Mating of Sphynxes - features of breeding representatives of the hairless cat breed


This breed is one of the most ancient among those existing on earth and has a rich history. Breeding these animals for profit began relatively recently. Mating of Sphynxes is no different from that which is carried out with other cat breeds. But to obtain purebred offspring, this issue should be approached as seriously as possible. There are only three types of sphinxes: St. Petersburg, Don and Canadian.

All these species are rightfully considered exhibition species, therefore they are in considerable demand both among animal lovers and among professional felinologists.

Sphynxes are also bred because they are in great demand among allergy sufferers. Animal health is subject to full checks. Mating of the Don Sphynx can be carried out only after the onset of the cat's third heat . A more successful date will take place on the third or fourth day of the cycle, when the desire to procreate will be stronger than the rest.

Note. When collecting a history of a potential partner, special attention is paid to the presence or absence of any deviations regarding the standards inherent in this species. Before breeding Sphynxes, it would be a good idea to check the past litters of the chosen partner to determine his ability to convey his own qualities and characteristics.

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Often no outside help is required. But it is also worth taking into account the natural curiosity of this species and their innate friendliness, which can delay the process for some time. Such a feature as the absence of wool requires a complete absence of drafts in a warm room. You should also take care of the manicure of both animals, as they can significantly harm each other.

If the date was successful, then after 64 days the owners can get cute cats. If not, then the next mating is scheduled.

What you need to know about Sphynx pregnancy

Mating of Sphynxes is almost no different from mating of individuals of any other breed. There are no peculiarities in the course of pregnancy either. There are only some differences in puberty and preparation for mating.


Individuals of the Sphynx breed become sexually mature early. The first estrus begins already at 6–7 months of age. The behavior of a young female changes; she may become more affectionate or, conversely, more irritable.

But you need to understand that puberty does not mean the animal’s body is ready to mate. It is strictly forbidden to breed a female during her first heat, since there is a high probability of difficult childbirth and the birth of non-viable offspring.

Males become sexually mature later than females, at 8–9 months of age. The character of a young Sphynx cat also changes, becoming more arrogant and aggressive. The male begins to mark the territory. But you shouldn’t breed a cat, like a cat, too early; his body is not yet ready for mating.

Ready for mating

A female can become pregnant after her second or third heat. The optimal age for the first mating is 1.5 or 2 years, when the sphinx’s body is formed and the reproductive system is ready to work fully.

Search for a partner

It is important to find a suitable purebred male for the female. You should not mate a young cat for the first time with an inexperienced cat, for whom mating is also a new event, otherwise fertilization may not happen. It is better to choose an experienced gentleman for your pet.

Important! To ensure healthy offspring, it is important to breed hairless sphinxes with representatives of the velor (short straight coat) and brush (short curly) varieties. This reduces the likelihood of giving birth to kittens with genetic abnormalities.

Preparing for mating

The animals selected for mating have their claws trimmed to prevent injury during the mating process. You should not bathe pets, since it is by body odor that partners determine each other’s sexual attractiveness.

Before mating, animals must be vaccinated and anthelmintic treated. The period between vaccination and mating should not be less than 2 weeks.

Hormonal drugs that suppress the manifestations of estrus are stopped given to the cat several weeks before mating. If this is not done, then the hormonal background will not allow the Sphynx to become pregnant. And if the female becomes pregnant, then there is a high probability of giving birth to sick cubs.

Knitting process

The female is brought to visit the male. The owners leave the sphinxes alone, but periodically keep an eye on them so that the animals do not harm each other.

The optimal time for introducing pets is the 3rd day of estrus. The cat is left to stay with the cat for 2–3 days, since mating does not always occur on the first day, and if it does occur, the first sexual intercourse does not always lead to fertilization.

Recommendation! To ensure that your cat does not experience discomfort when visiting and feels its own smells, you should take with you its tray, bed and food bowl.

