How long do Dobermans live - factors influencing longevity

How old do Dobermans grow?

The age of maturity when a dog stops growing is 2 years for Doberman Pinschers. Some individuals grow longer, others are considered accelerators due to faster growth.

Growth spurts in dogs occur up to 6 months, then there is active development of the peripheral skeleton, paws and ears. The puppies' bodies take on a slightly awkward appearance. Closer to the year, the dog's skeleton is almost formed. Until 2 years of age, the slow development of the animal’s body and head continues.

For some dog breeders, the question of how many years a breed takes to form remains open. Experts say that delayed development continues not until 2, but up to 3 years.


The breed is named after its creator Friedrich Louis Dobermann, which is extremely rare in cynology. He was a German tax collector. Due to my dangerous profession, I wanted to breed a service dog for escort and protection.

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He kept no records of his work as a breeder. Therefore, it is not known for certain which breeds and in what sequence participated in the breeding of the new service dog. It is confirmed that the creator used Rottweilers (then called Pinschers), shepherd-type herding dogs, Blue Great Danes, and English Mastiffs.

So, in the 70s of the 19th century, he bred an animal with a fearless and ferocious disposition - the Thuringian Pinscher. After the death of the creator of the breed, its name was changed to Doberman Pinscher. Soon only his last name remained in the name.

Otto Heller became a follower of Friedrich Dobermann. He worked to reduce natural aggression. Thanks to him, we know these pets as they are now. The range of their use is no longer limited to security and search services.

In 1897, Geller founded the first breed club. At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed was widespread in the USA, England, Canada and Russia, where it was used for police work. In 1960 it received international recognition.

What affects life expectancy?

Even factors such as castration or sterilization affect how long a pet will live. Today, raising purebred puppies is quite difficult and expensive. But the health of the individual in the future depends on the nutrition and care of the animal in childhood.

Proper nutrition

Veterinarians advise breeders of the breed not to mix natural and ready-made food. You should not mix dry and wet factory-produced food with each other. The dog’s feeding style is chosen immediately as soon as the puppy gets into the house.

It is worth remembering that due to the characteristics of the stomach, representatives of the breed are not fed soups. They need thick food.

The Doberman's menu changes every year depending on his developmental needs.

About 800 grams of meat per day, approximately 700 grams of cereals, up to 300 grams of cottage cheese, 200 grams of vegetables and the same amount of dairy products - this is the approximate daily diet of a growing puppy. Neither a puppy nor an adult dog should be given smoked meats, sauces, pickles, processed foods and sweets. For a Doberman, such food is poison.

Maintenance and care

Caring for a Doberman is quite simple. The dog is brushed once every 7 days. Some owners wipe their pets with towels every morning. You can bathe your four-legged friend once every six months. But the dog’s eyes and nose need to be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in water every day. The Doberman's ears are cleaned a couple of times a week using special drops and cotton swabs. The longer a pet walks outside, the stronger its health.

Physical activity

Walking and walking are two different concepts among dog breeders that are often confused. Walking means 10-20 minutes outside to relieve natural needs. You can walk a female in 10 minutes, a male in 20 minutes.

A walk with a dog takes 1.5-2 hours. At this time, the animal moves without a leash in a safe area. It is during the walk that training sessions and active games are held. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, the domestic Doberman must have a long walk every day.

Castration and sterilization

It is believed that spayed or neutered individuals live almost as long as non-surgical animals. It is believed that spaying can save a female dog from certain types of cancer. But this issue has not yet been fully studied.

Neutered males live longer because they show less aggression and get into fights. To prevent the dog from gaining weight after the operation, its diet is strictly monitored, observing the daily food intake.

Duration on average

The lifespan of this breed depends on many factors . Such as:

  • Proper care and maintenance. This is a smooth-haired breed, so it is necessary to keep the dog warm. Physical activity and active games are also necessary, because Dobermans are very active.
  • High quality food. The functioning of the dog’s entire body, and therefore its life expectancy, depends on this.
  • Heredity. Genetic diseases can significantly shorten life expectancy.

