Old cats: features of maintenance and care Diseases of old people
Diseases in Older Cats Older cats are at greater risk of illness because their immune system is weakened.
An alarming sign during childbirth - the cat does not have an afterbirth, what should I do?
When giving birth independently, your pet often experiences complications in the form of retained placenta.
Snail Achatina reticulata
Achatina reticulata: a giant snail at home
Achatina Reticulata is a terrestrial mollusk that is very popular among snail breeders. Today Achatina
Among all other colors, wild is the most popular
British cinnamon color - rare cinnamon color
Cinnamon - a rare color among the British Love for the British cinnamon color flared up in me
Why is a cat afraid of humans? How to make friends with a cat?
Heavy burden of the past It should be understood that a street animal cannot have an ideal psyche. That
vegetables and meat for miniature pinscher
What is better to feed a miniature pinscher with dry food or natural food?
The appearance of a miniature pinscher in the house is a significant, important and no less responsible event.
Tachycardia in cats. What to do if your heart is at its limit
Tachycardia in cats. What to do if your heart is at its limit The heart is a perpetual motion machine,
Royal Canin Urinari for cats composition
Urinary Struvite diet for cats Diet for the prevention and treatment of struvite-type urolithiasis
Composition of Urinari Royal Canin food for cats The composition depends on the type of food. Canned
The cat has frequent vomiting, weakness, weight loss
Reasons why a cat is starving Reasons why a cat doesn’t eat or eat anything
Whiskas cat food – what does it consist of and how useful is it?
Choosing the best way to feed a mustachioed pet falls on the shoulders of the person. Whiskas cat food
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