Feliway pheromone - behavior corrector for cats

Cats have great difficulty withstanding a sudden change of environment, but sometimes there is no other choice and you have to disturb your pet by moving. In such cases, the drug Feliway comes to the rescue, helping the animal quickly adapt to its new home. The medication is effective and safe, but this product should be used only after reading the instructions.
  • 2 When to use the product
  • 3 How the drug works
  • 4 Instructions for use

    4.1 Features of using the spray

  • 4.2 Using a diffuser
  • 5 Use in pregnant cats and kittens
  • 6 Drug interactions
  • 7 Adverse reactions and contraindications
  • 8 Similar means - table
  • 9 What is Feliway and what is it for - video
  • 10 Reviews on the effectiveness of pheromones
  • The drug Feliway: composition, release form and storage conditions

    Feliway is available in the form of a spray and diffuser. The active component for both varieties is pheromone F3. Additionally, the composition includes ethyl alcohol and special-purpose water. Both forms should be stored at room temperature for 4 years. The medicinal liquid has a pleasant smell for cats; humans cannot detect it, so using the drug does not cause discomfort.

    Feliway spray is intended for treating the surface of a room

    The spray and diffuser are convenient to use, the bottles are very economical. It is important to remember that you should not spray the liquid near heat sources, especially near a fire. In addition, the drug should be kept away from children; ingestion can be dangerous due to serious intoxication.

    The Feliway diffuser should be kept away from fire.

    This product does not have a negative effect on the cat’s body and does not provoke negative reactions from the immune system. However, it should be noted that not all pets are susceptible to this drug.

    Feliway classic spray, 60 ml (pheromone for cats) (Ceva)

    • Manufacturer:
      Ceva Sante Animale
    • 0
    • Types of animals:


    • Dosage form:


    • Description
    • Characteristics

    Composition and description: As an active ingredient, the drug contains a synthetic analogue of the cat's facial gland pheromone F3 (Feliway), which stabilizes the cat's emotional state, suppresses the urine marking instinct, and helps cats navigate and adapt to new conditions. In appearance, the drug is a colorless transparent liquid. The product is odorless, non-toxic, does not affect people's well-being, and has no narcotic or tranquilizer properties. Pharmacological properties: Feliway pheromone is the most effective and safe way to restore good health and normalize a cat’s behavior in a stressful situation. A synthetic analogue of the pheromone of the cat’s facial glands, which “informs” the cat that there is no reason to worry, stabilizes its emotional state, reduces or completely stops stressful behavior: marking the territory with urine and scratches, loss of appetite, excessive grooming (licking), reluctance to play or communicate, helps cats navigate and adapt. The drug is not a medicine. Indications for use: Used for cats: when changing their place of residence; rearrangement of furniture in the apartment; when visiting an exhibition; transporting a cat; with early separation of kittens from their mother; to eliminate vagrancy; during and after a visit to the veterinarian; when a new family member appears; to eliminate aggression associated with the touch of strangers; when uncleanliness appears; when keeping cats in groups. Doses and method of use: Feliway diffuser: the diffuser is plugged into an electrical outlet, the active substance evaporates and circulates in the air, normalizing the emotional state of the cat. The area of ​​action is 50-70 square meters. Validity period of one bottle: 4 weeks. To use Feliway diffuser: remove the cap from the bottle; insert the bottle into the diffuser and tighten until you feel slight resistance; Plug the assembled diffuser into an electrical outlet. Do not use electrical outlets located in hard-to-reach places (behind a door, behind a curtain, behind a closet or under a table). The diffuser must be left on continuously for 4 weeks. Replace the bottle as needed. If your cat shows signs of stress, it is recommended to contact your veterinarian to rule out possible diseases that will require further treatment. Feliway spray prevents scratching and urine marking, reduces stress during transportation or doctor's visits. After shaking the bottle beforehand, spray Feliway spray once a day in doorways, on window sills and on protruding objects in the house. To stop urine marking, spray Feliway onto the previously cleaned marking area, see scratching or urine marking for more information. You can spray the carrier with Feliway to keep your cat comfortable while traveling by car or visiting the veterinarian. After spraying, you should wait 15 minutes before allowing your cat to enter the treated area. Feliway has no side effects or contraindications. Special instructions: The electric diffuser is designed specifically for the Feliway-pheromone for cats product. The use of another electrical device does not guarantee the properties of the product. Do not use the Feliway bottle without a diffuser. Storage: in a dry place, protected from light and inaccessible to children and animals, separately from food and feed at room temperature. Shelf life: 4 years. Release form: Feliway is produced in the following versions: Set: Electric diffuser + 1 bottle of 48 ml. Replacement bottle for diffuser: 1 bottle of 48 ml. Spray 60 ml. Marketing Authorization Holder and Manufacturer: Ceva Sante Animale/Ceva Sante Animale, 10 Avenue de la Ballastiere, 33500 Libourne, France.