Attention! White Dobermans often suffer from deafness, blindness and photophobia.
With proper care and the absence of genetic and acquired diseases, the life expectancy of dogs of this breed will be 12-15 years .

How to find out the age of a Doberman?

A dog's busy life is cyclical. Doberman Pinschers don't live long if they don't receive proper care. The age of a puppy of the breed can be approximately determined by weight, as well as height at the withers. Although these factors may be affected by some disease, and the dog will be smaller than necessary for its age. Let's consider the ideal ratio of height and weight of a well-groomed puppy:

WeightHeightApproximate age
3.5 kg25 cm1 month
12 kg44 cm3 months
24 kg65 cm6 months
27 kg72 cm9 months
35 kg80 cm12 months

By simple calculations you can determine the dog's age using the table. When a breeder wants to know more accurate information about a puppy found or purchased, he contacts a veterinarian. A specialist can determine a dog’s age by its teeth and other body parameters.

How to extend your pet's life

Every dog ​​breeder can make the life of his Doberman not only happy, but also long:

  1. Buy a genetically healthy puppy. Most congenital diseases are a consequence of incorrect, illiterate selection. Therefore, before purchasing a kitten, a conscientious breeder screens for the presence of dangerous hereditary conditions: heart pathologies, autoimmune thyroiditis, von Willebrand disease, hip dysplasia.
  2. Make the right menu, the right feeding schedule. It is necessary to consult not only the breeder, but also the treating veterinarian. Doberman Pinschers are somewhat prone to obesity - excess weight is not beneficial for these animals.
  3. Provide necessary care. Dobermans are fairly unpretentious pets. However, the owner must pay due attention to their hygiene in order to protect the dog from infections. Don't forget that Dobermans are athletic and energetic dogs that need daily exercise. Jogging, active games in the fresh air, swimming are the bare minimum to maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Comparison table with human years

Dobermans began to gain people's attention in the 19th century. Those who are seriously interested in the breed ask: “How long do Dobermanns live by human standards?” This information is no secret:

Dog ageSimilar age person
1 year14 years
2 years24 years
5 years40 years
10 years65 years old
12 years75 years old
15 years87 years old
16 years90 or more

If you feed and raise a dog correctly, then pets of this breed live quite a long time. Comparing human age and dog age is relative.

Life expectancy for boys and girls

Males live from 12 to 15 years. Females of the breed live longer, sometimes living up to a record 16 years.

There is an opinion that Dobermans are not long-lived, but this is not entirely true. When a dog is in good conditions, its chances of living to an old age are no less than those of other breeds.

The world knows many miraculous cases when, even with a history of serious illnesses, a pet lived to an old age thanks to the efforts of its owners.

Main causes of premature death in females and males

According to statistics, the main cause of premature death in Doberman Pinschers, both females and males, is illness. Even with proper care and proper living conditions, there is no guarantee that the pet will not suddenly develop a disease or manifest a hereditary pathology.

Representatives of this breed often suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Among the most common pathologies leading to death is cardiomyopathy. This disease is difficult to cure due to the fact that diagnosis at an early stage is impossible. Therefore, about 25% of sick animals do not survive to the last stage.

At an early age, Dobermans may experience problems in the gastrointestinal tract, which in half of the cases end in the death of the animal. Another reason for the early mortality of representatives of this breed is cancer. If oncology is detected at a late stage of development, the disease cannot be treated and leads to the death of the animal.

In addition, Dobermans have genetic instability of the psyche, which can also cause early death, since it often leads to a condition incompatible with life. However, in this case, the problem can be corrected with the help of proper education, socialization and training.

Life expectancy of a Miniature Pinscher (Dwarf Doberman)

Relatives of the large and strong Dobermans, Miniature Pinschers can live for about 14 years. The average lifespan of the new breed of dwarf Dobermans is 10-12 years.