The sound sign of successful mating of sphinxes is the uterine rumbling of the male and the piercing cry of the female. After sexual intercourse, the male begins to lick himself, and the female lies down on the floor and begins to roll from side to side.

Is it possible to cross the Don and Canadian Sphynx?

Mating is unacceptable, because these are two different breeds, the standards of which do not allow admixtures of foreign blood. Their only similarity is the lack of fur. Such crossing does not make sense, since the resulting Sphynx hybrids will have no prospects.


The male Don Sphynx prefers to provide his territory for mating. Before mating, the cat should look around and get used to the cat's possessions. It will be much better if, along with the toilet, food and bowls, the owners take the female’s house with them. Hiding in the house, the cat can easily overcome its fear.

One mating usually includes several matings. After a couple of days, the process is repeated to ensure pregnancy occurs for sure.

The male is more happy to accept the female again

Signs of pregnancy

A pregnant female Sphynx changes her behavior. A few days after mating, she begins to persistently caress her owner. Her appetite changes and she becomes capricious. It even happens that a pregnant cat refuses its usual and favorite food and demands something else. But there is no need to worry: the change in taste preferences is a temporary phenomenon.

Attention! Pregnant pet Sphynx eats a lot. If she refuses food, you should immediately take her to a veterinarian.

A pregnant Sphynx is aggressive towards other domestic animals, even humans. But this behavior is also temporary until the pregnant pet gets used to the changes in the body.

At the 3rd week, physiological signs of pregnancy become visible. The nipples swell and become lighter. A pregnant female gets fat. From the 4th week morning attacks of toxicosis may begin. From the 5th week, a pregnant Sphynx cat rapidly gains weight. Interest in males disappears, estrus is no longer observed.

Preparation for mating

Before breeding Sphynx cats, vaccinations are required. It will be better if estrus begins two weeks after vaccination, but not earlier. Be sure to check animals for infections and trim their nails.

It is strictly forbidden to bathe Don cats before mating. The female will lose her attractiveness, and the male may not want to mate with her. Pregnancy may not occur if both partners are involved in mating for the first time.

Features of care

A pregnant Sphynx should not be left alone for long. During a difficult period, she becomes susceptible to stress and needs more care from her owner.

The Sphynx is fed special food for pregnant cats. Kitten food is also suitable. A pregnant cat should get enough proteins and minerals.

You should not let your pregnant pet go for a walk outside the house. Repeated accidental mating with a cat may occur, which will harm the embryos developing in the womb.

Attention! Any medications, including deworming medications, are given to a pregnant cat only after consultation with a veterinarian.

A cozy nest is built for the sphinx. A pregnant cat is not allowed to jump high or make fast movements. An accidental fall or impact may damage the embryos in the abdomen. To prevent a pregnant pet from becoming nervous, it is kept separately from other pets.

When the belly becomes large, it will be uncomfortable for the pregnant pet to lick itself. In this situation, the owner's help is needed. With a clean cloth moistened with warm water, you need to wipe the body of the sphinx in those places where it is dirty.

When to start breeding?

It is recommended to carry out the first mating after the first year of life, but do not delay it, as diseases may appear later.

You need to knit a cat for the first time at 1.5-2 years of age. Diseases and other problems may appear later. Early matings will lead to inferior offspring. Often bringing animals together for mating is not recommended. This exhausts both organisms. It is optimal to produce litters 3 times within 2 years. Before the mating period, you can have “dates” for preliminary acquaintance. Estrus on the 3rd day is most favorable for conception. But it may not happen immediately, so the partners are left together for 2-3 days.

False and frozen pregnancy

False pregnancy in sphinxes occurs when:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • intercourse with a neutered cat;
  • stress exposure;
  • mental disorder;
  • disease of the reproductive system.

A falsely pregnant cat is fed low-calorie food and given medications that normalize hormonal synthesis. As a last resort, the Sphinx is sterilized.

Frozen pregnancy is observed in sphinxes when:

  • hormonal disorder;
  • inflammatory process;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • stress;
  • injury or pathological changes in internal organs.

