Models of cat doors for entrance and toilet doors
Happy owners of pets, especially cats, know how difficult it is to constantly watch over your pet in order to
Furminator movement direction
Furminator for dogs - what is it and how to use it correctly
How does a furminator for cats work? The design of this product is very simple. This is a device in shape
How many times should a cat go to the toilet?
How often do cats go to the toilet? A completely healthy cat should excrete 100 times per day.
Can a dog eat chicken bones and offal: heads, paws, stomachs?
Chicken paws: benefits and harms for dogs. Can I feed my dog ​​chicken heads, feet and necks? By-products in the diet of dogs
Chicken as food for dogs Feeding a dog chicken is acceptable if the breed is not prone to
After surgery, the dog's paws are swollen, what can this mean?
Determining that your pet has a sore paw is not that difficult. Signs are good
Why you can't kiss cats and do they understand kisses?
Doctors, veterinarians, specialists in keeping and breeding animals are unanimous in the opinion that cats are not
Five types of wild cats that do well at home
The cat is an amazingly beautiful, graceful creature that is very popular among animal lovers. Manifold
Routes of transmission of the virus
Viral papillomatosis of cats. 2012. Treatment recommendations of the European Advisory Council on Feline Diseases
Routes of infection The papilloma virus is most often transmitted from a sick animal to a healthy one through direct
Knitted hats for toy terrier. DIY knitted hat for a dog. Hats with a neck
Do-it-yourself knitted hat for a dog As you know, most owners of small breeds of dogs always
Amazing and unique: Affenpinscher
Description of the Affenpinscher breed - a dog that looks like a monkey
Brief history of origin The history of the origin of the Affenpinscher breed is rather vague. What is certain is that
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