Keeping a cocker spaniel in an apartment: main rules and possible difficulties
Brief history of the breed The history of the spaniel breed begins in the 14th century. It is believed that the breed was
German Spitz medium (Mittelspitz, Mittelspitz)
Pomeranian Spitz
Breed dossier 1. Country of origin: Germany. 2. Classification: Group 5. Northern sled dogs, Spitz
Can a person get worms from a dog?
02/06/2017 Often, helminthic infestations affect our smaller brothers, in particular dogs. For this reason
How many days after castration can you bathe a cat?
How many days after castration can you bathe a cat?
Cat owners wash their pets not for their benefit, but for their own. Cats swim
Symptoms and treatment of German Shepherd diseases
German Shepherds remain one of the most popular animals to keep as pets.
How much does it cost to dock a puppy's tail and ears?
All breeds recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale have an official standard. This is a document in
What to do if a cat scratches its eye?
Eye injuries in cats and their treatment with drops at home
Eye injuries in animals are quite common. Any eye injury is accompanied by severe pain.
Raising and caring for a puppy in the first months of life
Getting to know a new home Moving to a new place of residence is always stressful for a little one.
The cat is afraid of strangers: causes of fear and ways to overcome it
What are cats afraid of? There are a lot of stories and videos on the topic “cat and vacuum cleaner”.
How many puppies can a husky give birth to for the first time?
Estrus in a West Siberian Laika The first heat in a female West Siberian Laika occurs at 6 –
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