How to feed a pregnant Labrador dog

At what age can Labradors be bred?

In order for the offspring to be healthy, and the process of birth and mating not to be too difficult for dogs, you need to know at what age the appropriate period for their reproduction begins.

As a rule, males mature earlier than females. For them, the suitable age for mating is 18 months. The female becomes ready for the mating procedure no earlier than two years.


The difference in age is due to the fact that after mating the bitch begins the period of pregnancy and childbirth. The dog must be sexually mature and adult to produce healthy offspring.

How to understand that a pet is ready for mating?

To correctly set a mating date, you need to know when your pet goes into heat. This phenomenon repeats itself cyclically once every 6-8 months, but it also happens once every 10 months - this is also the norm.

Some external signs will help to correctly determine whether a dog is ready to conceive offspring:

  • The animal becomes more restless and listens less to you;
  • On walks, he very carefully sniffs almost every object he encounters;
  • Follows your commands reluctantly.

If you have a bitch, then she says about the period of estrus:

  • Loop increase;
  • The appearance of liquid bloody discharge in the pet;
  • The dog becomes attractive to males and may even allow him to approach her.

But this is only a certain stage of the entire period. It lasts 7-10 days and during it conception is still impossible.

You must wait until the next stage, which is characterized by:

  • Colorless discharge, the amount of which is noticeably reduced;
  • When touched to the croup, the dog instinctively assumes a mating position;
  • There is no doubt that the bitch will allow the male to approach her.

This stage lasts five days and mating must occur during this stage.

If you have a male dog, then you will also notice changes in his behavior. Carried away by the smell, he can become almost uncontrollable when walking, so he must always be on a leash.

On what day of heat should you breed?

It turns out that great responsibility falls on the female, because she will have to bear and give birth to offspring. Conception should not occur on any day of estrus; there are special favorable days for this, when the chance of the bitch becoming pregnant is much higher.

To figure out what day dogs should mate, you need to know about the three periods of estrus in a female:

  • Proestrus - during this stage, the eggs mature inside the ovaries. The dog becomes more aggressive and disobedient, and leaves behind a lot of marks on walks.
  • Estrus , or sexual heat. This stage occurs on the 10th day after the first. It lasts 4-6 days and is characterized by the release of the egg from the ovary and its movement along the fallopian tube. It is at this stage that mating should occur, that is, it is the 11-14th day of estrus.
  • Metestrus is the stage when the dog’s body returns to its normal state.


To know when estrus begins, the owner must monitor the condition and behavior of the dog more than one estrus. Immediately before mating with a dog, you need to be examined by a veterinarian.

How does a dog's temperature change during pregnancy?

A dog’s temperature is normally between 37.5 – 38 ℃. It needs to be controlled, because temperature is an important telltale. She warns of impending childbirth.

You need to measure your temperature after waking up and before going to bed. It is important that the bitch is relaxed and calm. During activity, a dog's body temperature always increases a couple of notches.

The temperature of a pregnant Labrador bitch is measured only when the dog is calm and relaxed.

During the day, there may be jumps from increasing to decreasing indicators. Towards the end of the second month, a sharp hormonal surge occurs, which leads to a drop in temperature to 37 ℃, and sometimes lower. 12-24 hours before the onset of labor pains, the temperature drops to the lowest possible levels . By the first contractions, the temperature returns to normal.

How to choose a pair?

When choosing a pair, especially if one of the dogs is mating for the first time, you need to be extremely responsible. It will be better if one of the Labradors - a female or a male - already knows what to do. Therefore, for the first mating of a female, select an experienced partner, and vice versa.

Of course, all dogs have highly developed instincts, and experience may not be useful. There are many cases where young Labradors did everything right the first time, but it’s better to be safe.

Preparing the dog

In order for mating and further pregnancy to go without problems, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Carry out a comprehensive bacteriological analysis. A month and a half before estrus and potential mating, contact a veterinary clinic to have your dog examined. Tests will reveal whether there are any viruses in the dog’s body that can negatively affect future offspring.
  2. Treat your dog's skin for parasites. This must be done in a month. You can use different shampoos.
  3. The dog must undergo deworming.
  4. Vaccination course. This course must be completed after seven, when the deworming course is completed.

For a male dog, these recommendations will be enough - males, for the most part, do not need overly thorough preparations, because they only participate in conception.