If the ultrasound showed that some embryos survived, then the female sphinx is left pregnant. Dead babies come out during birth, just like live ones. If all the embryos have died, then they either wait for a miscarriage or use stimulation of the birth process.

Reasons for estrus after sterilization

In rare cases, after a cat is spayed, her heat continues. This is explained:

  • Ectopic ovarian tissue syndrome is a difficult to distinguish congenital pathology in which tissue cells are displaced and hormonal changes stimulate their appearance;
  • A tumor that produces hormones;
  • Delegation of functions by the gonads to the adrenal glands;
  • The production of hormones by the pituitary gland.

Such conditions are extremely rare, but there are points that occur quite often, so they should also be taken into account before undergoing surgery:

  • A cat should not be spayed during mating season. There is a possibility of a prolonged riot of hormones after the intervention;
  • Danger of ovariominant syndrome. When a particle of ovarian tissue remains not removed and the regeneration process begins. Over time, the revived tissue will be able to form sex hormones and estrus will resume.

Premature birth

It is not considered a pathology if the birth of a sphinx is a maximum of 5 days ahead of schedule or is delayed by the same amount of time. If the deviation from the optimal 9-week period is greater than normal, then urgent consultation with a veterinarian is needed, as the likelihood of giving birth to kittens with pathologies or non-viable ones increases.

Possible pathologies of premature or post-term Sphynx kittens and mother:

  • uterine bleeding in a female;
  • long labor, threatening the cat with loss of health;
  • underdevelopment of the lungs, brain, nervous system in kittens;
  • physical weakness of the cubs, inability to motor activity;
  • lack of sucking reflex, leading to the death of kittens from hunger.

In order not to miss deviations from the normal period, the owner should keep a pregnancy calendar for the Sphynx pet.

The older the pregnant Sphynx female, the higher the likelihood of multiple conceptions. And due to the large number of embryos, the gestation period is shortened.

Main differences between breeds

To breed Sphynxes, lovers of this breed need to have a basic understanding of each of them. Before choosing a partner for mating, you need to decide on the characteristics that you would like to see in the kittens. Some people prefer to cooperate with specialized nurseries, but you can also contact private individuals. It is worth noting that the level of hairlessness can be divided into the presence of small stubble, velvety hair and a complete absence of hair from the very birth of the kitten.

Main differences:

  • skull shape;
  • eye color;
  • length and shape of ears;
  • hairline

Don sphinxes. This breed was developed in Russia and is based solely on a natural mutation. The main differences lie not only in the genotype, but also in the phenotype.

They have broken or curly mustaches and a wedge-shaped head. The muzzle has a slight pinch, while the forehead is flat and the cheekbones protrude slightly. The tips of the ears are slightly rounded, and they themselves are set high and quite large.

Cats of this breed are the most caring fathers who take an active part in raising their offspring. Their eyes are almond-shaped and slanted. They have characteristic folds above the eyebrows. Eye color can be any, but green is preferable. Canadian Sphynxes. Among them, completely naked cats are rarely found. Small growths can be found on the tail, paws and muzzle of the sphinx. This species has no whiskers completely . Their body is muscular. The chest is quite wide.

The bones are thinner, the cheekbones are wide, and the head is shorter than that of the Don. Their ears are large and straight, set lower, but wider at the base. Their eyes are always wide open, round and slanted.

Sphinxes of St. Petersburg. In fact, this is a crossed breed of Don Sphynx with Siamese species. In this case, to breed Sphynxes, it is necessary to use a purebred Siamese cat. The kittens' body becomes more elongated. The ears are set significantly apart and will be wide at the base. Their cheeks are flat and their heads are wedge-shaped. The eyes are narrow and deep-set.

How does childbirth occur in sphinxes?

The owner will know that a pregnant hairless cat is starting to give birth by certain signs:

  • reducing the pet’s body temperature to 37 °C;
  • the desire to lick the swollen vulva;
  • release of the mucous mass that clogged the cervix;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • desire to hide in a secluded place.