    Types of animalscats
    Dosage form of releaseSolution
    Active ingredientssynthetic analogue of cat facial gland pheromone F3 (Feliway)

    Tags: synthetic analogue of cat facial gland pheromone F3 (Feliway)

    When to use the product

    The drug is used in a number of cases that are associated with stress in the cat. The medication is used in the following situations:

    • if your pet has a habit of marking territory;
    • when moving or rearranging furniture;
    • if the animal has a tendency to damage interior items;
    • when the cat becomes stressed during exhibitions, visiting a doctor or in other similar situations.

    The medicine helps the animal adapt more easily to new people and pets, and prevents outbursts of aggression and fights with other pets. The drug makes it possible to wean a cat from the habit of asking to go outside. The animal becomes more attached to the territory, its behavior is balanced.

    Feliway can prevent cats from damaging furniture

    This medicine is a real salvation for many people who keep a large number of cats in one room. At the same time, the risk of one attacking another is reduced, since the pheromone has a positive effect on the animal’s nervous system, calming it and making it more affectionate.

    Indications for use

    The drug is recommended for reducing stress in cats. These animals are very conservative, so they can cause a severe reaction:

    • moving;
    • changes in family composition;
    • repair, rearrangement or appearance of new furniture;
    • separation from your beloved owner or even a change in his work schedule.

    Often the cause of prolonged stress is a fright experienced: an attack by another animal, an insect bite, a fall from a window, etc.

    Due to severe fright, a cat may remain anxious for a long time.

    Possible manifestations of stress:

    • loss of appetite;
    • anxiety, the desire to hide from things that did not frighten you before;
    • nervous licking of different parts of the body up to baldness;
    • uncleanliness;
    • dullness and hair loss.

    Please note that such symptoms may also indicate illness, so consultation with a veterinarian is advisable.

    Feliway is also indicated in the following cases:

    • anxiety and phobias in cats, for example, fear of strangers, household appliances, thunderstorms;
    • adaptation of a recently brought kitten;
    • tense relationships between pets;

      If cats have a bad relationship, you can use Feliway

    • transporting an animal, visiting unfamiliar places;
    • the pet’s desire to mark territory with urine, scratch walls and furniture;
    • the cat's tendency to wander.

    Some experts recommend the use of feliway products as an adjuvant treatment for idiopathic cystitis, a urinary tract disease believed to be caused by stress.

    To reconcile cats, some owners recommend using products with F3 and F4 simultaneously. In this case, first of all, you need to eliminate the reasons for competition between pets: install another tray or drinking bowl, buy more toys, etc.

    The product is ineffective in the following cases:

    • aggression towards humans - in this case you need to consult a veterinarian or animal behavior specialist;
    • Uncleanliness of the pet due to an inconvenient tray or unsuitable filler;
    • uncleanliness due to illness, for example, urolithiasis;
    • the source of stress has not been eliminated, for example, a child plays roughly with an animal every day.

    Feliway does not affect other animals, therefore, to reconcile a cat with a dog, this pheromone makes sense to use only if the cat is the initiator of all conflicts.

    The effectiveness of Feliway depends on a large number of factors, including the individual susceptibility of the animal: some cats calm down quickly enough, while on others these remedies have almost no effect.

    How the drug works

    Pheromone is considered the easiest way to normalize the behavior and well-being of animals. When the medicine is inhaled, the active component sends impulses to the brain, which have a calming effect on the cat. Increased irritability, hyperactivity and aggressiveness disappear. In addition, symptoms of stress are eliminated: constant licking of fur, a tendency to damage interior items and appetite disturbances.

    One of my friends uses cat pheromones regularly because she is a volunteer. She has to constantly deal with animals, many of which are wild and difficult to socialize. Moreover, in almost 100% of cases the product gives results. Cats become calmer, make contact better and behave less aggressively. A friend definitely recommends this remedy, as it has saved the situation more than once.

