Mastopathy in cats: first signs and treatment methods
Mastopathy is observed quite often in cats. As the disease progresses, the animal's mammary glands enlarge
People saw an upright dog and realized that he had evolved. It's time to expect an uprising, but not cars, but dogs
At the moment, there are many commands for dogs. You can start studying some of them
Ultrasound for dogs and cats. Why do it and how to prepare for the study.
Despite the small size of cats, ultrasound diagnostics are widely used in veterinary medicine.
How to teach your dog the “Give paw” command
How to teach a dog the “give paw” command - we will analyze it step by step, indicating errors
Training is the purposeful preparation of dogs in order to develop in them certain skills that
Ginger cat
Discharge from the eyes of a cat: how to determine the cause and how to treat it.
A small amount of clear discharge is normal, but if your cat has brown discharge from
Cat on a sunbed
AVZ Uroleks - Urological drops for dogs and cats
Urolex is an effective herbal drug that is used for cats with urolithiasis.
Protective cap for cats against eye scratching
Why does the kitten have red eyes and what should I do?
Despite their cute appearance, cats are natural hunters. Nature has endowed them with keen vision and the ability
To what age do Spitz dogs grow?
Pomeranians are small, very beautiful and fluffy dogs that may appear somewhat larger.
Tartar in dogs is easy to detect when examining the mouth.
Methods for removing tartar in dogs at home
What is tartar? Just like people, dogs have it on their teeth.
Attentiveness test
Ascites or dropsy in a dog: causes of fluid accumulation in the body cavity and ways to eliminate the root cause of the pathology
How to treat at home Treatment of your pet at home should be strictly prescribed by your doctor.
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