It would also be a good idea for the female to undergo the following tests:

  1. Analysis for brucellosis - this bacterium can cause miscarriage or stillbirth of puppies;
  2. Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries - you need to make sure that there are no tumor formations or cysts;
  3. A blood test and a vaginal smear - this way you will know whether there is any inflammatory process going on in your pet’s body.;
  4. A blood test for progestron is a motherhood hormone. Its level in the body indicates whether the dog is ready to become a mother in the future or not;
  5. X-ray. Only needed for females who have already had a caesarean section to exclude the presence of adhesions.

Pregnancy milestones

If you have started a calendar where you record the days and progress of your Labrador's pregnancy , you can mark these important dates in it:

  • 15 days from the moment of fertilization - the formation of the internal organs of future puppies begins (from this moment on, the bitch cannot be vaccinated or given anthelmintic);
  • 26 days - introduce restrictions on the physical activity of the expectant mother so as not to injure the babies;
  • 30 days - active formation of small skeletons requires the addition of calcium to the diet;
  • 35 days - it is worth increasing the diet by about 10% of the usual (most likely, the bitch will develop an appetite);
  • 44 days - the diet needs to be increased by another 5–10% of the standard norm, the number of feedings per day should reach five;
  • 48 days - set up a place for your pet where she can “make a nest” for the litter, show it to her (it is important that she likes the bed and feels comfortable in it);
  • 52 days - the amount of calcium in the diet should be reduced to a minimum;
  • 58 days - you can notice the appearance of milk when there is pressure on the nipple;
  • 59 days— Labrador can go into labor at any time: measure basal temperature using a rectal thermometer.

Basal temperature is measured at rest, preferably immediately after waking up. Most likely, this will not cause problems, because at a significant stage of pregnancy (right before giving birth ) the Labrador already needs almost constant rest and behaves passively. It is necessary to measure indicators in order to predict the time of labor: 24–48 hours before its onset, the temperature drops sharply to 36.5–36.8 °C. The drop in temperature only lasts a few hours, so take it often and record the results so you don't miss a beat and are ready to accept your puppies.

If within two days from the moment of observing a jump in rectal temperature there are no signs of incipient contractions, you should urgently call your veterinarian. Induction of labor or caesarean section may be required.

Basic Rules

Basic rules for knitting step by step:

  1. On the day of mating, dogs do not need to be overfed. Eating should take place 3-4 hours before a potential meeting.
  2. Since the male plays the dominant role in the mating process itself, it is better to meet on his territory.
  3. If the dog is very nervous in a new environment, then taking sedatives 1-1.5 before meeting the animals will help.
  4. Before intercourse, both dogs need to be walked and wait for bowel movements.
  5. Trim and sharpen the dog's nails so that he does not injure the bitch's back.
  6. If the mating is planned for a hot time, for example in the summer, then plan the meeting in the morning or evening hours, when the sun is not too hot.
  7. If a dog is mating for the first time, the release of hormones can provoke aggression. It is better not to be near them, or provide your pet with a muzzle and a leash with a collar.
  8. Make sure there is clean water in the area accessible to dogs.
  9. Do not interfere with animals sniffing and getting to know each other. There's no need to rush here.
  10. Do not rush to complete the act, wait until the dogs move away from each other.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

The most important thing here is not to interfere or show unnecessary concern. Before mating, you should already know everything or a lot about this process so that some things cannot scare or shock you. Believe me, dogs know better than you what to do. It’s enough just to observe, because excessive attention can confuse the dogs and interfere with the process.

Article “We are giving birth”

original article with pictures

This page is most likely intended for those owners who are faced with the need to act before the doctor arrives, or those who have problems with doctors (as a rule, these are remote regions where it is very difficult to find qualified (I emphasize) help).

So. You are expecting puppies. Count from the first day of mating according to the calendar (each number with your finger, do not add a month or weeks, you will definitely make a mistake!) 58 days - this will be the day you start waiting. It is extremely rare for a healthy (!) bitch to give birth earlier.

There are many options for obstetric care; they are described in popular literature for dog owners and more competently in veterinary publications. Therefore, understanding that you are an ordinary, and also frightened, owner, I give some advice in “Russian” language.

So, 58 days!!!

