How to toilet train a Yorkie quickly? What to choose: tray or street? Let's potty train your Yorkie at home! From video and photos!

Installation and maintenance of the tray

The Yorkshire Terrier's toilet at home should be in a non-public place where the pet has 24-hour access. Usually it is placed in the bathroom or toilet. When choosing an item, pay attention to:

  • for the material - they use thick plastic, it is easy to wash, it is durable;
  • the height of the sides is comfortable for small breeds;
  • a nozzle on them - prevents the filler from spilling.

A cat litter box will also work. Puppies are first bought a product with low sides or taught to walk in a diaper. It is better to use fillers. They have advantages:

  • absorb moisture and odor;
  • prevent paws from getting dirty;
  • It is more comfortable for your pet to go to the litter tray several times.

The type is chosen according to personal preference. They speak well of silica gel and wood. It is changed as needed.

No reason to worry

Puddles are a common nuisance, but not a hopeless one. In some dogs it stops at 3 months, the puppy learns to endure and asks to go outside, in others it continues up to 5-7 months. It is important to understand the psychology of a Yorkie puppy, and even more important is to learn to understand the signals given by the pet.

A lot depends on the owner. The key points are time, patience and perseverance, appropriate education and training, and a means to eliminate unpleasant odors. The best medicine is time: terrier puppies up to four months of age have a weak genitourinary system; upon reaching this age, the likelihood of puddles significantly decreases.

How to toilet train a Yorkie

It will take a lot of patience and consistency. Since this is one of the elements of training, a reward and prohibition system is used. The Yorkshire Terrier is trained to use the litter tray from childhood.

First, they regularly bring him to the toilet and put him in the litter. They do this after eating, sleeping and playing. If the pet relieves itself in the tray, it is given a treat and praised. When he went to a forbidden place, they scolded him and took him to the toilet.

How to train a Yorkie to wear a diaper

Many Yorkies find it easier to learn to wear a diaper. Rewarding techniques should also be used. Which is better - a tray or a diaper? There is no consensus on this issue: breeders have different attitudes to this problem. Some people do not recommend training them to use a tray, preferring a diaper; others, on the contrary, say that preference should be given to the tray.

How to train a Yorkie to the litter box after diapering

You can use this system if the breeder's puppies were diapered:

  • Place a few around the house.
  • See which one the puppy goes to most often.
  • The most “unpopular” ones should be removed and the number of places reduced to 1.
  • Place a tray there and put the diaper in it.
  • Then reduce its piece, and then completely remove it.

Yorkies taken from a purebred litter must be clean and accustomed to at least diapers. Puddles in “unnecessary” places must be washed with strong detergents: the subtle smell serves as a signal that you can go to the toilet here. You can soak the diaper in the waste and put it in the tray.

Yorkies learn training at different speeds: some need 5-6 times, others get used to it in a couple of weeks. You cannot constantly allow your pet to go to the toilet at home! Yorkie is a dog, he needs a walk and quite successfully relieves himself on the street. The tray is a safety net for the owner and pet in emergency situations.

Complex reasons for incorrect behavior

The reasons for this behavior in a puppy:

  • Weak bladder (puppies at 8-16 weeks need to go to the toilet every 2 hours during daylight hours, and every 4 hours at night). The baby is not accustomed to patience, he stains the floor when he feels the urge to go to the toilet.

Set up a walking routine. Take your puppy out after feedings, after playing and after sleeping. Don't confuse walking with walking. A regular one-hour simple walk at a calm pace, with short play elements (running after a ball) once or twice a week for a Yorkie will release the collected energy. In the second case, the procedure lasts 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

For the heaps and puddles of the house, in a stern (but not shouting - low tone, abrupt words), in a dissatisfied voice, clearly pronounce the word of condemnation - “bad” or “impossible”, or give the command: “Ugh!” if you caught the dog at the scene of the act. . The pet will certainly hear the owner. Yorkie puppies perfectly understand the intonations of the voice, conversation and a stern tone will have an educational effect. It is important not to lose the love and trust of the puppy!

Make sure that urination or defecation in the wrong place is not a medical situation and the puppy is completely healthy. Organize a complete medical examination. To improve health, you need to take care of your pet’s teeth and have timely vaccinations.

  • Dominance task. If a puppy knows the limits, but breaks the rules, it means that he considers himself more important.

Prove to the puppy that you are the boss (alpha leader - according to John Fisher). Take a couple of lessons from a dog handler and teach your puppy to follow simple commands: “No!”, “Place!”, “Stand!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Come to me!”, “Near!”. Do not give a command, knowing for sure that the dog will not fulfill the requirement: for example, he is very carried away or is playing with the neighbor’s dog. Similarly, eliminate the experience of not following a command.

Explain to the puppy that the dog must earn privileges: food, affection, a walk, a game. When the puppy tries to beg for a reward, be sure to force the dog to follow the command, then give it what you want.

Are you not interested in the walk? Try to get your puppy interested in a walk in the fresh air: practice his favorite game, for example, with a ball or a toy. It is important to accustom your puppy to the street.

If the dog refuses to use the litter box

There are several reasons:

  • he does not like the location, for example, a passage corridor;
  • the filler does not fit - plays with it or feels disgusted;
  • He just doesn't want to use the litter box.

The first problem is solved by choosing another location. With the second one, you will have to experiment and offer different types of filler or remove them altogether and clean the tray more often. The root of the last problem is solely the pet’s character. If he tolerates and relieves himself on the street, then he does not need a tray. And when he craps at home, consulting a dog handler helps in correcting the problem.

