Dimensions of an adult Beagle dog - height at the withers and how long they live

The Mini Beagle is a dog that has been accompanying people during hunts since ancient times. Due to their calm nature, such animals get along well with both people and other pets. Before you get such a dog, you need to read the description of its characteristic features.

Mini Beagle is one of the smallest dog breeds


The dwarf beagle was mentioned for the first time in chronicles that were created during the reign of Elizabeth I. They described dogs that closely resembled beagles. Moreover, they were so small that hunters carried them in special bags attached to the saddle. In the past, they were often presented to royalty to express their devotion.

Additional Information! The first beagle community was founded in the 19th century.
However, the breed standard was established much later - in 1957.

Adult beagle sizes for boys and girls

For the Beagle breed, the dimensions must comply with generally accepted FCI and RKF standards:

Height at withers36-41 cm33-38 cm
Body length45-47 cm41-43 cm
Sternum girth62 cm60 cm

Selection work led to the emergence of two independent subspecies of hounds: American and European. In the first case, the animal has a large body weight (up to 18 kg), height up to 43 cm, body up to 50 cm. The European variety is inferior in size and looks like a miniature analogue.

Important! How many years do purebred beagles live? Maximum from 13 to 15 years. The indicator depends on the nuances of the content and the absence of hereditary pathologies.

Description and characteristics: breed standard

According to the accepted standard, the appearance of small beagles has the following distinctive features:

  • Head. Sufficiently long, without folds or wrinkles. It is dome-shaped with a small occipital protuberance.
  • Teeth and jaws. The jaws have a perfect bite. The upper teeth completely cover the fangs below.
  • Nose. Quite wide, painted black.
  • Eyes. Not convex and deep set. Painted dark brown with a slight nutty tint.
  • Ears. Elongated with rounded ends. They hang down tightly to the cheeks.
  • Neck. Long and slightly curved.
  • Frame. The chest is quite voluminous and slightly bent. The topline is straight.
  • Tail. Set high, not curved.
  • Limbs. Quite powerful, with well-developed muscles.
  • Wool. The coat is thick and short.
  • Color. The color of the beagle can be red, white, yellowish or black.

Multi-colored coat is one of the characteristics of the breed.
Additional information! An adult bicolor beagle may have disqualifying faults. These include excessive timidity of dogs and any deviations from the accepted standard.

Short description

Adult beagles are medium in size. They are similar to Foxhounds, but slightly smaller. Beagles have shorter legs and soft ears. Dogs at the withers grow from 33 to 40 cm and weigh 9-11 kg.

Beagles have an exceptional sense of smell, which is why they are often used to hunt rabbits and hares.

Dogs of this breed have a long and strong head without any folds. There should be a bump on the skull that is visible when you first look at the dog. The nose is black, but if the coat is light, then the standard allows for the nose to be lighter as well.

Other external characteristics of beagles :

  • the color of the iris varies from dark brown to hazel;
  • Dogs' ears are long, hanging and round, velvety to the touch;
  • the neck has a slight dewlap;
  • Beagles are very compact. The back is straight, the paws are straight, not tapering towards the bottom. Also, the paws have developed muscles, especially the hind ones;
  • the tail has no bends;
  • The coat is short and thick, covering the entire body of the dog evenly.


Representatives of the breed have the following character traits:

  • Energy and activity. The dog is full of vital energy, so it needs physical activity. The dog does not like to be bored and spend time alone. Therefore, it is necessary to buy special toys for your pet so that he can find something to do.
  • Sociability. Beagles are very sociable. They love to spend their free time playing with other dogs or children.
  • Sympathy. Such dogs have the ability to subtly sense a person’s mood. If the owner is upset about something, they do everything to cheer him up and lift his spirits.

Physical Features of Beagles

So what do you need to know about this? Representatives of this breed are very easy to care for and maintain. This is due to the following:

  • animals love activity, so they constantly ask to go outside and never go to the toilet in the house;
  • they do not drool and do not have a specific dog smell, which is typical for some other breeds;
  • They practically do not shed, so you don’t have to constantly vacuum and remove hair from upholstered furniture.

However, there are also some disadvantages. Mini Beagles are prone to overeating, so portions should not be too large. If the owner does not control the pet's nutrition, he may develop obesity over time. Also, during walks, it is very important to ensure that the dog does not eat anything harmful or dangerous.

Training and education

Beagles need to be trained from an early age.
Pocket beagles need to be trained from the age of three months. The main principle of education and training is consistency. It is necessary to formulate all commands clearly so that the pet understands them better.

