How long do Spitz live: how to make your pet live happily ever after

Description of the breed

Let's now talk about what an adult German Spitz looks like.

The color of dogs of this breed can be very different - black, white, gray, brown, red, cream and mixed. There are no restrictions on this criterion in the standard. In addition, at the exhibition, color does not have any influence on the ranking.

When a dog senses danger, it begins to bark loudly, thereby notifying others of a possible threat. That is why, even in a group of large dogs guarding an object, they prefer to have at least one small German Spitz.

The German Spitz has different sizes. There are large, medium and dwarf representatives of this breed. People often ask how old German Spitz grow. It is impossible to answer with certainty, since this process directly depends on the correct feeding of the puppy. As a rule, active growth continues until 7 - 9 months of age. And the closest size to ideal for an adult dog is height 32 cm (+/-4 cm).

The wool is very lush and soft. The ratio of the Spitz's body length and its height should be 1:1. Nose color is black or dark brown. The ears of dogs of this breed should be triangular in shape and close set. A German Spitz dog (photo below) should not have a fold on its face. The dog's tail is rounded. The hind and front legs are similar to those of a cat. On such paws she moves very smoothly and quickly. When walking, it appears as if the dog is not touching the ground.

Now let's move on to the most variable value - German Spitz weight. It is impossible to answer the question exactly how much it weighs. The weight of a German Spitz as an adult dog depends on its variety. A large representative of this breed weighs significantly more than a dwarf, for example. Well, how can we compare? I’ll say something like this - from 4 kg to 20. Yes, yes, that’s such a wide range.

Interesting photo

How long do German Spitz live?

The lifespan of a German Spitz is not much different from other small dogs such as Italian Greyhound, Chihuahua, Papillon or Prague Rat. Still the same 13 - 5 years on average. However, I remind you that a lot depends on caring for your pet and proper feeding. If you strictly follow the rules of feeding, rules of care and haircut, vaccination schedule according to the age of the dog, then you can be sure that your pet will easily live at the peak of its strength up to 18 years and even up to 20. Therefore, if you are asked how many years German dogs live Spitz, you can safely answer from 15 to 20 years.

German Spitz: description of the breed, character

Characteristics of the breed are impossible without describing high intelligence. Representatives of this breed are unusually smart and insightful. They can and should be trained, as they remember commands easily and very quickly. Because of these qualities, they can often be found in circus arenas. Moreover, interestingly, it shows the wonders of training in the arena, and not like the Yorkshire Terrier, which, as a rule, performs in clownery acts. And not only in the circus. He is also a frequent guest on a variety of television programs.

How to determine age?

The age of a dog, including a Spitz, is determined by several criteria: the condition of its teeth, fur and eyes.

If we are talking about a puppy , then you need to pay attention to the number of teeth :

  • A newborn puppy has no teeth.
  • At 3 weeks of age, the pet's fangs begin to erupt.
  • Front teeth appear in a month
  • At 2 months, the entire deciduous dentition is already present.
  • At the age of 2-4 months, the puppy’s teeth begin to change to permanent ones.
  • A 6-month-old pet's primary fangs fall out and permanent ones appear.
  • By 8 months, the change of teeth is completely completed.

Determining the age of an adult dog by its teeth:

  • The one-year-old dog has a full row of white and strong permanent teeth.
  • At 2 years old, the tubercles on the lower toes begin to wear out.
  • At 4 years old, the tubercles on the upper toes are already erased.
  • At the age of 5, the tubercles on all incisors wear off, and the teeth begin to acquire a yellowish tint.
  • At 6 years of age, the incisors become concave and the canines become blunt.
  • At 8-9 years of age, pronounced abrasion of all teeth is observed.
  • At the age of 10 and sasha, the dog’s teeth begin to loosen and fall out.

A pet's coat can also tell a lot about its age . Young dogs have a silky, shiny, glossy coat. In an elderly dog, it is dull, unevenly colored, and has bald spots in places.

Age can also be judged by the eyes.


A young healthy dog ​​has clean, clear eyes full of life and excitement.

An older dog often has a dull look, and his eyes are often cloudy and deep-set.

Content Features

German and Pomeranian Spitz are among the most sought after breeds. They require proper care, because improper living conditions can significantly reduce the life span of a Spitz. These dogs need a balanced diet.

Due to the large amount of densely packed wool, these babies are susceptible to heatstroke in the summer. It is not noticeable to puppies, but when it overheats, the heart suffers, which leads to problems with its functioning. Adult dogs tolerate heat even worse. Violations occur that require veterinarian intervention.