    How does it work

    The Feliway diffuser for cats is an excellent alternative to a similar spray. It is in no way inferior to the latter in its effectiveness. In addition, it is just as safe, and its operation does not take much time and effort. With its help, you can quickly normalize your cat’s behavior and improve its well-being.

    This is possible due to the fact that Feliway contains analogues of the pheromones of the cat’s facial glands. They are the ones who “inform” the cat that there is no reason to worry or worry. The substances contained in the drug suppress the animal’s desire to mark the corners of the room, furniture, door frames, etc. with urine.

    It is recommended to use a diffuser in the following cases:

    - when changing the situation in the house or place of residence;

    — when weaning kittens from a cat;

    - after visiting the veterinarian;

    - if you have several cats;

    - when a new family member appears in the house.

    If any of the above has happened or is about to happen, it is recommended to use a Feliway diffuser for cats. He can help avoid negative consequences.

    Instructions for use

    Spray and diffuser are used externally. The drug can be used until the animal adapts to new conditions. Most often, the course of application varies from a month or more. If the cat’s behavior does not change during the first few weeks, then this remedy should be used a little longer in a particular case.

    Despite all the effectiveness and safety of pheromones, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting use.

    Features of using the spray

    The spray should only be used when necessary. Before spraying the product, you need to make sure that the area where the drug will be applied is completely clear of urine. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to thoroughly wash all surfaces (especially where the cat “marks”). You can spray the spray on the floor, in the area of ​​doors and jambs, as well as on interior items that the animal chews and scratches.

    In order for two cats to get along and accept each other, you can pre-treat the room with a spray

    It is also recommended to use the product when visiting a veterinarian. To do this, you need to spray the carrier with a spray. If you plan to add another pet, you should spray pheromones a few days before bringing it home. It is better to keep the animal in another room while using the spray.

    The amount of the drug in each case is selected individually. As a rule, pressing the dispenser twice is enough to spray the required volume of pheromones.

    Using a diffuser

    How to use the diffuser:

    1. Unscrew the protective cap from the bottle. Do not shake the liquid.
    2. Then screw the bottle into the diffuser.
    3. Then plug the device into a power outlet. It is best to choose a place where air circulates freely. It is not recommended to place the diffuser behind a curtain or in any other hard-to-reach place.

    The diffuser should be used in rooms with good air ventilation

    The device must be in operation 24 hours a day. The area of ​​action is 50–70 square meters. The diffuser should be used for a month. As the liquid evaporates, the bottle needs to be changed. If the cat’s behavior does not change even with long-term treatment, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of using other medications.

    Attention! The diffuser may become warm during operation. Care must be taken to ensure that children and animals do not come into contact with it.

    Cat behavior modulator CEVA Feliway bottle 48ml

    By releasing a synthesized pheromone, which is a complete analogue of the pheromone contained in the secretion of the facial glands of cats, the FELIVEY diffuser imitates the action of a cat pheromone, “informing” the cat that there is no reason to worry and creating a feeling of calm and security in the animal. COMPOSITION AND RELEASE FORM As an active ingredient, the drug contains a synthetic analogue of the cat's facial gland pheromone F3 (Feliway), which stabilizes the cat's emotional state, suppresses the urine marking instinct, and helps cats navigate and adapt to new conditions.

    In appearance, the drug is a colorless transparent liquid. The product is odorless, non-toxic, does not affect people's well-being, and has no narcotic or tranquilizer properties.

    PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Feliway pheromone is the most effective and safe way to restore good health and normalize a cat’s behavior in a stressful situation. A synthetic analogue of the pheromone of the cat’s facial glands, which “informs” the cat that there is no reason to worry, stabilizes its emotional state, reduces or completely stops stressful behavior: marking the territory with urine and scratches, loss of appetite, excessive grooming (licking), reluctance to play or communicate, helps cats navigate and adapt. The drug is not a medicine.

    INDICATIONS Used for cats: when changing their place of residence; rearrangement of furniture in the apartment; when visiting an exhibition; transporting a cat; with early separation of kittens from their mother; to eliminate vagrancy; during and after a visit to the veterinarian; when a new family member appears; to eliminate aggression associated with the touch of strangers; when uncleanliness appears; when keeping cats in groups.

