types of pneumonia in dogs
Pneumonia in dogs: symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment
Types of pneumonia in dogs Depending on the cause of its occurrence, pneumonia in dogs can be infectious
Cat breeds that love water
Why cats are afraid of water - legends and real reasons
Do you know if there are cat breeds that love water? Surprisingly true! And to them
The dog found apples in the garden
What fruits can and should you feed your dog?
Someone might be amused by a dog happily crunching an apple or plucking a berry bush in their garden.
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French Bulldog breed standard
Standard requirements for the French Bulldog breed. Standards for other canine systems. Vices and shortcomings. Story
Why do black spots appear on a dog's body?
People can be very picky about their appearance, spending a lot of time in front of the mirror. Despite
Mating of Sphynxes - features of breeding representatives of the hairless cat breed
8997Administration This breed is one of the most ancient among those existing on earth and has
How to dilute and inject Ceftriaxone for cats? Advice from veterinarians +Video and Photo
Composition and action The active component of the antibacterial drug is the substance of the same name - ceftriaxone. This
Metastases in a dog - causes, symptoms, actions of the owner
Mammary tumors in dogs are quite common. About 50% of all diagnosed neoplasms are
Why does a cat rub against its legs: we tell you in an interesting and detailed way
The importance of smells in the cat community In the animal world, far from human understanding, the presence of a sensitive
How to recognize and treat gangrenous stomatitis in a cat
Stomatitis in cats is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the animal’s oral cavity. Usually,
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