Keeping a cocker spaniel in an apartment: main rules and possible difficulties

Brief history of the breed

The history of the spaniel breed begins in the 14th century. The breed is believed to have originated in Spain. In the 15th century, spaniels were considered a type of hunting hound.

The first division of spaniels into species was documented in 1801. The breed was divided into two types:

  • Springer is a hound dog.
  • The Cocker is a dog that was used to hunt woodcock (a secretive, nocturnal bird).

By the 19th century, all dogs of the Cocker Spaniel type were considered field hunting dogs. Note that the group of “field” dogs included about a dozen breeds that were similar to each other, but were used for hunting different game.

Until the 1870s, all dogs in the breed type weighing less than 11 kg were considered cocker spaniels. In the 70s, cocker spaniels were divided into subspecies. It was then that the King Charles Spaniel breed was “founded”. Confusion among dogs weighing 11 kg or more reigned until the 1900s. It was only after the founding of the Kennel Club of Great Britain that Cocker Spaniels were identified as a breed.

This is interesting! After the founding of the Kennel Club of Great Britain, the breeding of Cocker and Springer Spaniels was divided, which was the reason for the consolidation of the gene pool.

However, the history of the Springer and Cocker Spaniels is tightly intertwined. It is believed that the ancestors of the English and American varieties of cocker spaniels were the father and son of the springer spaniel breed. The father, named Obo, was medium-haired and reddish in color.

Content Features

There are 3 breeds of cocker spaniels - English, American and Russian. Their roots are the same, but there are also differences. For example, the American cocker can be found more often at an exhibition than during a hunt. The main difference between the breed is its long, shiny coat of uniform color. In theory, the American Spaniel is a hunting dog, but it does well in a quiet environment.

The Russian cocker is a descendant of the English one. When the British brought these pets to Russia, breeders liked them. But it was necessary to make the breed more resistant to climate change or hunting conditions. After crossing different types of spaniels, breeders were able to create a dog adapted to wooded, flat and swampy areas.

The common features of all three types of spaniels are activity, playfulness, responsiveness and loyalty. Dogs become very attached to their owner, and if this is not controlled, the puppy can completely lose independence.

Cockers adapt their behavior to the situation. The pet behaves friendly with its owner and members of his family, makes contact himself, and gets along well with children and other animals. But the hunter's skills make the dog a good guard if necessary.

A not very pleasant feature of spaniels is a tendency to continuous, not always justified barking. Because of this, keeping a dog in an apartment will not be easy. Some cockers are stubborn and willful, and have an unshakable sense of ownership over their toys.

Estrus in female cocker spaniels begins at 7-10 months and lasts 21 days with a break of 5-6 months. In this regard, the breed is no different from others. Those who are going to breed puppies need to breed the dog with a male during the last 5 days of estrus.

Height and weight of Cocker Spaniel puppies by month

The height and weight of Cocker Spaniel puppies by month almost does not depend on the variety. American and English Spaniels grow and develop at the same rate.

The growth of a puppy at the withers by month is not regulated. Development may depend on:

  • Heredity, including genetic diseases
  • Living conditions - climate, ecology, type of housing.
  • The duration of the suckling period and the nutritional value of mother's milk.
  • Balance and timeliness of complementary feeding.
  • Correct calculation of serving size and prepared diet.
  • Frequency and balance of feeding.
  • Factors for the presence of hereditary diseases.

The rate of development is monitored by weight, provided that the puppy is not obese.

Weight of an English and American Cocker Spaniel puppy by month:

From 0 to 10 days180–290 gr.
1 month0.9–1.5 kg.
2 months2.9–3.5 kg.
3 months4.9–6 kg.
4 months6.3–8.1 kg.
5 months8–10 kg.
6 months9–11.5 kg.
From 7 months10–12 kg.

Nuances of maintenance and care

The ideal place to keep it is a country house with open access to the yard. The dog also gets along well in an apartment provided it gets enough exercise.

Keeping a dog in an enclosure is sadistic. This is a companion who needs constant communication with people.


A Cocker Spaniel, whose photo always looks perfect, requires enormous care. To make your dog look like the one on the cover of a glossy magazine, he will need:

  • daily combing - the fluffy fur coat easily gets tangled;
  • haircut – for non-show pets, an everyday haircut is suitable, but for dogs participating in the ring, special trimming will be required;
  • cutting the hair between the paws and plucking (trimming) the hairs in the ears;
  • trimming nails every 1 – 2 weeks;
  • daily inspection and cleaning of the ears - due to their large length and abundant edging, they become clogged;
  • brushing your teeth a couple of times a week;
  • cleansing the eyes as they become sour.

