Different discharges from a dog’s loop: normal and pathological
Features of discharge in females Both physiological and pathological secretions can be released from the loop.
Cat food for gastritis
Eosinophilic gastritis in dogs - a predisposition to the disease is typical for German shepherds and Shar-Peis
What will you learn from the article Causes of gastritis in cats Forms of gastritis in cats Symptoms of gastritis
Heart disease in cats: symptoms, treatment
VetConsultPlus Information portal Cat diseases First of all, the main myth should be debunked - heart murmur
Veterinarians about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in pets
Gastrointestinal diseases in dogs are common. They can be caused by infections, parasites, tumors,
Keratitis - inflammation of the cornea in dogs, signs, treatment, prevention
Glaucoma, an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP), is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness in dogs.
Protein in a cat's urine - reasons for its appearance
6987Administration The phenomenon in which there is increased protein in the urine of a cat is called proteinuria. Protein particles
Why do cats yawn?
Why do cats yawn? Let's understand the essence of the reflex
Why does a cat yawn when he sees his owner? The average cat yawns once an hour. More often
How to administer Ringer's solution to a cat. Ringer's Lock solution for cats and dogs
In case of intoxication of various etiologies, rehydrating agents are used to replenish the body with fluids and salts. A loss
Samoyed Laika (Samoyed) - owner reviews
Dog Samoyed Laika The dog breed belongs to the ancient species, known for 3000 years. Dog
Alabai training
Raising an adult Alabai. How to raise an Alabai.
Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd is a breed of dog with developed intelligence and a specific character. Sticking to
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