Important! Each subsequent command should be studied after consolidating the previous one.

During the training process, you should not punish dogs. Punishments will negatively affect your pet's trust, making him more fearful and less obedient. Puppies need to be praised more often for following commands and given treats.

Puppy weight and size by month from 1 to 12 months

During the first year of life, a beagle puppy should acquire the weight and proportions of an adult dog; a girl's developmental indicators will be slightly lower. The difference in weight by gender begins to be determined at one and a half to two months. By this time, the puppies are a small copy of their parents.

In the period from three to six months, the weight of the cubs doubles and the chest and paws intensively develop.

In the period from six to twelve months, the puppy turns into a full-fledged representative of its breed.

The table shows approximate indicators of weight gain and height during the first year of life.

Since each individual is individual, slight discrepancies in numbers are possible.

At birth300 g450 g
1 month1.5 kg2 kg18 cm20 cm
2 months3-4 kg3-4 kg22 cm25 cm
3 months5 kg6 kg28 cm30 cm
4 months6-7 kg7-8 kg30 cm32 cm
5 months7-8 kg8-10 kg32 cm34 cm
6 months8-9 kg10-12 kg33 cm35 cm
7 months9-10 kg12-13 kg35 cm37 cm
8 months9.5-10.5 kg13-14 kg35.4 cm37.3 cm
9 months10.8 kg14-15 kg35.6 cm37.5 cm
10 months11-12 kg15-16 kg36 cm38 cm
11 months12-13 kg16-17 kg37 cm39 cm
12 months13-14 kg17-18 kg38 cm40 cm

Maintenance and care

Before buying a black and white beagle dog, you need to familiarize yourself with how to properly care for it.


There are several hygiene procedures that need to be carried out regularly when caring for a beagle:

  • Cleaning wool. It is necessary to comb and clean the coat once a week using a special brush. Once a month the dog is bathed with a special dog shampoo.
  • Ear cleaning. It is necessary to inspect the ears daily and clean them of accumulated dirt. A cotton swab is used for cleaning.
  • Eye wash. Every day, the eyes should be wiped with a cotton swab to prevent discharge from accumulating.
  • Trimming claws. It is necessary to trim claws 1-2 times a month. This will prevent them from breaking and delamination.

Walking and safety on the street

You need to walk your dog on a leash.
The black beagle is ideal for active people, as this dog loves to be outdoors and walk in the fresh air. You need to walk your dog every day. Many people are interested in how long to walk their dog. Each walk should last at least an hour.

Additional Information! You need to walk your dog on a leash so that it cannot run far.


People who are going to feed their dog natural products should make sure that the diet is complete and varied. It should be based on the following products:

  • lean meat;
  • fermented milk products;
  • offal;
  • vegetables and herbs;
  • fish;
  • vitamin supplements.

Meat products should make up at least 70% of the total diet. At the same time, it is better to feed dogs lean poultry meat. Pork should not be given to avoid obesity.

It is strictly forbidden to feed the Beagle:

  • chocolate;
  • sweets;
  • oversalted food;
  • spicy products;
  • fresh bread.

How old do they grow and how long do they live?

Newcomers to dog breeding are interested in how long beagles live and what determines the length of their stay in the family. The difference in the number of years is associated with the body structure and characteristics of the breed. Large individuals stop growing after nine months, small ones - a little earlier.

In the Beagle breed, the weight doubles at the age of six months, and the development of tubular bones stops. This indicator indicates that the increase in length is complete, the body proceeds to development in width and weight gain.

Important! The growth of females ends with the arrival of the first estrus. Males take longer to develop and stop during puberty.

Life expectancy: health and disease

Glaucoma is a common disease among beagles
. On average, the life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 13-15 years. However, sometimes beagles start to get sick, which can cause their lifespan to be significantly shortened. The most common diseases include:

  • obesity;
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetes;
  • lymphoma;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • epilepsy.

The following symptoms indicate the development of serious diseases:

  • convulsions;
  • vomit;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dyspnea;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • temperature increase.

Important! To prevent the occurrence of the above diseases, the dog must be vaccinated regularly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all dog breeds, beagles have their advantages and disadvantages.


  • Calm, non-aggressive character;
  • Cleanliness;
  • Small size.


  • Stubbornness;
  • Loud barking;
  • Restlessness.

Speaking about the disadvantages of the breed, it is necessary to separately point out who beagles are not suitable for.

A firm hand is needed in their upbringing; people with a gentle character are better off taking a closer look at other dog breeds . Lovers of peace and quiet are also not recommended to have beagles as pets.


