Rules for toilet training a Chihuahua in an apartment and outdoors

When is it time to toilet train a puppy?

As a rule, professional breeders and specialized nurseries take upon themselves the issue of house training a puppy. The new owner should find out the following information from the previous owner:

  • Is the puppy toilet trained?
  • What served as a potty: a tray, diapers or regular newspaper?
  • Has your Chihuahua ever been vaccinated for the first time?

If the previous owner was not involved in training the puppy, then the responsibility for resolving the issue falls on the shoulders of the current owner. Make sure to allocate space in the apartment for the dog's natural needs.

During the first week, a new family member experiences extreme stress. The baby found himself in an unfamiliar house, surrounded by strangers, without his mother and father. There may be temporary bowel dysfunction in the form of diarrhea or constipation. It's okay, it will go away on its own.

The most productive age for toilet training a Chihuahua puppy is from 2 to 6 months of age. During this age interval, the animal’s final character, personality and habits are actively formed. It will be more difficult to train an adult.

Even a previously toilet-trained puppy may, at first, make mistakes and crap in places in the apartment that are unattractive to the owner. This is due to a change in the usual environment and the animal’s anxious internal state. To prevent defecation products from ending up on the floor carpet, it is better to remove it from the floor.

Every experienced breeder knows that Chihuahuas can involuntarily wet themselves and even crap themselves from fear, excitement, excitement, or severe emotional shock. However, systematic, unreasonable incontinence of urine or feces may indicate diseases of the dog’s genitourinary or digestive system.

Remember that the process of toilet training a Chihuahua takes a long period of time, on average from 2 to 4 weeks of diligent educational work. Constant monitoring and adjustment of the pet’s actions is necessary. Based on the above, it is recommended to take a vacation while the dog is training, or entrust the task to a responsible family member.

Possible difficulties

In some cases, novice owners have difficulty teaching their Chihuahuas the rules of hygiene.

Emptying by

If your pet prefers to relieve itself next to the tray without getting inside, then there is a reason for this. One of them is incorrectly selected containers (deep). High sides are not suitable for small breed dogs.

If the animal relieved itself in the litter tray for a while and then stopped, then you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the toilet. You should clean your dog's litter box immediately after the animal goes to relieve itself.

Chihuahua shits on the carpet

Chihuahua on the carpet
As a rule, carpet easily absorbs odors, so if one day the pet goes to relieve itself on the carpet, then over time it will understand that this is its toilet due to the smell.

That is why such flooring should be removed during the period of accustoming the animal to the tray. If this is not possible, you should thoroughly clean the carpet from puddles, cover it with a diaper and change it often.

Male marks furniture and walls

Chihuahua marks at home
Often dog owners have to deal with the problem of marks. The reasons for this are:

  • the presence of another male animal in the home;
  • there are marks from the previous animal;
  • proximity to a female;
  • being under stress;
  • absence or insufficient walking.

Pees on the sofa

Sometimes a Chihuahua relieves itself on upholstered furniture. To solve this problem, you should take care of purchasing sprays with a strong odor that will repel your pet. You should also limit the animal's access to the soft sofa.

How to understand that a dog wants to go to the toilet?

In puppies, due to their small body size and fast metabolism, the accumulation and elimination of waste products from the body occurs faster than in adult representatives of the breed.

It has been noticed that boys go to relieve physiological needs more often than girls. However, everything is individual and largely depends on the diet and the amount of liquid consumed by the puppy. Arm yourself with a notepad and pen, keep statistics of visits to the “closet”. This will help predict the time of the next urge in order to promptly monitor the baby’s actions.

As you get older, the daily number of urges to go to the toilet will decrease. Already at six months of age, the number of bladder emptyings in a dog will be reduced to 6-7 times a day, and bowel movements to 3-4.

The Chihuahua's behavior signals the desire to go to the toilet. The puppy becomes worried and begins to spin around in one place, frantically sniffing the intended “landing” site. In rare cases, slight scratching of the floor and hesitant whining are observed. Ignoring the signs will inevitably lead to the miraculous formation of a “heap.”