Breeders are sure that not all Yorkies can be litter trained. Then the responsibility for this falls on them and the future owners. Most miniature breeds successfully relieve themselves both in the litter box and outside.


Initially, York will need to be isolated in a room reserved for the toilet. If a passage room or part of a corridor is intended for the site, we close off free access to rooms where a dog is not allowed, for example, to the bedroom. It does not require hard work or large expenses; you can buy the required barrier at a specialized pet store, approximately 30-40 cm high.

READ How to train a Chihuahua to use a litter tray and diaper

It is permissible to build a kind of enclosure from these structures if you have to leave the house. The pet will not be able to enter other rooms of the home to play pranks and leave a mark.

Simple tips

Early socialization – from an early age, introduce the puppy to sounds and people. This helps him develop into a friendly dog.

  1. Set boundaries of what is permitted. Training expands the range of mutual understanding with the owner: the Yorkie will become a wonderful companion. If you spoil your dog, beware!
  2. Diet. Small breed puppies often have low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). For stability, dogs should be fed in small portions 4 times a day.
  3. Walking mode. Up to 6 months, go to the toilet more often: up to 5 times a day. Later, three times a day will be enough.
  4. Routine. Set rules for your puppy by defining bedtimes and bathroom breaks, arranging them to fit your own schedule. The regime will make life easier for the dog and the owner.
  5. Teach your puppy to sleep at a set time: in the evening immediately after walking.
  6. Game mode. Games and training will use up energy, and a tired puppy will not stay awake at night. Scheduled games will streamline your sleep schedule.
  7. Feeding schedule for 3 – 6 months: long-term use of the “free feeding” mode makes it difficult for a growing puppy to get used to discipline. The nutritional discipline will begin to limp, and therefore the walking discipline. Example of a schedule for 3-4 meals a day:
  • in the morning – from 9-10;
  • at lunch – from 12-13;
  • early evening - from 16-17 (in case of 4 meals a day);
  • in the evening - from 19-21 - 2 hours before bedtime.

The more often a puppy walks outside, the less people run around the house with a rag: with a balanced diet and walking, a number of positive habits are developed. The puppy knows when it’s time to go for a walk and waits without getting the floor dirty. Endurance, patience and encouragement of your pet will bring positive results if you are successful.

Toilet for a small dog: tray, newspaper, diaper

How to accustom a toy terrier to a tray and a diaper

A diaper, newspaper or tray is perfect as a potty for your Yorkie. Below you can see the features of each type of dog toilet.


There are a large number of litter boxes for dogs. You can buy them in a specialized store. Among the most popular models are:

  • Pillar toilets are a classic type of potty that consists of a mesh and a tray. The kit also includes a removable post, which allows male dogs to relieve themselves by choosing a physiological position (with their back paw raised). A toilet with a pillar must be washed every day, removing the mesh from the pan. The potty is not able to absorb the odors of urine and feces. During the first months, you should wash the device only with water, as the aromas of detergents can scare off your four-legged friend. York is marking in the apartment, what should I do? Purchasing a toilet with a column will be a real salvation in this situation. And it will be completely optional to castrate the dog;
  • trays with a collector are the simplest version of a pot, which is equipped with a grate and a tray made of plastic. After relieving itself, the pet's paws remain dry. The pot is quite easy to clean due to the fact that the mesh can be removed. There are several tray models available for sale, which differ in the height of the sides. Pots with high sides have special passages for dogs. Males have the opportunity to pee on the inside sides of the sides. Models with low sides are ideal for bitches;
  • litter tray is a type of potty that allows dogs to bury evidence of their trips to the toilet. Filler is poured into a tray with medium-high sides. Dry litters allow you to absorb urine and mask unpleasant odors. However, when choosing such a filler, it is important to ensure that your four-legged friend does not eat it, because this can cause intestinal obstruction. Filling toilets are rarely used. Such options are suitable only for some puppies who like to dig in the ground before going to the toilet;

Potted lawn

  • tray with changeable diapers. The flat tray is equipped with diaper holders, which allows you to lay it on the surface of the bottom of the container. After your dog has visited the toilet, you don’t have to worry about the urine becoming blurry. The diaper will absorb all the liquid. You can purchase both disposable and reusable diapers. The latter can be washed. The tray does not absorb unpleasant odors and reliably protects the floor from urine leaks. This tray is quite easy to clean;
  • a tray with a lawn is a three-level structure, in the lower part of which there is a spacious box. This is where urine collects. The middle layer of the structure is a protective mesh, endowed with the function of blocking unpleasant odors. The manufacturer designed the upper part in the form of a lawn. The grass is made from a rubberized material. It allows moisture to pass through the container quite well. The lawn tray has a simple assembly, which does not complicate the maintenance of the structure. Unpleasant urine aromas remain in the inside of the tray, which makes it possible to wash the potty once every 2 days.

Which tray to choose is up to the owner, who, thanks to the abundance of models, will be able to choose the option that suits a specific situation.

Note! Trays with a self-cleaning system are available for sale. This is a very convenient option for pet owners who spend a lot of time at work.


The newspaper is a temporary measure that allows you to outline the boundaries of the toilet. Paper material is not able to retain urine. Puddles will spread throughout the room. The floor surface will be wet. It is advisable to use newspaper in the process of potty training your pet. To do this, you need to put a piece of newspaper soaked in urine in a pot. This way the aroma can be transferred to a new tray, which will enable the puppy to quickly find his way and find the right place to relieve himself.


The diapers available for sale can be made of cloth or rubberized. The latter are distinguished by good absorbent characteristics and the ability to hold large amounts of urine.

For your information! Diapers can be used as a toilet itself, but it is best to purchase a special tray with clips and place the diaper in this particular place.

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