You are already on edge, don’t sleep at night and smoke three times more! Your favorite girl:

- and doesn’t think about giving birth;

- she’s thinking about giving birth, she’s dug up all the sofas, she’s putting toys under her, she’s puffing like a locomotive, sometimes she’s shivering, her eyes are “the most miserable eyes in the world”;

- Lord, she’s already giving birth!!! All family members gather, the apartment stinks of Valocordin, the “girl” looks at you and falls asleep, snoring throughout the whole house!

So here it is. How can you not freak out, stay sane and live to see your first puppy???

Calm! The main thing is calm!!!

Let's divide our psychosis into several stages.


A trip to the pharmacy. Here you don’t have to stick to the literature. Even without a pharmacy, you have everything at home. So. We buy: iodine (preferably a bottle with a wide neck, if not, then you can pour the iodine into another bottle); a children's enema bottle (it is the smallest); any ointment (levomekol, syntomycin, solcoseryl, etc.); alcohol (if they sell it to you, if not, then you can just vodka, 50 ml is enough for the puppies, the rest is for the owner, he will definitely faint!). The most important thing you have acquired.


We are inspecting the house. We tear up all the old washed rags, sheets, duvet covers, etc. for diapers (one baby diaper is enough for a puppy). We find a box for a microwave, a TV, if not, we raise the ears of neighbors and nearby stores. We select plastic cylinders (1.5 - 2 liters) from well-known cola and beer lovers - 2-3 pieces, or buy a heating pad (cylinders are cheaper and more convenient).

Manege - in perspective. Maneuvering is described in many dog ​​breeding reference books.


While your girl demonstrates her readiness to make you happy, we are preparing the materials at hand:

- we find silk or acrylic threads at home (in fact, you can use any, the main thing is that they are strong), cut them into pieces of 20 - 30 cm, put them in a jar (saucer) and fill them with alcohol (vodka, if no one has already drank)

— in the box from under the TV we put a blanket (flannelette or whatever you don’t mind), a diaper on top (no need to put terry cloth, puppies cling with their claws), somewhere nearby we store empty plastic bottles (these are our future heating pads!).

- rinse the enema bottle with boiling water and keep it clean until delivery.


Let's relax!!! Preferably without alcohol (at least, take turns!).

And here we pay attention to the woman in labor. What is she doing?

— is he digging? These are contractions, so she extinguishes them.

- puffing? Contractions too! If you gave birth or saw it on TV, then remember the doctors’ order: “breathe like a dog!”

- Is she chilling? See above.

- smiling?

Many owners do not understand this question and believe that I am making fun of them in this way. A dog that smiles cannot be confused with any other dog!!! This means that we are almost ready: the eyes are happy, the posture is relaxed, the puppies hardly move, the ear is turned towards the pelvis (i.e. towards the puppies). All intermediate states from rehearsal to the birth itself are described in detail in the literature, but we approach our dog individually!

So. At one point, water pours out of the loop (this is the place where the dog pees). It can be transparent, with flakes, with greenery - the main thing is that it pours out quickly and is not controlled by the bitch. She is terribly interested in this and tries to suck it up. Very often it is in this bent position that the first puppy appears. BUT!!! This is not a fact! The bitch gives birth to her first child in a position that is comfortable for HERSELF. This can be a defecation position (pooping), lying on your side, standing on your hind legs with your front legs on a table, etc. The main thing is to accept this puppy correctly, it will be easier in the future!

Let's continue. From the loop appears something similar to a bubble, a paw, a nose (although in our breed everything is much simpler!). The loop, which before giving birth began to look like the dangling trunk of an elephant, is filled with a hard mass, while the bitch withdraws her tail (remember mating!) and makes pushing movements. Was there ointment somewhere? Lubricate the index finger (with the cut nail) with ointment and, from the side of the tail, insert it into the loop along the puppy or bubble in which it is located. Your finger will rest against a bridge that looks like a constriction. As a rule, this is where puppies get stuck. This is the narrowest place for childbirth. Having given birth to the head (or body), the bitch calms down and does not want to give birth further, she feels better. Here she tries to sit on her butt (note: the puppy has a fracture of the cervical vertebrae). Your task is to prevent her from doing this. One of the assistants holds the bitch either in a standing position or in a position lying on its side. You “dive” under the jumper with your finger and gently (like snot from your nose) circle the puppy. The dog immediately pushes and “spits out” the fetus. Don't relax!!!! Following the puppy comes the afterbirth, which is connected to the puppy by the umbilical cord (this is a cord from the tummy), you pinch the umbilical cord with two fingers and, without releasing it, gently pull it up after the puppy. If a piece of “liver” falls out (maybe green), then everything is great (this is the afterbirth). If not, then the umbilical cord breaks. Don't be scared!!! Happens. Just make a note for yourself (write down on a piece of paper - the time of birth and the absence of an afterbirth).