Chihuahuas are known to go to the toilet shortly after waking up from sleep, eating, and between active physical activities. Monitor the animal closely for 10 minutes and be prepared to take corrective action.

Tray selection rules

Diapers are quite expensive. Some dogs start playing with them and chewing them. Another toilet option for Chihuahuas is a tray. It is easier to care for, just clean and wash it once a day.

Which litter tray is suitable for a Chihuahua? Now there is a huge range of different types on sale. Most popular:

  • standard with a low (for boys) or high (for girls) side;
  • in the form of a house with a roof and an entrance door;
  • with a column in the center (especially for boys, so that they learn to lift their legs);
  • with grass bedding;
  • with a grid for easy washing and cleaning;
  • with rubber carpet.

You cannot buy cat litter boxes; they differ in design and may seem uncomfortable to dogs.

Tray training process

It is more difficult to accustom a Chihuahua to a litter tray in an apartment than to accustom it to diapers. It will take weeks. If an animal walks by, you should not scold it.

Before starting training, you need to pay attention to several nuances:

  1. It is important to choose the right place for the tray. Sometimes Chihuahuas refuse to go to the toilet because they feel uncomfortable sitting in that place.
  2. For easier training, you should buy sprays at the pet store to attract the dog’s attention to the litter box.
  3. Keep the tray clean. If it has not been cleaned for a long time and there is already an unpleasant smell coming from it, the dog will refuse to relieve itself there.
  4. Size also plays a big role. Larger Chihuahuas need larger trays, otherwise the dog will experience discomfort and refuse to walk.

Now, how to train a Chihuahua to go to the litter box:

  • the tray is installed in a place convenient for both the dog and the owner;
  • After sleeping or eating, place your pet in the tray 10 minutes later;
  • if the Chihuahua is about to go to the toilet on the carpet, take it and quickly take it to the tray;
  • If the dog has gone to the right place, he praises it and rewards it with his favorite food.

Gradually the dog will understand where to relieve itself. It is better to buy filler from natural materials. It should smell nice and please the dog.

The main assistants in quickly accustoming a puppy to the tray are special “attractive” sprays. Sold in pet stores, they attract your pet with their scent. How much to spray is indicated in the instructions. Do not overdo it, as the dog will develop allergies.

Punishments and rewards

Professional breeders advise using only humane toilet training methods. Chihuahuas are excellent psychologists, they perfectly sense the mood of the owner and distinguish the intonation of the voice. Dog handlers recommend using facial expressions, sounds and commands during the learning process.

For example, if the puppy is preparing to sit on the “potty” in the wrong place, click your fingers and say with a menacing look, “You can’t!” You should immediately pick up the animal and take it to a specially designated toilet area. When intimate matters are done, give the dog a piece of a well-deserved treat, praise with a kind word, and pat him on the head. The animal will not miss the next benefit for itself, so it will strive to relieve itself in a strictly established place.

As for inhumane methods of education, it is not recommended:

  • emotionally scream at the animal;
  • use physical force, beat;
  • poke the culprit's nose into the excrement.

Such actions will instill fear of people on a subconscious level in the puppy and develop self-doubt. He may not understand why he is scolded for the natural biological needs of the body, so he will avoid the owner. It is likely that subsequent acts of defecation will be carried out unnoticed in a secluded corner of the apartment. Such methods will only bring negative aspects to your relationship with your pet.

It is pointless to engage in educational work 10 minutes after bowel movement due to short-term memory. The dog will consider the punishment insulting and groundless in relation to itself, therefore the “criminal” should be caught at the scene of the “crime”.

It is possible and necessary to punish for mistakes. As a punishment, a temporary restriction of free space can be applied, for example, putting him in an artificial enclosure, or commanding him and putting him in his place! Complete ignoring for 1 hour, in some cases, has a positive effect. Use your imagination, but do not use sadistic methods of education.

Analyze why your puppy pees and poops in the wrong place. Perhaps the toilet is too small and inconvenient for the baby? Or maybe he doesn’t have time to run? Or does the smell of past feces on the floor beckon?