Smiling dog

There are also problems with the digestive system. The liver and pancreas cannot cope with the load. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet. One-time deviations will not lead to problems, but regular failures are fraught with the occurrence of diseases, including obesity.

Regardless of the age of the Pomeranian, dust sticks to the skin through the thick undercoat and remains on the body for a long time. Regularly clean your pet's coat and skin to avoid focal inflammation and weakened immunity.

Despite the fact that representatives of the breed have a fairly strong natural degree of protection, they can be susceptible to viral infections. Until a year old, puppies have weakened immunity, so carry out comprehensive vaccinations. Vaccinate an adult dog at your own discretion, but the rabies vaccine must be administered every year.

Why do super-dwarfs live very short lives?

Super-small dogs are incredibly popular, because they are so convenient to keep in the apartment and carry with you everywhere. For this reason, tiny dogs are much more expensive than their standard relatives. However, an abnormally small size threatens many health problems: internal organs cannot cope with the load and work ineffectively, causing various pathologies and mental disorders. Super-dwarf Pomeranians, as a rule, lived no more than 8 years, and required very careful care and respect. The normal height of a Spitz is 20 cm, and smaller dogs are at risk, so you should think seriously before adopting a dwarf baby.

How long do Spitz live?

The lifespan of Spitz dogs directly depends on their size and ranges from 6 to 20 years. The larger the individual, the longer it will live. Due to physical development disorders, dwarf Pomeranians of the bear type and mini do not live as long as their larger counterparts, because their internal organs cannot cope with the full load and fail prematurely. Even with good care, Spitz dogs live at home on average for no more than 8 years, this only applies to those that are less than 20 cm tall.

The conditions in which your pet is kept at home also play an important role. In large cities, small dogs survive to old age less often than in rural areas due to the climate and the environmental influence of negative factors.

Elderly dog

Also, how long the pet will live with you is influenced by the length of time the puppy stays with its mother. The longer, the better for the dog. It is optimal to pick up the baby at 3-4 months, when the girl stops feeding the cubs.

Spitz life expectancy and what affects it

Depending on the size of the pet, its life can be from 6 to 20 years

Its duration is higher, the larger the Spitz
. The conditions in which it is kept also affect how many years a dog will live. Animals in a metropolis always die earlier than those who spend their entire lives in rural areas. The life span of Spitz dogs is longer even if the puppies have been with their mother for a long time.

The optimal age for weaning them from the female is 3 months. If the mother stops feeding the puppies earlier, then from that moment on they can be moved to a new home. This phenomenon is usually observed when she has insufficient milk and a large litter.

Negatively affect

stress on the lifespan of an animal.
Spitz are very emotional, and strong nervous experiences can cause a sharp deterioration in the dog’s health. The ideal conditions
under which a pet will live as long as possible are the following: one owner throughout life, a calm environment in the house and the presence of a second dog. The latter is necessary for full communication, without which animals cannot feel comfortable. No matter how much a person loves a pet, he cannot replace a relative, and without him the Spitz will always feel bad.

What can shorten your life?

In addition to the type, the duration is influenced by many negative factors that cause disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems, provoking the development of various diseases. This can shorten your life by 5-6 years.

Among the most common severe types of diseases are:

  • disruptions in liver function;
  • inflammation of the intestine and neoplasms in it;
  • cancerous tumors of various organs;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation and heart function;
  • joint diseases.

In addition to diseases, fractures can be the cause of early death, because the bones of this breed are very fragile. Any injury, and especially a fracture, takes away vitality, and with age leads to severe pain, which harms the heart.

Factors that bring death closer are obvious:

  • insufficient nutrition and poor diet;
  • small amount of physical activity;
  • frequent worries, stress;
  • refusal of vaccinations;
  • no treatment for ticks and fleas;
  • lack of attention in the treatment of emerging diseases.

Only by eliminating adverse effects on your dog can you keep it healthy until old age.


Grooming is not a mandatory procedure for a Spitz.

However, with its help you can improve the appearance of the dog, giving it the desired shape and simplify the care of its coat.

The owner chooses the shape of the haircut independently, in accordance with his taste and desires.

At the same time, you need to know that oranges cannot be cut very short. This will harm the dog’s health, because the fur protects the “bear” from overheating. In addition, there is a possibility that after a short haircut, new hair may not grow back.

If a dog is participating in an exhibition, it cannot have a model haircut.