You grab the puppy in your hands and leave the bitch alone. You are taking care of the child. Instructions for right-handed people:

-puppy in your left hand, belly in your palm, tail towards your chest, hold it slightly upside down.

-in your right hand there is a diaper and you intensively rub the back in both directions along the spine (don’t be afraid, the puppy is not as weak as you think!!!)

— remember, you bought an enema? Turn the puppy's head towards you and open his mouth (squeeze the jaw on the sides with your fingers), blow off the enema, insert it into the mouth at the base of the tongue (first from one side, then from the other) and suck out the mucus. “Blow” the enema into the diaper, you will see what comes out of it. Then grab the puppy by the withers (like a cat carries kittens) and shake him a little. The puppy should squeak. Listen - the sound should be clear, without wheezing or bubbling. If you don’t like the voice, repeat the enema procedure from the beginning.

— the puppy lost his breath. HOORAY!!! But we have a dangling placenta (or pieces of the umbilical cord). Place the puppy on a dry piece of diaper, and “drive” the blood away from the placenta (if there is one) towards the tummy. Take out the thread (Have you forgotten about it? The threads get wet in alcohol!) and tie the umbilical cord somewhere at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the tummy, and after another half a cm. trim. Try not to cut off the tail, finger, etc. If the placenta breaks, then use a thread to grab all visible vessels and tie them up. It doesn’t matter at what length!

— You bought iodine! They found him in a panic! We unscrew the lid and, holding the puppy with its tummy down, as if lowering the remains of the umbilical cord into the bottle, press the bottle tightly to the tummy and turn the puppy over with the bottle, tummy up, then turn it back. Your belly button has been processed!!!


Are your hands shaking? Back in soap? CALMLY!!!

What's next? The puppy is freezing! Remember plastic bottles? We grab them and rush to the bathroom. We lower the hot water to boiling water (if there is none, then put the kettle on). Fill the bottle halfway and, squeezing the bottle until it is flat (so that the water rises to the neck), tighten the cap. We wrap this bottle in a towel and put it in a box. We put the puppy on top and a diaper on it. It warms for a couple of hours (update!), and then transfer this responsibility to the mother when she finishes giving birth.


We take out cigarettes (cognac, coffee), wipe the sweat from our foreheads. HOORAY!!! FIRST BORN!!! Did you record the time of birth, gender and presence (absence) of placenta? No? We subtract 10 - 15 minutes from the actual time and write on a piece of paper. As a rule (but only, as a rule!) you have half an hour. All the same, the bitch should be in your field of vision.


Here is the first puppy. Then it’s not so scary. There are just “small” nuances. I'll try to list them:

— the break between puppies fluctuates and is not stable. If the girl behaves normally (i.e. during childbirth), then please do not fuss or make the mother nervous!

— a dog’s uterus is NOT structured like a woman’s!!! First, one horn gives birth, and only then the second. Can you imagine a slingshot? So, the break between horns sometimes reaches 6 hours. At this time, the bitch is resting, feeding the puppies, walking around the apartment, etc. (I've had bitches who ate between puppies!).

— if more than 30 minutes have passed since the puppy was born, check for the presence of the puppy in the birth canal. Remember the first puppy? Repeat the procedure, you will just have to go deeper into the uterus. You can feel the puppy. And if he doesn’t have a bubble, i.e. it broke through (a portion of the water leaked) and 15-20 minutes have passed, then we need to help the girl! Insert your finger (lubricated with ointment!!!) until the narrowing and begin to “stroke” this narrowing clockwise until the bitch begins to push. Attention, see STEP 4.