Interesting to know! “An interesting observation was made by breeders when they discovered that pointy-faced breeds lived slightly longer than flat-faced members of the animal kingdom.”

An active pinscher will live longer than a lazy and overweight fellow due to the diseases associated with obesity. It must be remembered that proper feeding is the key to a dog’s longevity.

Diseases of the breed

What should you look for in your pet’s behavior to understand that he is sick?

A hot nose, refusal to eat, restless behavior, or a constant desire to lie down are the first symptoms of many pet diseases.

Unfortunately, Dobermans are susceptible to oncology, cardiovascular diseases, bloating, thyroid problems, cervical syndrome, narcolepsy, and obesity. Because of these ailments, they live less than what nature intended for them.

Top 15 diseases that people are most susceptible to

The Doberman is essentially a healthy and energetic dog, but even with the best care, it is not immune to various diseases. These are the ones that are most often encountered in veterinary practice.

  1. Wobbler's disease - this disease affects the bones of the neck and leads to a change in the animal's gait, it becomes shaky and unsteady.
  2. Vitiligo is a skin disease that deprives the skin of pigment.
  3. Fibrosarcoma and melanoma are types of cancers (tumors).
  4. Stomach torsion is a very dangerous disease that occurs as a result of the stomach filling with air.
  5. Baldness is hair loss.
  6. Von Willebrand's disease is an incoagulability of blood; an animal can die from blood loss even with a minor injury.
  7. Atrial septal defect is a congenital heart disease.
  8. Pravovirus - affects the gastrointestinal tract mainly in unvaccinated puppies.
  9. Intervertebral Disc Disease – The dog experiences back pain, has difficulty walking, and may eventually become paralyzed.
  10. Diabetes is insufficient production of insulin.
  11. Dilated cardiomyopathy is a pathology of the heart that leads to enveloping it with a film.
  12. Entropion is an eye disease characterized by inward rotation of the eyelid.
  13. Hypothyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland in which too little hormone is produced.
  14. Chronic hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, leading to the appearance of scars on it.
  15. Hip dysplasia is a joint disorder that leads to arthritis and lameness.

Many of these diseases are treatable, and some, unfortunately, accompany the dog throughout his life (diabetes, hepatitis, etc.). In this case, the Doberman owner can only provide his pet with proper care and maintain his well-being with special medications.

Attention! All medications must be prescribed by a veterinarian, otherwise the wrong choice of drug or dosage may aggravate the condition.

Signs of aging

The first sign of aging is the animal's changing color. The appearance of gray or silvery hairs indicates the beginning of the decline of the body.

The breed description contains information about the condition of the young animal's coat. It should be shiny and smooth. An old dog loses its shine, moves little, eats less, and develops dental problems.

The main sign of the onset of old age is not age, but the dull eyes of a pet without the former playful sparkle. Representatives of the breed live long if provided with sufficient physical activity. In old age, they can no longer walk for long periods of time; some individuals develop shortness of breath from climbing stairs.

Recommendations for home care

Caring for Dobermans is quite simple.

  • Due to their smooth coat, they do not require frequent combing - just go through the coat with a stiff brush once a week.
  • Bathing is carried out once every six months. More frequent use can lead to weakened immunity.
  • Periodically, the eyes and ears require treatment (with a cotton swab dipped in clean water).
  • Toy and bowl hygiene is also important, as is regular cleaning of your dog's sleeping area.
  • Long, active and interesting walks for your dog will help maintain physical fitness and mental development.
  • The Doberman's daily diet should include proteins, cereals, vegetables, and dairy products.
  • Regular examination by a veterinarian is required, as is compliance with the vaccination schedule.

We recommend watching a video with interesting facts about the Doberman breed:

How to increase the lifespan of a Doberman?

A loving owner wants his four-legged friend to live as long as possible. If a puppy was born without pathology, its life expectancy can be increased in several ways. Dobermans live long if:

  • eat well;
  • move a lot;
  • receive medical care on time;
  • vaccinated according to schedule;
  • take vitamins;
  • receive positive emotions;
  • avoid dangerous situations;
  • develop through training.