    METHOD OF APPLICATION Feliway pheromone for cats is easy to use: the diffuser is plugged into an electrical outlet, the active substance evaporates and circulates in the air, normalizing the emotional state of the cat. The area of ​​action is 50-70 square meters. Validity period of one bottle: 4 weeks.

    To use Feliway diffuser: • Remove the cap from the bottle. • Insert the bottle into the diffuser and twist until you feel slight resistance. • Plug the assembled diffuser into an electrical outlet. • Do not use electrical outlets located in hard-to-reach places (behind a door, behind a curtain, behind a closet or under a table). • The diffuser must be left on continuously for 4 weeks. • Replace the bottle as needed. If your cat shows signs of stress, it is recommended to contact your veterinarian to rule out possible diseases that will require further treatment. It has no side effects or contraindications.

    SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS The electric diffuser is designed specifically for the Feliway-pheromone for cats product. The use of another electrical device does not guarantee the properties of the product. Do not use the Feliway bottle without a diffuser.

    STORAGE CONDITIONS: In a dry place, protected from light and inaccessible to children and animals, separately from food and feed at room temperature. Shelf life: 4 years.

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    Use in pregnant cats and kittens

    The drug can be used to correct behavior in pregnant females and kittens, since the active component does not have a negative effect on the body. However, it should be understood that it is advisable to use such a remedy only in the absence of other diseases that could provoke stress.

    Feliway can be used to correct the behavior of kittens

    Attention! The spray should never be sprayed onto the cat's fur. In addition, the product should not be licked off, otherwise there is a high risk of side effects.

    Adverse reactions and contraindications

    Pheromones can be used to treat cats of any age. This product has no contraindications. There are also no adverse reactions during use of the drug. However, if the cat’s behavior when using a spray or diffuser becomes restless, and the symptoms of stress intensify, then it is better to abandon this method.

    Feliway has economical packaging. Although the drug is expensive, the daily consumption of the drug is insignificant. You can purchase pheromones at a veterinary pharmacy for about 2,000 rubles.

    Similar means - table

    NameRelease formIndicationsContraindicationsAdverse reactionsCan it be used to correct the behavior of pregnant cats and kittens?Price
    Anti-scratchDiffuserStressful conditions in cats associated with sudden changes in environment.NoneNot observedCanfrom 245 rub.
    Comfort zoneSprayCorrects unwanted behavior of pets, preventing aggression and damage to furniture. Accelerates adaptation to a new place. NoneNot observedCanfrom 3000 rub.
    Calming CollarCollar with pheromonesCalms the cat, speeds up adaptation and gently corrects unwanted behavior.Increased skin sensitivityRarely: allergic reactions.CarefullyFrom 1400 rub.

    Cost and analogues

    Feliway based on pheromones will not be cheap for the animal owner. The average cost of a spray is 2000–2200 rubles, the price of a complete diffuser set is 2000 rubles, and a replacement bottle for it is 1700 rubles. There is no complete analogue of the drug Feliway, however, there are a number of products with a similar purpose, both with and without the addition of pheromones.

    Table: analogues of the drug Feliway

    NameRelease formCompoundActionContraindicationsManufacturerAverage cost (rubles)
    Sentry GOODbehaviorCollar, length 38.1 cmThe collar is impregnated with a composition of pheromones (6%) and inert ingredients (94%)The pheromone in the composition is analogous to what cats secrete while feeding kittens. The collar is used to correct unwanted behavior in stressful situations (moving, thunder, fireworks explosions, grooming) NoneSergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc., USA1000
    Anti-scratchFumigator with 30 ml bottlePheromone of cat facial glands (2%), filler - up to 30 mlUsed to normalize cat behavior and restore normal well-being in case of conflicts between animals, moving, the arrival of a new family member, after noisy holidaysNoneAntitsarapki, Russia170
    Anti-stress spray BeafarSpray 125 ml
    • valerian extract;
    • water;
    • ethyl;
    • diethyl phthalate.
    Helps avoid symptoms of anxiety and stress, prevents scratching, obsessive meowing, and room markingAllergic reaction to the components of the compositionBeaphar, Netherlands600
    Natures Miracle AntistressSpray, 236 ml
    • water;
    • plant extracts;
    • essential oils;
    • propylene glycol;
    • methyl and propylparaben;
    • diazolidinyl urea.
    A remedy for combating stress in cats during moving, at exhibitions, and when their conditions change.Allergic reaction to the components of the composition8 in 1 Pet Products, USA600
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