- The mother needs to be introduced to the puppy. This is not only the moment of contact between the dog and the child, but also the moment of truth - the dog’s trust in you. This must be done carefully, holding the puppy with both hands, as if covering it with your palms. It’s better to bring it up with the back, there’s both the ass and the pussy. The bitch will reflexively begin to lick (this does NOT apply to spoiled princesses!). In front of her, place the puppy in the box, demonstrating that you care for him. Keep your bitch away from family members she DOES NOT trust (although she will be quick to point him out!).

Now I want to focus on what is best avoided.

I am a veterinarian and, unfortunately, I know this profession from the inside... The Bloodhound is considered an expensive dog, but only the owner knows that this dog is more expensive to own than to buy. And yet, they are trying to scam us, the owners, out of money.


The dog carries puppies from 58 to 68 days from the first day of mating without any problems. And if, when you try to come to an agreement with a doctor, the topic develops in the direction of surgery - think about it, do you need this doctor??? 2 hours of work and a golden key in our pocket. After all, this is not sitting under a dog for 12 hours!

It is extremely rare for Blood to have a Caesarean section. If the bitch repelled 5-6 puppies, then she would “throw off” the rest, even if they were dead.

Do not use oxytocin (at least in the first half of labor), as it can cause intussusception or uterine rupture. Puppies suckling their mother produce enough oxytocin for birth!!!

Be as focused as possible! Your girl is afraid just like you. Only you are panicking, but she has the wisdom of generations behind her, she is SMARTER than you! If you know your dog well, you will immediately understand that he needs help!

And yet, when do you need help???

- even before the start of labor, the bitch has lost her appetite, she is vomiting, the visible mucous membranes (lower eyelid, gums, tongue) are pale, almost whitish (you may have to say goodbye not only to the puppies, but also to the uterus; provided that this is not severe anemia)

- the beginning of labor, the water has broken, and the bitch basically doesn’t want to push and “hides” her eyes from you - perhaps there is too much quantity (overdistension of the uterus), or perhaps she is feeling unwell (the puppies are stuck in a “wedge” or the puppy has a pathology (there are a lot of them) , you can’t list everything).

- water broke with blood (scarlet, not menstrual!)

- strong pushing, but the fetus is not expelled; before the doctor arrives, you can inject no-shpu (it extinguishes the pushing)

In any case, no one knows your dog BETTER than you!!! Be close to her, feel her and she herself will tell you what she needs from you! Good luck!


original article with pictures

How can you tell if your dog is pregnant?

If a Labrador is pregnant, you will find out about it no earlier than 3-4 weeks after mating.

The main signs of pregnancy in a Labrador:

  • Swelling of the nipples;
  • Increasing the dog's waist;
  • Sometimes toxicosis, which manifests itself in vomiting from eating familiar foods.


Before you find out that your dog will soon have offspring, do not rush to change his lifestyle. Let your pet eat and run as usual, and change the routine later.

Timing and signs of pregnancy in a Labrador

Signs of pregnancy in a female Labrador are similar to those of other breeds.

The Labrador's pregnancy lasts from 57 to 66 days , sometimes reaching 72 days. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the dog. A deviation shorter or greater from this range may indicate existing pathologies in puppies or bitches.

The first signs of pregnancy usually appear 2-3 weeks after successful mating.

In a bitch who becomes pregnant for the first time, signs of pregnancy often appear late in pregnancy. An ordinary pregnant dog is able to alert its owners with its behavior already in the second week. Drowsiness and lethargy appear, the dog falls into an apathetic state, and appetite decreases. But the main signs appear only in the second month of pregnancy.

Important! During pregnancy, a female Labrador needs careful care and attention. The dog should be protected from negative psychological and physical influences. The bitch should feel safe.

A reliable sign of pregnancy is nipple enlargement; the skin around the nipples swells and becomes lighter.

Already at 20-22 days the fruits can be felt. If the owner does not have special skills, then it is not advisable to palpate the abdomen so as not to harm the dog and puppies. The size of the belly of each bitch is individual.

The fruits begin to be palpated by the 22nd day, but without special skills, palpation cannot be carried out.

On the 50th day after fertilization, the puppies begin to move in the womb. This becomes visible to the naked eye. Shortly before birth, the puppies stop moving and moving in the womb.

Diagnosing pregnancy in a Labrador using a test

If the owner suspects that the pet is pregnant, but does not observe external signs, the simplest and most inexpensive way is to determine the Labrador’s pregnancy based on test data.

