you.

What problems do cats (and female cats) face when moving?

It is often said that a cat becomes attached not to a person, but to a place. This is only partly true. And the pets of the cat tribe are attached to their owners. They just show their affection a little differently than dogs.

But the fact that habitat is very important for cats should also be taken into account.

Moving to a new place of residence is a serious stress for a cat.

If we are talking about a “pet” animal that does not go outside, then new smells surround it. This is “foreign territory”. And in order to master it, to make it “yours,” what do you need? That's right, mark it with your scents as quickly as possible.

This is why cats in a new apartment, usually quite neat and litter-trained, suddenly begin to shit in the corners.

The stress of moving is aggravated if the journey itself takes a long time and involves the use of transport, where the pet is separated from the owners. Due to stress, nervous animals may experience indigestion, nervous molting, and other health problems.


It is very important to provide a comfortable transportation for your cat to its new home. After all, it is this process that often causes the most stress for a pet.

Carrying an animal in your bosom or in your arms is a bad idea. Many factors can frighten an animal:

  • Street,
  • unfamiliar smells and noises,
  • the smell of a new person,
  • dislike of being held, etc.

and the first reaction to fear and stress is to run away in an attempt to hide. It is unlikely that a person will have enough dexterity and strength to hold a cat that wants to escape. Therefore, it is best to transfer your pet in a special cat carrier.

Together with the cat, place a cloth with familiar smells or a familiar object there. This will make the trip much more enjoyable.

On a note!

If possible, transportation is carried out in your own car or by taxi. In public transport there is an abundance of different smells and sharp sounds that will irritate an already frightened animal.

Let the kitten explore space

When the kitten gets comfortable in the room and gets used to you, you can begin to introduce it to the rest of the space. Start with another room and let your pet explore it. When he gets used to the new room, the space can be expanded: let the kitten into the kitchen or bathroom.

How quickly a kitten gets used to each new room depends on its temperament. Some kittens adapt quite quickly, others will take longer. If your kitten is a timid one, don't rush him. Use treats to reward your pet.

Moving a cat to a new apartment

Moving is a stressful situation not only for you, but also for your pets. It is generally accepted that dogs tend to become more attached to their owners, but cats tend to become more attached to their familiar territory. Therefore, as a rule, cats are more acutely worried about changes in their place of residence. In this material, we have prepared tips and simple rules for you, by listening to which you can minimize your pet’s stress from moving to a new apartment.

Preparation should begin in advance


  • Important point. You'll probably find yourself using a carrier bag on moving day. This is correct - this way the cat will definitely not be able to escape from your hands, scared, and run away. However, if you have not used a carrier before, then take care in advance to accustom your cat to it. It's better to start in a couple of weeks. Leave the carrier open and within your pet's reach. Place toys, bedding, and a bowl of food inside. This is necessary to evoke positive associations in the animal.
  • Moving often involves repairs and other noisy work - drilling, hanging shelves, assembling and installing furniture. Try to organize everything so that by the time the cat arrives in the house, all such work will be completed.
  • Walk around the new house in advance and identify all the hard-to-reach places where your pet might try to hide. Cover or somehow block the animal's access to various gaps, crevices, niches under the bathtub or behind a cabinet.
  • Don’t be lazy and make a list in advance of those things that you will need to organize a familiar and safe space for your pet immediately after the move. Otherwise, there is a risk of packing the necessary items in different boxes and simply not finding them among all the things when the need arises. Include a set of bowls, food, litter tray, toys, and veterinary supplies. Pack all these items separately and be sure to label the box properly.

Especially for this article, we conducted a short interview with a veterinarian who gave his recommendations. Ksenia Yuryevna Osipova, veterinarian, head of the on-call veterinary service Vetmobile, Moscow, answered our questions

1. Should I give my cat any medications in preparation for moving?

The answer is unequivocal - yes. For most cats, a change of shelter, especially if she usually does not leave the apartment, is very stressful. Due to the resulting stress, a cat may develop a disease such as idiopathic cystitis. And in some cats, due to stress, pulmonary edema may occur within a week after experiencing stress, even in the absence of concomitant heart disease. What can we say about older cats (over 7 years old). For them, stress can serve as an impetus for the exacerbation of chronic processes, which previously could have been hidden and not manifested in any way. So how can we help? There are several ways to do this. The first is the use of phenibut-based drugs for animals in the form of drops or tablets (for example, “Stop-Stress”). It is necessary to start taking them 3-4 days before moving, since the effect is cumulative. The second method is cat pheromones (for example, “Feliway”, “Relaxivet”). These drugs have several forms of release. This includes a collar, a diffuser (a device with liquid, similar to the one we use against mosquitoes, that is inserted into an outlet), and drops on the withers (especially suitable for cats who find it difficult to give the drug by mouth), and a spray. The spray can be used to treat the carrier in which the cat will be transported, and the diffuser will be convenient to use in the new room. The hormones that are part of these drugs calm and give a feeling of safety to the cat, helping to quickly get used to new surroundings, sounds and smells.

2. How to feed the cat during this period?

Quite often, cats get sick in the car and may vomit. To reduce the risk of this problem, remove your pet's food 6 hours before moving (you can leave the water). Once the cat is in its new home, you can immediately offer it food. Don't worry if during the first 24 hours your cat refuses to eat and prefers to hide somewhere secluded. Although, as practice shows, not only people eat stress. Most cats will also choose to eat after moving. It is only advisable that the cat’s bowls move with it, and the cat is offered its usual diet. You can also pamper your cat with something he especially loves - wet food, treats, etc.