Cockers shed hair moderately throughout the year. The pet sheds profusely in spring and autumn. To comb it out, you will need a long-toothed comb, a massage brush, a slicker brush, and a tangle cutter.


You need to wash your pet often. He is bathed every 7 – 10 days. Use a special shampoo for long-haired breeds. In addition, after each walk, the paws and dewlaps are cleaned of adhering dirt.

Some owners believe that frequent bathing leads to skin problems and dandruff. Adherents of this approach recommend bathing the animal once every 1 to 3 months.


You need to walk with the “live” twice a day. And it doesn’t matter where it is kept: in a house or apartment. The duration of the active walk is at least an hour.

Cockers are active and love to go for walks. They are ready to be outside from morning to night. Therefore, you need to set aside more than one hour every day to satisfy the doggies’ need for physical activity.

In extreme heat or cold, you can reduce the walking time so that your pet does not overheat or freeze.


Features of the diet should take into account the activity of the breed and its tendency to obesity. Ideally, it is made up of high-energy foods that are easily digestible.

Manufacturers of ready-made feed produce special lines. The corresponding brands are available from Eukanuba and Royal Canin.

It is important to ensure that your dog does not overeat and regularly check how much he weighs. Little hunters love to eat and easily gain excess weight. They can beg for a tidbit, pretending to be a starving martyr. It’s hard to resist the penetrating and sad eyes of your pets, but it’s worth remembering that obesity threatens numerous health problems and early death.

During feeding, the ears are pinned or covered with a hoop so that they do not get dirty.

Puppies are given calcium-mineral supplements from 3 to 7 months.

Height and weight of an adult male Cocker Spaniel

According to the standard, the height and weight of an adult male English Cocker Spaniel should be:

  • Height at withers: 39–41 cm.
  • Weight: 12.5–14.5 kg.

The height and weight of an adult male American Cocker Spaniel should be:

  • Height at withers: 36.8–39.4 cm.
  • Weight: 8–15 kg.

Males look more courageous and stronger than females. Adult males have a more proud stance and hold their heads high. The head of males is larger, the forehead is wider, the cheekbones are stronger. It is important to remember that if grown incorrectly. Representatives of the breed often suffer from hormonal diseases and excess weight. Obese dogs can weigh up to 17–20 kg.

What is the breed and character of the English Cocker Spaniel intended for?

Spaniels are owned by both avid hunters and people who want to have a pet. The cocker is not used as a guard dog.

Cheerful, active, inquisitive dog. Treat dogs with a high level of intelligence who respond well to training and training. They can easily sense human behavior. Treat people with kindness, but perceive only one family member as the owner.

Tendency to useless and prolonged barking, which is eliminated by education and discipline. They get along well with children . They can be timid and highly dependent on the actions of their owners. Treat strangers with restraint; fights with representatives of your own breed are extremely rare. They get along well with other pets. Some individuals are prone to stubbornness and hysterics.

How to measure a Cocker Spaniel correctly

Measurements need to be taken for several reasons:

  • To track development - you need to determine height at the withers and weight.
  • To choose clothes - you need to measure the circumference of the neck, the length of the back and the circumference of the chest under the elbows.
  • To choose shoes - you need to measure the length and width of the paw, the height of the metacarpus and the volume of the wrist.

For weighing, it is better to use electronic scales with sufficient carrying capacity. All veterinary clinics should have such scales. Puppies can be weighed on a kitchen scale.

Height is measured as follows:

  • We place the dog in a stand near a wall, cabinet, or other surface.
  • Make a mark with a pencil at the level of the withers.
  • We measure the distance from the floor to the mark.

Note! The back length is the distance from the base of the tail to the base of the neck.

Measurements for clothing and shoes are taken with a measuring tape. Measurements should be taken at the widest point of the girth.