Dogs determine the toilet by smell, so if the puppy has emptied on the rug and the smell persists, it will probably return next time to lay another “larva.” Enzymatic cleaners effectively eliminate odors and remove urine stains from any surface. They are harmless to humans and animals. I recommend:

  1. Nature's Miracle Pet Stain & Odor;
  2. Binatec Ultizym Universal;
  3. Mr. Fresh;
  4. OdorGone.

On the contrary, cleaning products containing ammonia and chlorine will attract attention.

Among the folk remedies, solutions of potassium permanganate, vinegar, iodine (10 drops per liter of water), soda with hydrogen peroxide can help eliminate the smell of urine.

How to train a Chihuahua to wear a diaper?

There are two types of diapers:

  • especially for dogs;
  • human for babies.

There are disposable and reusable. There is no difference in quality, but it is noticeable in price. For example, disposable ones are more expensive and a lot of them are required (from three per day). Human ones are cheaper. You can buy them at a pet store, pharmacy, or hypermarket.

When training a dog to use the toilet in a diaper, it is important to adhere to certain rules. A table indicating what is allowed and prohibited to do during training:

  • Encourage with treats, praise for the fact that the pet went to the diaper
  • Punishing, depriving food, locking him in a room because the puppy walks past the diaper - this will definitely affect the character and behavior of the Chihuahua in the future.
  • Place a lot of diapers around the apartment
  • Coming home in the evening and noticing a puddle on the carpet, scold the animal for it (most likely, he no longer remembers, since he went a long time ago and forgot)
  • Leaving the puppy alone in the apartment for a long time, lock it in one room, lay out 2-3 diapers
  • Praise the baby for just sitting down on the diaper. It's much better to encourage him when he's already gone to the toilet.
  • 10-15 minutes after eating, put the dog on a diaper
  • Punish for the fact that the Chihuahua periodically goes to inappropriate places
  • Remove carpets in the apartment
  • Remove the used diaper - let the dogs remember the smell, they will quickly learn to go to one place

To accustom a Chihuahua puppy to a diaper, you need to:

  1. Place one or two in each room.
  2. When the dog starts asking to go to the toilet, he is about to shit on the carpet and take it to the diaper. Trace.
  3. Praise the child for going to the right place.
  4. Those parts of the carpet and floor where the pet goes to relieve itself are washed, washed and treated with special products. The animal is attracted by the smell, which is why it goes to the same place several times.
  5. Gradually remove the diaper in the room, finally leaving only one.

If the Chihuahua is not yet three months old, then it is more difficult to train. He is not yet able to navigate the rooms and understand that he needs to relieve himself in one designated place.

At this age, it is better to keep the pet in an enclosure or a small room. Try to spread the diapers in an area accessible to the baby.

Nuances of choosing a toilet for a Chihuahua

The toilet issue interests all novice breeders. It is customary to use the following as a toilet for a Chihuahua:

  • absorbent mats (reusable or disposable diapers);
  • specialized tray for small breeds of dogs;
  • amenities in the courtyard of a private or multi-story building;
  • old newspapers and fabrics.

If old newspapers and fabrics are rarely used by experienced breeders, despite their cost-effectiveness, then other options are widely used due to their hygienic advantages.

Of course, not every yard of an apartment building should be defecated, especially on children's playgrounds, but in specialized dog areas - please. Collect feces in a bag and throw it into a special container. Use common sense and keep things clean.

Most people prefer to organize a toilet room for their dog in their apartment. Of course, this solution saves the owner from periodically walking the pet outside on a daily basis. But there are also disadvantages:

  • the smell of feces persists in the room;
  • regular cleaning of “works of art”;
  • There may be cases of unintentional blunder.

Based on this, many people prefer to place the toilet on a covered loggia or balcony in order to protect themselves from the natural smell of the restroom. If this is not possible, then the best place would be the hallway, or the bathroom or toilet room. Provide unobstructed access.