Why do dwarfs die early?

Super-mini breed is one of the most popular today. They have no dog smell at all, and their miniature size allows you not to part with your pet and take it with you anywhere. At the same time, the life of babies is very short.

It is not for nothing that the standard stipulated a height of at least 20 cm; this allows the pet to maintain normal health and ensure its survival until old age.

Dwarfs have very brittle bones and a very sensitive pancreas. Even in ideal conditions they will not be able to live more than 10 years. This is a record figure for minis.

Causes of premature death

A toy, not a dog
In order for a pet to live as long as possible, it is necessary to provide it with appropriate care.

First of all, it should be a complete absence of stress. The tiny dog ​​generally reacts very sensitively to swearing and any conflicts in the family. As a result, he begins to tremble, tries to climb into his owner’s arms, hide, or runs and barks furiously. Any of these reactions negatively affects his well-being and causes serious damage to the entire nervous system.

An additional risk comes from various injuries. Spitz dogs are generally quite susceptible to them - the reason for this is their small body with thin bones and a very active lifestyle. The dog may well jump from the high sofa onto the floor and break his paw in the process.

Attention! It is advisable to groom Spitz dogs in the warm season, otherwise there is a high risk of rapid hypothermia and colds.

Like many decorative dogs, Spitz dogs suffer from a fairly wide range of common diseases. Experts usually include in this list:

  • neoplasms affecting external and internal organs;
  • inflammation of the pancreas and intestines;
  • joint diseases;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart and liver.

Finally, poor diet can also have a serious impact on life expectancy. If the dog does not receive enough microelements, this may well lead to a variety of diseases. And an excess of calories with an insufficiently active lifestyle will definitely cause obesity, in which the animal will live 2-4 years less than it could.

Therefore, there are simply no trifles in caring for a Spitz - it is necessary to provide him with truly ideal conditions so that he can live as long as possible.

How to increase your life expectancy

To do this, it is enough to properly care for your pet and adhere to the basic rules of keeping:

  • ensure proper feeding and vitamin intake;
  • Walk regularly with your kids, at least 3 times a day for an hour;
  • protect your baby from stressful situations;
  • Take your dog to the veterinarian at least once a year - up to 7 years, and for older ones - once every six months;
  • Follow the vaccination schedule prescribed by your veterinarian.

Breeders believe that timely castration also contributes to the life and health of the pet.

If you become a truly loving and responsible owner for your dog, provide proper care and nutrition, he will be able to live with you for as long as possible.

Pet with owner

How to extend the life of your pet

Increasing the life expectancy of a Spitz is possible through proper care. Basic rules

that should be observed when maintaining are:

  • proper feeding, which is selected depending on the pet’s living conditions
    and its age. A good one should contain all the nutrients the animal needs;
  • Regular walks are required, 3 times a day for at least 1 hour;
  • avoidance of
    stressful situations;
  • a planned annual visit to the veterinarian for dogs under 7 years of age, and for pets over 7 years of age – once every six months. At this age, internal organs begin to fail. This is proper dog care;
  • compliance with the vaccination schedule.

Only if the owner is loving and responsible will the animal live long. The breeder will tell you what care and types of nutrition will be most beneficial for the animal.

  1. Any changes in the animal's behavior require a visit to the veterinarian
    to identify the causes of their occurrence.
  2. In hot weather, it is recommended to cut the animal
    , since it is necessary to think about its physical condition, and not its appearance. The procedure is required regardless of the color of the German or Pomeranian Spitz.
  3. When getting a super mini Spitz, you will have to pay special attention to the dog’s condition.
  4. Communication with relatives is necessary for a pet every day.

Attentive treatment of the animal, taking into account its interests and needs, allows you to maximize the life of your pet. If the owner does not take care of the pet, the dog will not live long.

A small charming dog that belongs to the decorative dwarf breed. After appearing in the house, these fluffy creatures instantly turn into adored pets, so the owners persistently try to find out how long Pomeranian Spitz live. Their cute fox face, cheerful disposition and soft fur give their owners a sea of ​​positive emotions, so the “adoptive parents” of these babies are ready to make significant efforts to prolong their lives as long as possible.

Tips on how to become a good host

To be a good host, it is enough to adhere to several important rules:

  1. If you notice changes in your dog's behavior, contact your veterinarian immediately to determine and correct the cause.
  2. In hot weather, trim your animal's fur to keep it cool.
  3. Pay special attention to your dog's diet and health.
  4. Regularly pay attention to your pet, he should not feel lonely.
  5. Don't raise your voice - don't scare the baby.