The peculiarity of these rules is their simplicity and effectiveness. The love of the owner and the devotion of the pet can work wonders. These factors are the most important regarding prolonging the life of a dog.

The Doberman breed has gained popularity not because of how long the dogs live, but because of their watchdog qualities. In the 19th and 20th centuries in Germany, pinschers served in the police and protected private houses from burglars. The history of the formation of Dobermans is shrouded in mystery, since no detailed records on this topic have been preserved. Therefore, conclusions about what a proper Doberman should look like have been made by modern breeders.

How to care for an older dog

Caring for a pet in old age does not require much effort; the main thing is to remember that the dog needs a little more attention than before. For proper care, you must follow the basic rules:

  • Offer your pet only high-quality food. It is useful to focus on white meat.
  • It is especially important to maintain fluid balance in the body, so it is necessary to ensure that there is always clean water in the bowl.
  • There is no need to call your dog for trifles, because at an older age he needs rest.

An elderly dog ​​needs rest and tranquility.
Over time, a Doberman pinscher living in an apartment becomes a member of the family. Every owner worries that his four-legged friend may die early. Nevertheless, he has the power to protect the dog from dangers and prevent the development of the disease in time, and thus prolong its existence.

Long-lived Dobermans

Among any breed there are some representatives who live longer than others. Among such dogs, long-livers include those who have lived for more than 10 years.

The death of an animal at the age of five is considered premature. The character of a long-liver in a canine environment is always calm. Exterior characteristics and health indicators are excellent. Lean, fast, dexterous and agile - these are the parameters by which you can determine a potential long-liver.

Dobermans were not included in the Guinness Book of Records for life expectancy. But they got caught for their ingenuity and intelligence, like one of the fastest-thinking dogs. Throughout the history of these dogs, only a few out of thousands lived to be 16 years old.

Nurseries and price

There is a large selection of Doberman kennels. Almost every major city in Russia has one or more nurseries. Most of them are in St. Petersburg. The price for a Doberman puppy ranges from 5,000 to 50,000 rubles. The price depends on purebredness, availability of vaccinations and medical documents, as well as on pedigree.

  • The proud name of the Dobermann breed is named after its creator, Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann.
  • The US Marine Corps used Doberman Pinschers as working dogs during World War II, giving them the nickname "always faithful."
  • The names of 25 representatives of the Doberman breed were honored to be engraved on a monument in Guam for their courage in battle.
  • A Doberman dog named Sauer was included in the Guinness Book of Records for his excellent sense of smell, which gave him the ability to find a criminal by smell 160 km away.

Briefly about the main thing

To summarize, let’s consolidate the points that are worth knowing about Doberman dogs. The most important thing here is this:

  1. Animals at home live a long time with good care and quality nutrition.
  2. The average lifespan of a dog is 12-14 years.
  3. Many individuals live only up to 10 years due to a genetic predisposition to certain ailments.
  4. Bitches live several years longer than males.
  5. Signs of an aging dog begin with changes in color and low mobility.
  6. You can extend the life of Dobermans with good care.
  7. There are almost no long-livers among Dobermans.
  8. You can tell a dog's age by its weight, height or teeth.
  9. Castrated and sterilized animals live about the same as those participating in breeding.
  10. Today the breed has a small distribution and a tendency to degeneration.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this beautiful and proud animal include its loyalty and love for its owner, its attitude towards children and its excellent protective qualities.

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However, the Doberman's irrepressible energy must be channeled from puppyhood. The pet needs training, long walks and a lot of attention. When communicating, the owner needs to be the leader, otherwise the dog will get out of control.

Representatives of the breed, especially males, tend to show aggression towards strangers. It is not recommended for inexperienced owners to own this breed.

The Dobermann is a born guardian originally from Germany. A faithful friend and companion for a strong and kind owner.

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