Using a laboratory method, the dog’s blood is tested for the presence of the hormone “relaxin” in the body. Already in the second week after mating, the hormone level increases. In 100% of cases, pregnancy is detected at 3-4 weeks.

Diagnosing pregnancy in a Labrador using ultrasound

At the end of the first month, the bitch's pregnancy is diagnosed using an ultrasound examination. At 25-35 days, amniotic fluid and the presence of embryos are visible. At this stage, it is possible to see embryos, but their number cannot be determined.

It is recommended to resort to ultrasound at a later date. 38 – 45 days – the optimal diagnostic option using ultrasound. This period allows you to plan the course of pregnancy, identify possible pathologies of the offspring, and monitor the formation of ventricles and hearts.

The ultrasound must clearly show the movement of the fetus and the dynamics of the heartbeat, otherwise the veterinarian will express concern.

How is pregnancy progressing?

Labradors are pregnant for approximately 9 weeks (62-64 days).

A weekDescription
1 WeekThere are no visible changes. The dog behaves as it always does, but sometimes owners notice that the pet has become a little more nervous and restless.
2 weekThe dog develops clear mucous discharge from the loop: the egg is immersed in the wall of the uterus.
3 weekSigns of toxicosis may appear. The dog feels sick and vomits. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. During this period, the puppy already looks like a small embryo.
4 weekYou can't feel the puppies through the stomach yet, but with the help of an ultrasound you can determine exactly how many of them are inside.
5 weekThe appearance of the Labrador changes - it increases in volume, the waist becomes wider. You should no longer physically overload your dog, and walks should not be long.
week 6The mammary glands enlarge and the nipples swell. The dog becomes more careful and does not risk making any sudden movements. If this does not happen, you will have to restrain your Labrador and monitor him yourself.
week 7The belly is already becoming noticeably larger. You can easily feel the puppies stomach.
8 weekThe puppies begin to move. Their movements are noticeable not only when palpating, but also when the dog is at rest.
Week 9Puppies stop moving a few days before giving birth. They may be born this week. By this time, the dog should have a birthing place, where it will spend the entire birth process.

Childbirth can begin either earlier than expected or later. Therefore, you need to be on guard, starting from day 58, and monitor the dog every day.

If childbirth is too late or much earlier than necessary, this is considered a pathology. In this case, they must take place in the presence of a veterinarian.

Signs that Labrador is about to give birth

Before giving birth, the dog's stomach drops and the water breaks.
As the cherished day approaches, you need to focus on the dog’s behavior, which changes noticeably:

  • restlessness, seeking shelter, the dog is trying to prepare the birthing area;
  • the bitch is licking herself, preparing for the upcoming birth;
  • the dog’s temperature decreases over the course of a day;
  • the belly drops, when examining the bitch from above, you can notice the formed waist and sagging of the belly;
  • within one or two days, the movement of the puppies in the womb stops, they “freeze.”

Childbirth begins with short contractions. The dog begins to scratch its paws on the floor, worry and whine. When the yellowish waters recede, it’s time to take all measures to prepare for childbirth.

How to prepare for and deliver a Labrador Retriever

About a week before the estimated date of birth, the birthing area should be prepared. As soon as the dog begins to worry and seek shelter, you need to separate part of the room, fence it off, lay down sheets, and equip the area with heating pads and lamps. Puppies should not be overheated or hypothermic. Then you need to gradually accustom your pregnant dog to this place.

A week before the expected date of birth, a place is prepared for the dog where she will give birth and then feed the babies.

After the first signs of impending birth, you need to begin active preparation:

  • prepare a notepad with the numbers of veterinary clinics and a pen to record the time of the onset of contractions, the birth of the first and subsequent puppies;
  • prepare medications and instruments: syringes, diapers, oilcloth, scissors, thermometer, puppy box, container for dirty diapers, sterile wipes, tweezers, watches, scales, alcohol or vodka, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, glucose 5%, synthomycin emulsion 10% , calcium gluconate (useful in case of eclampsia), as well as no-spa (another pain reliever);
  • cut the hair near the anus, loop and on the stomach.