A caring attitude towards your pet, taking into account the interests and needs of its body, will allow you to live together with it for as long as possible.

Caring for an older dog

For an older dog, it is recommended to choose a special diet, because with age, teeth gradually wear away. It is recommended to include more vitamins and nutritional supplements in the diet, and it is better to reduce the amount of fat.

Important! Walks with older pets should be shorter, and physical activity should not be as intense as before.

After 7 years of age, it is necessary to show the Spitz to the veterinarian once a year in order to prevent various diseases in time.

In summer, it is better to cut your dog's hair so that it does not suffer from the heat.

How long do Spitz dogs usually live?

In 1892, the Spitz became famous in America. If we talk about the appearance of the representative of the breed, then this is a small fluffy animal, with a rounded skull and a head that looks like a fox. Beautiful German dogs, which are long-lived, often become prize-winners at exhibitions. Answering the question “How many years does a Pomeranian Spitz live on average at home?”, we note that we are talking about the age of 12–16 years. Sometimes these cute furry creatures can live up to 18-20 years. In order for dogs to live long, it is necessary to follow the rules of care, take care of a balanced diet and the health of the pet.

How many years have they lived at home?

Pomeranian Spitz varietyMinimum life expectancy (in years)Maximum life expectancy (years)Average life expectancy
(in years)
Super mini or toy (height at withers less than 18 cm)576
Mini (height at withers -20-25 cm)8109
Fox type (height at withers -26-28 cm)121513
Bear type (height at withers -26-28 cm)121513

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“If we talk about the average life expectancy of a Spitz, then a lot depends on the owner. This breed is quite strong and healthy, so care and maintenance play a key role here. On average, the Pomeranian Spitz lives 14-15 years, but under good conditions, some individuals live up to 20.”

What shortens lifespan

How many years such pets live depends in practice on the presence or absence of diseases. The breed is healthy and stable. Digestive problems may occur (if feeding rules are violated), early tooth loss, which is also typical for representatives of other small species. As well as inflammation of the paraanal glands and other ailments associated with breed characteristics. Spitz dogs are sometimes diagnosed with alopecia, that is, baldness. But this aesthetic flaw rarely affects the shortening of life.

At risk are pets that are poorly cared for and given poor quality or unsuitable food. A monotonous diet deficient in vitamins and microelements worsens the quality of life of dogs. The causes of baldness, anemia and tooth loss by the age of two are precisely errors in the diet. The animal will also have fragile bones, which does not exclude the possibility of injury. A good appetite of a representative of the breed is not a reason for the owner to indulge him in terms of the amount of food, otherwise you can end up with a dog in the form of a barrel on his paws. Some animals are predisposed to colitis and gastritis.

A Spitz needs to be walked regularly, because physical activity is the key to good health and good mood. The pet needs routine veterinary examinations and assistance (if necessary). If the animal is not treated for parasites, not vaccinated, and does not comply with the above conditions, it will live less.

When choosing a puppy, future owners do not always think about its health, trying to purchase an expensive and tiny pet. The average body size of a typical breed can protect it from injury. While the “minik”, reaching no more than 18 cm at the withers, initially has a thin and fragile skeleton. Even in dogs, the fontanelle does not always close completely. This is fraught with the appearance of a serious disease - hydrocephalus of the brain. Due to its miniature size, the animal may simply stop developing. “Miniks” have weak immunity and a vulnerable psyche.

A standard size Spitz (20–22 cm at the withers) is not so miniature and fashionable, but it has fewer health problems.

How to extend the life of a pet

In order for your beloved Pomeranian to live as long as possible, the owners need to pay enough attention to their pet. First of all, this relates to proper nutrition. You need to choose ready-made food extremely carefully, pay attention not only to the manufacturer’s brand, but also to the seller, because counterfeits are very common. If dog owners prefer natural homemade food, they have the opportunity to control the quality of the products. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the diet is balanced so that your furry friend receives all the necessary substances.

An active lifestyle is also important. The fact that a Spitz is a lap dog does not mean that it can live exclusively indoors. Like any other dog, Pomeranians need fresh air, sunlight, walks, and active games. If owners take the time to regularly walk their four-legged friend, he will live much longer. By the age of 4-5, he still loves to play and fool around. Cheerful, cheerful dogs live longer, so the owner should not forget to play with the pet, this will prolong the life of the pet and give a lot of positive emotions to the owner himself.