It is recommended to engage in mating on the 7-10th day of the female's estrus. When choosing a male dog for mating, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • characteristics of character and psyche;
  • pedigree;
  • compliance with breed standards.

You can understand that a dog has become pregnant after mating by the following signs:

  • calm behavior;
  • abdominal enlargement;
  • expansion of the ribs;
  • increased appetite.

A pregnant dog needs to be looked after carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the diet. The dog should be fed vitamin and mineral supplements.

Marriage or breed?

Wanting to get a miniature copy of the beagle, people turn to unscrupulous breeders who claim that such a breed really exists.

Most often they show retouched photos or photos of teenage beagles, whose height does not exceed 20-30 cm. This is nothing more than a lie and a trick to sell a standard beagle , which will definitely grow to 33 or 56 cm at the withers, depending on the type of breed.


There is no such breed as the Mini Beagle!

Height below standard is a disqualifying sign, meaning that the dog will not be allowed to further breed and participate in exhibitions. Moreover, dwarfism is fraught with problems of physical and mental development.

How to choose a puppy

The optimal age for purchasing a puppy is 2-3 months.
When buying a puppy, you need to clarify the following important points:

  • In what conditions was the dog kept? Such dogs must be kept in a clean place.
  • What veterinary procedures were performed? It is necessary to clarify in advance whether the puppies and their parents have been vaccinated.
  • What age are the puppies? It is recommended to buy puppies 2-3 months old. Such dogs are already physically stronger and have no problems communicating with other people.

Before purchasing, be sure to examine the puppy. He should not have external signs of developing diseases.

Weight of an adult dog - boy and girl

Differences in the weight of an adult beagle are associated with absolute omnivorousness and the inability to stop in time. An overabundance is observed in pets who prefer to lead a sedentary lifestyle or eat more than twice a day.

The norm includes the following indicators:

  • male - from 10 to 18 kg;
  • female - from 9 to 17 kg.

Important! Your pet will look and feel good only if it gets regular exercise and active play. The rule applies to both female and male dogs.

Features at different ages

Interesting Facts

Some interesting facts about beagles include the following:

  • in England these dogs are still used for hunting;
  • in some countries, representatives of the breed are used to search for explosives and drugs;
  • such dogs are often invited to film films;
  • Little beagles are very cultured and intelligent animals.

The Mini Beagle is a small dog that is especially popular among dog breeders and hunting enthusiasts. Before getting a dog, you need to familiarize yourself with the description of the breed and the peculiarities of keeping it at home.

Psychological characteristics of beagles

This aspect deserves special attention. If you have never had a dog before, this is the breed you should get. She has a lot of strengths that definitely need to be talked about. The main benefits relate to mental health. Among the main ones are the following:

  • friendly attitude towards people and other pets;
  • treats small children well and forgives them all their pranks;
  • is faithful to the owner and enjoys spending time in his company;
  • senses the mood of others and adapts to it;
  • perfectly adapts to any conditions of detention.

Despite the large number of advantages, the dog has a mini-beagle, a photo of which will please everyone, and certain psychological disadvantages.

Among the main ones are:

  • Can't stand loneliness. If the dog stays at home for a long time, then gradually its behavioral characteristics will begin to change for the worse. Your pet may begin to damage furniture or shoes. If educational measures are not carried out in a timely manner, then the behavior may become completely inadequate, and it will no longer be possible to correct it.
  • Stubbornness. Because of this quality, various training problems constantly arise.
  • Obsessiveness. If you don’t pay attention to the dog, then it will try in every possible way to be noticed.
  • Gullibility. Representatives of this breed easily make contact even with strangers, which is why dogs are often kidnapped.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the dwarf beagle is a dog that has good psychological characteristics. However, she constantly needs attention, and if there is a lack of it, she will feel bad.

What influences development?

The correct development of any puppy is evidenced by the presence of forty-two permanent teeth by seven months.

If the enamel is fragile, teeth grow slowly - this is a sign of a lack of vitamins A and D, mineral salts, especially phosphorus and calcium in the diet. The presence of helminths also does not contribute to gaining sufficient weight.


A puppy, and even an adult dog, will stop gaining weight, growing and existing if they are pampered with chocolate, smoked meats, sweets, fatty and sweet foods.

An apple, carrot, and a small piece of hard cheese are allowed as treats.

Good living conditions for dogs, sufficient room temperature, access to fresh air, affectionate treatment are the conditions for the proper development of puppies .

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