3. What else to consider?

Trim your cat's nails before moving. Because cats that are not accustomed to leaving the house and being in a carrier will try to break out and in the course of these attempts they can tear off their claws. In the car, make sure your cat is not too hot in the carrier. Take water with you and, if necessary, offer your pet a drink. ________

Note! We recommend that anyone preparing to move with their pets consult with a veterinarian you trust. Let the health of your animals be under the control of professionals!

On the day of the move.

Moving is a troublesome business. People are scurrying around the house, everyone is carrying something, and tape is making noise as the last boxes are being packed. And while loading things from the apartment into the car, the doors are also constantly open. And then everything is the same in the new apartment - unlocked doors, noise, bustle, strangers. For a cat, such an environment will definitely be extremely unpleasant. In addition, there is a great risk that she may find herself unattended and simply run away, escaping noise and stress. So here are our tips:

  • It is optimal if you figure out in advance where your pet will wait out the move - perhaps you can leave him for a day or a couple of days with friends or relatives.
  • If the presence of a cat in the apartment during the move cannot be ruled out, then worry about its safety. Lock the cat in a room where there will be all the things it needs - a tray, bowls, toys. Do not allow the cat to move freely around the apartment - it may get scared, run away, hide, or simply get in the way.
  • Isn’t it possible to give your cat a whole room? You can isolate him using a spacious carrier or cage. It is important to accustom your pet to this “house” in advance so that he feels as comfortable as possible. To place the carrier on moving day, choose the quietest place in the apartment.
  • Be sure to talk to your pet. Cats are great at picking up and distinguishing intonations, so it’s not so important what exactly you say. The main thing is to maintain a calm, friendly tone.
  • Please don't be superstitious. You should not make a cat a victim of omens and force it into the house first. When you find yourself in a new apartment, simply open the carrier and let the animal explore the territory in comfort.
  • When your pet is ready and leaves the carrier, show him where his bowls and litter tray are now. It is important that the cat always has free access to water! When it comes to feeding, it is best to follow your veterinarian's recommendations. In any case, the first feeding after the experience of moving may not be too abundant, moderate

After the move.

The main test and extreme stress are over, but you should help your pet adapt to new conditions. It is not difficult:

  • Use familiar bowls and an old tray. It’s better to pamper your pet with new clothes a little later.
  • The same applies to the daily routine. Continue with your regular schedule and feed your pet at the same time.
  • Try to pay more attention to the cat at least at first. Feeling your care and support, the animal will get used to its new home much faster.

We think you have noticed how sensitively our little friends react to our mood and experiences.
Therefore, the main condition for a pet’s peace of mind is the mood of its owner. Yes, moving can be stressful. Seeing your worries, the cat will not be able to remain indifferent; it will be nervous, which may even affect its well-being. Do you want to organize your move so that all family members, including pets, remain comfortable? Consider leaving most of the hassle to professional movers. Specialists are happy to help. We will carefully pack items, even delicate items such as cat bowls or toys. We will disassemble the furniture and prepare equipment for transportation. And in the new house we’ll put everything in its place, install a cat house or a scratching post against the wall. And we’ll even help you unpack and organize your things, if necessary. No worries or worries, all you have to do is monitor the pet’s condition and choose the best place for its bed. And moving a cat to a new home will be easy and painless.

At first, limit the space to one room.

For the first few days, keep your baby in one of the rooms. It should contain bowls and a tray. If the tray is far away, the kitten may not reach it or may even forget where the toilet is. There should also be toys and a scratching post in the room.

Place the carrier in the room and let the kitten decide when to go out. Let him get used to the new smells. Some kittens are more curious than others and will come out of hiding faster. Don't rush your pet. When the kitten comes out and gets used to it a little, show him where the tray is and where the bowls are.

How to wean a cat from the old house

If the animal returns to its previous place of residence, then it is necessary to talk with its residents. Ask them to scare the cat away, keep her out of the house, and even spray her with water. If he is driven away and watered several times, it will become clear to him that he is no longer welcome here.

At first, the pet will be sad, but he will have to go through this to achieve what he wants. When moving, the cat does not need to be allowed to see and remember the road. It’s good if the animal travels in a box in the trunk of a car. In the new home, you need to organize a comfortable place where the cat will want to come and relax. Here it is better to put her favorite toys or things that she liked to lie on.

The appearance of a kitten

How long it will take for a kitten to get used to a new place largely depends on the new owners. Another important factor is the age of the pet. If you take the animal when it is still very small (up to 1-1.5 months), then it will be difficult for him without his mother. At this time, the kittens are completely defenseless. Most likely, the kitten will constantly call its mother and look for the breast.

Therefore, experts do not recommend taking kittens away from their mother at such an early age. An exception will be made only for those unfortunate abandoned fluffies that you found on the street and decided to take in.

When adopting a kitten, you must understand that it needs care and attention. After all, in his previous family, he played all day long with his mother cat and his brothers and sisters. Here he is completely alone. It will be great if you can take a vacation or arrange your work schedule so that someone is always at home.

When you pick up your pet, ask the former owners for a small piece of the bedding on which he slept. Familiar and familiar smells will remain on it for a long time, and the kitten, smelling them, will know that he is safe.

Another trick is to put a wristwatch in the basket or box where the baby will sleep. Their ticking sounds are similar to the baby's mother's heartbeat. It will have a calming effect on the kitten.

Not all owners like their pet to sleep with them. It is necessary to accustom a kitten to a specific place to sleep from the first days. This should become a rule for him. If you decide to take pity on him and allow him to sleep at your feet for the first week, then in the future it will be difficult to rid him of this habit.

It can be easily found in specialized stores. This smell will attract the animal, and the kitten will be more willing to sleep in its new nest.

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