What can you give your dog for worms: Doctor's recommendations
Every dog ​​runs the risk of becoming infected with helminthiases even before its birth from a mother who was not treated
dog stitch care
Dog after surgery - suture care
General rules for caring for a dog after surgery The main rule is to strictly follow all recommendations
When to vaccinate Shepherd puppies? Veterinarian's response
The first vaccination for a German Shepherd puppy is given at 8 weeks or upon reaching age.
Mini Shih Tzu: appearance, features of care and maintenance (+ photo)
History of the breed (Origin) The breed has a long and very complicated history. Shih Tzus originate from Tibet.
Blue dolphin - cichlid copying mammal
Blue neon (Paracheirodon innesi) Myers, 1936. Russian synonyms: Blue neon, Common neon, Neon tetra,
The causative agent of tuberculosis
Tuberculosis in dogs: symptoms, treatment and risk of transmission to humans
Tuberculosis is a disease of infectious etiology, which affects both people and
How to know that a cat wants a cat
Things are amorous - the cat asks for the cat. What should owners do?
Tail Signs The tail is the most powerful indicator of a pet's condition. It can be considered a kind of indicator
Keeping a German Shepherd at home
Keeping a German Shepherd in a private home
Keeping in a private house For a German Shepherd, the most optimal conditions are keeping in an open
gray-headed goldfinch
Keeping goldfinches in captivity
Description of birds Goldfinches belong to the finch family. The size of the birds is more modest compared to
How to feed a puppy correctly: diet from birth to one year
First aid for weak newborn puppies and feeding puppies left without a mother
Features of a puppy's diet The daily diet for puppies from 1 to 12 months is compiled with
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