Swaddles have been practiced by owners for a long time. This option is quite troublesome and costly. The cost of disposable absorbent diapers is about 20 rubles per piece. Today, reusable diapers are more popular because they save money.

But the most economical option is a tray. The product is made of plastic, it is easy to care for, and serves faithfully for many years. But at the initial stage of learning, it may not be possible to do without diapers.

What should a tray be like? Are there any significant differences between the products for boys and girls? You won't believe it, but it must be dog-sized, comfortable and roomy in size! The tray for males is equipped with high sides mounted in a column imitating a tree (bush). For girls, there is no need for a column.

Pet stores offer specialized trays for small breeds of dogs for every taste and design solution, even with artificial turf as bedding. Price tags from 1500 rubles. The most preferable specimen is one with a double bottom.

Getting used to a diaper

They usually start with the simplest but most effective training method, namely diapers. From the first day the puppy arrives in the apartment, place several diapers in places that can serve as a potential toilet.

When you see that the dog has begun to spin around and sits down with its butt in the wrong place, you should strictly say “No!” and immediately take him to the diaper. Wait for the biological process to complete, hand him a treat, praise and pet him.

The puppy will quickly learn how to get the next treat and praise from the owner, so he will try to relieve his natural needs in a diaper. The main thing is to help and guide at the right time if the Chihuahua makes a mistake. The time interval and number of daily bowel movements were discussed above.

If in the initial stages of training a puppy you need from 4 to 6 diapers spread on the floor of the room, then later they need to be reduced to one. Pay attention to which corner of the room the puppy liked. If the place suits you, then great. If not, then gradually move the diaper to the desired place, about 10 cm per day until you reach the end point.

Remember that dogs go to the toilet based on smell. If there is a smell of urine or feces from other sources, then it is likely that the puppy will not reach the diaper. Remove all feces thoroughly using specialized absorbents. It is important to be nearby when the Chihuahua needs to go to the toilet in order to control further actions.

When you leave home, it is recommended to leave your dog in the home enclosure. You can make it yourself or purchase it at a pet store. Costs from 2000 rubles. Place a diaper, drinking bowl, feeder, bed and toys inside. The diaper and bed should be located on opposite sides of the enclosure.

Where better to put

You should choose a place to place the dog toilet before your pet arrives in the house. Otherwise, your new family member can make this choice on their own. And you will have new worries, in particular, how to stop your pet from shitting and relieving itself throughout the apartment.

If you have purchased a small puppy, then at first it is better for the tray to be in the room where the pet will live. According to the recommendations of experienced breeders of dwarf dogs, in the first weeks of getting used to a new place, it is better to limit the habitat of your four-legged friend.

When the dog gets used to its new place of residence and learns to go to the toilet, you can move the tray to a more secluded place. If your home has a loggia or glassed-in balcony, move the dog toilet there, and then it won’t smell like “dogs.”

Tray training

I prefer to start toilet training my Chihuahua right away with the tray. The device is installed in a designated area of ​​the apartment for toilet matters. The design allows you to relieve yourself comfortably without urinating on your paws. To absorb the smell of feces, you can lay an absorbent diaper or a special dog litter on the bottom of the tray.

Unlike diapers, regular cleaning of the tray is required, because... Chihuahuas are disdainful of going into an extremely dirty litter box. To encourage your puppy to relieve himself where he should, you can use commercial chemicals such as 8in 1 Puppy Trainer Housebreaking Spray. A small piece of used diaper has a similar effect.

Boys aged 7-8 months begin to raise their back paw when they pee. In this case, it’s time to install a special column in the center of the tray. It is usually sold as a kit, but its simple design allows you to make it yourself from scrap materials.

Training consists of preventing voiding in the wrong place in advance and directing it in the right direction. For something done correctly, praise and treat, and for something done incorrectly, scold. Don't get angry, control your emotions. Regular repetitions will get your dog into the habit of defecating in the litter box.

Should I scold and how?

Punishing a Chihuahua
You should scold the dog for relieving itself in the wrong place during this process. Otherwise, the animal will not understand why he is being reprimanded.

