What is the body temperature of Sphynx cats?
What is the body temperature of Sphynx cats?
Low or high body temperature in sphinxes can signal serious health problems,
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The genitourinary system is represented by the kidneys, bladder, urinary canals, prostate gland (males), ovaries (females), uterus
How worms enter a cat's body.jpg
Cestodoses (worms): diphyllobothriasis in cats
Worms in cats If a veterinarian determines the presence of worms in the body of a domestic cat, this is
Black bicolor cat
Cat colors - from one tone to three-color patterns
"The simplicity of the genes of the white spotting series, represented by a bi-allelic system of a single dominant gene S and a single
The cat is sick
Why a cat can’t go pee and what to do
How to recognize the problem When a cat lives in an apartment, reduced urination frequency is much easier to notice.
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6078Pavel Despite the fact that cats are considered very clean animals, they do get sick. Often
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