The birth process for sphinxes consists of three stages:

  1. When contractions begin, bloody mucus appears from the vagina. The uterus contracts approximately every 30 minutes. The period from the initial contractions to the birth of the first kitten can take a day.
  2. The first kitten appears in the amniotic sac. The mother breaks the bladder, bites off the umbilical cord, and eats the afterbirth. Then he pushes the kitten towards his nipples.
  3. The remaining kittens appear. The next contractions are usually observed 10–15 minutes after the first. There are delayed contractions, when after the birth of the first calf, the next ones appear only after 15–35 hours. This is also the norm.

The mother should not be allowed to eat more than two afterbirths, otherwise it will negatively affect her hormonal levels.

When you need help

The owner must provide assistance when:

  1. The birth of the kitten occurred simultaneously with the release of amniotic fluid. You need to make sure that the cub does not suffocate. Shake him lightly, holding him head down. A live baby should make a sound similar to a sneeze.
  2. The cat did not free the cub from the bubble. You need to break the bubble, carefully wipe the kitten with a clean cloth, and use a pipette to remove mucus from the nose and mouth.
  3. The mother did not bite off the umbilical cord. It is necessary to clamp the umbilical cord with a thread and cut it with sterile scissors.
  4. The kitten was born weak, his breathing was labored. It is necessary to press lightly with your finger, massage the heart, and perform artificial respiration.
  5. The fetus is stuck inside the mother. You need to treat the cat’s vagina with Vaseline, twist a loop from a soft cloth, and use it to very carefully pull out the baby when the mother begins to push.
  6. The contractions are not intense. An injection of a stimulant drug must be given, but only after permission from the veterinarian.

You should find out the veterinarian’s phone number in advance so that you can call him immediately when your pet in labor begins to have problems.

What to feed

These animals have increased heat transfer, requiring accelerated metabolism, so two meals a day is not suitable for sphinxes.

If you adopted a one-month-old kitten, you will need to feed it six times a day according to a special menu. Read more here.

Adult animals and older kittens need to be fed at least three, preferably four times a day. Food should be high in calories, but not fatty. Donchak people are prone to gaining excess weight, which has a detrimental effect on their health.

An adult cat should receive 150 g of lean meat per day - beef or veal are good choices. Twice a week they can be replaced with offal. Fish can be given sometimes, but not often. It should be sea, boiled, pitted.

In addition to the protein base, a cat’s diet should include:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • eggs (give a couple of times a week);
  • dairy products.

Donchak dogs sometimes have food preferences that are strange for cats. For example, they love pasta, mushrooms or bananas. You can sometimes treat your pet to his favorite treat, but you should not overuse it. It is forbidden to give cats food from the human table, smoked meats, semi-finished products, raw river fish, tubular bones, and sweets.

Chocolate is especially dangerous - it can be toxic to cats!

Feeding Donetsk residents with industrially produced products is also acceptable, but you cannot save! The food must be of high quality, at least premium class. The ideal option is holistic food without preservatives or other synthetic additives. The food intake indicated on the package should not be exceeded. It is calculated taking into account the age and weight of the pet.

An automatic cat feeder will help you with this, which itself measures the required dose of food, gives it out at a certain time, and even calls you for dinner using your voice.

Your cat should always have access to clean water. Especially if she eats dry food. We recommend purchasing an automatic drinking fountain and then this problem will be easily solved.

It is also necessary to make sure in advance that the tray is always washed clean with special cleaning products, filled with the same type of filler and is always in the same place. The tray does not have to be expensive, the main thing is that it must be clean!

Additionally, if you don't like the daily chore of cleaning out a dirty litter box, you can retrain your cat to go to the toilet on the toilet.

Walks in the fresh air are possible, but only if you take care of vaccinations and clothing for your pet in a timely manner. In addition, you will need a collar and leash. Read a more detailed article about this here.

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