Under no circumstances should you physically punish your dog, because then it will become nervous and cowardly. It is enough to say the command “No” several times in a raised tone.

Attention! If the pet has done its business in the tray or in the diaper, the animal should be rewarded with a treat.

Accustoming to the comforts of the street

Residents of a private sector or multi-storey building can teach their Chihuahua to go to the toilet outside. If in the first case the amenities are located in a personal yard, then the local area is considered common.

Observe basic moral standards and do not allow your dog to pee or poop in playgrounds, in hallways, on sidewalks and in crowded places. In large cities there are special areas for walking dogs, so go there.

It is strictly not recommended to go outside with the puppy until the end of quarantine after re-vaccination. This is due to the threat of contracting dangerous diseases from sources of infection, which can be the feces of infected dogs.

To go outside you will need a harness with a leash. Install a special “Pet Fun” doorbell at a level accessible to your four-legged friend. Before walking, touch the bell with your paw or the tip of your dog's nose to make a sound. An association should form in her subconscious: bell - street - toilet. Over time, the Chihuahua will notify you of its urge to go to the toilet via a call. If the method is not successful, then simply make a walking schedule and strictly follow it, then the dog’s biological clock will adjust to it.

Chihuahuas quickly get used to comfortable conditions for defecation, so it will be quite difficult to accustom them to the street. Experienced breeders recommend taking used diapers with you and dancing with a tambourine in front of the dog, calling on the gods for mercy. Some even look for the feces of other dogs in order to awaken a desire to make a similar product. You can do just that.

Remember when I said that dogs go to the toilet soon after waking up from sleep and eating? Isn't this food for thought? We went outside, planted it under a bush and waited. Let it take 20 minutes, but return home only after the task has been successfully completed. Don't forget to treat and praise. Over time, voiding outside will become a habit. No more used diapers in your pocket or searching for dog poop.

In rainy, hot or frosty weather, it is better to refrain from walking. As an alternative, offer a litter box that is accessible 24/7.

Choosing a place for the toilet, its organization

When answering the question of what a dog toilet should be like, it is important to consider the following:

  • Despite the fact that most owners believe that the litter box is universal for all pets, this is not true - a cat litter box is not suitable for a dog.
  • Newspaper is not suitable for cleaning the needs of a puppy - after moisture is absorbed, stains form on the floor, which are difficult to remove in the future.
  • Pet stores have a wide variety of dog litter boxes, which vary in type, wall height, and more.
  • For a puppy, a diaper is an ideal option, suitable for the training period. Then the question arises, how to accustom a Chihuahua to a diaper, the answer to which will be given later in the article.
  • The tray should be placed near the door or on the balcony, as the Chihuahua will instinctively run outside.
  • If the apartment has an aviary, then the toilet can be placed there.

Toilet for Chihuahua

Where should the toilet be or the diaper?

One of the main advantages of the Chihuahua breed is the ability to teach your pet to relieve itself in a certain place. Then the owner has a question about where the dog’s toilet should be.

It is important to take into account that the owner must be persistent and strictly follow the Chihuahua’s regime, which involves “first food, then toilet.” It is also necessary to take into account some features of this breed.

Chihuahuas, as a rule, choose their own place to go to the toilet, and also do not like punishment.

Most often, the puppy independently determines the place for its toilet, heading towards the front door or balcony if it is glazed.

Attention! A toilet or diaper can be placed in an enclosure or a separate room so that if the puppy wants to do his business, he can quickly find it.

Puppy toilet

How to choose a tray

You should think about what the tray should be like before purchasing a pet. The toilet for Chihuahua girls and boys must meet the following requirements:

  • The height of the sides must correspond to the height of the animal. For large dogs, trays with high sides are suitable, and for medium and small breeds - low ones or without them at all.
  • The material of the pallet is also of great importance. It is better to avoid buying a tray made of cheap plastic, as it tends to absorb odors.
  • The filler material should be selected based on the needs of the pet. It is wood-based, wood-mineral and mineral.

Tray for Chihuahua

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