Clothes and shoe sizes for Cocker Spaniels

The sizes of overalls are selected according to the length of the back, chest and neck circumference. Shoes are also selected according to measurements; American and English Cocker Spaniels fit size S:

  • Paw length – 6.5 cm.
  • Paw width – 5 cm.
  • Metacarpus height – 11 cm.
  • Wrist volume – 12.5 cm

Important! If you are not sure of the correct measurements or do not know which model will suit your pet, it is better to try on shoes. You can try on the boots at a pet store, but order them online.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any dog, even a mongrel one, requires care. You will have to put even more effort into keeping a pet with a pedigree. Cocker spaniels are not overly demanding. The advantages of their content:

  1. They are easy to train. They try to please the owner, so they master the commands without any problems.
  2. Cockers are smart. They quickly understand what not to do and what they can get away with.
  3. They love to travel and tolerate driving well. You won’t have to leave your dog with someone close when you need to leave for a few days.
  4. Spaniels are loyal. They will not run away from you during a walk, or do anything that upsets you.
  5. Pets are easy-going. If you punish a dog, it will understand everything, will not take revenge on you, and will forget about the incident within half an hour.

But things are not so easy with these animals. They also have disadvantages:

  1. Gluttony. Cocker spaniels will not refuse another portion of food, even if they have just destroyed a full plate. You will have to make sure that your pet does not overeat and feed it a balanced diet to avoid obesity.
  2. Selfishness. If you raise a dog incorrectly, it will do as it wants, ignore your commands, and start fights with other animals while walking.
  3. Emotionality. Cockers become attached to their owners and do not tolerate loneliness. If you leave your dog alone for a long time, be prepared for damage to furniture, clothing, and anything else your teeth could reach.
  4. A sense of ownership. Cockers are friendly towards children, but if a child takes the treasured toy, war will begin.
  5. Demand for attention. Spaniels need a lot of time. While you are at home, play with the dog, feed it, pet it, scratch it. If you don’t do this, she will get bored and start looking for entertainment for herself, for example, she will try to test the strength of your slippers.

Collar sizes for Cocker Spaniel

Collar sizes you need to consider before purchasing:

  • Full length.
  • Length to clasp.
  • Width.

When choosing a collar, it is extremely important to pay attention to the types of fasteners and materials from which the accessories are made. For American and English Cocker Spaniels, the following collar sizes are suitable:

  • SM: 35–41cm.
  • M: 39–45cm.

A fastened collar should not put pressure on your pet's neck or interfere with it in any other way. Two fingers should fit and rotate freely between the neck and the collar.

Advice: for the convenience of the ward, it is better to opt for a collar that is properly fastened to 1-2 holes or purchase a nylon collar that is adjustable in length.

How to choose?

The choice of a puppy should be approached with the utmost seriousness. In order to purchase a physically and mentally healthy animal, future owners turn to kennel clubs, breed forums, and nursery owners.

You should not choose a puppy based on the principle of the minimum price - this often means that the dogs and puppies are poorly raised, are not fed enough, do not have quality care and the necessary documents on origin.

The absence of a puppy card (birth certificate for puppies) should alert the potential owner - there is a danger of buying a non-pedigreed animal that will not look like a cocker spaniel with age.

When meeting puppies, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the mother and puppies - they should be cheerful, active and inquisitive, with shiny fur, clear eyes.

If the puppies are lethargic and hiding, it may be worth looking elsewhere.

Dimensions of a bed and a booth, a house or an aviary for a cocker spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel is an apartment dog, but for the purposes of education, safety, or temporary foster care, a cage or enclosure may be required. In addition, to organize a place for the dog to rest, you will need a lounger or a house.

Minimum sizes of a bed and a booth, a house or an aviary/cage for an American and English Cocker Spaniel:

  • Rugs, beds - sizes L and M - minimum 50x50 cm excluding sides.
  • Cage or enclosure - minimum 116x75x70 (width, depth, height).

The dog's enclosure should have a free space for a bed, bowls, and, if necessary, a tray.

Place of detention

Cocker spaniels are small in size, so they feel comfortable even in a one-room apartment. The dog needs to create a separate corner in order to immediately stop attempts to go to sleep in the owner’s bed.

A pet can only be kept outside in the summer - it is not adapted to cold weather. Make a comfortable booth, put soft bedding and additional toys in it.

The Cocker cannot be kept on a chain or in an enclosure - he constantly needs freedom of action so that he can splash out his energy.

You can put a playpen for dogs in the apartment. The pet is allowed into it if the owners leave for a while. There should be plenty of space in the playpen; toys should be placed there so that the pet does not get bored and does not look for a way to retreat.

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