The main factor in a long and happy life for a Pomeranian is an attentive, caring owner, healthy food and... In this case, the furry friend will delight his owner for a very long time and may even join the list of long-lived dogs.

New favorite characters will appear in your home when you get Pomeranians. These charming fur coats will give you a sea of ​​positive emotions and unforgettable emotions. He will constantly remind you of himself and ask you to play. Joyful meetings every day are now guaranteed to you, because your pet is not indifferent to your presence. Quickly becoming attached to a new family member, you sadly think that one day he will leave you forever. You want to extend the dog’s life, even though it is much shorter than a human’s. A caring owner is trying to find out how long Pomeranians live

, and what this process depends on.

Small breeds are luckier than their large brothers; they are considered long-livers with an average life cycle of 12-15 years. Like people, Spitz dogs have exceptions, in which case they live 18-20 years and lead an active life. Believe it or not, the main secret to the Pomeranian's longevity is a good owner. Proper care and proper diet are very important for this breed. The Spitz needs games and communication with its owner; it is active and ready to share its feelings with others. If you support the animal and encourage its interests, then it will be just as cheerful and funny at any age.

A rational approach to guarantees you a pleasant time without worries and troubles in the general company. Pay attention to the age of the pet and the necessary preventive measures designed for this period. Conduct scheduled veterinary visits with a full examination and diagnosis of all organs and systems of the dog, especially over the age of 7 years. For problematic joints and ligaments, use special vitamins and mineral supplements. Choose a good one at an age or adjust your diet with natural products. Here it is important to reduce fat consumption and reduce portions, increase the amount of fish, and reduce meat, since it is more difficult to digest.

Exercise your pet regularly and play a variety of games. You shouldn’t perceive the dog as an old man, he doesn’t like pity and is ready to take just as long and active walks as before. Monitor the ambient temperature and do not overcool your pet. He won't need overheating either.

If everything is in order with care and nutrition, then how long will Pomeranians live?

, will depend on the presence of diseases. The main thing in this matter is the peculiarity of the breed and the weaknesses of a particular offspring. As for the Spitz, in general, they are characterized by stable health, but sometimes they suffer from alopecia. But hair loss is more of an external discomfort and does not affect the shortening of the dog’s life. Spitz dogs may experience:

  • early tooth loss;
  • problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • inflammation of the glands around the anus.

When choosing a dog, do not go for the smallest size - this is a sign of fragile bones, which can lead to frequent injuries and fractures. A prolonged fontanel is a risk of developing hydrocephalus, and miniature growth may be the result of arrested development. Buy a healthy dog ​​and it will live a long life in a wonderful environment!

These little furry creatures almost instantly become the beloved “children” of their owners. And it’s not just about the dog’s pretty face and beautiful fur coat. The dwarf Spitz is a fountain of positive emotions, he is always ready to amuse you, play and simply enjoy your presence.

It is not surprising that no one wants to lose such a friend early and, at the same time, everyone knows that a dog’s lifespan is shorter than a human’s. So the owners are worried and are looking for an answer to the question of how long Spitz live and what affects the life expectancy of their four-legged friend.

We hasten to please you immediately. The Spitz, like most small dogs, is considered a long-lived breed. The average lifespan of a dog is 12-15 years. However, it is not uncommon for dwarf Spitz dogs to live up to 18 or even 20 years of age and at the same time retain their activity and breed enthusiasm for a long time.

A good owner is the main condition for a dog’s long life!

Yes Yes! This is true. You are the main factor in a dog’s longevity. And it’s not just about proper care and nutrition (although these are very important). The Spitz is a sociable and playful dog. He desperately needs communication with a person, the opportunity to run, play, and express his love and devotion. Provide him with all this, and even at 10 years old the dog will be as cheerful and active as at a young age.

How long do Spitz dogs live with proper care? – For a very long time and, most importantly, without causing trouble or worry to the owner. And here it is important that the care and diet correspond to the age of the pet. From the age of seven or eight, make it a rule to carry out regular preventive examinations of your dog at the veterinarian, take care of mineral supplements for joints and ligaments, switch to special food for aging dogs or adjust the natural diet (reducing the proportion of fat, fish is preferable to meat, slightly reducing the portion of t .P.)

Regular exercise and play with your dog will be beneficial for an aging pet. Don't treat your Pomeranian like an old man! Do not try to feel sorry for him and reduce the time and activity of walks. But do not overcool or overheat the dog.

What can shorten a pet's life?