Be sure to prepare everything necessary for childbirth: diapers, tweezers, sterile wipes, peroxide, etc.
During childbirth, it is necessary to place the dog in the birthing area and monitor what is happening. Dog handlers do not recommend interfering in the process unless absolutely necessary.

Three hours after the amniotic fluid has broken, the first puppy appears. If this does not happen, you should call the veterinarian.

After the puppy appears, you need to check that he begins to breathe. You can help your dog process it if it doesn't show interest in it. The umbilical cord is pulled towards the puppy and torn off. If the umbilical cord is bleeding, it should be tied with a silk thread treated in alcohol. Only after this can you treat the puppy’s face with a napkin, rub the puppy with a terry towel (diaper) and suck out the mucus from the nose with a pipette. Then you need to examine the puppy for pathologies, deformations and weigh it. All puppies should be placed in a pre-prepared box with a warm heating pad.

Attention! The main thing during the birth of a dog is not to panic or be nervous, as the owner’s condition affects the pet’s well-being.

At the last stage, you need to put clean diapers under the giving birth dog, and leave the mother and puppies alone. A little later, you can take her out for a short walk and wash the bitch with diluted potassium permanganate.

After the end of labor, the dirty bedding is changed to clean, and the dog is left alone with the babies.

How does childbirth take place and how to deliver it?

Usually childbirth in Labradors is easy, and the bitch copes with everything herself at home. Difficulties may arise during the first birth or when the female is already old.

In the first case, the dog will need your little help in helping the puppy to be born, and in the second, a caesarean section.

The intervals between the appearance of puppies should be no more than half an hour, and the process itself takes 5-6 hours.


If you see that it is difficult for a dog to give birth, and everything around speaks about it - bloody discharge, the puppy cannot appear for a long time, then this is a reason to call a doctor at home.

Signs of the onset of whelping

There are a number of signs that will help you understand that labor is coming soon:

4-5 days before giving birth, the body temperature of Labradors will constantly change from 38.6 to 37.8 degrees.

The closer to birth, the lower the temperature will become. It will drop to 37.4 and that's normal. The stomach drops down a few days before giving birth. It seems that the Labrador looks like a pear.

The dog begins to look for a secluded place and behaves anxiously, sleeping poorly at night.

It is very easy to determine when labor began. You will see your dog begin to strain and breathe heavily. The stomach becomes very tense and becomes like a stone. This can last for quite a long time.

What is needed to give birth to a dog?

You should take care of your dog’s birth in advance and purchase some things if you decide to give birth yourself:

  • bandages;
  • heating pad;
  • box or plastic basin;
  • scissors with rounded ends;
  • a bag or bin for garbage;
  • scales with a bowl;
  • notebook.

And then the birth began. The Labrador has been pushing for more than 10 hours, the period between contractions is getting shorter and shorter, and you see a water bubble emerging from the loop.

You shouldn't touch it, it will burst on its own. After him, the first puppy will definitely appear.

When you see a part of the puppy, don't pull it right away. Let the dog give birth on its own. You can gently help her and pull the puppy towards you.

You cannot break the shell until the puppy has finally come out. Try to make sure that the afterbirth comes out with the puppy.

How many puppies can be born?

Each time the number of puppies is individual. Usually their number is 5-6, but this also depends on heredity and how carefully the preparation for mating was carried out.

Often, during her first birth, a young bitch can even give birth to 1-2 puppies.

There are cases when dogs that are too old to give birth give birth to 11-12 dogs. In this case, you cannot do without a cesarean section, and in general such births are very dangerous for the health of the Labrador.

What to feed after childbirth?

Nutrition after birth during lactation is a very important aspect that affects the growth and health of the mother and growing puppies.

In terms of nutritional composition, the feed should consist of:

  • Protein – 30-35%;
  • Fats – 20-30%;
  • Coarse cellulose – 1-2%;
  • Calcium – 1.5-2%;
  • Phosphorus – 0.9-1%;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Energy value – 4200-5000 kcal/kg.

If you are feeding your bitch food, then on the shelves of the pet store you can easily find specialized brands for nursing dogs. The main thing is to take only those that are super premium and holistic.


If the bitch eats natural food, then you will have to try to improve her diet. It should contain those products that can be easily absorbed by the dog’s body. There should not be anything salty, spicy, fatty or smoked - this will negatively affect the digestion of the female, milk, and also the puppies.

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