At what age can you put a flea collar on a dog?
Having brought a small kitten into the house, you need to be prepared for the occurrence of such a problem,
How to cook chicken heads for dogs. Learn more about whether dogs can eat chicken heads. About other chicken by-products on the animal menu
12/17/2020 90 527 Dog nutrition Author: Olga Nutrition for a dog, as for any pet
Installing and starting an aquarium: step-by-step instructions
Today, more and more people dream of installing an aquarium in their home. But
The best parrots for home keeping
Bright and colorful appearance, ability to copy and imitate, high mental abilities - it’s not surprising
Historical facts about black cats
Black cats: acquisition rules and maintenance features
Home › Folk signs › Signs about animals Historical facts Black cat in the house
cockatiel shedding
The age of a cockatiel and how to determine it
Shedding in cockatiels is a common occurrence that occurs in all parrots at one time or another.
naked parrot
Why does a parrot pull out its feathers?
There are many reasons why your pet parrot may be plucking feathers. In the following article
Cat nail clipper
Nail clipper for cats: types and recommendations on how to use it
A cat is an affectionate and gentle animal that has retained in its genes the love of freedom and feeling
Why doesn't the red-eared turtle eat?
The turtle does not open its eyes: causes and consequences
Rubella Turtle Behavior Problems and Their Causes Turtles may lose their appetite during
Maintenance and nutrition of cats of the breeds: Thai and Siamese. Neva Masquerade. Burmanskaya. Cornish Rex
Features of the breed Siamese cats are one of the oldest breeds of the Siamese-oriental group that was bred
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