The main factor influencing a dog's life expectancy is the presence or absence of any diseases. But this already depends on a very large number of reasons.

Firstly, these are breed characteristics. The answer to the question of how long Spitz or any other dogs live is largely determined by the list of breed diseases and “weak points” of a particular breeding line. And here Spitz owners can rest easy. The breed is quite stable and healthy. They only have problems common to all small breeds, such as early tooth loss, inflammation of the anal glands, digestive problems due to non-compliance with feeding rules, etc.

Alopecia (baldness) can be distinguished from purely Spitz problems. However, this is more of an aesthetic nuance and in very rare cases, loss of coat can somehow affect how long Spitz live.

Overfeeding and, as a result, excess weight will also not lengthen the Spitz’s eyelids. Moreover, in old age, fat dogs usually have heart and liver problems and are prone to hypertensive crises and strokes.

A monotonous diet with insufficient amounts of microelements and vitamins will also worsen the dog’s quality of life. Anemia, baldness, loss of teeth as early as 2-3 years, fragile bones - all this is the result of the owner’s dishonest attitude towards the pet’s diet.

Why do super-minis often get sick and live short lives?

The smaller the Spitz, the more fashionable and expensive it is. Alas, often the desire to own a doll-sized dog completely overshadows common sense. And people think that a smaller dog is cool and cool. But standards are written for a reason.

A Pomeranian Spitz is less than 18 cm at the withers; firstly, it has a thin and fragile bone structure, which means there is a constant threat of fractures and injuries. Secondly, their fontanel does not always completely close, which can also lead to various pathologies, such as hydrocephalus of the brain. In addition, the pet’s miniature size is often due to a banal stop in the dog’s development, which means that its internal organs cannot function fully. What a long life here!

Add to this the high probability of problems with the dog’s psyche, and as a result, instead of a small, cheerful dog, you may end up with a nervous creature, afraid of everything, with a weakened immune system, who will not live even a month without your care.

How long do super mini Spitz live? - Five to seven years maximum and only with good care and constant care of veterinarians. This is why no responsible breeder will deliberately breed very small Spitz dogs. Moreover, standard dogs measuring 20-22 cm are already quite miniature, but they do not have major health problems and will delight their owners for a long time with their cheerful disposition and boundless love.

How to care for and prolong life

Every owner wants to increase the life expectancy of the cute Pomeranian Spitz living in his home. Care, love and adherence to certain rules will help you do this. Much depends on the owner’s attitude towards the pet. The Spitz is a small creature that needs to communicate with people, move and play. Give your dog maximum time and protect him from stress. Care and diet should be adjusted depending on the age and weight of the pet.

An adult animal that has reached the age of seven is brought in for a routine veterinary examination a couple of times a year. Mineral and vitamin complexes are introduced into the diet (especially in adulthood). They are needed to strengthen bones and joints. Remove fatty foods from your pet’s menu, and partially replace meat products with fish. Overfeeding is harmful for an older pet, as it can disrupt the functioning of the heart and liver. Make sure your dog is not cold or overheated. With a good owner, both a puppy under one year old and a seven-year-old pet are equally active and cheerful.

It is possible to provide a dog with a long and happy life by allowing it to communicate with its owner and other animals. Regular balanced nutrition, compliance with hygiene rules, and physical activity are also important. High-quality toys and equipment, walks in safe and environmentally friendly places will contribute to your pet’s health.

What determines the lifespan of oranges?

Most often, the premature death of decorative Spitz dogs is provoked by:

  1. Diseases. Dogs of this breed are prone to developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which impair the quality and significantly reduce their life expectancy. Also, Spitz can catch a certain virus (plague, adenovirus), which will be impossible to cure.
  2. Binge eating. In most cases, the premature death of a Pomeranian is caused not by the process of overeating itself, but by its consequence—obesity. Dogs that have an extra 3-4 kg live less than their slender and fit relatives by 4-5 years.
  3. Lack of care. Spitz dogs that are not loved and cared for will not live a long life. To meet a respectable old age, they need veterinary supervision, regular care of their coat, claws, teeth, and proper nutrition.
  4. Depression. Don't forget about communicating with people. Without the owner's attention, the dog does not feel happy, begins to get bored, gets sick and, as a result, dies early.
  5. Poisoning. A Spitz can be poisoned either by a piece of sausage seasoned with rat poison picked up on the street or by stale kefir. To avoid the first, you need to teach your dog the rules of behavior on the street from childhood, and the second - monitor the quality of its nutrition.
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